Is what we do "important"?

Perhaps , putting it in an analytic perspective , since there's infinite lateral 3rd densities , and the STS overlords have been using and selecting them , the wave will allow, as per choices, to a degree , interactivity to askew their game and ...
In these times of chaos, I sometimes feel like I'm absorbed, or like I'm an ant trying to talk to a group of elephants about one situation or another (politics, gender ideology, etc.) which has made me feel "undervalued", "insignificant", "marginalized", etc., that is, "victim" and "special", and that's when the phrase by don Juan Matus in the book "The Art of Dreaming" comes to mind:

"Searching for freedom is the only engine I know. Freedom to fly towards that infinity that is out there. Freedom to dissolve; to take off; to be like the flame of a candle, which, despite being backlit by a billion stars, remains intact, because it never intended to be more than what it is: a simple candle".

There are people who have told me "I'm not from this world", "I'm a star seed", this in the tone of a great and important secret that cannot be revealed to anyone. Or also "I'm a "I'm an architect," "I'm an engineer," "I'm a lawyer," "I'm shit," "I'm worthless," "I'm important," etc. Always the personal importance through believing ourselves to be little or much. The hero or the victim tries to impose themselves in front of the fact that we are one more piece of the puzzle.

In this sense, I have sometimes felt that it is good to be aware that one is not important, and at other times that one is also part of something important, from something "bigger" and more important for others and well, and the networking that the C's mention is undoubtedly fundamental to unite these pieces and thus try to achieve a certain balance in fron of this dichotomy, in my opinion.
Over the years, there have been many refs in the sessions to humanity as a whole and different groups and even individuals in terms of their importance for, or influence on, the future and how it manifests, the wave etc.

We have the idea here, I suppose, (and based on comments in the sessions) that what we are doing in terms of networking and sharing and Seeing etc. is important in some way for the future.

However, there is the following session from 2000 where it was suggested that what we do is not really that important, and that it's more about our own personal development. But then in a session from 2008 (and that's not the only one) it was said that we are "crucial to the successful outcome".

So I was wondering if anyone has thought about this and, if so, did you come to any conclusion about this apparent dichotomy.
a penny of comment from what I understand is that the Cs would be showing that both things are valid because as long as I do something on a personal level to grow and advance, it is also appropriate to expand and touch other external parts that may benefit in some way from which, for example, in a hospital there are several doctors so to speak and some of them will have more performance it will be inspiring for others it will leave a mark while others will have more personal achievements that will revolve only within a circle however another will leave the circle will touch other parts distant
I tend to think that "going to 4D" is a bit of a misnomer. I think it's more likely that 4D is all around us, just as 3D is all around animals on earth. It's our perception that prevents us from seeing it, for the most part. As we grow our perception, we 'see' more of it, but it's likely that the mechanism of 'the wave' is what really facilitates that growth in perception/change, allowing 4D to be much more perceptible.

As for reality branches; maybe we're not exactly creating one but, as the Cs alluded, choosing which one (that already exists) that we end up on.
Would being in 4D mean for some people experiencing certain changes such as new abilities or powers while for others it would be a much slower process to obtain them?
But there are other crucial data about the wave that would be an invasion and this would turn the entire world upside down. I think they also said that different variants of grays and reptilians would emerge, that there would be Nordic-type aliens and very strange things like never before seen. .
So it is not just something "perceptive" since the world will be awakened equally, what I believe is that in general almost everyone will go into shock but it would be of less weight for those who have the knowledge
Environment will be different , as for , abilities and powers , depends on personal evolution ( and former ) . osit

It will be something like "Hey Joe teleport me" and Joe will say do I know you? I haven't, but if I left a few cents of comments as a newbie to the forum, I'd love to meet you Joe. Do you want me to teach you how to teleport and other powers?
A little humor since the Cs said we could help others.
Would being in 4D mean for some people experiencing certain changes such as new abilities or powers while for others it would be a much slower process to obtain them?

I’m suspecting that during transition to 4D or the early stage of 4D (if we transition to 4D) we wouldn’t see much of that, perhaps after we reincarnated properly on 4D that’s when will be more tuned to the new reality. I think the transition stage we would be mostly the same, physically speaking, but the perception of things will be wider.
(IMO) , in the transition "we" already are.

Could be, but I’m referring to the thousand of years the Cs mentioned that more or less will last the transition period, which is the final stage where one will decide to go completely STO or move forward to the STS path when fully 4D
This is a problem ( from my lack of understanding of those words ) , time being variable and selective, presumably from 1 to 6th density.
I’m suspecting that during transition to 4D or the early stage of 4D (if we transition to 4D) we wouldn’t see much of that, perhaps after we reincarnated properly on 4D that’s when will be more tuned to the new reality. I think the transition stage we would be mostly the same, physically speaking, but the perception of things will be wider.
Thanks for the clarification of the contribution, that means that we will all go through the process called death if we want to be in a 4D SAD environment with everything it means, but as a result of new future Cs sessions things can take an unexpected turn to give a speculative example but what could it be (that the programming of the physical matter and the soul could also be overcome and that we can use our maximum potential in 3D or at least a necessary percentage that in a certain way leads to not offering possibilities to the 4 D SAS beings of let them play with us) I would like to find out how they react to the uncontrollable, it would in a way open paths and more borders like a great indelible scar for cosmic manipulators.
Thanks for the clarification of the contribution, that means that we will all go through the process called death if we want to be in a 4D SAD environment with everything it means, but as a result of new future Cs sessions things can take an unexpected turn to give a speculative example but what could it be (that the programming of the physical matter and the soul could also be overcome and that we can use our maximum potential in 3D or at least a necessary percentage that in a certain way leads to not offering possibilities to the 4 D SAS beings of let them play with us) I would like to find out how they react to the uncontrollable, it would in a way open paths and more borders like a great indelible scar for cosmic manipulators.

That scenario is just an speculation anyways we don’t know exactly how everything will develop.

Also, just in case, the correct term in English is STO (Serve to others) and SAS (Service to self), because majority of people here who doesn’t speak Spanish would not understand what SAD means.
Thanks for the clarification of the contribution, that means that we will all go through the process called death if we want to be in a 4D SAD environment with everything it means, but as a result of new future Cs sessions things can take an unexpected turn to give a speculative example but what could it be (that the programming of the physical matter and the soul could also be overcome and that we can use our maximum potential in 3D or at least a necessary percentage that in a certain way leads to not offering possibilities to the 4 D SAS beings of let them play with us) I would like to find out how they react to the uncontrollable, it would in a way open paths and more borders like a great indelible scar for cosmic manipulators.
No , there's this ( Session 16 October 1994 ):
Q: (L) Now, as I was starting to say, if, theoretically an individual was to develop in a natural way by making all the proper choices, and was to arrive at the point in time when the major transition is to be made, would that individual's body pass through into that heightened dimension in a physical state? Remember, this is just a theoretical person...

A: Of course.
No , there's this ( Session 16 October 1994 ):
Q: (L) Now, as I was starting to say, if, theoretically an individual was to develop in a natural way by making all the proper choices, and was to arrive at the point in time when the major transition is to be made, would that individual's body pass through into that heightened dimension in a physical state? Remember, this is just a theoretical person...

A: Of course.
(cont.) Also Fulcanelli
I thought about it for some time. Actually I got question located in my mind long ago.
I will try to be short. Understand that's only mine interpretation of the question.

Those duality I find everywhere.
(Maybe I will post few examples in another post. )

For me it is crucial/critically important what you are doing. I don't know where I would be without you.

For others it is up to their will.

Caesar said in the C's session " to follow your nature and fear nothing."

And C's said "to enjoy the show " so many times.
It is kind the way I try to look at it is as follows - "follow your nature + fear nothing + enjoy the show"
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