Israel opened the gates to two dams. Now Gaza is sinking

Israel opened the gates to two dams. Now Gaza is sinking (NOT)

Just looking at the basic claim in the article on the assumption of two dams, neither one is named nor any indication as to the "timing' this suppose event took place? Another simple question, who were the responsible parties involved in the act (dam employees, civil engineers, government agency, etc.?) No specifics are given - other than a "claim" - Israel did it.

Local news outlets (haaretz, ynet, maannews) report: " four days of heavy rain."

In the low-lying areas of Gaza, water has been rising since heavy rains began late Wednesday, flooding streets and homes.

One of the hardest hit areas was Nafak Street in Gaza City's Sheik Radwan neighborhood, close to a rainwater reservoir.

Said Halawa, an area resident, said the reservoir overflowed Wednesday evening.

Another hard-hit area was the refugee camp of Jebaliya in northern Gaza.

Also, the largest water reservoir in Israel is 2 miles to the north of Gaza. It is called the Shikma Seasonal Water Reservoir.

Another way of looking at the situation, from my point of view, SOTT is all about "Investigative Journalism" separating facts from fiction and presenting alternatives views with documentation, names, dates and in some cases, revealing background research and data, sources and method or protocols used in a certain determination.... and even then.... the doors are still wide open to receive more data and documentation that may alter or solidify information already gathered. Nothing is set - in stone. Addition information is in constant influx - no hands - barred.

Laura sensed something might not be - as it was claimed and presented in the article. There does seem to be some discrepancies?

There's also the personal thought, with the Global Media acting in unison, that disinformation is cleverly disseminated into the main stream, with the purpose of 'alternative" websites, to hop on the bandwagon - so as to be compromised?
Hmm, this is disturbing. If the piece I posted on SOTT is not factual, then it's probably best to remove it, no?
I would not intentionally post something I didn't genuinely think was true on SOTT, and if this wasn't an accurate report, then it was purely a mistake on my part and in that event, I'm sorry I posted it there.

An interesting report by Press TV from 2010 that Israel did flood parts of Gaza by opening the gates to a dam.

So, there seems there may be a precedent.
Just wondering Lisa, how you came across this blog? Was it something someone posted on facebook? Or did you come across some other way?
I'm not sure now, Lilou. I was looking for news reports. It could have come across there, but I can't recall for certain now.
Lisa Guliani said:
An interesting report by Press TV from 2010 that Israel did flood parts of Gaza by opening the gates to a dam.

The video is not official presstv channel on youtube. When you click to go to the presstv version, you get "The requested page was not found. Please visit the PressTV homepage"

So, I tried the DesertPeace link below the youtube video and it referenced the PressTV article which was, apparently, pulled, as its source.
I was just curious, because if you did see it on facebook, it'd be interesting to see who posted it and look at friends of friends etc. I've always admired you Lisa, for being brave enough to stand up and be very vocal about injustices in the world, but at the same time, you still have to remember - you won't do anyone any good if you get dragged into some investigation that could potentially have severe consequences.

Not that this little blog posted on SOTT could result in such a thing, but if you read my earlier post, these psychos running the show don't give a hoot about you, me or anyone. They get off on people's suffering. Sometimes treading softly is the way to go, while gathering data. OSIT.
Laura said:
The video is not official presstv channel on youtube. When you click to go to the presstv version, you get "The requested page was not found. Please visit the PressTV homepage"

So, I tried the DesertPeace link below the youtube video and it referenced the PressTV article which was, apparently, pulled, as its source.

It is a real jungle out there! Trying to get the truth is like trying to find a needle in a haystack!
Posted on December 17, 2013

Did Israel Deliberately Flood Gaza?

Israel has at least one dam on the Jordan River:

Israel 'opens dams' flooding Gaza Strip near Deir al Balah, Ma'an News Agency

From 2010:

Middle East Monitor,
Monday, 16 December 2013 12:28

Also from 2010:

Uploaded on Jan 20, 2010
Israel Opens Dam and Floods Gaza

I watched the video here:

As well as on youtube:
Lilou, if the report is non-factual, I'm sure SOTT will pull it, and no, I don't want to get dragged into anything, nor be the cause for SOTT to be dragged into anything. Thank you for your feedback, point well taken.
Lisa Guliani said:
Lilou, if the report is non-factual, I'm sure SOTT will pull it, and no, I don't want to get dragged into anything, nor be the cause for SOTT to be dragged into anything. Thank you for your feedback, point well taken.

I think we don't need to be rushed about it. I think Keit checked all the Hebrew sources so let's see what she says when she is online. Lilou, maybe your husband could have a look-see for any reliable Arabic sources?
Here is another reference to Israel opening a rainwater reservoir, or dam, that exacerbated the flooding problem:

Press TV: Sun Dec 15, 2013 12:23AM GMT

Excerpt: “Currently, the sky is clear but the temperature in extremely cold,” said Press TV’s correspondent in Gaza.

What added salt to the injury is Israel’s opening of a dam, east of the Gaza Strip, for the second day today, flooding vast swathes of land” there, he added.

He also said rescue operations were slow due to primitive equipment and lack of fuel, especially for emergency trucks.

Chris Gunness, a spokesman for the main UN aid agency in the territory, said "The world community needs to bring effective pressure to end the blockade of Gaza," once the storm is over.

Gaza residents "must be freed from these man-made constraints to deal with the impact of a natural calamity such as this," added the UN official.

The refugee camp of Jebaliya in northern Gaza and Nafak Street in Gaza City's Sheik Radwan neighborhood, close to a rainwater reservoir, were among the hardest-hit areas.
Found this too: p. 253, Water and Peace in the Middle East, edited by J. Isaac, H. Shuval
It would seem that just on the basis of hydrological maps and the added infrastructures that can add influence to downstream effects, the Israeli's would, as a matter of science, calculate overflows and their effects (think they would know this with some precision). It would seem reasonable to assume that they would know that adding water pressure to an already bad situation (storm flow) that Gaza would be inundated. By the links you have posted, Lisa, there is history to this.

Here is a good map that one can see the dry water beds that would take water in the event of storms, and of course, where they lead to down slope.

Shikma reservoir:

A river of waste flows into the reservoir - Haaretz -
By Mijal Grinberg Jul. 2, 2007 | 12:00 AM

Also, this: Shikma Reservoir
Palestine / Samal Gazzah / Bayt Lahiya /
Nearby cities: Beit Lahia, Gaza City, Ashkelon
Coordinates: 31°36'1"N 34°30'52"E

And there is also this about Shikma,from this source:Mekarot Israel National Water Company:

Shikma Artificial Recharge Plant: The plant is located in the southern part of the Coastal Aquifer. The water source of the Shikma artificial recharge plant is the Shikma River, which has a catchments area of 750 square kilometers.

Average rainfall in the region is 400 mm. per year. The area’s semi-arid climate causes large fluctuations in the runoff amounts that reach the Shikma Plant.

The artificial recharge site includes a sedimentation reservoir and a recharge pond: the water initially enters the sedimentation reservoir where fine particles are submerged for 48 hours, and is then pumped into the recharge reservoir.

The water quality of the recharge water is excellent, with salinity less than 100 mg/l cl. To prevent the seepage of sea water into the aquifer and to avoid loss of fresh water to the sea, rings of wells have been drilled around the recharge reservoirs to allow pumping of the recharged water.
More interesting info:

Sources of info are listed in the Endnotes. Volume 2 | March 2012
This site provides water info for both the West Bank and Gaza.

ANERA has nearly completed this 1.32 million gallon (5,000 cubic
meters) reservoir and pumping station in southern Gaza, close to Khan
Younis. It is the first of its kind to be built in Gaza in recent years

I'm thinking also that Palestinians wouldn't be living in areas deemed low-lying, or a flood plain, if they weren't under military occupation. The Big Squeeze.

Some info here on Israel's reservoirs:
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