Israel opened the gates to two dams. Now Gaza is sinking

Laura said:
I think we don't need to be rushed about it. I think Keit checked all the Hebrew sources so let's see what she says when she is online.

While I was searching online Lisa posted additional links that were quite useful, because I was becoming quite perplexed, since the locations in the news reports weren't even near the location of Shikma reservoir. So here what I was able to come up with:

This article from Ma'an News Agency says the following:

According to Israel's Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper, the rainfall led to a lot of excess water which couldn't drain away, so "the Israeli authorities resorted to discharging the excess water into the Gaza Strip."

I checked the Hebrew version of Ynet, and it doesn't have anything beside what was already said about Shikma reservoir. But Yedioth Achronot is a printed edition, and sometimes they have articles or news that aren't mentioned on their site. And it's unfortunate, because we can't check exactly what was written in the original text.

Now, the same source says this:

Israel has opened the Wadi Sofa Dam east of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, flooding dozens of houses and leaving hundreds of people homeless.[...]

Another link says this:

Lisa Guliani said:
The refugee camp of Jebaliya in northern Gaza and Nafak Street in Gaza City's Sheik Radwan neighborhood, close to a rainwater reservoir, were among the hardest-hit areas.

Next, check out this map (hope you'll see the link correctly - just copy the superlong link)

On this map, we can see that Shikma reservoir is located to the North of Gaza strip (above it) - it's the reservoir near the blue map marker thingy. I was also able to find two videos, that show how the river and the reservoir get overflowed. In the first video look at 1.27 minute. It shows first the photo and then video of the water overflowing the open reservoir.
The second shows the intensity of the flow.
In both cases the videos show how the water reaches the Mediterranean sea. So, for now we can say that the flooding probably didn't originate from Shikma river. Or at least, Palestinian sources talk about completely different location - the one from the east.

And this is when Lisa's link to "Water and Peace" book became very helpful.

After some searching, I was able to figure out, that Wadi Gaza is called Bsor Wadi or Bsor river in Hebrew. And it indeed originates on the Israeli side, and then crosses into the Gaza strip from the East and ends in the Mediterranean sea. It also has several reservoirs as shown on this picture:


But then it gets interesting. First read the "Water and Peace" excerpt where it says that Wadi Gaza flows during the winter season and that it was blocked by Israel. While Israeli sources (in Hebrew)
say that this river has water all year and that it reaches the sea. According to the source, this area was declared a nature reserve in 2000 by the Palestinian authorities, but since Hamas came to power they aren't sure if it's still true.

Also, they say that since the 60's there were attempts to utilize the water and build a dam, but due to the size of the catchment area and the large amount of floods those attempts were never successful (the dam didn't hold). But they were able to come up with another solution and construct pipes (probably those are "wells" the author of "Water and Peace" is talking about) on the bottom and along the river that suck out the water.

They also mention that river bed suffers from high contamination due to the toxic waste that was dumped in the river (starting from the 80's) by the neighboring factories. Supposedly they aren't dumping it anymore, but the ground water is still contaminated to some degree. That's what I was able to find for now.

As for having an idea if it was intentional or not, I don't know. But after reading about those reservoirs, the explanation that it was due to heavy rains sounds more plausible. The sewage waters reaching Gaza also fits with the idea that Wadi Gaza (Bsor Wadi) isn't blocked by a dam, but that the flow was intensified by floods. But maybe I am missing something. Maybe it will become clearer with more info.
This whole report is disturbing - below, some excerpts regarding Gaza's water and sewage situation, with reference to Israel's illegal gravel quarrying, which has contributed to the contamination of Gaza's subterranean reservoir - even prior to this latest round of power outages, sewage crisis, heavy flooding rains, and possible Israeli involvement in releasing contaminated overflow from the dam/reservoir (s). In everything I've read, I'm hard-pressed to NOT hold Israel accountable for the current state of Gaza, whether they opened up gates or not. The conditions laid out in this report alone ( in addition to pretty much every other accessible and reliable report) shows that Israeli occupation and blockade has had an instrumental, integral and central role in the humanitarian crisis situation happening in Gaza today.
I don't know how it can be honestly viewed in any other way, given the details, circumstances, and reports from numerous sources. ~ Lisa


p. 4 discusses the direct HEAVY impact on Gaza's water sector from the Israeli attacks of 2008-2009 and the environmental repercussions.

The continuing effects and environmental repercussions of the 2008-09 Israeli war on the Gaza Strip has meant a significant impact on water, air and soil pollution in the Sector resulting from the use of internationally proscribed weapons.

The impact on the water sector is a result of concentrated Israeli aggression in northern areas of the
Gaza Strip where many of the wells, water systems and wastewater treatments plants are located and sustained heavy damage. ( p. 4)

Following Israel’s withdrawal from the Gaza Strip when it was no longer able to utilise the geographic space,
it constructed what are known as the water fisheries along the stretch of its eastern border with the Strip. Here it drilled approximately 27 extremely deep wells through which it is able to capture water cascading from the east to the west. It also constructed several bridges over the Gaza valley in order to appropriate its water.

The siege aggravates the crisis -

This crisis which has persisted for decades is aggravated by the five year siege that has been
imposed on the Gaza Strip; the crisis of water pollution, particularly that resulting from delays in the entry of
equipment, materials and spare parts has a severe impact on the water sector and sanitation.
The freezing of donor organisations that invest in water sector projects after the second Palestinian
elections led to a halt in a number of projects vital to the sanitation and water sectors. This has led to a
continuation in the pace of deterioration in the water sector and increased levels of pollution in
the subterranean reservoir – the only source of water in the Gaza Strip.
This has also led to a shift in the majority of aid from donor organisations from funding naturally
sustainable projects, to funding emergency projects. This has had a serious, negative and persistent
overall impact on water and sanitation services. (p.5)

A study into the relationship between the concentration of nitrates in drinking water and the disease
of Methemoglobinemia in children under 6 months old was conduct ed by Dr Ahmed Abu Nasr in 2001.
Twelve Ministry of Health primary care centres were involved in the study and results showed a strong
positive relationship between levels of nitrates and contraction of the disease.
The highest incidence of the disease was found in the district of Khan Younis coinciding with the highest levels of water nitrates. (p. 6)

The Gaza Ravine is a stream of surface water which flows in the winter following downpours of rain on
the Hebron Mountains and the Negev Heights which have a combined length of 105km and an area of
3,500km² intersecting the Gaza Strip at a length of 9km and an area of 60km².
The Ravine’s two main tributaries are the al - Shari’ah Ravine which originates in the Hebron Mountains,
and the al-Shalala Ravine which originates in the northern Negev Heights. The two meet at a point
approximately 2km east of the Israeli border with the Gaza Strip and thus begin from the armistice
lines east of Sector and extend to the coast where its water drains into the sea. This positioning makes
it rich with a variety of flora, vertebrates and invertebrates characteristic of the diversity found in Palestinian nature.

The ravine in the largest in Palestine and was once the most prominent preserver of nature in the Gaza
Strip and divides Gaza City from the provinces of the central regions. It has been altered by the
constant pillaging of its waters by Israel and through the construction of boundary dams during the early 1970s.
It is also affected by the continuous pumping of wastewater and solid waste from the municipalities in the Gaza Strip into it causing a significant health nuisance which the residents of the Gaza Strip permanently suffer from. (p. 8-9)

The water situation in the Gaza Strip has become critical such that it is no longer possible to obtain
fresh natural drinking water from the groundwater basins except in extremely small quantities.
95% of Gaza’s water resources are salty and contaminated to varying degrees with toxic organic and inorganic substances. As such, residents are obliged to purchase desalinated water from small desalination plants administered by merchants and contractors. The majority of these do not meet health standards, while the vast majority of residents shower with salt water.

Continuing illegal gravel quarrying along the course of the ravine has led to the leakage of waste water
into the subterranean reservoir, particularly given that gravel constitutes the main barrier separating
contaminated water from subterranean water very close to the surface. (p. 9)

A questionnaire into the extent of the damage inflicted on inhabitants of the ravine showed that 100%
of homes suffer from rodent and insect infestations such as mosquitoes, rats, cockroaches, and snakes
which lead to the spread of allergies, rashes and fungal infections in 90% of inhabitants on both sides of the ravine. (p. 10)

80% of residents on both banks of the ravine use antibiotic drugs, 35% of residents drink from wells they have dug themselves in their home near the ravine despite the presence of harmful pollutants which seep through from cesspits and despite knowing the water is completely unclean while 65% of residents do not drink it at all. (p. 10)

Officials of the Environmental Quality Authority assert that they are faced with quantities of waste
water that are beyond their capacity to deal with or to treat. They blame Israel for preventing the
completion of a wastewater treatment plant in the central region which has prompted municipalities in the
neighbouring areas to pump their wastewater into the ravine. (p. 10)

From this, the scale of suffering lived in the Gaza Strip as a result of pollution to its most important
source of life is clear. This is borne out by a recently published UN report entitled ‘Gaza 2020: will it be
a place possible to live in?’ which states with regard to the water sector, sanitation and infrastructure
that by 2016, the only water source in the Gaza Strip, the subterranean reservoir, could become
unusable and that if the situation continues as it is, by 2020 it would have sustained irreparable
damage. It also states that the demand for water consumption will have increased by 60%;
that the sewage sector and the infrastructure need enormous and urgent investment presently and in the
future and that it faces “unmitigated disaster in all arenas unless the Israeli blockade and occupation is
not brought to an end alongside urgent intervention to save the various service sectors from further
deterioration and imminent collapse.”

In light of these findings and data as well as others besides, the difficult current conditions documented in the report or those expected by 2020 are fundamentally a direct result of the practices and procedures carried out by the Israeli occupation over the past six decades of its occupation of the Palestinian territories and displacement of its people.

What has more recently aggravated this situation is the blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip following
the transparent and democratic elections of 2006. This seriously hampers progress in all spheres of
development in addition to the occupation’s continued appropriation of Palestinian water resources
using all available means.
Similarly, its persistent obstruction of strategic infrastructure development projects in all sectors, particularly those related to water and sanitation.

From this, it is clear that a solution must be quickly found to halt the pollution of Gaza’s water. It is no
longer sufficient for UNRWA to simply raise the alarm and lament for the people of Gaza. It ought to
physically end Israel’s siege of Gaza and theft of its underground water. It must also help the people of
Gaza to desalinate sea water, construct sewage plants and collect rainwater.

A plan must be developed imminently to ration the consumption of water, treat sewage, return
Palestinian sovereignty over its subterranean reservoir, exploit rain water and soundly manage water
resources in the next stage.
Re: Managing sediment in reservoirs - Shikma seasonal reservoir ( mentioned in this report, p. 11, also on p. 14) ( Interesting report, if not helpful for your purpose.) Addresses how dams interrupt the natural continuity of sediment transport in rivers, resulting in reservoir sedimentation and reduced sediment supply downstream.
If not managed, reservoirs can fill completely
with sediment, creating dangerous and
expensive problems for the future (near or far)

p. 11 - Shikma Reservoir, Israel - maintain capacity by extraction

Ya know, I 've been thinking it would probably help a lot if we could ascertain the name of the Press TV correspondent in Gaza who reported the information about the dam-flooding-Gaza story.
The question of whether a dam was opened or floodwater in some way diverted is addressed in a report on the Gaza flooding published at The Ecologist, an environmental website:

Amid the chaos it is impossible to verify the accusations. The heavy rain has also affected bordering areas of Israel and whether or not dams have been deliberately opened, drainage systems in Sderot and other cities were certainly overwhelmed by the volume of water.

What is certain is that low-lying Gaza, on the coastal plain, lacking functioning drainage and sewage systems, would in any case suffer most severely from the rainfall. Moreover Israel already stands accused of deliberately running down basic sanitation services in Gaza in order to make life unlivable for its residents.
And as Gaza resident Fidaa Abuassi points out: “Unlike their neighbors in Sderot Gaza’s refugees have nowhere to flee when heavy rains flood their 25-mile occupied territory, blockaded by land, air, and sea.”

So I googled the name, Yasser shanti, who is named as the chairman of 'Gaza Government's Disaster Response Committee', and one person actually named in the dam-release-flooding-of-Gaza reports.

And am looking for a plausible answer seeking: Gaza Government Disaster Response Committee.
There is this, the 'International Emergency Response Relief ' website, but I don't know if it's the same group. Their site does list the West Bank and Gaza as places they have programs:

This could be him on Facebook:, comparing photos.

A photo dated 12/22/13: - and the caption:
GAZA, WEST BANK - DECEMBER 22: Yasser Al Shanti, the Deputy Minister of Housing and Public Works holds a press conference in Gaza, West Bank, December 22, 2013. (Photo by Mohammed Asad/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)

That photo's copyright is cited as 2013 Anadolu Agency: and googling that, you find this, among other things - I'm not finished looking yet:

Turkey’s state-run Anadolu Agency retracts story on video cited by PM Erdoğan

I went to Anadolu Agency's website, looking for news about Gaza:
IHH initiates aid campaign for Gaza (Last updated 15 December 2013) ( p. 14)
- Nothing about the Israel/dam story.

Storm Alexa kills two, displaces 5,000 in Gaza - dated 15 December 2013 14:22
- No Israel/dam story.

Then there's this guy, 'former' AIPAC member, Richard Forer, who allegedly met the blogger, Rana and this is supposedly him, in lots of photos with various/famous people

Here, Forer mentions meeting Rana: "Of the Gazans I met during my visit, Rana stands out. She and I had been in communication for a couple of years and finally met in person when she spent a day with our delegation. Because the blockade of Gaza would not be possible without the billions of dollars provided Israel by the US, Rana wants Americans to discover a greater awareness of what life is like for her and her people."

And then there's this, from, where Forer is cited as a guest speaker: From that site:
"Speaker, Dec. 2, 2012 - Richard Forer, an American Jew and author of Breakthrough: Transforming Fear into Compassion—A New Perspective on the Israel-Palestine Conflict, spoke to the St. Columba's Peace Fellowship about his recent trip to the West Bank and Gaza with the Interfaith Peace-Builders."

So I checked Interfaith Peace-builders out a little:

Richard Forer is listed as a member of a 21 member delegation that visited Gaza and the West Bank in November 2012.
According to the info on their site, Rachel Corrie's mother, Cindy, is one of two people leading those delegations.
Interfaith Peace-Builders:
So it's possible that he could have met a blogger in Khan Younis named Rana - still not certain on that.

Forer's name appears on this list naming him along with the other members of the delegation, from Interfaith's website:
The delegation includes the following people:

Diane Adkin - Camas, Washington
Michele Bahl - Madison, Wisconsin
Carol Barr - Madison, Wisconsin
Michael Brown - Asheville, North Carolina
Marsha Carlton - Davis, California
Craig and Cindy Corrie - Olympia, Washington
Gary Doupe - Bainbridge, New York
Rich Forer - Yardley, Pennsylvania
Joyce Guinn - Germantown, Wisconsin
Maya Harris - Olympia, Washington
Wendy Hartley - Nevada City, California
Darlene Jones-Owens - Carrollton, Georgia
Declan Keogh - Decatur, Georgia
Ralph and Emily McCoy - Boone, North Carolina
Donna Nassor - Moonachie, New Jersey
Karen Peterson - Horseheads, New York
Cathy Sultan - Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Colleen Toomey - North Andover, Massachusetts
Sonja Wentz - Olympia, Washington

I'm still looking to see if I can find anything more on Richard and Rana. Looks ) on the surface, at least) like he is not pro-AIPAC, or maybe he is, but could also be an 'infiltrator' of the missionary group's delegation that's led by one Cindy Corrie, whose daughter Rachel was killed by IDF. I can think of a scenario in which a Zionist agent might want to be close enough to Cindy Corrie, due to the international crime context of her daughter's murder. Maybe he's for real, and maybe he's not. Still looking around.

The Israel/dam story was also reported on this news site out of Tehran, which says it covers news in Palestine on its 'about' page: Dated: Saturday, December 14, 2013 5:49 PM
Yasser Shanti's name appears under this site link on google, if you google his name.

So, I'm not sure where this Israel/dam story originated - Yasser Shanti in Gaza? Tehran? Turkey?
Will look around some more about Ma'an News Agency and maybe try to contact them.
Another question: Who is the (unnamed) Press TV correspondent in those previously linked reports about Israel and the dam? Might try to contact them too, and see if I can find out.

I'll keep digging around some. Hope at least something above helps.
Yasser Abd al-Rahman al-Shanti is also supposed to be deputy of the Ministry of Public Works and Housing in the Hamas government, as well as Chairman of the Gaza government Disaster Response Committee.

He is mentioned here:

Rebuilding the Gaza Strip

"Yasser Abd al-Rahman al-Shanti, deputy minister of housing and public works in the de-facto Hamas administration, said that on February 21 the Gaza Wadi bridge, which links the northern and southern Gaza Strip, would open to vehicles. The bridge was being rebuilt after it had been damaged in November 2012 during Operation Pillar of Defense. The construction, he said, was being financed by Human Appeal International in the United Arab Emirates.[3] He also thanked the HAI in the Emirates (Paltoday website, February 17, 2013)."
Lisa, I don't see any platform for blame, on any level. If anything, you could be credited for helping to bring to light, something that has been working in the shadows? And with Laura's experience and investigative background, if she even "senses" a wave out of alignment, rocks have to be overturned.

Something about Press TV seems to bother me? It seems the information on the two dams keeps reverting back to the 2010 report.

Then there's Rana Alshami, student at Islamic University Gaza 2010 - 2013 (Linkedln account)

Quote from: Laura
Looking around, we find rana319 (perhaps the same one?) created a stardoll page: _ the site notes that rana319 has not been back on the site for 21 months... Sept 2011.

rana319 also created a flick account that has never been used: _ Joined, October 2011. 22 months ago.

rana319 also created a peperonity profile saying she is from Bangladesh. _ Last login MORE than 3 months ago.

Then there's Richard Forer, a former member of AIPAC, who has regular "contact" with rana 319.

And this: _

September 15, 2013
The Hypocrisy of Criticizing One Country for Crimes Against Humanity but Defending Another Country for Its Crimes Against Humanity
Two years ago Susan Modaress of Press TV interviewed me about my transformation from reflexive loyalty to the State of Israel to advocacy for human rights and equality for all people.
(Placing the interview in 2011.)

In November 2012, I was a member of an InterFaith Peace Builders delegation to the Gaza Strip ... etc.
Of the Gazans I met during my visit, Rana stands out. She and I had been in communication for a couple of years and finally met in person when she spent a day with our delegation.

(So, Richard Forer was "in communication for a couple year's" with Rana - like since 2010 maybe? As an activist, I haven't found any photo's of her and nothing came of the blog radio interview offer that I'm aware of?)

Richard Forer states he has orthodox relatives living in Jewish-only settlements in the West Bank. Was his November 2012 trip his first - or one of many? In an October 08, 2013 entry, Forer states he's 58 yrs. old.

I'm not too keen of Wikipedia but it brought up a whole host of interesting stuff about Press TV.

Press TV (stylised PRESSTV) is a 24-hour English language news organization of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB). Its headquarters are located in Tehran, Iran.

Launched 2 July 2007; 6 years ago. By launching an English-language television channel to promote an Iranian perspective of the world, together with an Arab-language station, the Al-Alam News Network, the Iranian government said it hoped “to address a global audience exposed to misinformation and mudslinging as regards the Islamic Republic of Iran."

Press TV's U.S. Desk features many who also write for anti-war website outlets maintained by Veterans Today, American Free Press (formerly known as The Spotlight which was founded by Willis Carto), and David Duke. (Gordon Duff of Veterans Today, Kevin Barrett who writes for Veterans Today, is a member of the Scientific Panel for the Investigation of Nine-Eleven (SPINE), and is a founding member of the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance (MUJCA), Paul Craig Roberts, Webster Tarpley also contributes to the American Free Press, etc.

Press TV has had it's problems with the Anti-Defamation League.

I found this remark interesting, "Nick Ferrari, a former presenter of one of Press TV's shows, told The Times that Press TV’s news coverage had been “reasonably fair” until the 2009 election—but not any longer."
Did the ADL get involved for a take-over?

Sister channel(s) IRINN, Al-Alam News Network, HispanTV

Quote from: Lisa
Did Israel Deliberately Flood Gaza?

Check out the comment section. Richard Edmondson uses the 2010 Press TV to defend his position.

Quote from: Lisa
The Israel/dam story was also reported on this news site out of Tehran, which says it covers news in Palestine on its 'about' page: Dated: Saturday, December 14, 2013 5:49 PM

Al Alam is a sister site to Press TV.

Thoughts for now, Press TV was compromised by the ADL. The so called former AIPAC member Richard
Forer became an Agent and created the Rana persona (in the line of duty)?
Lisa Guliani said:
This whole report is disturbing - below, some excerpts regarding Gaza's water and sewage situation, with reference to Israel's illegal gravel quarrying, which has contributed to the contamination of Gaza's subterranean reservoir - even prior to this latest round of power outages, sewage crisis, heavy flooding rains, and possible Israeli involvement in releasing contaminated overflow from the dam/reservoir (s). In everything I've read, I'm hard-pressed to NOT hold Israel accountable for the current state of Gaza, whether they opened up gates or not. The conditions laid out in this report alone ( in addition to pretty much every other accessible and reliable report) shows that Israeli occupation and blockade has had an instrumental, integral and central role in the humanitarian crisis situation happening in Gaza today.
I don't know how it can be honestly viewed in any other way, given the details, circumstances, and reports from numerous sources. ~ Lisa

I totally agree, and think that Israel IS responsible regardless if it intentional or not in this case. But I also think, that it does great disservice to the Palestinian cause if certain "agents provocateurs" are allowed to spread disinfo that may lead to further damage.

Oh, and just a note, that Israel used the opportunity for the world being occupied with feasts, and attacked Gaza.
Since Rana 319 and Richard Forer are connected to events in Israel, I searched to see if their activities corresponded around events. I really didn't turn up much, although Rana should 'get her age" - right?

2010 - List of Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel

Notable Event

March 18, 2010 - Thai national Manee Singmueangphon was killed by a Palestinian Qassam rocket launched at a greenhouse in Netiv Haasara. Both Ansar al Sunna, an Islamist group affiliated with al-Qaeda, and al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, the military wing of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah party, claimed responsibility for the attack.

"Rana Alshami student at Islamic University Gaza" Linkedln account 2010 - 2013 Rana 319

***Could the "319" be connected to the notable event listed above - reflecting a date an agenda was started?

May 31, 2010 - Gaza flotilla raid

The Gaza flotilla raid was a military operation by Israel against six ships of the "Gaza Freedom Flotilla" on 31 May 2010 in international waters of the Mediterranean Sea. The flotilla, organized by the Free Gaza Movement and the Turkish Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief (İHH), was carrying humanitarian aid and construction materials, with the intention of breaking the Israeli-Egyptian blockade of the Gaza Strip.

Pre-raid sabotage rumors

Three ships – the Rachel Corrie, the Challenger I and the Challenger II – suffered damage or malfunction. While the Challenger I was able to continue, the Challenger II had to turn back halfway through the journey and Rachel Corrie docked for repairs in Malta. Greta Berlin of the Free Gaza Movement said that electric wires may have been tampered with.

***Descrepency noticed in referance to Rana's age?

October 31, 2012 - My name is Rana. I am a Palestinian girl, nineteen years old. I am studying English Literature at the Islamic University in Gaza. I have finished two years and am now in my third.

December 20, 2013 - My name is Rana. I have lived in the city of Khan Yunis in the Gaza Strip all twenty-one years of my life.

December 14, 2013 entry - Richard Forer writes,"An hour or so ago, I was online chatting with Rana Alshami, my friend and a 21 year old college student from Khan Younis in the Gaza Strip.


Quote from: Laura

"Back to the blog in question: the author was very busy in the month of November 2012: _ (start at the bottom and work your way up)"

November 2012 - Editor Richard Forer writes:

In November 2012, I was a member of an InterFaith Peace Builders delegation to the Gaza Strip, where I witnessed the hardships, including food deprivation, Gazans live with.

Israel began an operation in Gaza on 14 November 2012, lasting eight days. _
angelburst29 said:
***Descrepency noticed in referance to Rana's age?

October 31, 2012 - My name is Rana. I am a Palestinian girl, nineteen years old. I am studying English Literature at the Islamic University in Gaza. I have finished two years and am now in my third.

December 20, 2013 - My name is Rana. I have lived in the city of Khan Yunis in the Gaza Strip all twenty-one years of my life.

December 14, 2013 entry - Richard Forer writes,"An hour or so ago, I was online chatting with Rana Alshami, my friend and a 21 year old college student from Khan Younis in the Gaza Strip.


This is not necessarily a discrepancy. This could mean that her birthday falls after Oct 31, but before Dec 14. See? She was 19 on Oct. 31, 2012. She turned 20 in November or early December 2012, and she turned 21 in November or early December 2013 - before the next blog of Dec. 14, 2013.
Lilou said:
This is not necessarily a discrepancy. This could mean that her birthday falls after Oct 31, but before Dec 14. See? She was 19 on Oct. 31, 2012. She turned 20 in November or early December 2012, and she turned 21 in November or early December 2013 - before the next blog of Dec. 14, 2013.

True. But I still think this Rana person is a bit questionable.
Quote from: Lilou

"This is not necessarily a discrepancy. This could mean that her birthday falls after Oct 31, but before Dec 14. See? She was 19 on Oct. 31, 2012. She turned 20 in November or early December 2012, and she turned 21 in November or early December 2013 - before the next blog of Dec. 14, 2013."

That's a strong possibility, Lilou.

When I came upon Richard Forer's December 14, 2013 entry stating "a 21 year old college student" and a blog entry 6 days later by Rana emphasizing "all" twenty-one years of my life, it sounded to me more like a correction in a screw-up? Notice also, Rana writes her numbers out while Forer uses digit's.

Little things, I know - and may boil down to nothing and assumptions on my part?
angelburst29 said:
Quote from: Lilou

"This is not necessarily a discrepancy. This could mean that her birthday falls after Oct 31, but before Dec 14. See? She was 19 on Oct. 31, 2012. She turned 20 in November or early December 2012, and she turned 21 in November or early December 2013 - before the next blog of Dec. 14, 2013."

That's a strong possibility, Lilou.

When I came upon Richard Forer's December 14, 2013 entry stating "a 21 year old college student" and a blog entry 6 days later by Rana emphasizing "all" twenty-one years of my life, it sounded to me more like a correction in a screw-up? Notice also, Rana writes her numbers out while Forer uses digit's.

Little things, I know - and may boil down to nothing and assumptions on my part?

Well, if it is some sort of planned infiltration by Israeli agents, we can't expect it to be easy to suss out. It would be very small discrepancies and oddities and possibly a gut feeling which is what I have about it.
More on Richard Forer: (He has an identical-twin-brother)

Forer is involved in activities with a large humanitarian advocacy Peace Fellowship called St. Columbia's Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C.


This group’s vision is to help one another to live our baptismal covenant: to strive for justice and peace in the world and to respect the dignity of every human being. The Fellowship joins Washington National Cathedral's congregation, the Episcopal Peace Fellowship, the larger Episcopal community and others to sponsor lectures, readings and activities that promote peace and justice.

A subgroup of the Peace Fellowship, the Middle East committee, supports Anglican humanitarian efforts in Gaza, the West Bank and elsewhere. The groups also works for justice and peace in the region through established advocacy programs in the diocese and beyond and assists in educational efforts for churches in our area.

On Tues., Oct. 29, the Palestine-Israel Advocacy Group (PIAG) of the Washington National Cathedral congregation is hosting a screening of The Stones Cry Out, followed by a conversation with director Yasmine Perni and the Rev. Sari Ateek.

The Stones Cry Out tells the story of Palestinian Christians, including Archbishop Elias Chacour, who spoke at the cathedral in the spring, and Reverend Mitri Raheb, who hosts the annual simulcast service with the cathedral from Christmas Lutheran Church in Bethlehem.

Speaker Dec. 2, 2012 (half way down page)
Richard Forer, an American Jew and author of Breakthrough: Transforming Fear into Compassion—A New Perspective on the Israel-Palestine Conflict, spoke to the St. Columba's Peace Fellowship about his recent trip to the West Bank and Gaza with the Interfaith Peace-Builders

Speaker, Sept. 27, 2011
Richard Forer, an American Jew and author of Breakthrough: Transforming Fear into Compassion—A New Perspective on the Israel-Palestine Conflict, spoke to the St. Columba's Peace Fellowship on Tues., Sept. 27, at 7 pm in the church nave. Though not a religious Jew, Forer had been a loyal defender of Israeli policy all his life. When friends resisted his views, he began an intensive study of the history of the Israel-Palestine conflict. With an uncompromising commitment to the truth, he went far beyond his original intention, discovering that the true root of conflict is the attachment to a limited identity and the beliefs and images that emanate from that apparent identity. His book is both a gripping account of his intensive search to understand this conflict, culminating in a spiritual transformation in which he recognized the common humanity of all of mankind, and a masterful and comprehensive study of the conflict itself.

(6-25-2010) In the spring of 2009, I was a member of a group that put up a billboard criticizing Israel’s lethal use of force during Operation Cast Lead in Gaza. A year later, the group received a letter from a college student – referred to as “J” below – asking it to remove the billboard. The student said that he had researched the Gaza invasion and had concluded that both sides were equally responsible for its consequences.

Again, before I respond to the points you make about Gaza, let me tell you a little about me. I was born a few months before Israel declared its statehood. Both of my parents were first generation Americans. My mother lost 17 relatives in the Holocaust. My father and his family never discussed anything about that horror. My younger brother is president of one of the largest Jewish congregations on the east coast. My identical twin brother is an ultra-Orthodox Jew who lived for a few years in Israel. Both of his daughters are married with children and live in Jerusalem. Some of their friends are militant Jews from Hebron and other messianic communities, who believe that the sixth commandment, which they translate as “Thou shalt not commit murder,” cannot be violated by killing any Arab, since Arabs are inherently predisposed to want to murder Jews; and Arabs are not human anyway. One of my brother’s sons recently served in the IDF [Israel Defence Forces]. I have a friend who lives in Ma’ale Adumim, in occupied territory outside of Jerusalem. She was a member of Kach (Meir Kahane’s group) for 15 years. She now holds Palestinian-Israeli dialogue groups and prefers a one-state solution.

I was extremely “pro-Israel” my entire lifetime. I was utterly supportive of Israel’s invasion of Lebanon in the summer of 2006. I joined AIPAC and donated to the Jewish Federation.

* Richard Forer is a former member of AIPAC. His identical twin brother is a prominent member of an Ultra-Orthodox sect of Judaism. His younger brother is an attorney and President of one of the largest Reform synagogues on the East coast. Forer is a practitioner of the Meir Schneider Self-Healing Method, a unique system of healing developed by an Israeli. His book, Breakthrough: Transforming Fear into Compassion – A New Perspective on the Israel-Palestine Conflict will be available in the Fall. He can be reached at
In reviewing the title to this post, there's the question, "What intended purpose does it serve and who benefits?" There may never be a complete answer to that question, due to all the variables involved but reviewing "History" may offer some suggestions?

The map below shows the Gaza Strip in red. Israel-IDF forces captured the Gaza Strip and the entire Sinai Peninsula in 1956. A UN Emergency Force (UNEF)led to Israel's agreement to withdraw in stages (November 1956 - March 1957) from the areas taken a few weeks earlier in an eight day campaign in warfare. On 14 November 2012, Israel-IDF forces made another attempt to capture the Gaza Strip in another eight day campaign. Many attemps have been orchestrated (inbetween)by Israel-IDF to claim the area as part of The State of Israel and under it's complete domination. Bottom line - Israel wants complete control of the Gaza Strip and the Palestinians are in the way.


Repeat tragedy - Israel's eight day campaign's to capture the Gaza Strip (October 1956 and November 2012)

1. _

Upon the signing of a tripartite military alliance by Egypt, Syria and Jordan (October 1956), the imminent threat to Israel's existence was intensified. In the course of an eight-day campaign, the IDF captured the Gaza Strip and the entire Sinai Peninsula, halting 10 miles (16 km.) east of the Suez Canal.

A United Nations decision to station a UN Emergency Force (UNEF) along the Egypt-Israel border and Egyptian assurances of free navigation in the Gulf of Eilat led Israel to agree to withdraw in stages (November 1956 - March 1957) from the areas taken a few weeks earlier.

2. _

Israel began an operation in Gaza on 14 November 2012, lasting eight days.

1967 Six-Day War
As Israel's neighbors prepared to destroy the Jewish state, Israel invoked its inherent right of self-defense, launching a preemptive strike (5 June 1967) against Egypt in the South, followed by a counterattack against Jordan in the East and the routing of Syrian forces entrenched on the Golan Heights in the North.

At the end of six days of fighting, previous cease-fire lines were replaced by new ones, with Judea, Samaria, Gaza, the Sinai peninsula, and the Golan Heights under Israel's control. The passage of Israeli and Israel-bound shipping through the Straits of Tiran was ensured; and Jerusalem, which had been divided under Israeli and Jordanian rule since 1949, was reunified under Israel's authority.

2008 Gaza Operation

Following Israel's 2005 withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and four settlements in the northern West Bank, and the election of Hamas in 2007, terrorism against Israel increased. Thousands of rockets have been fired into southern Israel from the Gaza Strip, resulting in damage to property and both physical and psychological injury to the population living in the south; and creating a situation in which Israel was forced to take military action in the form of Operation Cast Lead (27 December 2008 through 18 January 2009).

List of detailed timelines involving Israel


Israel Chronology (Time Line) 1993 to present day


(While going through History, found this little tid-bit on Julius Caesar.)

Most ancient writings written on weak materials like papyrus have vanished all together. Yet many copies of the Old Testament scriptures survived. For instance, the Dead Sea Scrolls contain all books of the Old Testament, except Esther, and have been dated to before the time of Christ. Consider Julius Caesar’s Gallic Wars. Only ten copies written about 1,000 years after the event are in existence. In comparison, there are over 24,000+ New Testament manuscripts, the earliest one dating to within 24 years after Christ.
Found the interview with Rana - a prerecording with a yellow smily face on the screen. It was listed in the comment section of Rana's December 22, 2012 blog, "strength through adversity"

here: _

Comment by staggenborg4senate

January 1, 2013 at 11:42 pm
I am glad that Gazans have a powerful voice like yours to tell their story to the world, Rana. It was a rare pleasure getting the chance to meet you through our mutual friend Konstantin. Surely, Allah has a purpose in introducing us. Insha’Allah, we will find a way to help each other help build the united international front against injustice and war that will free the Peoples of the Earth from the grip of slavery.

Here is the link to the interview we did today: _

This is a prerecorded segment with Rana in Gaza because internet access is unreliable there. It will be replayed in an upcoming show in which we will attempt to continue the conversation live. We will take callers at that time.

Comment: The first 25 minutes of the interview was a "total joke" as far as I'm concerned. The male interviewer gave a long spiel on Israel for the first eight minutes while he waited for Rana "to connect." For the next two minutes, nothing but static and sound interferance while Rana cut through, he then turned down the mic to repeat what he thought Rana said. With the mic back on, Rana comes in clear and then fades out again while the interviewer talks over her. He turns the mic off again and spends the next few minutes reciting Israel's history from 1957 onward. At the 19-20 mark, Rana comes back on asking something about Israel, he's talking over her - and at the 25 mark - I couldn't put up with the nonsense any longer. My impression during the whole 25 minute ordeal was that it was a completely fabricated set up, start to finish. I feel, it was planned that way? There is no way of identifying the voice of Rana and the male interviewer had his own agenda. I have no clue - how long the interview lasted?

On Rana's blog "Israel Opened the Gates to two dams" in the comment section:

December 22, 2013 at 2:59 pm
Rana, while I support Gaza 100% and shared your story many times , I was informed by many on FB that Israel has no dams to open . This has been throughly researched by many who were trying to prove me wrong . I could care less as the atrosities the palastinian people breaks my heart . I just thought I would let you know/ Much love from the USA


says: December 24, 2013 at 11:11 am
Dear chris , who would you believe the one who witness the crimes of Israel or the people who are out and have no idea about what is happening here ? Look! we live the suffering !
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