Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

The West, which emphasizes the concepts of "freedom of expression and democracy" in everything that suits its interests, even prevents people in the US and Europe who support Palestine from expressing themselves. In a way, it is good that European societies have belatedly realized this double standard (hypocrisy).

I still think that this is more about changing the demographic structure of the Middle East than Gaza. Hezbollah, Hamas etc. cannot be the main deterrent here.

The US, together with Israel, is playing all the trump cards it has for its Greater Middle East project, such as NATO and the European Union, and intimidating all its so-called allies by putting them under pressure.

I wonder how much geopolitical and economic pressure any country can bear. Eventually, the unipolar world order has to come to an end.

There will come a time when bigger actors will have to intervene, but we will see if they will.

I am waiting for a divine touch here.
Noviembre 02, Día de muertos.

This man will fight to the death because he knows Death and he knows he is already dead.

They are dead and they don't know it. They trust American money and American weapons, they trust American soldiers to fight to the death.
These videos about young Israelis dancing, like we had when the covid when nurses and doctors were dancing also in the hospitals, are absolutely a shame. I don't have words to define how ashamed I am, and how they give me the shivers because they are absolutely disgusting. These are also young people without conscience, without respect, without soul. And worst of all, future cannon fodder who are happy to die without even realizing it! Terrible.
Perhaps, but I don't know if I would paint him in such an innocent passive light, he had already made up his mind about the issue, and what was being told to him simply resonated with something already within, otherwise he would've resisted I think, a part of him would've protested... but nope, no sign of inner conflict or doubt is ever displayed. He did something similar with the whole Andrew Tate, clearly immoral acts, to say the least, and he simply washed it off.. for all his talk, he is behaving as someone without a backbone, or maybe.. the backbone he does have isn't one built around a love for truth.

To add to your point, I am reminded of Samenow's book Inside the Criminal Mind, where he talks about peer pressure, and how peer pressure isn't the cause of crime, instead, the criminal chooses to associate with toxic individuals and groups because they resonate with them in some way.
As we await the Hezbollah leader's speech, things are becoming clearer...

"The USA has intelligence that Bashar al-Assad in Syria has agreed to supply Lebanon Hezbollah with the Russian-made SA-22 surface-to-air missile system.Wagner was assigned to make the delivery" - CNN

"BREAKING: WAGNER OFFERS AIR SUPPORT TO HEZBOLLAHIn a major development, Russia's Wagner group is providing Hezbollah an SA-22 air defense missile system.This system could be used by Hezbollah in defense against Israeli airstrikes.While the delivery to Lebanon has not occurred yet, it's unclear if the weapon could be transported to Gaza to aid Hamas.If this is true, Hezbollah will be able to shoot down Israel's warplanes including the F16, F35, as well as ballistic missiles and potentially hypersonic missiles.Russia touted the SA-22 (a very new system) to be equivalent to the U.S Patriot System, and better than a lot of Russia's own air defense systems."

Alex Christophorou is much more clued up about what’s really going on than Alexander Mercouris, and he talked about Israel’s ‘intelligence failure’ on 07/10 and how unbelievable and suspicious it was, soon after the event.

Mercouris is a ‘can’t go there’ type. He’s a barrister by trade and everything for him has to be interpreted through law, evidence - there has to be hard proof of everything for him.

Together, they make a good team, so Alex keeps his more unconventional theories for his own videos and let’s Alexander set the tone for possibilities and probabilities during episodes of The Duran.

I’ve watched the video and I’d just like to point something out which I’ve noticed many times before but never really had any reason to raise here in a discussion until now, and I suspect I’m not the only person here who has noticed this dynamic.

Especially @aragorn, but for everyone, watch how Mercouris brings his legalistic interpretations to the discussion - which as far as I’m concerned aren’t actually ‘wrong’, they’re just missing fundamentals of ponerology - and then Christophorou’s responses, in a kind of ‘Socratic’ way, subtly steer him towards the psychopathic answer.

For example, Mercouris talks for a while about the Israeli response, and then Christophorou, with a sort of faux-naïveté, asks why Israel couldn’t have gone about things the way the Russians did in Mariupol.

Now, Mercouris responds with the fact that Gaza is much bigger than Mariupol, but what Christophoru is really trying to point out is that the Israeli response is sadistic and psychopathic and completely unnecessary from, not just an ethical point of view, but even from a tactical point of view… unless your aim is to completely ethnically cleansed Gaza, and the West Bank.

So, at least Mercouris has someone else in his immediate circle who he works with closely and who can plant these kind of seeds.
Call me an old seen-it-all-before cynic, but am I the only one with a sense of unease akin to an impending Greek Tragedy heading the way of this very public, much publicized, large scale 'event'? For if I was a chaos monster, a live on air assassination, or massacre engineered by insiders or a drone/long range missile attack or some other such catastrophic intrusion, should just about do it to light the final inch of the remaining blue touch paper... if that was my intention, of course. Hopefully not, but at this juncture of horror absolutely nothing, nothing would surprise or shock me about the day to day goings on in the New Normal.. perhaps we are even approaching the moment to dust down and trial whatever reality they have conjoured up out of the shabby remains of Project Blue Beam... all this wild talk of a Biblical Apocalypse... why not intro the Alien savior, stage left...? All bets are now off and just a common-or-garden declaration of war on Israel would be an almost strangely normal relief! Well we'll know soon enough whether we are to be given good reason to remember, remember the 3rd of November.

My thought as well. Israel and the US are sitting on a huge pile of military assets, waiting for a chance to use it against Iran. They just need justification.

I also have in mind the following prediction from a clairvoyant:

(...) When I was printing these maps today, I will tell you that I felt one thing and I have to say it, because the issue I felt really attacked me. I felt it very strongly. When just printing maps, selecting them from the Internet and printing, I got such an attack in my feeling that something came over me that suddenly there will be a problem in the world with oil, with fuel to power cars. As we assume, there is no problem with fuels, we only discuss their prices, then I have a feeling that part of the world will face a big oil problem. And this will create a very hot spot in the world. And why would that be the case? I don't know... It came to me very strongly and I decided that I would tell you, because it is important. There will be a problem with oil. And what's interesting, I have this impression, that only part of the world will have this problem.

(...) This is the State. The first feeling, it'll will start with Beirut, which is a city in Lebanon. My visions had already had contact with Beirut once. I don't know if you remember when a long time ago, but when already was the plague, in one of my broadcasts I said that a dirty bomb would go off, a huge dirty bomb near Israel. (...) And you remember, later, some time later, this association came true. There was a huge explosion that the whole world watched, because it was recorded by various cameras, industrial and others. The official version was that there was an explosion of some gases because some welders were welding something there. The explosion was such that it looked like a small atomic bomb had gone off. Either way, the vision came true, then a powerful explosion in the vicinity of Israel, in the vicinity of Israel. And it was in Beirut that the explosion happened. It will all start in Beirut.

It will be a local war, but much bigger than in Ukraine, much more severe than in Ukraine. The great powers, at least initially, will not move this. Realizing that this war may become very intense and spread throughout the world. But it would consist of what I have been telling you for a long time, what I felt in my visions, that first there will be one war, then a second war will break out. These two wars will be essentially independent of each other. One of them will get out of control and this will cause a major world war to break out. That's how I felt a long time ago and I told you that on my show. When this war suddenly breaks out, it is important that this second war breaks out in such a way that, to give an example, we go to sleep, and it is difficult to say that the world is normal. (...) We wake up in the morning and we already know about far-reaching military operations in a specific place .But it will all start from Beirut. Important, that's what I felt.

Some countries will be mobilized for this war, but then other countries, who will not want to participate in this war at first, will come to it, will join. And here it may mean that it will be the west, possibly allied countries.

There will be a huge impact that will last a few hours and there will be silence. (...) But the world will be shocked, the world will fear worse things. Then there will certainly be panic in the world, both economically, in terms of raw materials and financially. This first attack will not trigger international reactions, which means the world will not fight against each other. This will be the first stage of this sudden, unexpected war.

This will cause great panic in some countries, but at this point, how will this attack happen and there will be silence after this attack, i.e. after a couple of hours of attack, the world will suddenly begin to threaten itself, and the second time, finally, bring up the conversation. The situation will be so tense that various important politicians in the world will call for talks. That is, they will be afraid that there may be a powerful military escalation in the world.

What if Israel or the US somehow take out Nasrallah and hundreds of people sitting there live on camera with a missile or a bomb? Destroying terrorists and all that? That would most likely give them the second war that they have been waiting for.
Israeli bill seeks to strip citizenship from those 'expressing solidarity with terror groups'

An Israeli minister unveiled a proposal Thursday that would allow authorities to strip people of their citizenship if they "express solidarity with terror groups" or "incite terror" during times of war, according to the Times of Israel.
The law would give the interior minister special war-time powers allowing them to remove the citizenship of individuals without going to the courts.

The bill would also bypass due process and likely have a chilling effect on Palestinians who might wish to express opposition to the Israeli army's onslaught in Gaza.
Israeli police have arrested at least 100 Palestinian citizens of Israel since 7 October, mostly over liking or publishing posts on social media.

Ukraine, 563 jours de guerre, 9614 civils tués dont 554 enfants, 17535 blessés dont 1180 enfants, c'est déjà beaucoup trop et les Occidentaux condamnent cela.
Palestine 25 jours de guerre, 8796 civils tués, dont 3648 enfants, 24000 blessés dont 9600 enfants et les Occidentaux disent que c'est des victimes de guerre.
Ukraine, 563 days of war, 9614 civilians killed including 554 children, 17535 injured including 1180 children, this is already far too much and Westerners condemn this.Palestine 25 days of war, 8796 civilians killed, including 3648 children, 24000 injured including 9600 children and Westerners say they are victims of war.
Si S&P le dit... S&P abaisse la note des perspectives de crédit d'Israël à « négative » dans le contexte de sa campagne de nettoyage ethnique et de génocide en cours contre la population de Gaza.
S&P downgrades Israel’s credit outlook to “negative” amid its ongoing ethnic cleansing and genocide campaign targeting the people of Gaza

US intelligence thinks Wagner plans to send air defense system to Hezbollah — WSJ​

  • Lebanon’s Hezbollah has been exchanging fire with Israeli forces across the border since its Palestinian ally Hamas in Gaza and Israel went to war on Oct. 7
  • The Journal said that Washington had not confirmed that the system had been sent
MOSCOW: The United States has intelligence that Russia’s Wagner mercenary group plans to provide Hezbollah, the Iranian backed Lebanese militia, an air defense system, The Wall Street Journal reported, citing unidentified US officials.
The Journal said Wagner plans to supply the Pantsir-S1 system, known by NATO as the SA-22, which uses anti-aircraft missiles and air-defense guns to intercept aircraft.

Workers returning to Gaza from Israel​

Israeli authorities returned to Gaza thousands of Palestinian labourers who were working in Israel when war broke out on 7 October.
The labourers described being "humiliated" and "abused" by Israeli forces, who arbitrarily revoked their permits after the war, rounded them and held them in detention facilities.
The Palestinian Authority's labour ministry estimated that around 4,500 workers from Gaza had gone missing earlier in the week. Israeli media said on Friday that 3,200 people returned to Gaza after Israeli authorities decided to send them back late on Thursday.
"The Palestinian Authority betrayed us, the whole world betrayed us."

Kremlin dismisses report on Wagner plan to give Hezbollah air defence system​

Reuters- November 3, 202311:56 AM GMT+1Updated 18 min ago

MOSCOW, Nov 3 (Reuters) - The Kremlin on Friday dismissed a Wall Street Journal report that U.S. intelligence believed Russia's Wagner mercenary group plans to provide Hezbollah with an air defence system, saying such talk was unfounded.
"We have already said that, de-facto, such a group (Wagner) does not exist," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, when asked about the report, which cited unidentified U.S. officials as saying that U.S. intelligence thinks Wagner plans such a transfer.

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As we await the Hezbollah leader's speech, things are becoming clearer...
"The USA has intelligence that Bashar al-Assad in Syria has agreed to supply Lebanon Hezbollah with the Russian-made SA-22 surface-to-air missile system.Wagner was assigned to make the delivery" - CNN
One should just keep in mind that this comes from the CNN and based on US intelligence, the same sources which came up with all the Trump-Russia claims which turned out to be lies. It does show that the US, via its media, is preparing the propaganda grounds for attacking Syria, by made up claims of "Wagner in Syria" and "Syria giving Russian missiles to Hezbollah". Those who swallow the CNN/US intel narrative will then be ok with the US starting another war.
Just a reminder on the subject of JP. Could be something and could be nothing. But, as for me, when I'm trying to "learn" from what I am seeing with JP about blind spots and metal compartmentalization that humans have, I always add this tidbit to my thinking of "what the hell happened to JP?" For the obvious reason.

"A year ago, Jordan Peterson woke from a coma in a hospital in Russia strapped to a bed, bewildered and angry and holding little memory of what had gone on since he went to a Toronto hospital two months before."

The article is from 2021, and it said "little memory" but I remember JP in an interview saying that he (had NO memory, at all, of that time.)

Also, Dave Rubin was his wing-man during his rise to the top.

I agree, I would say plenty of psychos in uniform enjoy it. They love doing it to physically weaker folks too as exemplified in this video. They really remind me of hyenas sometimes. Predictable animal like behavior. Best to know when not to rattle the cage so to speak.
The time is coming when the same treatment will be given out to Christians and pretty much to everyone else in all mayor cities in Europe and Amerika. In fact to anyone who disagrees with whatever is imposed. All things are breaking down fast.
'"Wrong assessment": The US is provoking Hezbollah to use its full force to justify the presence of US troops in the region, and to justify Israel's ethnic cleansing in Gaza.'

2 Nov, 2023

2 NOV, 2023

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