Krzysztof Jackowski - Polish Clairvoyant

And last night I was struck by the thought of not getting involved in collecting signatures to register an electoral committee for Maciej Maciak's movement, because it could be used to eliminate those sympathetic to Russia.
In the Poland thread I wrote a question in this connection.
I'm not sure how that would eliminate pro-Russian people? I feel that the main point of what is happening now is that society should experience the gradual vanishing of the illusion. I guess it cannot happen by letting a party of "good guys" enter the parliament; people need to feel that their lives are threatened by the coercion apparatus, that they got betrayed, their moral values distorted, and their life work destroyed. They need to start to be more resilient against psychopathy, which thrives in power-based hierarchical systems with fuzzy responsibility. It's possible, that Maciak's role (sponsored by someone external or not) is to further destabilize the old system, because - Ordo ab Chao - there are elites ready and waiting to help us build a New Order. Either way, we are just a part of the Universe's creative process, so maybe try behaving in alignment with your talents toward some goal, without anticipation, guided by your moral values.
Chodzi mi o to, że ludziom zaangażowanym w ruch Maciaka może coś grozić.
Na zasadzie " spodziewaj się nie spodziewanego".

My point is that people involved in Maciak's movement may be on to something.

On the principle of " expect the unexpected".
My point is that people involved in Maciak's movement may be on to something.

On the principle of " expect the unexpected".
I don't quite get it, but do you feel that Maciak's movement might be infiltrated by Security Services? Most probably already is. Consider watching the video below (in Polish, unfortunately), which describes how Security Services are working in Poland in that context. One of the most notable examples was Samoobrona, which was a copy of Party X that was led by Stan Tymiński.
Krzysztof Jackowski in the latest vision (from September 1, 2023) predicts that we are facing the third world war. It will start with the strike on Beirut, Lebanon. The United States will be behind this, but they will not attack a small country on their behalf. We'll wake up one morning and find out there's a war. It will be a local war at first, much bigger than the one in Ukraine, which will spread all over the world. There will be an oil problem that will paralyze part of the world.
Krzysztof Jackowski in the latest vision (from September 1, 2023) predicts that we are facing the third world war. It will start with the strike on Beirut, Lebanon. The United States will be behind this, but they will not attack a small country on their behalf. We'll wake up one morning and find out there's a war. It will be a local war at first, much bigger than the one in Ukraine, which will spread all over the world. There will be an oil problem that will paralyze part of the world.
Well, that escalated quickly... but maybe Krzysztof, just like the C's, is protecting the world by revealing PTB's plans!
Krzysztof Jackowski in the latest vision (from September 1, 2023) predicts that we are facing the third world war. It will start with the strike on Beirut, Lebanon. The United States will be behind this, but they will not attack a small country on their behalf. We'll wake up one morning and find out there's a war. It will be a local war at first, much bigger than the one in Ukraine, which will spread all over the world. There will be an oil problem that will paralyze part of the world.
Thanks for letting us know. Haven't seen his recent sessions, only skimmed briefly through that one from the 1st of September. Sounds interesting, so I'll (auto-)transcribe it tomorrow. I didn't catch that "strike" thing. IIRC he said that "it'll start from Beirut", and that shortly before or maybe during the event there will be oil shortages. One could only think about Israel... And speaking about which, there's an interesting agreement made between Israel and Poland that doesn't benefit Poles at all, but could be useful in the case of mass migration to Poland:

On 22 November 2016, the Agreement between the Republic of Poland and the State of Israel on social security was signed in Jerusalem. On the Polish side, the Agreement was signed by Elżbieta Rafalska, Minister of Family, Labour and Social Policy.​

The Agreement aims at ensuring the coordination of social security systems operating in Poland and the State of Israel. It was based on international standards in the field of social security, i.e.: the principle of equal treatment, the principle of free transfer (export) of benefits, the principle of single applicable legislation, the principle of aggregation of insurance periods.

The Agreement will apply to all persons who are or were subject to the legislation of one or both of the Contracting Parties, their family members and their survivors. Its provisions are related to benefits such as: maternity benefits, old age pensions, invalidity pensions, survivors' benefits, one-time compensations and pensions for accidents at work and occupational diseases, funeral allowances.
Yesterday's livestream was interesting. As an introduction, he talked about the influence of the full moon in regard to better visions; fuller and more meaningful in the period of 3-4 days before the full moon. This time without quote block enclosing, because Xenforo makes quotes hard to cite, at least for me.

(...) The first thing that came to my mind was the United States. Can you imagine the United States wanting to do something on their own? [KS: I guess, without resorting to the proxy war] I have this feeling, crazy even, that the United States is preparing for some very serious maneuver. Who knows if not military, in which maneuver, maybe differently, but without consulting anyone, without anyone's support, they want to do some great action.
I won't say that... (...) There's not going to be a President. A group... (...) I'm sorry, but it reminds me of something absurd. United States, the President disappears or he doesn't matter. (...) What came to mind now, in my opinion, is 90% or even more, wrong. Some kind of nonsense. The President disappears or the President ceases to matter. I see a group of people. And something strange is happening in the United States. As if it's still a country, but... This group of people revives or gives greater autonomy to all the States that make up the whole of the United States. And... (...) This is rather impossible. The State to allow itself a coup. Revolution. It has absolutely nothing to do with the coup. (...) And most interestingly, this is a group of people. These are not random people. I don't know if the group will take power similar to the presidential one, absolutely not. (...) But this group of people... Will expose something? I don't know. I don't know if it will happen. (...) And then it will be said that it is the removal of people who have just... They will be said to have betrayed America. I am not saying that the current President will have such an indictment, but there will be talk of political people who have betrayed America. And it's going to ripple through the world and a lot of politicians in the world will have a big problem. It will start with America. God, I don't think this full moon is too crazy for something like that to come into my head. And it will be declared a victory.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the world will win, people will win, and this sick thing that has been going on around us for quite a long time will fall. Was it supposed to start with the United States? They will take away titles, titles from people, let's say academic degrees, honorary degrees. It will, it will spill over the world. I don't know what point in the future I'm in but what's going to happen means two things that it's going to start in the US and it's going to be most spectacular in the US and the rest of the world, western countries it's going to be less emotional. That would mean that the evil that is happening now will fall, will be unmasked. There will be strength, but what strength will it have to be, if that strength overrides, I don't know, directing in the United States would be something extraordinary. Okay, I'm letting it go, I'm letting go of what came to mind now. [KS: are we on a "more sane" timeline now?]

In the south-east, in the south-eastern region of Poland, as you know, there are problems with people getting infected [KS: Legionella in the water], there are some deaths and also hospitalized people. It happens, it's a pity that it happens, but it does happen and you shouldn't infer any panic right now. But why am I mentioning it now? I am reminded that the panic will start from a small town or village, because in a small town or village there will be a very serious poisoning in Poland, or people will be poisoned, or people will be infected. This area will even be guarded in some way, let's say people will not be able to leave this area, this small town or village. And it affects almost everyone there. I also say, nothing means anything for now, but you remember when I suggested that people would leave the south-eastern part of Poland. Nothing will happen, I meant military issues, and people will move from there to other parts of, say, Poland. They will not leave it permanently, their places, only for a certain period of time. So maybe that could mean that not only is there a problem there like now, but this problem can get worse, it can become a much more serious problem. That people will react. I am very concerned about what I said many months ago. Because if people leave their places of residence for a while, they may have a problem later. If it were in a different region of Poland, but this is that region, south-eastern Poland, Podkarpacie.
(...) There will be various things that can be attributed to sabotage.
Suddenly, a well-known politician faints. He won't lose his life right away. And I mean in Poland. He will be in the hospital, but even though he will live, it will be the end of him. And after his death there will be more irony than grief about him.
This is the second time it comes to me... (...) A lot of people will have to get a document, a classification sheet. And based on this state, a state of readiness, on the basis of this state, a certain group of people will have to report to the office to get some document.

By something that will come out, Western countries are on the verge of moral decline. It's about something moral, not a fall as states, but a moral one. And morality towards people.
I'll go back to the first thing I felt. Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, perhaps in a military state as strong as the United States there are circles and groups that which are a counter-front to the politicians who have been in power in the United States for some time. And it's not a bunch of people. It may also be related to the army, to part of the army, to military leaders.​

Thank you once again for the work you are doing so that we can follow this gentleman. I must say that I find him very interesting. Sometimes I listen to him, without understanding anything, and I like listening to his voice, which is deep, I like watching his body language and also listening to Polish, which is a very beautiful language.

When he talked about the village possibly being poisoned, I remembered a story by Michael Crichton, The Andromeda Strain. A strange novel. Sometimes I think that what's happening in the world has already been written in books and the people who control this planet, being completely hopeless with imagination, have teams who read these novels. These novels would be put into super-powerful computers that would offer situations to follow but based on novels! Anything is possible.

This is what The Andromeda Strain is about, and what popped into my head when it was a question about a virus or a dangerous disease in a village.

The Andromeda Strain is a 1969 novel by Michael Crichton, his first novel under his own name and his sixth novel overall. It documents the outbreak of a deadly extraterrestrial microorganism in Arizona and the team of scientists investigating it. The book is framed as a report from a secret government project, which the scientists are part of, and contains primarily text-based computer imagery illustrating the results of various tests on the organism.

By the way, I consider Michael Crichton to be a serious and honest writer. All his stories are based on possibilities.

Thank you KS!
Sounds interesting, so I'll (auto-)transcribe it tomorrow.
Here it goes, I've omitted his further commentary because felt that it is unimportant. He did a vision from the Europe map, and later tried to focus on the map of Poland, but felt distracted by what he felt earlier.

(...) When I was printing these maps today, I will tell you that I felt one thing and I have to say it, because the issue I felt really attacked me. I felt it very strongly. When just printing maps, selecting them from the Internet and printing, I got such an attack in my feeling that something came over me that suddenly there will be a problem in the world with oil, with fuel to power cars. As we assume, there is no problem with fuels, we only discuss their prices, then I have a feeling that part of the world will face a big oil problem. And this will create a very hot spot in the world. And why would that be the case? I don't know... It came to me very strongly and I decided that I would tell you, because it is important. There will be a problem with oil. And what's interesting, I have this impression, that only part of the world will have this problem.

(...) I use maps when I indicate the search for a missing person, a human body. Then I use maps. Okay, it's worth a try... Maybe there will be some new experiences. Is it possible at all? I don't know. I'm trying to not being logical. We're pretty much at full moon now, so that should give me a feeling too.

As it came to my mind, I realize, now some islands have been burning to the ground recently. And the word "burning world" came to my mind. And it reminded me of fire. Of course, don't assume that the world will burn with all fire. Because that would mean the end of us. However, this symbolism was the first thing that came to my mind.

This is the State. The first feeling, it'll will start with Beirut, which is a city in Lebanon. My visions had already had contact with Beirut once. I don't know if you remember when a long time ago, but when already was the plague, in one of my broadcasts I said that a dirty bomb would go off, a huge dirty bomb near Israel. (...) And you remember, later, some time later, this association came true. There was a huge explosion that the whole world watched, because it was recorded by various cameras, industrial and others. The official version was that there was an explosion of some gases because some welders were welding something there. The explosion was such that it looked like a small atomic bomb had gone off. Either way, the vision came true, then a powerful explosion in the vicinity of Israel, in the vicinity of Israel. And it was in Beirut that the explosion happened. It will all start in Beirut.

I have the impression that diplomatic overtures in some other agreement in the world are taking place very quietly. So we are not told about it, but diplomatically there are some efforts in the world to reach an agreement. In my opinion, the agreement in question is not going to happen.

The United States will start something suddenly. (...) Perhaps the United States and certain countries will suddenly take some action in relation to what is happening in the world right now. But we will not know about this action until the last moment. It will look like the world is in a stalemate and nothing threatens us. But I have a feeling there will be a retaliation. And that will be a very specific retaliation. We are in danger of a world war. Please do not confuse the word "world" with the war that is taking place in Ukraine. I keep pointing out that this is not the war that is the prelude to this war, among other things, also the war in Ukraine, but this is not the war that I felt that "shortly before the big war in the world, people in Poland and in Europe they will be afraid to breathe". Unfortunately, this war is yet to come.

It will start because of some very unusual provocation. Well, it will be used on a massive scale in some part of the world, I don't know what to call it, whether it's a biological weapon, possibly a bacterial, viral weapon. This will be considered a great provocation.

It's not the US that will retaliate. It will be under the patronage of the United States, but the United States and rather the United States will participate in it, but it will not be America that will declare this war. This war will be declared by a much smaller small state. And this small country will justify this war with its own interests, its own security. This war is going to spoil the plans for what is happening in the world right now. It will be so structured that it will be hard for America, the United States itself blame for what happens, because they will not be the decision maker of this war.

I cannot say whether there will be a problem with oil before the war or with this war when it breaks out there will be an oil problem, but an oil problem will paralyze part of the world.

It will be a local war, but much bigger than in Ukraine, much more severe than in Ukraine. The great powers, at least initially, will not move this. Realizing that this war may become very intense and spread throughout the world. But it would consist of what I have been telling you for a long time, what I felt in my visions, that first there will be one war, then a second war will break out. These two wars will be essentially independent of each other. One of them will get out of control and this will cause a major world war to break out. That's how I felt a long time ago and I told you that on my show. When this war suddenly breaks out, it is important that this second war breaks out in such a way that, to give an example, we go to sleep, and it is difficult to say that the world is normal. (...) We wake up in the morning and we already know about far-reaching military operations in a specific place .But it will all start from Beirut. Important, that's what I felt.

Some countries will be mobilized for this war, but then other countries, who will not want to participate in this war at first, will come to it, will join. And here it may mean that it will be the west, possibly allied countries.

There will be a huge impact that will last a few hours and there will be silence. (...) But the world will be shocked, the world will fear worse things. Then there will certainly be panic in the world, both economically, in terms of raw materials and financially. This first attack will not trigger international reactions, which means the world will not fight against each other. This will be the first stage of this sudden, unexpected war.

This will cause great panic in some countries, but at this point, how will this attack happen and there will be silence after this attack, i.e. after a couple of hours of attack, the world will suddenly begin to threaten itself, and the second time, finally, bring up the conversation. The situation will be so tense that various important politicians in the world will call for talks. That is, they will be afraid that there may be a powerful military escalation in the world.

This war will have another psychological meaning, that it will be a test, maybe I'm using the word extortion wrong, because it's not about forcing the two sides, and in these two sides there won't be one country each, but there will be some countries here and there will be some countries on these two sides so that talks can take place on an equal basis. This war will be such a blackmail to cause something like this. Such conversations will continue, but the world will not calm down.

The date 2024 keeps coming to my mind for the third time in a row. I'm not insisting that it will be 2024, but three or two times I passed over it, it reminded me of 2024.

If there are attempts at international talks, certain things in the world will change shape, or at least there will be such proposals that it is not about geographical issues of given countries, but about affiliation issues, it will be subject to great discussion, the world will be divided. And this war will have one more thing in mind. Notice how the cold war was, the cold war was caused by the division of the worlds, that is, the world was divided into communist countries and the rest of the world. There were supposedly two forces, two economies in the world, two military forces. The world, one might say, was divided, this division had different priorities. And we've actually gone through something like that. I have the impression that this attempt to communicate will not be an attempt at unity in the world, it will be an attempt to create and also recognize two forces in the world. So the west will want to keep its status quo, will want to keep its dominance at home, and also its own kind of economy at home.

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Yeah, but it could be expected that the "Multipolar World" will result in a new Cold War.

Well, that escalated quickly... but maybe Krzysztof, just like the C's, is protecting the world by revealing PTB's plans!
I feel that it cannot be prevented, all gears are in place. We are at this point (for "the Lost" series fans):

I wonder, what small state is bullying everyone in that region and doesn't feel safe?
Session August 15 said:
Q: (L) Alright then. Next question: Was the Beirut explosion an accident?

A: No

Q: (L) Is there any connection to other fires and explosions in the Middle East within a few days of that event?

A: Yes, all connected in terrorism of populations.

Q: (Joe) So how did the ammonium nitrate explode in the hangar in the port of Beirut? How was it detonated? Well… What was the cause of the explosion?

A: Sabotage.

Q: (Joe) By Israel?

A: Your favorite!
Yeah, but it could be expected that the "Multipolar World" will result in a new Cold War.

I feel that it cannot be prevented, all gears are in place. We are at this point (for "the Lost" series fans):
View attachment 80996

I wonder, what small state is bullying everyone in that region and doesn't feel safe?
I believe me too that the "little country" is this country that we all know. And surely Mr. Krzysztof did not name this little country on purpose.

KS, these symbols that you put, what they mean? I am just curious.

Thanks for everything.
KS, these symbols that you put, what they mean? I am just curious.
It's from a TV series that was quite popular in the 00's:
Before its implosion, the Swan station contained a 108-minute countdown timer. The timer was reset by entering the Numbers into the station's computer and pressing the Execute button. Failure to enter the Numbers within the last four minutes of the countdown cycle triggered an alarm, which lasted until the timer reached zero. On completing the countdown, the timer's numbers were replaced by red and black Egyptian hieroglyphics while simultaneously a recorded voice repeated "system failure" continuously over the station's speaker system.
I wonder, what small state is bullying everyone in that region and doesn't feel safe?
Session 24 September 2001:
Q: (L) Well we plan to. What is going to happen with the Middle-eastern situation; this Afghanistan or whatever?
A: Herding of population to much finer order of control.
Q: (L) What is the purpose of this control; this increasing control.
A: Preparation for war in Palestine.

Q: (L) But nobody has said anything about having a war in Palestine. They're all talking about having a war in Afghanistan. How does Palestine fit in here?
A: It is the ultimate objective of Israel.

Q: (L) Why would they want to have war in their own country? Well, aside from the fact that they've been having a war in their own country for a long time. I guess they want to bring it to a final conclusion. What is going to be the result of this plan?
A: Destruction of Jews.

Q: (L) Well obviously this is not what THEY are planning, is it?
A: No.
Q:(L) They are planning destruction of Palestinians, right?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) It seems that through out history whenever the Jews have plotted and planned to destroy somebody, they are the ones who have ended up being destroyed themselves. Or am I misreading my history here?
A: No.
Even the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has an end...
Q: (L) But nobody has said anything about having a war in Palestine. They're all talking about having a war in Afghanistan. How does Palestine fit in here?
A: It is the ultimate objective of Israel.
Time is running out for them.
On the afternoon of June 14, 2023, President Xi Jinping held talks at the Great Hall of the People with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas who is on a state visit to China. The two heads of state announced the establishment of a strategic partnership between China and Palestine.

Xi Jinping pointed out that China and Palestine are good friends and good partners who trust and support each other. China was one of the first countries to recognize the Palestine Liberation Organization and the State of Palestine
, and has all along firmly supported the Palestinian people's just cause of restoring their legitimate national rights, and has worked for a comprehensive, just and durable solution of the Palestinian question at an early date. China supports Palestine's efforts to gain full membership in the United Nations, and will continue to speak up and uphold justice for Palestine in multilateral settings. China will continue to provide assistance to Palestine to the best of its ability, and help Palestine alleviate humanitarian difficulties and carry out reconstruction. China is ready to work with Palestine to take the establishment of a strategic partnership as an opportunity to continue to render mutual support on issues concerning each other’s core concerns, advance friendly cooperation across the board, deepen Belt and Road cooperation, accelerate negotiations on the China-Palestine free trade agreement, increase exchanges on governance experience, and carry forward the traditional friendship.

Xi Jinping stressed that the Palestinian question has remained unresolved for over half a century, causing great sufferings to the Palestinian people, and that justice must be done to Palestine as soon as possible. Xi Jinping put forward a three-point proposal. First, the fundamental solution of the Palestine question lies in the establishment of an independent state of Palestine that enjoys full sovereignty on the basis of the 1967 borders and with east Jerusalem as its capital. Second, Palestine's economic and livelihood needs should be met, and the international community needs to step up development assistance and humanitarian aid to Palestine. Third, it is important to keep to the right direction of peace talks. The historical status quo of the holy sites in Jerusalem should be respected, and excessive and provocative words and actions should be avoided. A large-scale, more authoritative and more influential international peace conference should be convened so as to create conditions for the resumption of peace talks and contribute tangible efforts to help Palestine and Israel live in peace. China stands ready to play a positive role in helping Palestine achieve internal reconciliation and promoting peace talks.
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