Krzysztof Jackowski - Polish Clairvoyant

Mr. Krzysztof Jackowski (in his vision from September 8, 2023) predicts that there will be a biological attack somewhere on insignificant islands in the ocean. Nobody will want to admit it. the cloud will rise into the atmosphere and contaminate the world. There will be an antidote to this, but not everyone will have access to it.
Moreover, he has been saying for several years that an economic war is taking place before our eyes between the US and China, which may lead to World War III.
Yesterday, he seemed to not feel well during the livestream. He was very cryptic, probably to not get banned on YouTube. I didn't quite get his vagusness; I skimmed through the comments to see how people are interpreting it, and it seems that he spoke about vaccination side effects. He also believes that the current UAP disclosure is a gaslight strategy to keep people occupied. The most interesting part of the livestream:

(...) Nonsense, but I'll say it. The journey of souls has begun. Souls departing. And the war begins... It reminded me that they are going up and leaving. They go, they leave. It will get bigger and faster, this journey.

It reminds me of the sun and people will be afraid of sunbathing. It's not that the sun will suddenly become hostile to us. Perhaps due to what will be in the air, due to the effects of the sun, it may be dangerous for us. I associate bad things with something big...

2024 will be the year in which the "truth" of what is happening in the world can no longer be hidden. The effects themselves will tell us about it. The effects of “this” will not be positive, they will be terrible and negative. “This” will not be hidden, it cannot be hidden.

(...) I associate a building made of glass, a large building made of glass in which people deliberate. Very important people. And this building is falling apart. It will be all these... or not... I'll leave it at that.

Yesterday, he seemed to not feel well during the livestream. He was very cryptic, probably to not get banned on YouTube. I didn't quite get his vagusness; I skimmed through the comments to see how people are interpreting it, and it seems that he spoke about vaccination side effects. He also believes that the current UAP disclosure is a gaslight strategy to keep people occupied. The most interesting part of the livestream:

(...) Nonsense, but I'll say it. The journey of souls has begun. Souls departing. And the war begins... It reminded me that they are going up and leaving. They go, they leave. It will get bigger and faster, this journey.

It reminds me of the sun and people will be afraid of sunbathing. It's not that the sun will suddenly become hostile to us. Perhaps due to what will be in the air, due to the effects of the sun, it may be dangerous for us. I associate bad things with something big...

2024 will be the year in which the "truth" of what is happening in the world can no longer be hidden. The effects themselves will tell us about it. The effects of “this” will not be positive, they will be terrible and negative. “This” will not be hidden, it cannot be hidden.

(...) I associate a building made of glass, a large building made of glass in which people deliberate. Very important people. And this building is falling apart. It will be all these... or not... I'll leave it at that.

Thank you, I am always grateful to you!
2024 will be the year in which the "truth" of what is happening in the world can no longer be hidden. The effects themselves will tell us about it. The effects of “this” will not be positive, they will be terrible and negative. “This” will not be hidden, it cannot be hidden.
It reminds me of Laura's post on August 7, 2023 in "The Ice Age Cometh! Forget Global Warming!" thread:
Well, it was 10 C (50 F) this morning in SW France, moving toward the middle of AUGUST, the hottest month of the year. Yesterday's high was only 26 C (79 F) and today it is supposed to be a little less than that.

Yes, we have had a dozen or so scattered days when it got quite warm, but the overall trend has been cool and cloudy/rainy all summer long thus far. I highly recommend that people get a remote weather station and keep a weather journal as I have for the past few years. It's quite revealing to see what I actually record compared to the hype and scare tactics.

If the tendency of the past few months holds, when winter comes, it might be a real shock to most people. I wouldn't be surprised if this winter is the onset of the Ice Age.
Another session where he talked about health. It was quite expected, given that Montagnier, Mikovits, and others were talking about how the side effects would be postponed in time and increased by the number of additional doses. As always, I'm posting the transcript of his visions for entertainment purposes, but it feels highly probable.

I've mentioned it before, but it came to my mind again. There will be two plagues, there will be two mutations at once. If they are there, there will be no special panic. Suddenly something third will appear. The third one will be mysterious, suddenly dangerous and will arouse fear. It reminds me of X, but X placed "flat".

People will make a solution of two liquids... (...) They will pour the liquids into one, mix it and drink it. I don't know why they will do this.

Where "this thing" prevails, people will pay attention to birds, perhaps to animals, but I mainly associate them with birds. Where there are dead birds, people will consider this place dangerous. You'll have to be careful there, you won't be allowed to stay there. This will be a sign. Something that affects birds will also affect people.

It's a matter of months, maybe a year? People's immunity will change completely. This is what will be talked about. It will change for the worse. The only thing we will be afraid of is that it won't spread like the flu, (...) it will be mysterious, it will spread for no apparent reason. There will be places where it isn't, there will be places where it is. And we won't really know where it comes from and how it happens.

This is the period when it begins. And it will take 3.5 years. And 3.5 years since the beginning of the plague are also coming to an end [KS: During the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, he felt that it would last 3.5 years]. The second stage begins, and it will be much more grim.

Let me tell you something. Health. Life. This will be the main topic we will talk about. (...) The time is coming when a person's dream will be to be healthy. People on average will have so little of this health. This is very strange. So I have to say on the channel that it is "very strange". This is not strange, this is the result of [silence]... It will grow, there will be a moment when it will grow like an avalanche, and it will become a social problem. And we will be told very different things. (...) We will learn about absurd things so that people will not rebel, even if the topic of UFOs is to be used.

Encore un grand merci KS pour le partage, divertissement ou non, c'est une information, et c'est bon à savoir, La Connaissance Protège...

Many thanks again KS for sharing, entertainment or not, it's information, and it's good to know, Knowledge Protects...
Where "this thing" prevails, people will pay attention to birds, perhaps to animals, but I mainly associate them with birds. Where there are dead birds, people will consider this place dangerous. You'll have to be careful there, you won't be allowed to stay there. This will be a sign. Something that affects birds will also affect people.

It's a matter of months, maybe a year? People's immunity will change completely. This is what will be talked about. It will change for the worse. The only thing we will be afraid of is that it won't spread like the flu, (...) it will be mysterious, it will spread for no apparent reason. There will be places where it isn't, there will be places where it is. And we won't really know where it comes from and how it happens.
Hmm... infectious aerosols sprayed over entire cities? At least we've had a 'sabbatical' year between two pandemics to recharge our batteries! I frequently watch how birds behave when they 'assemble' and 'reassemble' themselves in the sky. It gives an indication of the energies around certain areas. There are places over which you will never see them fly, as if they followed some very specific 'energy lines.' Maybe it's related to the levels of electromagnetism?

Speaking of magnetism...
(Joe) What is actually happening in the arms of these people who become magnetic after an mRNA vaccine?
A: Hematies.
Q: (Pierre) The cells containing iron.
A: Yes

Q: (L) So it causes something in the body's own iron to collect?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Is something sequestering the iron?
(Pierre) Because iron sticks to the vaccines, and if you have iron in your body it won't stick to iron. How is this hematie magnetized?
A: Magnetite.

Q: (Pierre) Magnetite is a rock that's naturally magnetic, but...
(Joe) Does that mean it's in the vaccine?
(L) Is it in the vaccine, or is it something that accumulates from within the body itself?
A: Body.
Q: (L) Is there something psychic about it?
A: Yes

Q: (L) So it's not purely a physiological reaction?
A: No. Nano particles act as antennae for strange waves which then send signals to the body inducing modification on the next level of physicality.

Q: (PoB) What are strange waves?
(Pierre) We have to assume that in the next level of physicality, entities are magnetic.
(L) Now, what?
(Joe) What do they mean by 'next level of physicality'?
A: So that 3D tech can then operate more efficiently. It does not work as well with everyone it is used on.
Q: (Joe) Strange waves... I dunno.
(L) What do you mean by 'strange waves'?
A: Nothing in 3D is relatable.
Q: (L) So it's like a 4D wave... Are you saying this is like a 4D wave that, by way of these nanoparticles, is able to cross the border between 4D and 3D?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) So are they saying that the magnetism is ultimately like paraphysical in a sense? The weird thing is how any function in your body can produce such a strong magnetism from a tiny little... 1 mL of whatever...
A: There is much about the body that is still unknown.

Q: (Joe) So there are things that the body can do or produce that can be switched on by these strange waves that are received by nanoparticles in the vaccine.
A: DNA can be upregulated in specific regions and perform specialized functions.
Q: (Andromeda) What's the difference between the people this works on and the people that it doesn't?
A: Usually DNA damage.
So there is this on/off phenomenon related to DNA. No wonder city-life is so detrimental to health (strobe lights, loud noises, toxic air, frustration, carelessness, tall buildings, artificial designs, ideological banners/ads, etc), especially with 'concentrated' clusters of people operating on low frequency... a recipe for disaster... the zombification of society!
Hmm... infectious aerosols sprayed over entire cities?
But do they need that? They opened a can of worms with the vaccines. No doubt there will be new vaccination campaigns with the "updated" shots. Side effects of those are VERY wide, from the top of my head:
  • anaphylactic shock
  • neutropenia & latent virus activation
  • blood clotting
  • various autoimmune diseases (from skin rashes through myocarditis to Bell's palsy)
  • stem cell elimination
  • ADE (also via desensitization)
  • prion-like diseases
  • gut microbiota dysregulation
  • constant spike protein production via the host's genome reverse transcription
  • constant spike protein production via the host's microbiota genome reverse transcription
So those "mysterious" outbreaks might mean just another toxic LOT of vaxxes or a local COVID-19 one, amplified by ADE (something they won't be able to admit to). Now imagine dead birds from the earth changes, and the media pointing at their carcasses. Panic ensured. Mosquitoes, aliens, all but vaxxes.

So there is this on/off phenomenon related to DNA. No wonder city-life is so detrimental to health (strobe lights, loud noises, toxic air, frustration, carelessness, tall buildings, artificial designs, ideological banners/ads), especially with 'concentrated' clusters of people operating on low frequency... a recipe for disaster... the zombification of society!
This reminds me of something that Jackowski told here:
Something is going to happen with some people. As if they will get torsions. There will be talk of a new disease, something new. It is stupid for sure, but if something like this starts to happen, it's best to be in the forest ...
Could it be that this will be exacerbated by the weakening magnetic field and stronger solar influence in this regard? Boy, those speculations are giving me the creeps.
But do they need that? They opened a can of worms with the vaccines. No doubt there will be new vaccination campaigns with the "updated" shots. Side effects of those are VERY wide, from the top of my head:
  • anaphylactic shock
  • neutropenia & latent virus activation
  • blood clotting
  • various autoimmune diseases (from skin rashes through myocarditis to Bell's palsy)
  • stem cell elimination
  • ADE (also via desensitization)
  • prion-like diseases
  • gut microbiota dysregulation
  • constant spike protein production via the host's genome reverse transcription
  • constant spike protein production via the host's microbiota genome reverse transcription
So those "mysterious" outbreaks might mean just another toxic LOT of vaxxes or a local COVID-19 one, amplified by ADE (something they won't be able to admit to). Now imagine dead birds from the earth changes, and the media pointing at their carcasses. Panic ensured. Mosquitoes, aliens, all but vaxxes.

This reminds me of something that Jackowski told here:

Could it be that this will be exacerbated by the weakening magnetic field and stronger solar influence in this regard? Boy, those speculations are giving me the creeps.

Thanks for the share, KS. The discussion of birds reminds me of the bio labs in Ukraine, where migratory birds were being 'intelligently designed' to carry pathogens. This kinda aresearch is most likely happening elsewhere in the world, too. This could be what Krzystof is picking up on.
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