Krzysztof Jackowski - Polish Clairvoyant

Thank you KS! We know and M. Krzystof knows or suspect that it is the "vaccine" that will be the cause of so many deaths. Again he talked about the "kool-aid" so maybe they will tell people that they need to take a liquid medicine for the terrible thing that is coming, but what it is inside the liquid that's the mystery.

We will see. The important thing is to take care of ourselves, work on ourselves, and be aware of what is around us, To feel tenderness with the others. I mean the people who have received the injection.

Again and again, thank you KS! :flowers:
"Inflation is under control, the economy is improving," they say in the news.
How long will this circus last? :shock:

I think we are approaching the point where "they" will let the economy intentionally crash. Lockdowns are a big part of the preperation for this. But then, i thought "the crash" would had been coming much more early. I did underestimate how long you can artificially prolong a crash.
Z zainteresowaniem czytam także to forum i grupę na FB Analizujemy wizje które podał Krzysztof Jackowski , poza tym jestem w grupie brazylijskiej O OLHO QUE VIU O AMANHÃ. Tam także psychiczny dżentelmen Valter Ferreira ma wizje. W celu zapobiegania (NIE lekarstwo) SARScov-2 kazał żuć płatek róży 3 razy dziennie (zimą zamraża się go w pojemniku), a następnie wypluwać. 30. rujna 2022. okłosił, że za 729 dana (jesienią 2024.) nadjedzie nowa epidemia i że rok 2025 będzie dla niej straszny. A co najważniejsze twierdzi, że lekarstwem jest mniszek lekarski, czyli herbata z mniszka lekarskiego .. Ech, gdyby to potwierdził także pan Krzysztof Jackowski, to nie baliby się przyszłej epidemii. Przepowiedział także epidemię covida, wojnę na Ukrainie i różne rzeczy. Pozdrowienia z Chorwacji. To zostało napisane przy pomocy Tłumacza Google.
Z zainteresowaniem czytam także to forum i grupę na FB Analizujemy wizje które podał Krzysztof Jackowski , poza tym jestem w grupie brazylijskiej O OLHO QUE VIU O AMANHÃ. Tam także psychiczny dżentelmen Valter Ferreira ma wizje. W celu zapobiegania (NIE lekarstwo) SARScov-2 kazał żuć płatek róży 3 razy dziennie (zimą zamraża się go w pojemniku), a następnie wypluwać. 30. rujna 2022. okłosił, że za 729 dana (jesienią 2024.) nadjedzie nowa epidemia i że rok 2025 będzie dla niej straszny. A co najważniejsze twierdzi, że lekarstwem jest mniszek lekarski, czyli herbata z mniszka lekarskiego .. Ech, gdyby to potwierdził także pan Krzysztof Jackowski, to nie baliby się przyszłej epidemii. Przepowiedział także epidemię covida, wojnę na Ukrainie i różne rzeczy. Pozdrowienia z Chorwacji. To zostało napisane przy pomocy Tłumacza Google.
From polish, this translate:

"I also read with interest this forum and the group on FB Analyze the visions that Krzysztof Jackowski gave , besides I am in the Brazilian group O OLHO QUE VIU O AMANHÃ. There also psychic gentleman Valter Ferreira has visions. For prevention (NOT a cure) SARScov-2 told to chew a rose petal 3 times a day (in winter you freeze it in a container) and then spit it out. On the 30th of FY 2022. he lambasted that a new epidemic will arrive in 729 dana (fall 2024.) and that 2025 will be a terrible year for it. And most importantly, he claims that the cure is dandelion, or dandelion tea .... Eh, if this was also confirmed by Mr. Krzysztof Jackowski, they would not be afraid of a future epidemic. He also predicted covid epidemic, war in Ukraine and various things. Greetings from Croatia. This was written with the help of Translator Google"

Hi @kako dalje, since this is your first post on the forum, it is customary to post an intoduction in the Newbies & Important Notices to All Members thread, as to allow all to get to know about you and recieve proper welcome and advice as how to navigate here if this is your will to share more on the subject. :-)

Since you posted in this language here's the polish version (Deepl):

"Ponieważ opublikowałeś w tym języku, oto polska wersja (Deepl):

Cześć @kako dalje, ponieważ jest to Twój pierwszy post na forum, zwyczajowo publikuje się wprowadzenie w wątku Nowicjusze i ważne informacje dla wszystkich członków, aby wszyscy mogli Cię poznać i otrzymać odpowiednie powitanie oraz porady, jak się tu poruszać, jeśli chcesz podzielić się więcej na ten temat. :-)"
Miłego dnia. Jestem wdzięczny, że trafiłem na to forum i dowiedziałem się o Panu Krzysztof Jackowski. Niestety jego filmy nie mają napisów, a na forum iw grupie FB wszystko, co powiedział, wrzucał do tłumacza Google. Dzięki członkom, my także poza Polską możemy dowiedzieć się przed czym ostrzega pan Krzysztof Jackowski.
From polish, this translate:

Hi @kako dalje, since this is your first post on the forum, it is customary to post an intoduction in the Newbies & Important Notices to All Members thread, as to allow all to get to know about you and recieve proper welcome and advice as how to navigate here if this is your will to share more on the subject. :-)

Since you posted in this language here's the polish version (Deepl):

"Ponieważ opublikowałeś w tym języku, oto polska wersja (Deepl):

Cześć @kako dalje, ponieważ jest to Twój pierwszy post na forum, zwyczajowo publikuje się wprowadzenie w wątku Nowicjusze i ważne informacje dla wszystkich członków, aby wszyscy mogli Cię poznać i otrzymać odpowiednie powitanie oraz porady, jak się tu poruszać, jeśli chcesz podzielić się więcej na ten temat. :-)"
Dziękuję za ostrzeżenie. Rozwiązałem swój błąd.
I've stumbled upon Clif High discussing with one of the members of the Future Forecasting Group that he picked up a signal that is off the charts, meaning that in his opinion there's something massive that could happen. This is kind of connected to the remote viewers from FFG having an anomalous session on September 10th. They have all gone off-target and started describing some catastrophic-like event situation. The main theme was energy impacting land, shockwaves, and people going to take shelter underground. Crazy stuff. This instantly reminded me of this vision (June 28th):
When I started this broadcast, something inside told me... "Tell them", that is you, "tell them that a cataclysm awaits us on earth, which the whole world will talk about that will be big". It will overshadow for a moment all the abnormality that we are currently living about couples. Of course, I'm afraid that this abnormality will come back after this. But still... I felt it very strongly. Maybe I didn't even feel it. It made me say something. As if something was behind me, it made me say it. To you. There may already be some suggestive feeling here, or maybe not. But when this cataclysm happens, we will appreciate the role of water. We will understand how important and necessary water is for us.
(...) Let me tell you one thing, I'm afraid of what came to me before the broadcast. I'm afraid that ... maybe now my subconscious, my brain shows me the images for "The Great Catastrophe", because I associate glass skyscrapers that break, fall apart. So it would happen in a big city, maybe in several cities, and they would be big cities, because these are skyscrapers, but I note that for me the essence of the feeling was what I told you before. "Tell them that a great cataclysm is approaching, so large that it will overshadow all the abnormalities that have been going on for a while". This is the essence.
(...) It's weird that this comes to my mind. Big city, big skyscrapers, glass skyscrapers. They break, they crumble. People, I see people walking like crazy. They don't know what to do with themselves, where to go, what to do. People are completely confused. (...) Maybe, but five, before five, or five fifteen, five forty-five. Five o'clock. Perhaps in the morning. Fifth. I'm not sure if it will be a natural event. But if it's a natural event, it's going to be extremely strong.
(...) The most, closest to me would be associated with an earthquake. But if it was an earthquake, it would be said to be unique. Or maybe it happened in a special place. Because it will be a place with a lot of buildings and people. And something will break in the area where it happens. There will be a lot of damage there. A lot of damage. Something will be damaged, which will further damage the environment. Something will get into the atmosphere. You won't be able to control it at first.
(...) Okay, I wouldn't want this thing to dominate this broadcast, but what came to me before the broadcast and what I associate with it is something very special. Here I am afraid that logic plays a role: it will be a "tectonic arrow". That's what the vision calls it. "Tectonic Arrow". I guess my brain is exaggerating it, because it's going to be an epochal catastrophe. Epochal.

Cliff High's video:

FFG's video:
I've stumbled upon Clif High discussing with one of the members of the Future Forecasting Group that he picked up a signal that is off the charts, meaning that in his opinion there's something massive that could happen. This is kind of connected to the remote viewers from FFG having an anomalous session on September 10th. They have all gone off-target and started describing some catastrophic-like event situation. The main theme was energy impacting land, shockwaves, and people going to take shelter underground. Crazy stuff. This instantly reminded me of this vision (June 28th):

Cliff High's video:

FFG's video:
I have not posted on this intriguing thread before but your most recent post has nudged me to mention something I experienced a few months ago, which may link with what you were talking about in your last post.

I have mentioned a few dreams I have had on the Forum before but this was not a dream. I was in bed settling down to sleep in the dark. I suddenly saw on the ceiling a vision as if it was being shown on a screen. What I saw was a massive explosion in the centre of North America that erupted up into the stratosphere. The explosion was massive. I repeat this was not a dream as I was still awake. I discussed it with my twin brother the next morning and he said he had had visions as if seen on a screen and that my sister, who lives in Seattle in America, had done so as well. Do I come form a psychic family. Well, possibly. My Irish grandmother certainly had clairvoyant powers and my younger daughter is very psychic (she frequently saw ghosts as a young girl, which disturbed her greatly).

Anyway, I have kept this to myself until now. I gave it much thought at the time and consider that it could possibly have been a pre-life screening memory (or an abduction memory - as many abductees speak of being shown apocalyptic images), as the C's have mentioned to Laura. A couple of exchanges in the transcripts come to mind here:
Q: (T) I received a dream one night, I saw what was presented to me, I would describe it as a holographic or virtual reality computer screen. It was a glowing outline of a screen and information scrolled past. The information was in different colors. There were a lot of different documents. The long documents I believe were some kind of technical references. It was just a black void; I wasn't even there; it was just there in front of me like I was watching a screen. There were red documents, very short, that I took to be some kind of statement, they scared me. I don't remember what they were. There were green documents, there were yellow documents. The outline of the screen changed the color of the documents as they scrolled through. There was a lot of them. I know I read all of them but I don't know what any of them said.


Q: (L) Well, you once told me to 'sit back and enjoy the show.' Does that mean I am going to 5th density soon?

A: Soon? Later? What is the difference? You were pre-screened before entrance into your present container.

Q: (A) What do you mean by 'pre-screened?'

A: You saw a preview, and you volunteered.

In my vision, I just saw imagery and no scrolling information as per Terry's dream and I was not in a dream state as he was. I wondered if it could have been a preview of a cometary strike on North America or the eruption of the Yellowstone super volcano (see: Yellowstone Caldera - Wikipedia). Another possibility is the Russian Tsar bomb, the most powerful nuclear device ever exploded (see: Tsar Bomba - Wikipedia). Whatever I saw, the scale of the eruption was so vast it seemed to cover most of central North America.

I have to add that my sister has also had more than one apocalyptic vision, in which she has seen the destruction of Seattle and much of North America. This reminds me of what the C's said here:

Session 22 July 2010:
A: Yes. We have mentioned a 5D city on a hill.

Q: (Perceval) Is this in reference to the ice age in terms of the blame that people give to the government and that causes the revolution?

A: There are a few more steps before an ice age. Some of them not very pleasant.

Q: (Perceval) Earthquakes, volcanoes, economic collapse...(Burma Jones) Mass starvation. (Perceval) Plague. (L) Crop failure.

A: All of those and more.

Anyway, I thought I would share this in case there is a connection with the epochal catastrophe you mentioned in your post

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Just to add to what I said above, in case people are not aware, but the C's have endorsed Cliff High's work, so we should take it seriously:

Session 5 August 2009:

Q: (L) Is Cliff High at onto something or not?

A: Definitely!

Watching the video where they speak of putting their work out there to try and prevent what they have foreseen happening reminds me of what the C's said recently in the 29 July 2023 session thread:​

A: Reality is open and plans change. Sometimes we give answers to prevent calamity. The PTB would not allow such a prediction to manifest as it would draw positive attention to this source and they wish to avoid that at all costs. In the case of the COVID fake pandemic it was already in motion and major plans were in place.

Q: (L) So you're saying that sometimes you tell us some things just to prevent it from happening, because you know they won't let it happen if you say it?

A: Yes
Two weeks ago, in a semi-awakened state, when I closed my eyes, I saw a huge rock fly over me, almost fully engulfing the sky as I looked up from an old, European-style alley. The vision lasted around 5 seconds. Here is a collage I made to illustrate the scene:
Well, I guess it was my turn to 'see the future.' Things are getting pretty serious...
I've stumbled upon Clif High discussing with one of the members of the Future Forecasting Group that he picked up a signal that is off the charts, meaning that in his opinion there's something massive that could happen. This is kind of connected to the remote viewers from FFG having an anomalous session on September 10th. They have all gone off-target and started describing some catastrophic-like event situation. The main theme was energy impacting land, shockwaves, and people going to take shelter underground. Crazy stuff. This instantly reminded me of this vision (June 28th):

Cliff High's video:

FFG's video:
The first video featuring a discussion between Clif High and Dick Algiers (from remote viewing) is very interesting. I’m half way through it and thought it cool to note that their perspective aligns closely with the FOTCM. I’ll keep going and may listen to it again. I think this material does indeed warrant some close attention. This should be posted in the thread for Clif High that already exists.
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