Krzysztof Jackowski - Polish Clairvoyant

They made an update on that, mentioning that it was also picked up by others (but without mentioning names):
I don't understand your question about who is broadcasting.

The people look serious but maybe they should stop doing remote view around 9/11. Also, maybe there is a question that we can ask the C's about if these groups of remote view are on something? But I bet the C's will answer "wait and see!". :-D
I don't understand your question about who is broadcasting.
Well, both Jackowski and them got guided to see some catastrophic event. In the case of Jackowski, there was "something" that he needed to tell the audience about it. That's why I'm thinking loudly, with a tongue in cheek, who is "broadcasting" to them... 4D STS to keep people preoccupied with some fluff or (finally) The Good Guys™? Or maybe that was a leak from another timeline or, unfortunately, something really is awaiting us in ours.

I guess there's no point in asking C's, they told us already, that the future will be "rocky", but is yet undermined. As for Jackowski, I've noticed that he started to use conditional expressions in his predictions recently. He had a few live streams about the Polish elections, and it was in the form of "if-then".

My primary motivation was to note that quite a few psychics caught something weird. Kind of like Rupert Sheldrake's idea of monitoring the behavior of animals to predict natural catastrophes. I guess, as the Wave progresses, we could expect more leaks of this kind.
Well, both Jackowski and them got guided to see some catastrophic event. In the case of Jackowski, there was "something" that he needed to tell the audience about it. That's why I'm thinking loudly, with a tongue in cheek, who is "broadcasting" to them... 4D STS to keep people preoccupied with some fluff or (finally) The Good Guys™? Or maybe that was a leak from another timeline or, unfortunately, something really is awaiting us in ours.

I guess there's no point in asking C's, they told us already, that the future will be "rocky", but is yet undermined. As for Jackowski, I've noticed that he started to use conditional expressions in his predictions recently. He had a few live streams about the Polish elections, and it was in the form of "if-then".

My primary motivation was to note that quite a few psychics caught something weird. Kind of like Rupert Sheldrake's idea of monitoring the behavior of animals to predict natural catastrophes. I guess, as the Wave progresses, we could expect more leaks of this kind.
Ok, now I understand your question. Thank you KS.
Q: (L) Is Cliff High at onto something or not?

A: Definitely!
He does seem to be onto something as far as his predictive algorithms go, perhaps correct in predicting the timing at least of some big events in the past. As far as some of the other things he says and talks about... I think he's fooling himself - some of it is really out there and he's just plain wrong sometimes.

Cliff seems fairly certain this is going to be a 'DEW attack' by the PTB. There are other possibilities.
Is Clif High being onto something more about his material predictions or more about his monitoring some sort of collective psychic process that influences the events that manifest?
A little of both perhaps, I am not sure he has specifically claimed that the collective psychic process influences the events that manifest. Some influence is real according to the C's I think.
I come from an Irish Catholic family background and my brother and sister sometimes send me links to Catholic articles and videos that portend disastrous events. Without gong into detail, many Catholics (and Protestants for that matter) claim to be having dreams and visions of upcoming global disasters. Indeed, many sincerely believe they are now living at the 'End of Days' with Judgment Day fast approaching.

I don't know if this adds any relevance to Christians having apocalyptic dreams and feeling as though they are living in the End of Days.

I was raised very religious and my particular flavor of Christianity taught that we were in fact, living in the End Times. This was in the 1970's and as a teenager I must have taken it to heart because back then I had quite a number of dreams where the world was ending and I was ready for the rapture thinking I would be spared from the pain of living through the tribulation.

I'm not to saying that everything is fine, because it's clearly not and I do believe that the average person feels this. But I think these apocalyptic dreams are psychological in nature rather than prophecy. We only have to look at reality to know know that something has got to give. And soon.
I don't know if this adds any relevance to Christians having apocalyptic dreams and feeling as though they are living in the End of Days.

I was raised very religious and my particular flavor of Christianity taught that we were in fact, living in the End Times. This was in the 1970's and as a teenager I must have taken it to heart because back then I had quite a number of dreams where the world was ending and I was ready for the rapture thinking I would be spared from the pain of living through the tribulation.

I'm not to saying that everything is fine, because it's clearly not and I do believe that the average person feels this. But I think these apocalyptic dreams are psychological in nature rather than prophecy. We only have to look at reality to know know that something has got to give. And soon.
I do understand what you are saying and believe their is truth in what you suggest. The Jehovah Witnesses, for example, have been prophesying the end of the world since the middle of the last century at least. It reminds me of a funny story I was told involving a Jehovah Witness who worked for an insurance company and was their record keeper in the archives room. Senior management found that records relating to future dates (for life policies etc.) were missing and could not explain why until they found the record keeper was not storing them, as he genuinely believed the world would have ended by then and so they would not be relevant. They didn't fire him but found him another role.

However, with Catholicism it is a bit different since the Church has always been opposed to what is called Millennialism (from the Latin millennium 'a thousand years') According to this belief, a Golden Age will occur or a Paradise will be established on Earth prior to the Last Judgment and the future eternal state of the "world to come".
The Catholic Church strongly condemns millennialism as the following statement by the future Pope Benedict XVI shows:

The Antichrist's deception already begins to take shape in the world every time the claim is made to realize within history that messianic hope which can only be realized beyond history through the eschatological judgment. The Church has rejected even modified forms of this falsification of the kingdom to come under the name of millenarianism, especially the "intrinsically perverse" political form of a secular messianism.
— Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1995, p. 194

Most Christian millennialist thinking is based upon the Book of Revelation, specifically Revelation 20, which describes the vision of an angel who descended from heaven with a large chain and a key to a bottomless pit, and captured Satan, imprisoning him for a thousand years:​

He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years and threw him into the pit and locked and sealed it over him, so that he would deceive the nations no more, until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be let out for a little while.
— Revelation 20:2–3
The Book of Revelation then describes a series of judges who are seated on thrones, as well as John's vision of the souls of those who were beheaded for their testimony in favour of Jesus and their rejection of the mark of the beast. These souls:

came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years. (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.) This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy are those who share in the first resurrection. Over these the second death has no power, but they will be priests of God and of Christ, and they will reign with him a thousand years
— Revelation 20:4–6
Prior to the Protestant Reformation in 1517, Catholic and Othrodox theologians had no clear or consensus view on what this actually meant (only the concept of the end of the world coming unexpectedly, "like a thief in a night", and the concept of "the antichrist" were almost universally held). Millennialist theories try to explain what this "1000 years of Satan bound in chains" would be like.

The expression "thief in the night" comes in scripture from 2 Peter 3:10 (King James Version):​

10. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.

And from St Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:2 (Douay-Rheims Bible):

For yourselves know perfectly, that the day of the Lord shall so come, as a thief in the night.

Incidentally, the C's used this concept of moving unexpectedly like a "thief in the night" in relation to the Rosicrucians when they moved suddenly to destroy the Knight Templar:
Q: Who or what brought about the end of the Knights of the Temple?

A: Rosicrucians move as a "thief in the night."

Hence, the Catholic Church although accepting of the scriptural Day of Judgment is opposed to the promotion of Millennialism and the Rapture, especially by members of the clergy. This would include Father Jim Blount, although in fairness he only spoke of the destruction of London and much of England in this case and not of the End of the World. His was not a dream either but supposedly a message from the Blessed Virgin Mary (which opens up another can of worms given what the C's have said about this :-) ).

The situation is more complicated today since there are many sincere Catholics who have deep reservations about the present Pope Francis and his teachings, which seem to align more with things the secular UN (and thus the NWO) are promoting. He is an ardent supporter of ecological concerns (more so than spiritual ones it seems at times) and he was also fervent in promoting the Covid 19 vaccine taking the line that it verged on being sinful to reject it. Many suspect he harbours sympathies with his fellow South American Jesuit fathers who promoted pseudo Marxist teachings in what is called Liberation Theology, which the late Pope Benedict XVI as Cardinal Ratzinger cracked down on. Pope Francis is bitterly opposed by conservative and traditional Catholics, especially by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò the former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States (2011-2016) - see Carlo Maria Viganò - Wikipedia.

Archbishop Vigano is today looked upon as a wild conspiracy theorist but when you see what he has to say, you will note that his statements do align quite closely with things the C's have told us:
Viganò had circulated an appeal he wrote and posted on the website Veritas Liberabit Vos in which he criticized "disproportionate and unjustifiable restrictions" on the "exercise of freedom of worship, expression and movement" enacted during the COVID-19 pandemic, saying it was "social engineering" and "subtle forms of dictatorship" that violated "inalienable rights of citizens and their fundamental freedoms" and were a "disturbing prelude to the realization of a world government beyond all control". He cast doubt on the "contagiousness, danger and resistance of the virus". He said that "foreign powers" and "shady interests" were interfering in domestic affairs and were part of a "plot to create a world government" that "would result in the permanent imposition of unacceptable forms of restriction on freedoms".

In his June 7, 2020 letter to then-President Donald Trump, which was published on LifeSiteNews,[ Viganò made "apocalyptic claims about a looming spiritual battle and a globalist conspiracy pursuing a one-world government", according to the Catholic News Agency. Viganò said that Catholic bishops who support George Floyd protests associated with Black Lives Matter, were aligned with the New World Order conspiracy, and that they invoked the Masonic "universal brotherhood" — also part of the new world order plot. He described the protests and the COVID-19 restrictions and lockdowns as a Biblical struggle between light and dark, urging President Trump to fight against the deep state in the United States, which included responding to the protests. Viganò alleged that the protests were organized by now President Joe Biden who embodies the deep state goals. President Trump responded favourably to the letter in a Tweet and encouraged everyone to read Viganò's letter.

Journalists, from Radio Canada, The New York Times and historian and theologian Massimo Faggioli, traced the link between President Trump and Viganò, to the archbishop's appointment in 2011 as Nuncio to the United States. In 2008, when President Obama was elected, American Catholics had increased their influence through their alliance with the Tea Party, according to Faggioli. Faggioli said that in Washington over the next five years, Viganò "forged close ties" with the a "militant fringe" of traditionalist Catholics and gradually embraced conspiracy theories. When Pope Francis became Pope, some Catholics in the United States believed it was part of a globalist elite plot to liberalize the Catholic Church. Faggioli said that Trump had popularized and normalized the conspiracy theories, so that when Viganò published of a series of letters with strong conspiratorial overtones from May to October 2020, Trump's "most ardent Catholic supporters" had adhered to Viganò's messages.

In a July 2020 interview, Viganò accused Pope Francis of following the 'homosexual agenda of the New World Order'.

On October 30, 2020, Viganò wrote another letter to President Trump which framed the World Economic Forum's Great Reset initiative within the context of the New World Order global conspiracy theory "against God and humanity". He said the Great Reset was led by the "global élite" who wanted to "subdue" humanity using "coercive measures" to "limit individual freedoms". Viganò said the price of a promised basic universal income from the International Monetary Fund would be the "renunciation of private property". He warned that a digital ID, a health passport, and Bill Gates' vaccination would become mandatory, and refusal to comply would result in internment. Viganò said that the lockdowns in the early months of 2021 were part of the activation of the Great Reset. Viganò said in the October 30 letter that then President Trump represented the "final garrison against the world dictatorship" and that the United States represented a "defending wall" in a "war" against globalists, such as the President of the United States Joe Biden, Pope Francis (whom Viganò addresses as simply Jorge Mario Bergoglio), Italy's Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, France's President Emmanuel Macron, and Spain's Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez.

Pope Francis is extremely opposed to the Traditional Catholic wing of the Church and has reversed his predecessor's actions in promoting the old Latin Tridentine rite of Mass (BTW there is a Forum thread on this) more widely in the Church. In contrast Vigano is very favourable towards it:
In June 2020, Viganò said that the Second Vatican Council ushered in a schism where a false church exists within the Catholic Church alongside what he considers to be the true church. "The errors of the post-conciliar period were contained in nuce in the Conciliar Acts," he said. Viganò criticized the interreligious activities of Pope John Paul II and especially of Pope Francis, seeking to link actions undertaken during their pontificates to what he perceived to be errors or ambiguities in the council. "If the pachamama could be adored in a church, we owe it to Dignitatis humanae [Vatican II's Declaration on Religious Freedom] [...]. If the Abu Dhabi Declaration was signed, we owe it to Nostra aetate [Vatican II's Declaration on non-Christian religions]", he said.

In response to Traditionis custodes, a document issued by Pope Francis in July 2021 which imposed restrictions on the Tridentine Mass, Viganò called Francis a "non-Catholic pope".

As to the Pachamama incident -see here: Did Pope Francis defend Pachamama idolatry at Vatican in new Amazon synod exhortation? - LifeSite. Quoting from that article:
In section 70, Pope Francis states that the Church “needs to listen” to the “ancestral wisdom” of the Amazon region. He states that the Church needs to “listen once more to the voice of its [Amazon] elders.”

In section 82 Pope Francis suggests that the Church’s liturgy can be developed through an appreciation of “the experience of indigenous peoples in their contact with nature.” He writes: “we can take up into the liturgy many elements proper to the experience of indigenous peoples in their contact with nature, and respect native forms of expression in song, dance, rituals, gestures and symbols. The Second Vatican Council called for this effort to inculturate the liturgy among indigenous peoples; over fifty years have passed and we still have far to go along these lines.”

Hmmm, that doesn't sound very Catholic to me and yet, as Pope, he is supposed to be the chief defender of the faith when teaching on faith and morals.

Apologies for going into such detail here but I want to bring home why elements in the Catholic Church are now adopting a more Millennialist tone even though this goes against Church teaching. There are even some extreme Catholics who see Pope Francis as the prophet of the Antichrist, the Man of Perdition (although I appreciate that some Protestants see all popes as being the Antichrist). You can see a flavour of this here: St Bridget Prophecies about the End Times and birth of Antichrist.

Indeed, there have been a whole plethora of Catholic prophecies concerning the End Times, which are not well known - see Catholic Prophecy, End Times Bible Prophecies, Apocalypse Predictions. I will single out just one since it comes from a pope in whose reign I was born:
Pope Pius XII (1876–1958)
There were occasional rumuors of visions and "angelic" phenomena associated with Pius XII during the entire duration of his papacy (1939-58). After one of these mystical visions he reportedly told one of his assistants, “Mankind must prepare itself for sufferings such as it has never before experienced.” He expressed dismay at what he saw facing humanity in the not so distant future, describing those times as “the darkest since the deluge.

In October, Pope Francis is due to host a general synod of the bishops of the Church, which may bring in radical reforms that could mark a further departure from the Church's traditional teachings on such things as remarriage and could even lead to an open schism between the radical arm of the Church and the conservative wing. If so, this would be an unprecedented event not seen since the Great Schism with the Eastern Church and the Protestant Reformation - See: Pope: Synod Assembly of Bishops to be held in 2023 and 2024 - Vatican News

I attach a video of a supposed prophecy of St Bridget of Sweden concerning an evil pope who will come in the End Times - see: Saint Bridget of Sweden visions of evil pope - Bing video

Some have even linked this prophecy to Pope Francis whose election came about in mysterious circumstances when Benedict XVI suddenly resigned supposedly on grounds of ill health after pressure was brought to bear on him by a NWO cabal that included, inter alia, Henry Kissinger, George Soros, the Clintons, Obama, Angela Merkel and John Podesta. A group of prominent US Catholic leaders even sent a letter to President Trump urging him to launch an official investigation into the activities of George Soros, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton (and others) who they allege were involved in orchestrating Catholic Spring that resulted in their goal of “regime change” in the Vatican - see MORE EVIDENCE POPE BENEDICT’S RESIGNATION WAS FORCED

Anyway, food for thought​
Yes, he has an interesting back story. I had to disagree also with what he and Dick Algiers said about timelines. The C's would certainly not agree with their view. For example:
A bit of an offtopic, but I started to really dislike the timeline thing, I just can't exactly get my finger around what's wrong with it. It gives the same kind of vibes as multiverses, with people using it mainly as a copt-out to describe things they do not understand and explain logical paradoxes that in reality might not exist at all. It's as if we were given a clue and instead of following through, we got stuck on an unimportant detail and keep running in circles.

For all we know, the Cs might be using "timelines" the same way they used "DNA strands", or simply because there is no better word to describe a phenomenon that we don't even have a concept of (if "there is no time", then what exactly is a "timeline"? 🤔 ). And then, if we understand it one day, we'll be like "well, technically, they weren't wrong calling those as timelines... but still...".
A bit of an offtopic, but I started to really dislike the timeline thing, I just can't exactly get my finger around what's wrong with it. It gives the same kind of vibes as multiverses, with people using it mainly as a copt-out to describe things they do not understand and explain logical paradoxes that in reality might not exist at all. It's as if we were given a clue and instead of following through, we got stuck on an unimportant detail and keep running in circles.

For all we know, the Cs might be using "timelines" the same way they used "DNA strands", or simply because there is no better word to describe a phenomenon that we don't even have a concept of (if "there is no time", then what exactly is a "timeline"? 🤔 ). And then, if we understand it one day, we'll be like "well, technically, they weren't wrong calling those as timelines... but still...".
Might be a good question to pose to the C's in a future session.
I saw that article today and found out you have a thread on this topic here. I'll copy the article here for those who don't like to click on links. There might be some interesting clues in there.

Before 2023 is complete, a major world-changing event will occur, remote viewers warn
Before 2023 is complete, a major world-changing event will occur, remote viewers warn – will it be the RAPTURE? –

A psychic phenomenon known as remote viewing is predicting that a major world-changing event will occur before the end of 2023.
Remote viewing groups like the Future Forecasting Group, which uses a double-blind protocol to scientifically validate its predictions about the future, say that very calamitous things are on the way – and that a shift into a new age looks to be on the horizon before 2024 arrives.

The Future Forecasting Group, by the way, successfully predicted the Panama Canal bottleneck being blamed on regional drought conditions. It also predicted the destruction of the Kakhovka Dam in Ukraine; the Halloween stampede in South Korea; police violence at the Canadian trucker protests; and various other noteworthy events.

Concerning the next financial crisis, the Future Forecasting Group has been assigned to use its double-blind protocol to come up with a future prediction. All of its members ended up becoming distracted by "overpowering images of a catastrophic event" occurring in the very near future.

"They all saw the same thing," writes Greg Reese on his Substack. "Massive explosions with multiple points of impact, small particles, and debris falling from the sky, people sick with Cesium, which is the most dangerous of all radioactive isotopes. Used in Dirty Bomb scenarios. They saw police checkpoints, people seeking shelter underground, and an exodus of sad-looking people."

What do you think the major event of 2023 will be?
Remote viewing has been used throughout time to speculate about future events, many of which did come true. The technique has been used to populate predictive linguistics programs that look for repeated words and phrases in all languages to create a macroscopic view of what is on people's minds and in their consciousness.

Call it a psychic ability, a premonition, or prophetic awareness, but the fact remains that some people can sense the occurrence of major events before they take place. And some are even able to determine what these major events will look like before they even occur.

"The bigger the trauma, the more people would be emoting their anxiety online," Reese explains. "And keywords can be found."

This tension language, as he calls it, is what constitutes the psychic awareness of an event occurring before it actually occurs. And remote viewers everywhere are seeing a major calamitous change occurring before the end of the year – what do you think it will be?

"I don't think we need remote viewers to see the immediate future," wrote one commenter on Reese's blog, explaining that she only has trust "in our Creator and Jesus Christ."

"It is very obvious what these demons are planning."

"This event may be the escape rapture, for I was given a vision about the rapture over 40 years ago," wrote another. "I saw multiple fireballs from a landing area up in space overlooking the earth below. It ended with one large comet hitting the ocean."

"Very similar to Tom Horn's book 'Wormwood,' Revelation 12 may happen at any time," this person added. "The marriage supper of the Lamb starts up and satan gets kicked out of the second heaven and comes to earth to take over the body of the antichrist and rule for 3.5 or 7 years."

"The Holy Spirit is taken from the earth at the same time that Planet X's debris trail hits the earth. We will all know about it the day after, but that day it will be too late. Most will miss the boat, if you even survive the fireballs and kill shot."
The latest one, enjoy (or rather not)!


He has such a negative attitude towards people, but not in a bad sense, he just holds a grudge that most people are hopelessly stupid. I'm not saying that, but I'm saying what he feels. This doesn't have to be true.

(...) Effectively removed from power. (...) So the case is presented in the United States in such a way that he also knows that he is effectively removed from power. Will not come back. It won't go back to what it was.

(...) The world is facing a blow. The world is facing a huge biological blow. Not the whole world. Several countries. This is the kind of graph I get. They seem to be connected to each other by lines, but there are several of them. The world is not cooperating on this issue. The whole world. Many leaders from many countries, if they secretly know about it, are afraid of it. But he is also afraid of opposition.

(...) These countries have the ability to conduct electroterror. Electroterror. When they turn on the machines, the victims will hear a hissing sound. I know it's abstract what I'm saying, but I'm really focusing honestly. These will be such impulses. It won't be this electro thing all the time, it won't be on and on all the time. There will be such hisses, such impulses, given from time to time.
When this electroterror begins, being isolated on Earth will be the only solution. (...) So, understanding him, when it starts and there are victims, it won't... You will have to dig a hole in the Earth to hide.
(...) Ladies and Gentlemen, electronics, electricity, this is what we will be afraid of. Perhaps there will be something else, but electronics and electricity, we will be afraid of this when we hear and see the victims. Electroterrorism. A very dangerous invention.

(...) This is some kind of abstraction, but when it happens, because it will be impulses, they will be there from time to time... You can't have anything metal with you. Avoid contact with metal. (...) This hiss, these pulses will cause the protein to suddenly curdle, but it was supposed to work somehow, because it won't work en masse, it will work selectively. That's why it's called electroterrorism.

Donald Trump. People moved away from him. He had some evidence of it. There was a moment when he was supported by a group of people around him, but it was so broken that even those people around him moved away.

You see that this is supposed to be selective. Maybe it has to do with some kind of electrical impulse or something similar to electricity, which let's say... (...) Lem, if he were alive, would tap his forehead if he heard my words, but I feel strange about this man [Trump].

(...) It will not have its power if there is someone in the ground, not buried in the ground, just in the ground, in some hole, in the ground dug up. I don't want to believe that something like this could ever happen, but that's what I felt from this man.


(...) When I focus on Netanyahu, it is a part of Europe that has been carved out. Countries such as Romania, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, perhaps Lithuania, are separated from the rest of Europe by their borders. But this is a withdrawn Europe, the Western one and active for Netanyahu, i.e. the countries I mentioned, including Poland, are active for Netanyahu.
The rest is withdrawn, i.e. inactive, i.e. Europe, which is separating itself from what is coming.


(...) Ladies and Gentlemen, this is about securing the borders for what is about to happen. Not for what's going on. (...) The actions of Germany, and perhaps later not only of Germany, are perhaps, under some pretext, protecting the borders between Europe, which has separated itself from certain events that will take place in the near future, and the countries that are in Europe , and which are active according to Netanyahu. I have the feeling that these are the first steps towards such a wise separation.

Food gathering. I have the impression that he is focusing on stockpiling food. Ladies and Gentlemen, it looks like something is about to happen. Now.


(...) I don't have the feeling that Putin is focused only on what is happening in Ukraine. There is a much bigger issue here, a bigger thing in the world. And this thing will happen. And I'll tell you one thing. He is afraid of it, he is afraid. Not only him. If he is afraid of it, he will not be the perpetrator.


I do not know why. Maybe I'm being suggestive, but... Just this year. This grayness is not good. Unless I'm giving in to some suggestion, but it's still this year.


I don't understand this. This is what it would look like if everything went according to plan. And I thought, like him, what does he think about the possibility of control, at least control at the Poland-Germany borders? A sense of satisfaction and everything is going according to plan.

(...) Everything goes according to plan. And Rzeszów is prepared. And after the elections, the government will be surprised. The government will have to play a surprise scene. I'm not saying immediately after the elections, but shortly after the elections.

Ladies and Gentlemen, something is happening. Something big is hanging in the air.


(...) He is sure of the dark times. I'm afraid that sometimes I might be discouraged by the suggestions about this dark time... (...) He is sure of the dark time, because for some reason it has to happen already.
It is this understanding, I have had this understanding several times in my feelings that certain things have to happen. That there is no turning back from these things. And it's not about the common sense in the world. Certain things must happen now, because the threshold has been crossed and there is no going back.

The latest one, enjoy (or rather not)!
For a moment, I hallucinated and read "The last one, enjoy (or rather not)!" and got really scared. 😨
When this electroterror begins, being isolated on Earth will be the only solution. (...) So, understanding him, when it starts and there are victims, it won't... You will have to dig a hole in the Earth to hide.
What a great way for Undergrounders to act as "saviors!" :whistle:
"Come here, you'll be safe in our caves!"
(...) This is some kind of abstraction, but when it happens, because it will be impulses, they will be there from time to time... You can't have anything metal with you. Avoid contact with metal. (...) This hiss, these pulses will cause the protein to suddenly curdle, but it was supposed to work somehow, because it won't work en masse, it will work selectively. That's why it's called electroterrorism.
Hmm... remember when the PTB tried to target Slavic genes with the spike protein... bioterrorism. And now... electroterrorism?
I think awareness will play a decisive role in the "final" battle against dark forces. May the Force (DNA) be with you all! 🙏
Well, when he spoke about electronic warfare, I immediately thought about 5G. 5G covers mostly big cities, so I guess it would be safer in rural areas in general. Let me put on my tinfoil hat and describe why... 5G uses a matrix of antennas to perform "beamforming"; in short, it shoots a bundle of microwaves in your direction. Of course, it makes perfect sense for the bandwidth and power efficacy that it tries to achieve. 5G is even smart enough to follow moving devices, as demonstrated here:
Now, who knows what else they've installed in some of the antennas. Or maybe even some of them could be hijacked and emit beams at much higher powers? Another option would be, given that 5G has a very precise location estimate because of that, given that every tower or other 5G equipment has GPS coordinates, one could precisely track the person in real-time because people carry a smartphone in their pocket. Such precise locations can be used by satellites to fry brains... All of that can be automated via a list of phone or IMEI numbers. And there's some infrastructure testing on the 4th of October, right? Sounds like low-budget sci-fi, but who knows?
What a great way for Undergrounders to act as "saviors!" :whistle:
"Come here, you'll be safe in our caves!"
I think that he meant that you just need to be grounded. I also remember that he said that some people will have "torsions". It seems a natural movement, when someone is trying to fry you via microwaves :whistle: And that the safest place to be will be forrest. No antennas on trees I suppose, eh?
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