Krzysztof Jackowski - Polish Clairvoyant

Merci beaucoup KS pour le partage, je me demande si la réincarnation est une obligation ou seulement un choix de l'âme ?...
Il me semble que je ne voudrai pas revenir sur cette terre, d'ailleurs après avoir fait des recherches dans mes vies précédentes et dans l'espace entre deux vies avec "Patrick Drouot" INREES | Patrick Drouot : Physicien spécialiste des états d'expansion de conscience , je sais que je ne voulais pas revenir mais des êtres de Lumière ont braqué un faisceau lumineux qui partait de leurs chakras vers le mien et j'ai su qu'il me fallait revenir mais ce n'était pas mon désir...

Thank you very much KS for sharing, I wonder if reincarnation is an obligation or only a choice of the soul?...
It seems to me that I would not want to return to this earth, moreover after having done research in my previous lives and in the space between two lives with "Patrick Drouot", I know that I did not want to come back but beings of Light aimed a beam of light which went from their chakras towards mine and I knew that I had to come back but that was not my desire ...
Thank you KS. Very interesting session. I remember the airplane accident. What a horrible tragedy. published at that time some articles, and this one by Joe Quinn:

About Andrzej Lepper there is also something at

When you hear that a politician is dead, and they say about him about some sex scandal, hmmm, it is suspicious of his natural dead. I think so.
The United States will start something suddenly. (...) Perhaps the United States and certain countries will suddenly take some action in relation to what is happening in the world right now. But we will not know about this action until the last moment. It will look like the world is in a stalemate and nothing threatens us. But I have a feeling there will be a retaliation. And that will be a very specific retaliation. We are in danger of a world war. Please do not confuse the word "world" with the war that is taking place in Ukraine. I keep pointing out that this is not the war that is the prelude to this war, among other things, also the war in Ukraine, but this is not the war that I felt that "shortly before the big war in the world, people in Poland and in Europe they will be afraid to breathe". Unfortunately, this war is yet to come.

It will start because of some very unusual provocation. Well, it will be used on a massive scale in some part of the world, I don't know what to call it, whether it's a biological weapon, possibly a bacterial, viral weapon. This will be considered a great provocation.

It's not the US that will retaliate. It will be under the patronage of the United States, but the United States and rather the United States will participate in it, but it will not be America that will declare this war. This war will be declared by a much smaller small state. And this small country will justify this war with its own interests, its own security. This war is going to spoil the plans for what is happening in the world right now. It will be so structured that it will be hard for America, the United States itself blame for what happens, because they will not be the decision maker of this war.

I cannot say whether there will be a problem with oil before the war or with this war when it breaks out there will be an oil problem, but an oil problem will paralyze part of the world.

It will be a local war, but much bigger than in Ukraine, much more severe than in Ukraine. The great powers, at least initially, will not move this. Realizing that this war may become very intense and spread throughout the world. But it would consist of what I have been telling you for a long time, what I felt in my visions, that first there will be one war, then a second war will break out. These two wars will be essentially independent of each other. One of them will get out of control and this will cause a major world war to break out. That's how I felt a long time ago and I told you that on my show. When this war suddenly breaks out, it is important that this second war breaks out in such a way that, to give an example, we go to sleep, and it is difficult to say that the world is normal. (...) We wake up in the morning and we already know about far-reaching military operations in a specific place .But it will all start from Beirut. Important, that's what I felt.
In view of the recent events in Israel-Palestine, this fragment suddenly becomes relevant. Remember Hezbollah is in Lebanon.
From the same session, Israel's counterattack could be unprecedented, if it causes such panic regarding the economy:
There will be a huge impact that will last a few hours and there will be silence. (...) But the world will be shocked, the world will fear worse things. Then there will certainly be panic in the world, both economically, in terms of raw materials and financially. This first attack will not trigger international reactions, which means the world will not fight against each other. This will be the first stage of this sudden, unexpected war.

This will cause great panic in some countries, but at this point, how will this attack happen and there will be silence after this attack, i.e. after a couple of hours of attack, the world will suddenly begin to threaten itself, and the second time, finally, bring up the conversation. The situation will be so tense that various important politicians in the world will call for talks. That is, they will be afraid that there may be a powerful military escalation in the world.
I'm wondering about the oil problem that he mentioned. Over the weekend I was talking with a friend that talked to an engineer in a Polish refinery. He told him that the problem with gas prices is not that there's no oil, but refinery output. The imported oil is different from than Russian one, so they needed to change some of the processes, and they are producing less "useful byproducts". So now add to that possible shortages...
Fresh Jackowski from today ;-)
  • It will be about "poison" (literally or figuratively) and it will be a great scandal. [Netanyahu]
  • What's happening now is "3 days of intro". [Netanyahu]
  • The "3 days of into" is time for the possibility of peace talks. (He feels that this could be about Russia) [Netanyahu]
  • In retaliation, Israel is able to retaliate against two countries. Maybe it's about Iran, but only industry, military sectors. [Netanyahu]
  • A damaged government building or other politically important building, a dramatic moment. [Netanyahu]
  • "It might just start to get dark". [Biden]
  • Several countries are ready. If America were to get involved, it would be at the very end. [Biden]
  • "We have no choice, they want to cut us off". (from fuel? - he wasn't sure about it) [Biden]
  • “Invading the Saudis”. [Erdogan]
  • They are "waiting for a signal" that may or may not happen. He is confused. [Duda]
  • (He feels that this is nonsense, but) Thursday 4:00 p.m., this signal will be on until then. [Duda]
  • It's about taking over influence in the Middle East. [Putin]
  • Putin thinks that this influence is being taken over by China and Russia, and the West will try to restore it by force. [Putin]
  • According to him (Putin), this threatens nuclear war. [Putin]
Fresh Jackowski from today ;-)

  • Several countries are ready. If America were to get involved, it would be at the very end. [Biden]
Does he means ready for total war?

Thank KS, interesting about the "poison". Again this subject is coming. When he says "figuratively" maybe he means propaganda? Propaganda is a poison.

One question: what Duda means? In Spanish, duda means doubt. Is it in that sense, or Duda is the name of someone?
Does he means ready for total war?

Thank KS, interesting about the "poison". Again this subject is coming. When he says "figuratively" maybe he means propaganda? Propaganda is a poison.

One question: what Duda means? In Spanish, duda means doubt. Is it in that sense, or Duda is the name of someone?
He is President of Poland Loreta.

Does he means ready for total war?
Sorry, I just wrote literally what he said, sometimes he's cryptic and his Polish isn't top-notch either ;) He hasn't mentioned that in the session, but I'm fairly sure that he meant some kind of participation. For example, Poland could participate as a military logistics hub, as it has been for the last two years. Perhaps even by sending troops as it was in the case of Iraq for "stabilization purposes".

When he says "figuratively" maybe he means propaganda?
Yes, he wasn't sure about that if that's some kind of symbol or a biological weapon attack.

One question: what Duda means? In Spanish, duda means doubt. Is it in that sense, or Duda is the name of someone?
Duda is the current president of Poland. And I must say that "doubt" describes him well. A lot of Polish people are doubting if he's their president.
I've put the surnames of the people he was focusing on in the square brackets. Sometimes the only thing he said was that abstract sentence that I've quoted.
Sorry, I just wrote literally what he said, sometimes he's cryptic and his Polish isn't top-notch either ;) He hasn't mentioned that in the session, but I'm fairly sure that he meant some kind of participation. For example, Poland could participate as a military logistics hub, as it has been for the last two years. Perhaps even by sending troops as it was in the case of Iraq for "stabilization purposes".

Yes, he wasn't sure about that if that's some kind of symbol or a biological weapon attack.

Duda is the current president of Poland. And I must say that "doubt" describes him well. A lot of Polish people are doubting if he's their president.
I've put the surnames of the people he was focusing on in the square brackets. Sometimes the only thing he said was that abstract sentence that I've quoted.
Thank you KS! to answer about my doubts! :-D
Merci beaucoup KS pour le partage, je me demande si la réincarnation est une obligation ou seulement un choix de l'âme ?...
Il me semble que je ne voudrai pas revenir sur cette terre, d'ailleurs après avoir fait des recherches dans mes vies précédentes et dans l'espace entre deux vies avec "Patrick Drouot" INREES | Patrick Drouot : Physicien spécialiste des états d'expansion de conscience , je sais que je ne voulais pas revenir mais des êtres de Lumière ont braqué un faisceau lumineux qui partait de leurs chakras vers le mien et j'ai su qu'il me fallait revenir mais ce n'était pas mon désir...

Thank you very much KS for sharing, I wonder if reincarnation is an obligation or only a choice of the soul?...
It seems to me that I would not want to return to this earth, moreover after having done research in my previous lives and in the space between two lives with "Patrick Drouot", I know that I did not want to come back but beings of Light aimed a beam of light which went from their chakras towards mine and I knew that I had to come back but that was not my desire ...
What you said at the end of your post concerns me somewhat because the C's, who by their own admission say they are beings of light, have always stressed the operation of free will. The beings of light who aimed this beam of light at you seemed to me to be transgressing your free will. That doesn't sound very STO to me.​
This post may be coming out of left field a bit but given what is happening right now in the world and remote viewers seeing some sort of calamity coming our way, I thought I would post this link to the prophecies of a famous American psychic Jean Dixon Predictions and Prophecies of Jeane Dixon !

I must first state that she got a lot of her predictions wrong, as do most seers in fact since they often see possible futures. However, in many cases she certainly did hit the nail on the head. Although the material in the link I have provided does not mention the prediction I am about to relate, I do remember reading about it many years ago. This prediction involved seeing the start of a major war [the Third World War] with a rocket attack in the Middle East. She could see rockets fire being exchanged between Israel and other countries in the Middle East. Of particular interest to us at this time are her following prophecies:​
  • The Earth will be struck by a comet !
Just like Nostradamus (C1:60), St-John (Revelation 8:8-12) and the Hopi Indians (Blue Star), Jean Dixon saw that the Earth will be struck by a comet. Earthquakes and Tidal Waves will befall us as a result of the tremendous impact of this heavenly body in one of the great oceans.
  • The Coming of the AntiChrist !
Satan is now coming into the open door to seduce the world and we should prepare fir the inevitable events that are to follow. The United States will play a major role in this development, I see a government within a government develop in the United States in the last few years. [MJF: The C's have spoke of the secret government that controls things behind the scenes]

A government within a government (Illuminati, The Elite, The New World Order) controlled and financed by a well-oiled political machine, with their eye on the White House. I see them discredit any man who occupies it (Donald Trump ?) without their approval, their program and campaign will cause great harm to our nation both here and abroad. They will give rise to an upheaval in our social structure as never seen before. The social and religious chaos generated by this political group will prepare the nation for the coming of the prophet of the Antichrist. [MJF: Some hard-line traditional Catholics view this person as Pope Francis]

The False Prophet’s domain shall be the intellectual seduction of mankind. A mixture of political, philosophical and religious ideology that will cause a great crisis of faith in God by Humankind. The Prophet will let the people accept the Antichrist and desire him with positive enthusiasm.
@MJF , nous avons le libre arbitre une fois incarné dans l'expérience de vie humaine sur cette planète...
Avec Patrick Drouot, j'ai revécu un moment précédent ma réincarnation, j'ai ressenti que je ne voulais pas revenir mais mon âme était probablement consentante pour apprendre de nouvelles leçons et pour me permettre d'évoluer sur mon propre chemin...
Leurs faisceaux lumineux étaient d'une infinie douceur, bienveillants, remplis d'amour et de réconfort...
Je savais probablement ce qui m'attendait et ce n'était pas très appétissant...🥰

@MJF, we have free will once embodied in the human life experience on this planet...With Patrick Drouot, I relived a moment before my reincarnation, I felt that I did not want to come back but my soul was probably willing to learn new lessons and to allow me to evolve on my own path...Their light beams were infinitely gentle, benevolent, filled with love and comfort...I probably knew what awaited me and it wasn't very appetizing..🥰
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