Krzysztof Jackowski - Polish Clairvoyant

@MJF , nous avons le libre arbitre une fois incarné dans l'expérience de vie humaine sur cette planète...
Avec Patrick Drouot, j'ai revécu un moment précédent ma réincarnation, j'ai ressenti que je ne voulais pas revenir mais mon âme était probablement consentante pour apprendre de nouvelles leçons et pour me permettre d'évoluer sur mon propre chemin...
Leurs faisceaux lumineux étaient d'une infinie douceur, bienveillants, remplis d'amour et de réconfort...
Je savais probablement ce qui m'attendait et ce n'était pas très appétissant...🥰

@MJF, we have free will once embodied in the human life experience on this planet...With Patrick Drouot, I relived a moment before my reincarnation, I felt that I did not want to come back but my soul was probably willing to learn new lessons and to allow me to evolve on my own path...Their light beams were infinitely gentle, benevolent, filled with love and comfort...I probably knew what awaited me and it wasn't very appetizing..🥰
Thank you for explaining this to me. I was just concerned that your freewill may have been overridden.
KS said:
I'd be interested if anyone could find some other seers that are having catastrophic visions lately. I was surprised that "something" nudged Jackowski to tell his audience about the event, and clearly, those remote viewers were also nudged. Who is broadcasting?

Further to my previous response, my brother has just passed on to me a link to a Catholic mystic priest, based in the USA I think, who claims that a major war will start elsewhere from the Ukraine (i.e., Russia not to blame this time), which will go nuclear. Here is the link:

Mystic Fr. Rodrigue Predicted It! NOT Russia But Two Other Countries To Initiate Nuclear World War!​

There do seem to be some strong parallels in his message with what the C's have said about coming famine and economic collapse followed by martial law. The C's discounted there being an individual Antichrist but they have said that aliens/undergrounders would pose as would be saviours to seduce the nations by working wonders.

It is also curious that he thinks it might be Iran and North Korea that unleash nuclear weapons since all attention in this respect is on Russia and probably Israel at this moment. If this were to occur that would be right out of left field.

Make of it what you will.​
In the recent session, as usual, he focused on printed photos of the politicians (among others).

There is the highest level of readiness. The highest readiness of the United States, Israel and five countries. An undeclared war begins. Israel, the United States and five countries enter the war without declaration.

Look, Ladies and Gentlemen, when the war in Ukraine started, I said that there were concerns then whether NATO would move. I said it wouldn't move and NATO would behave strangely because as an alliance it would seem to be unanimous. And I clearly feel that a total of seven countries will join the action. You can bet here: Israel, the United States, Great Britain. We still have three or four countries. I don't want to name one country, but I'm afraid you're asking this question correctly.

What is happening at the moment is a cutting off, a cutting through of the front. So there may be a war front. Now certain purges are being made to cut through this front, to... Purges before the actual front.

“Increased readiness force.” It's not just about Hamas, it's about the Gaza zone. This is clearing the way for a serious confrontation. That's how I feel.

The first sentence "destruction of ammunition depots". Very strange things will start to happen in the Middle East, there will be attacks on some places in other countries, ammunition depots will be destroyed. This is also a clearing of the foreground.

He is thinking about the entry of international troops, and these international troops will enter under the pretext of ensuring the security of either Israel or order in general. But this will happen when everything there is very badly destroyed. In a short period of time. Then international troops will enter there. But it will be a bit like "Trojan Horse". This will be a violation of all international agreements.

(...) Ladies and Gentlemen, there will be another unexpected attack on Israel or in the vicinity of Israel. For some countries in the world, this unexpected second attack will seem very suspicious. And in my opinion it will be a suspect. This is the "frontline cleanup" setting. This is not the entire NATO, but seven NATO countries.

(...) At the beginning, these actions will be very strange, because there will be "quiet for a moment" and suddenly something will happen. (...) For now, these actions will be free of charge from any outsiders, i.e. countries that are against what is happening. Even in the Gaza Strip, there will be declarations, there will be words of opposition, but Netanyahu knows that it will only work up to a certain point, and then some serious actions may begin. And they are prepared for this.

It is about clearing the foreground for the front that is yet to come.

Distrustful consent to certain actions. Putin has made some concessions towards Israel, but he is very distrustful of it all. Putin does not want to interfere in this.

Putin wants to quickly achieve his goals and close his front. (...) He wants to do it quickly, he wants to do it within two or three weeks. Putin will not want to interfere, at least initially, in what will happen in the Middle East. He hopes that other countries will interfere.

He just wants to prepare and look at it from the sidelines for now.

China will wait until the situation develops at a certain point and will issue a sharp retort. But not entirely China, like some countries that China influences. Neither China nor Russia will literally want to get involved in this conflict. Although China will greatly support the opposing sides in this conflict. At least that's what the beginning will look like.

Erdogan will not agree to the deal. I have the impression that Erdogan could have been promised some areas in the near future in exchange for a humble view of what will happen in the Middle East. Erdogan was not bribed in my opinion.

If it escalates more after some time and everything is heading in this direction, Erdogan will either threaten and say that I will send his troops, but for humanitarian purposes, to protect civilians. Erdogan may behave differently than some NATO countries, even though Turkey is a member of NATO.

This is all happening with agreement, close agreement with the United States. We are probably dealing with the beginning of a serious global conflict.

Piotrowski (high-ranking general that resigned recently)
Could there be a military secret at work here? Because I don't feel anything...

Andrzejczak (high-ranking general that resigned recently)
I don't know how it works. Well, generals are bound by military secrecy. Is it possible that it works like that, that it's a secret in their heads, so... you can't feel it?

(...) It has to do with three... maybe in other words, two important decisions that would automatically result in a third decision. And which are supposedly obliged to form NATO. (...) He seemed to think that this decision, or German order, (...) is not entirely consistent with the general law of the alliance to which we belong. And it was as if he decided that this decision would be his private decision, or agreeing to someone else's decision of his superior or people higher than him, perhaps politically. And he decided that he, as a soldier, had no basis for such a decision, for respecting such a decision, because no such international decision had taken place, it was a contractual decision between individual countries, not between the entire NATO.

So this is a very important decision. And let's stop there with generals.

Duda (President of Poland)
The worst thing will be to tell people something. Say it. (...) All the things around us will not matter in a moment. I don't think it's about the election.

“Alert raised.” In several regions, including also in our region. These will be words. (...) This will create a threat that we will not see. “Alert raised.” It is as if we were to receive, as if countries, not only ours, were to receive an important message about raising the security alert.

Morawiecki (Polish Prime Minister)
(...) A situation may suddenly happen where we will be told that some countries are at a serious risk of attack, but these will only be words. These will be such important words, or from such an important source, that countries will immediately start doing something in this direction, as if to protect themselves and prepare. But this will serve a completely different purpose.

This will serve as a possible preparation for what is happening in the Middle East. At the beginning we will talk about a completely different threat.

(...) The worst thing is also this, and I can honestly tell you that I'm a little afraid of it, that these three and a half years that have passed since the beginning of the plague exactly in September, I said, this first period of three and a half years, and then it will be second period. And note, (...) the second period, I said, would be worse than the first one.

(...) The worst thing is also this, and I can honestly tell you that I'm a little afraid of it, that these three and a half years that have passed since the beginning of the plague exactly in September, I said, this first period of three and a half years, and then it will be second period. And note, (...) the second period, I said, would be worse than the first one.
Somehow, at least, I am sensing that the PTB won't have time for another mass vaccination campaign...
Somehow, at least, I am sensing that the PTB won't have time for another mass vaccination campaign...
Me too. Unlike the time on the begining of the "pandemic", when I felt dark and evil aproaching, now is more like: "nah, they will try, but it would be absurd and hilarious". Of course, there will be more wars and tense situations, but not as PTB plans. Something like: the emperor is naked.
I would be careful with these visions. As has been mentioned once before in this thread most people on the forum could make similar conclusions as Jackowski does. Nothing out of the ordinary.
Sure, don't bet on these visions. Those transcripts should be treated as a documentation of parapsychic phenomena, if anything.

New session, more bad things (as expected). You can see in the video how he struggles with telling these things.

The first thing that comes to my mind is that an "alert" will suddenly be created in three countries. Announcing something. These countries will enter a state of higher alert or a state of threat alert. Three countries.

They remind me of churches. The bell towers in churches ring and people go to pray for them. But I was already familiar with it. Last year, I remember. I can't understand it, but people are crying, crying, afraid. Ladies and gentlemen, a terrible tragedy will happen in some country. It will happen suddenly. Do you remember? "This second war will start while we sleep," that's what I said. "When we wake up, we will know that it is still going on." This was the situation now, on October 7 in Israel, where it started at 5:30 our time, so many of us were sleeping, and when we woke up, we already knew it was happening.

One more unexpected and cruel thing will happen. Something will happen that part of a small country will freeze. It will be so unexpected and so shocking to everyone because one part of this country will be in such a situation. It will look like this, as if something were to hit at once, one thing and it would burst into flames. And will this mean that three countries will announce something as one? A state of "heightened something" or a state of war?

There will be such protests in some European cities or capitals that certain districts will be closed to people or there will be some kind of state, for example a state of curfew. In Europe, a large, glass house, a modern, glass house, but it could be a large, modern shopping arcade. There will be terrible chaos there, people will run there and use this passage to terrorize the people who are there. There will be a lot of talk about this.

There will be a shooting, they will shoot at these attackers as if there was a war. But first something will happen to this country and the three countries, as one, will immediately enter a state of readiness, i.e. they will define themselves as being at war. This will be for what will happen, where part of some small country will freeze. I hope it's all nonsense.

It will be in some European city, in a certain district, like riots. That perhaps only after a few days of force, the police will regain these places, they will be occupied, these people will be shot at. They will be occupied for a few days, it will be a small revolution. But something so terrible will happen that there will be mourning.

If this happens, we will face exoduses of people. Entire exoduses of these people will go in our European direction. Among others, also to Poland. Poland will not accept everyone, only people from some countries. What is happening now will cause in a short time, in a very short time, unless I am wrong, it will cause chaos in the Middle East as great as we can remember.

[About Poland] Do you remember some time ago when I made a vision about what our country will look like in 2028? It would seem that so soon and this drawing that I drew. I have the feeling that there will be no war in our country. That all the things that will cause changes in the near future will happen for some other reason. The war will be elsewhere. I'm telling you this in my very limited way.

[About Poland] Three zones will be created. It will all be treated as one whole, but it will be three different zones. And after some time, one of them will turn out to be "ours" [Poles]. Of course, now I'm fantasizing and talking nonsense. This all sounds so damn bad to me.

Iran is a very important place for some reasons. There is something in Iran that everyone would like to have access to.

The idea is to create anger that will allow for an attack. “You can destroy part of yourself to get much more.” We absolutely must not ignore what is happening now. This needs to be monitored urgently. And I guess that's all we have left.

I said very bad things to you. I hope they don't come true.

Sure, don't bet on these visions. Those transcripts should be treated as a documentation of parapsychic phenomena, if anything.

New session, more bad things (as expected). You can see in the video how he struggles with telling these things.

The first thing that comes to my mind is that an "alert" will suddenly be created in three countries. Announcing something. These countries will enter a state of higher alert or a state of threat alert. Three countries.

They remind me of churches. The bell towers in churches ring and people go to pray for them. But I was already familiar with it. Last year, I remember. I can't understand it, but people are crying, crying, afraid. Ladies and gentlemen, a terrible tragedy will happen in some country. It will happen suddenly. Do you remember? "This second war will start while we sleep," that's what I said. "When we wake up, we will know that it is still going on." This was the situation now, on October 7 in Israel, where it started at 5:30 our time, so many of us were sleeping, and when we woke up, we already knew it was happening.

One more unexpected and cruel thing will happen. Something will happen that part of a small country will freeze. It will be so unexpected and so shocking to everyone because one part of this country will be in such a situation. It will look like this, as if something were to hit at once, one thing and it would burst into flames. And will this mean that three countries will announce something as one? A state of "heightened something" or a state of war?

There will be such protests in some European cities or capitals that certain districts will be closed to people or there will be some kind of state, for example a state of curfew. In Europe, a large, glass house, a modern, glass house, but it could be a large, modern shopping arcade. There will be terrible chaos there, people will run there and use this passage to terrorize the people who are there. There will be a lot of talk about this.

There will be a shooting, they will shoot at these attackers as if there was a war. But first something will happen to this country and the three countries, as one, will immediately enter a state of readiness, i.e. they will define themselves as being at war. This will be for what will happen, where part of some small country will freeze. I hope it's all nonsense.

It will be in some European city, in a certain district, like riots. That perhaps only after a few days of force, the police will regain these places, they will be occupied, these people will be shot at. They will be occupied for a few days, it will be a small revolution. But something so terrible will happen that there will be mourning.

If this happens, we will face exoduses of people. Entire exoduses of these people will go in our European direction. Among others, also to Poland. Poland will not accept everyone, only people from some countries. What is happening now will cause in a short time, in a very short time, unless I am wrong, it will cause chaos in the Middle East as great as we can remember.

[About Poland] Do you remember some time ago when I made a vision about what our country will look like in 2028? It would seem that so soon and this drawing that I drew. I have the feeling that there will be no war in our country. That all the things that will cause changes in the near future will happen for some other reason. The war will be elsewhere. I'm telling you this in my very limited way.

[About Poland] Three zones will be created. It will all be treated as one whole, but it will be three different zones. And after some time, one of them will turn out to be "ours" [Poles]. Of course, now I'm fantasizing and talking nonsense. This all sounds so damn bad to me.

Iran is a very important place for some reasons. There is something in Iran that everyone would like to have access to.

The idea is to create anger that will allow for an attack. “You can destroy part of yourself to get much more.” We absolutely must not ignore what is happening now. This needs to be monitored urgently. And I guess that's all we have left.

I said very bad things to you. I hope they don't come true.

Thank you KS. I was feeling very bad reading this entry. Had to take Rescue Remedy. We are living dark times, just as our ancestors lived through them. Let us pray that we can live through them as wisely as possible! 💕
Merci KS pour ton partage sombre mais intéressant... L'important c'est qui nous sommes pas où nous sommes...
Travailler comme si vous devriez vivre 100 ans mais prier comme si vous deviez mourir demain...

Thank you KS for your dark but interesting sharing... The important thing is who we are not where we are...Work as if you would live to be 100 years old but pray as if you would die tomorrow...
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