Krzysztof Jackowski - Polish Clairvoyant

Thank you KS as always very interesting. Events seem to be moving at pace now so we will see what happens. Lies are spread ad nauseum that's all I hear on the radio and TV. I can feel tension in the air and something really does have to give.
Many people I feel are in for a very rude awakening if they haven't been paying attention. I appreciate your posts.
Iran is a very important place for some reasons. There is something in Iran that everyone would like to have access to.
While the most obvious "something that everyone would like to have" would be the oil that Iran has, while listening to that part i had a thought about a different reason.

We know that there isn't just humans wanting resources in the Middle East, it's also humans being influenced by higher density entities to achieve certain goals. Those goals might be about getting into possession of some very specific things. And what does the Middle East have that those entities want and covet so much?
The Middle-East Portal.

So, my thought was, perhaps there isn't just one portal, but multiple portals, and several countries (including Iran) have their own portal, which together form a larger one. Or maybe it's not really multiple portals, but multiple "shards" of the big one, part of a greater whole, and in order to control it, one would need to control every "shard". But the problem is that each of those is located in a different country...

Imagine if the real purpose of US wanting to destroy and take over Iran, Syria, Iraq etc was not just resources or surrounding Russia, but take over the parts of the Middle East Portal that is in each of those countries. I've heard about theories/speculations that the US army took a functional Stargate (like the one from the movie) when they invaded Iraq, so maybe people unconsciously felt what is really going on there.
Except that nobody needed to take anything, as that area itself is (in a way... ) a Stargate.
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While the most obvious "something that everyone would like to have" would be the oil that Iran has, while listening to that part i had a thought about a different reason.

We know that there isn't just humans wanting resources in the Middle East, it's also humans being influenced by higher density entities to achieve certain goals. Those goals might be about getting into possession of some very specific things. And what does the Middle East have that those entities want and covet so much?
The Middle-East Portal.

So, my thought was, perhaps there isn't just one portal, but multiple portals, and several countries (including Iran) have their own portal, which together form a larger one. Or maybe it's not really multiple portals, but multiple "shards" of the big one, part of a greater whole, and in order to control it, one would need to control every "shard". But the problem is that each of those is located in a different country...

Imagine if the real purpose of US wanting to destroy and take over Iran, Syria, Iraq etc was not just resources or surrounding Russia, but take over the parts of the Middle East Portal that is in each of those countries. I've heard about theories/speculations that the US army took a functional Stargate (like the one from the movie) when they invaded Iraq, so maybe people unconsciously felt what is really going on there.
Except that nobody needed to take anything, as that area itself is (in a way... ) a Stargate.
A very interesting theory. If you go back in time, Iraq used to be Mesopotamia where, of course, the Anunnaki gods reigned and supposedly resided many thousands of years ago. I am not that invested in the theories of the late Zechariah Sitchin but he certainly was not wrong about everything. The Anunnaki must have deliberately chosen Mesopotamia for a good reason and having a portal (or at least part of one) located there would certainly make sense of their choice. It has also been a much fought over piece of real estate and the home or part of several empires over the centuries including the Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Hittite, Mitanni and much later the Greeks (Macedonians), Persians/Medes, the Romans and in more modern times the Turks and finally the British. Many, if not all, of these powers were no doubt heavily influenced by STS alien and subterranean forces, allowing the latter to keep control of the area through their proxy STS controlled human forces. This region was also much imbued with esoteric knowledge and, as Laura has pointed out, when it was known as Babylon, it was the home of magic. I would suggest this is no coincidence either.

One of the ancient Mesopotamian texts that Sitchin focused on was the Enuma Elish. Early on in the sessions Laura asked the C's what this text was really about:

Q: (L) What is the Enuma Elish really about?

A: Ascent.

Q: (L) Ascent of what?

A: Gods.

Q: (L) What gods were these?

A: Lizards.

The word "ascent", as used here, might suggest a leaving and return to the heavens (4th density) by the Lizards. If, as the C's have told us, the reptilians are currently in the process of returning with 36 million Nephilim enforcers in tow, as Earth moves towards 4th density, then it would make perfect sense to me that they would wish to control the Middle East portal (like the one in the Ukraine) through their proxy human forces beforehand. Whether they succeed in this endeavour remains to be seen.​
While the most obvious "something that everyone would like to have" would be the oil that Iran has, while listening to that part i had a thought about a different reason.

We know that there isn't just humans wanting resources in the Middle East, it's also humans being influenced by higher density entities to achieve certain goals. Those goals might be about getting into possession of some very specific things. And what does the Middle East have that those entities want and covet so much?
The Middle-East Portal.

So, my thought was, perhaps there isn't just one portal, but multiple portals, and several countries (including Iran) have their own portal, which together form a larger one. Or maybe it's not really multiple portals, but multiple "shards" of the big one, part of a greater whole, and in order to control it, one would need to control every "shard". But the problem is that each of those is located in a different country...

Imagine if the real purpose of US wanting to destroy and take over Iran, Syria, Iraq etc was not just resources or surrounding Russia, but take over the parts of the Middle East Portal that is in each of those countries. I've heard about theories/speculations that the US army took a functional Stargate (like the one from the movie) when they invaded Iraq, so maybe people unconsciously felt what is really going on there.
Except that nobody needed to take anything, as that area itself is (in a way... ) a Stargate.
This morning, I had the same thought. From the cassiopeaen they stated portals in different locations in the world! What if the killing and destruction in Ukraine, now Israel were for the sole reason of downloading STS into bodies. Middle East is on the map also... the other locations are to be watched!! Bad will worst before it gets better. I read that Palestinian are not allowed to leave the gaza streap and get refuge in Egypt or anywhere else and they are still being killed!!!
It is interesting that the word "portal" derives from the Latin word "porta", which means port, gate, gateway, entrance, shut.

The C's have had this to say about portals:

Q: (L) It is like a portal?

A: Not a portal, it is a conduit. A portal is an opening allowing influences to manifest from higher density levels and downward. A conduit is a "two-way street."

As to the portal over the Middle East, the C's had this to say about it:

Q: .... On page 33 of 'Bringers of the Dawn,' Barbara Marciniak writes: 'there have been different portals on earth that have allowed different species, creator gods from space, to insert themselves. One of the huge portals that presently being fought over is the portal of the Middle East. If you think back over the history of the Earth, you will realize how many dramas of religion and civilization have been introduced in that portal. It's a huge portal with a radius of 1,000 miles or so. This is why there is so much activity in the Middle East. This is the portal that the Lizzies use.' Could you comment on that information? Are there other portals that are that large which are used by positive entities?

A: Portal is dual.

Q: So any can use it. Is it correct that this is a large portal over the Middle East?

A: Statements made in publication are close, but not absolute.

Q: Is this idea of portals extremely significant. Are they fought over?

A: Yes, but you do not need to explore these truths, until you have learned more.

As to stargates being portals, the subject was touched upon here in relation to the Great Pyramid:

Q: Okay, then we will forget Zep Tepi. Also, it says here regarding the issue about iron: ‘It is unsettling to discover in the Pyramid Texts, supposedly the work of Neolithic farmers who had hardly begun to master copper, that there were abundant references to iron. The name of it was B’ja, or the ‘Divine Metal.’

We always encounter it in distinctive context to astronomy. For example, B’ja is frequently mentioned in the text in connection to the ‘Four Sons of Horus,’ presumably related in some way to strange beings known as the Shemsu Hor, or the ‘Followers of Horus,’ or the ‘Transfigured Ones.’ At any rate, these very mysterious ‘Sons of Horus’ seem to have been made of iron or to have had iron fingers. [...] It is clear that iron was somehow seen by the composers of the Pyramid Texts as being imperative in the rituals aimed at ensuring new life cosmic and stellar. The verses of the Texts connect the metal and its uses to the ancient prototype of all such rituals by means of which Osiris himself, Egypt’s ‘Once and Future King,’ died and was restored to immortal life as Lord of the Sky Region of Orion. ‘The doors of iron which are in the starry sky are thrown open for me and I go through them.’ It appears to be nothing less than an iron stargate intended to admit Osiris and all the dynasty of dead kings after him into the celestial realms of the belt of Orion. But, if the Pyramid Texts are describing a stargate, they are also describing a timegate for they express no doubt that by passing through the iron portals of the sky, the soul of the deceased will attain a life of millions of years.’ So, they are describing the Pyramid as a stargate, a timegate, a portal. However, they are doing so in figurative terms, that the person could mentally travel, or use this in some way. Could you comment on this bit about the iron stargate?

A: Iron is highly magnetic.

Q: Yes, we know that...

A: Opens doorways or portals.

However, the Great Pyramid was also linked elsewhere to supernovae, which in turn created a further link to portals:

Q: (L) Was the Great Pyramid at Giza built and lined up to supernova?

A: Part of the picture.

Q: (L) Were these supernova that occurred at the time of the construction, or that were expected to occur at some point in the future?

A: Both.

Q: (L) Are supernova in any sense cyclical?

A: In a sense requiring higher senses.

Q: (L) Do supernova create portals to other universes?

A: The doors may be redirected.

Q: (L) Does any of this supernova business have anything to do with the constellation Leo?

A: In a way.

Q: (L) In what way?

A: Through geometric configuration.

Q: (L) What do you mean ‘through geometric configuration?’

A: Status of Trine.

Recall here that the C's have said that we are due to see a massive supernova soon but have not said which star. At the moment, astronomers are keeping a close eye on the red giant star Betelgeuse in Orion, which many think is due to go supernova (optically speaking) soon. However, this does not mean the C's had Betelgeuse in mind. However, it is interesting that the C's responded to Laura's question about supernovae creating portals by saying that the doors may be redirected geometrically speaking. And, of course, a door is a form of portal, entrance or gateway that can be opened and shut.

The C's also drew a distinction between portals and windows here:
Q: It seems to me that if what he was saying was true, that he certainly would not be allowed to say it. It's based on and converges with all the stories they are telling about Rennes-le-Chateau and seems to be more smokescreen. Anyway, Mike has questions. (M) You said that this place over Rennes-le-Chateau was a window. What is a window? (L) Now, I realize that we have all assumed that we know what a window is, but we have never really asked for a definition. Could you define for us a 'window?

A: Convergence; opening to alternative states via energy grid points.

Q: Are windows where you can pass back and forth? Moving between realms?

A: It is possible.

Q: How does a window differ from a 'portal?'

A: Window is open, portal is crafted.

Q: A window is naturally occurring portal?

A: Close.

Q: Does a window remain open all the time, or does it open and close for various reasons.

A: Closer to latter.

Q: What determines its opening and closing?

A: Frequency.

Q: Frequency of what?

A: Energy patterns.

Q: Frequency patterns of the area itself, or of people, or of people in interaction with the area?

A: Former.

Q: What could occur to change the frequency of the area?

A: EM pulse.

Hence, if there is a huge portal over the Middle East (and the Ukraine for that matter), this is something that has been crafted and is not of itself natural. As the C's said elsewhere: "A: No. With proper technology you can create a portal where desired. There are unlimited options." And if the Middle East portal has been crafted by anyone, I would suggest it was by the Lizards. The C's spoke above of the link between the Great Pyramid at Giza in Egypt, supernovae and portals, but the other land in the Middle East where pyramids are common place is, of course, Mesopotamia, where they generally take the form of ziggurats, as they also do in Central and South America. We know from the C's that the Lizards influenced the building of pyramids by the Mayans in Central America and I would suggest the same was true of the Sumerians in Mesopotamia. So could any of these pyramids/ziggurats have been used geometrically to craft a portal over the the Middle East and, if so, could they they still be operative today, even if in a much degraded state?

The answer to this may possibly be found in what Richard Hoagland discovered at the site of the large Mayan pyramid at Chichen Itza in Mexico, also known as the Temple of Kukulcan (a Lizard deity). He discovered there measurable torsion fields, which he viewed as evidence of the application of hyper-dimensional physics - see video link

And Chichen Itza - Wikipedia

I appreciate that Hoagland comes with a health warning on this site but this interview was done before he really went over to the dark side. As the C's once said of him:
A: Whatever else you find true about Hoagland, just remember that genius resides adjacent to insanity!

Q: (A) What is the meaning of this remark about Hoagland?

A: Some of his stuff may be "poppycock," but some is right on the money, honey.

It would be interesting to learn if such torsion fields have been detected at any of the Mesopotamian pyramids.
You should never go down a rabbit hole. Thinking about the Middle East Stargate idea raised by taratai in his post above, got me wondering about possible Biblical connections to the alleged stargate or portal located in Mesopotamia, which could be artificially generated by ancient ziggurats.

One Sumerian ziggurat that caught my attention is that of Etemenanki, the "temple of the foundation of heaven and earth", which was dedicated to the Mesopotamian god Marduk and located in the ancient city of Babylon. Although now a ruin, it is located about 90 kilometres (56 miles) south of the city of Baghdad in Iraq. Many scholars have identified Etemenanki as a likely inspiration for the biblical story of the Tower of Babel. See: Etemenanki - Wikipedia
It is unclear when Etemenanki was originally constructed. However, British Assyriologist Andrew R. George says that it was constructed sometime between the 14th and the 9th century BC. He argues as follows:

The reference to a ziqqurrat at Babylon in the Creation Epic (Enûma Eliš· VI 63: George 1992: 301–2) is more solid evidence, ... for a Middle Assyrian piece of this poem survives to prove the long-held theory that it existed already in the second millennium BC. There is no reason to doubt that this ziqqurrat, described as ziqqurrat apsî elite, "the upper ziqqurrat of the Apsû", was [Etemenanki].

Reconstruction of Etemenanki
The city of Babylon has an ancient pedigree but in the Bible it is most associated with the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar II who In 587 BC conquered and destroyed the Jewish kingdom of Judah, and its capital, Jerusalem. The destruction of Jerusalem led to the Babylonian captivity (the first Jewish diaspora) as the city's population, and people from the surrounding lands, were deported en masse to Babylonia. Nebuchadnezzar is remembered as a great builder king and among his numerous building works, he rebuilt many of the city's religious buildings, including the Etemenanki.
Portion of the so-called "Tower of Babel stele", depicting Nebuchadnezzar II on the right and featuring
a depiction of Babylon's great ziggurat, the Etemenanki, to his left
Under Nebuchadnezzar, the Neo-Babylonian Empire would grow to become the major power of the ancient Near East, and the uncontested successor of the Neo-Assyrian Empire.

In the Book of Daniel, which is considered by scholars to be a work of historical fiction*, Nebuchadnezzar is for the most part depicted as a merciless and despotic ruler, and thus evidently highly STS. In the first story of the Book of Daniel involving Nebuchadnezzar, the king has a nightmare, and asks his wise men, including the prophet Daniel and his three companions Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, to interpret the dream, but refuses to state the dream's contents. When the servants protest, Nebuchadnezzar sentences all of them (including Daniel and his companions) to death. By the end of the story, when Daniel successfully interpreted the dream, Nebuchadnezzar is nevertheless shown to be very grateful, showering Daniel with gifts, making him the governor of the "province of Babylon" and making him the chief of the kingdoms' wisemen.

*However, even if the book was mainly an historical work of fiction, the C's seemed to recognise the existence of the biblical prophet Daniel, or someone very like him, when Laura posed the following question to them:
Q: (L) Who was the angel who communicated with the Prophet Daniel?
A: Us.

However, it is the second story (which does not involve Daniel but his three friends instead) that is of most interest here, as it may just reflect the fact that a stargate was active in that region and was used by an angelic being (4th density) to bring about a remarable rescue. The story casts Nebuchadnezzar as a tyrannical and pagan king, who after Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refuse to worship a newly erected golden statue sentences them to death through being thrown into a fiery furnace heated seven times hotter than normal. The three men bravely informed the king that God would be with them. When the king looked, he saw four figures walking unharmed in the flames, the fourth "like a son of God [MJF: usually code for an angel]." Seeing this, Nebuchadnezzar brought the three youths out of the flames, and the fire had not had any effect on their bodies. The three men having been miraculously preserved from harm, Nebuchadnezzar acknowledges God as the "lord of kings" and "god of gods". The king then promoted them to high office, decreeing that anyone who spoke against God should be torn limb from limb.

The story may, of course, be purely anecdotal and used as an allegory to put across Jewish teaching. However, because the C's have told us that they had an active involvement with the prophet Daniel, is it just possible that there may be some truth to the story, in which case were the men rescued by a 4th (or even 6th) density being and taken into 4th density by means of a portal so as to protect them from the flames active at 3rd density. If so, it would be interesting to know if the events of the story occurred at the great ziggurat called the Etemenanki at Babylon.

At this present moment in time, it might also be worth looking again at the famous end times prophecies in the Book of Daniel in light of the fact that the C's could have inspired them?​
I thought long and hard about whether I should post this item here. In many ways it fits better with the new 'War in Israel - October 2023' thread. However, since it involves a near death experience (NDE) with a prophetic aspect built into it that may or may not be in the process of being fulfilled at this point in time, I thought I would post it here; particularly after my comments in the last post about the end time prophecies in the Book of Daniel. The NDE occurred a few years ago and involved a 15 year old Israeli lad called Nathan from a non-religious Jewish family. Some of you may already be familiar with his story and it may also have been discussed before on the Forum. If that is the case, apologies for regurgitating it but it may be more relevant now than it was when the story first broke. I have chosen a link to what seems to be a Christian fundamentalist type site but only because he gives a full account of the interview between Nathan and an orthodox Jewish rabbi (Rabbi Eliezer Hagadol) who was seeking to understand and construe the NDE in a Jewish scriptural context. Please note that I am not endorsing the views and commentary of the narrator of the story but only using his account to put over the gist of what the lad claimed to see during his NDE, which he found hard to process due to his lack of understanding. See: Message 15-Year-old Secular Jewish Boy Nathan's Vision of WWIII

Obviously, the war did not start in 2015 as predicted and Barak Obama is no longer the President of the United States, unless you want to argue that he may be de facto President behind the scenes (a distinct possibility given that the increasingly senile Biden is clearly not up to the role). However, I want to point to a few things Nathan mentioned that ring ominously true of the situation which is fast evolving in Gaza and Israel now:

1. Nathan: It's going to be something that is called a very big war. And everybody, the whole world, will be involved in that war, according to what I understood. The whole world will be involved in that war - everybody. All the Goyim (that means us, the gentiles). All the Arabs, the Muslims. Everybody will come against the nation of Israel and will fight in that war.

2. Now he says, (the timing of this is quite interesting) "All of that, all of the bad things will take 2 weeks. In those 2 weeks, what is the bad thing? More than a few million people will die. They will die. The only thing that saves them, according to what I understood, is only if they do Tu Shuvot."

3. Nathan continues: "Many people from among Am Israel will die - several million will die. A ton of people will die." Rabbi: Those who didn't keep Torah and Mitzvot? Nathan: They will die. Rabbi: Those who kept Torah and Mitzvot? Nathan: Those who kept Torah and Mitzvot - it depends.

4. Nathan: We, the IDF that is, will manage to keep them at bay for two days.

5. Rabbi: Who will join him? Nathan: Iran will join him.

6. Rabbi: Where is ISIS in all this? Nathan: ISIS? What they will do is - this is what I saw. They will kidnap people. They will simply kidnap people. Like they did to Gilat Shalit, they will also do that. They will kidnap people and they will torture them. Now, what I also saw was that Har Hazitim (which is Hebrew for the Mount of Olives) next to Jerusalem. That mountain will split in two! At the moment the mountain splits in two, in that second, the Maschiach will be revealed to everyone. Meaning, before everyone. Before everyone. Everyone will simply see that it's Maschiach!! Everyone will understand - it's the Maschiach - here He is, revealed to everyone!! And He will stand at the entrance there to Har Hazitim.

7. Rabbi: Now, how does it open? Atomic bomb? Nathan: No, no, no. Rabbi: What? Nathan: So, two of the dead people will arise. Two dead people will come back to life. One from here and one from there, and it will split in two.

8. Nathan: And I saw that the moment that Har Hazitim, the Mount of Olives splits into two, then the Maschiach will stand at the entrance and He won't see who is religious or who has a beard. What He will see, He sees according to a person's holiness. He will smell each person. He will smell if someone has holiness, if he is pure, if he did Mitzvot, if he performed acts of kindness. To see if he really had the true fear of Heaven and not just the fear of punishment.

Nathan: He won't say, "Here you are. You have a hat, you have a kipa. So, like that, you can go in." It's not like that. I mean, really. He will have a certain power, that He will be able to feel what is truly inside every person.

9. Nathan says, "That is exactly what will happen if things continue as they are. Like, if the world keep going on like this. That is exactly what will happen, for certain, according to what I saw - it has already started." The Rabbi said, "It's already started? When did it already start?" Nathan: On the day 27 of Elul. [MJF: The narrator takes this to be September 11, 2015]

10. Nathan: Because the Holy One, Blessed is He, will not bring it in the beginning. What will happen is, on day, everything will explode. Something will happen to cause everything to escalate, and we will know instantly that we are in full-blown war and everyone will say WWIII has started, has begun. That's it. There's no time left. Rabbi: So, you are saying there will be some sort of security breach that will blow out of proportion and they will be fighting one another? What about us? Nathan: At first, we will be excluded from this, but after, they will unite against us.

Whether what Nathan describes above relates to what we are viewing right now on our TV screens remains to be seen. It could, of course, relate to possible future events still to occur. However, one thing that grabbed my attention is the mention of an earthquake that seems to split the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem in two. Another Forum member, Puma, recently posted about earthquakes in the region, which appear to be heading westwards across the Middle East. See: War in Israel - October 2023
I also found it strange that Iran threatened to give Israel an earthquake! Do they have this technology too? Was it just a mis translation? They would be aware of the fault line - which is also under us in Cyprus through to the Black Sea.
I think Iran's threat about giving Israel an earthquake is more metaphorical. However, one only has to look at what is happening in Afghanistan to see that something is cooking Mother Earth. Those who study seismic energy movements point out that it is heading west. How ironic it will be that Israel will be wiped off the map by an earthquake thus fulfilling the "tit for tat..."

Turning away from Nathan's account now, there is something I want to focus on which the narrator draws to our attention because he is not the only one to have mentioned this point in recent times:
"So, Temple Mount definitely would coincide with the four blood moons, because the blood moons in 1949 coincided with the State of Israel. Blood moons in 1967 coincided with the City of Jerusalem. So this blood moon, in this century, would coincide with something to do with the restoration of the Temple. That may trigger the war.*

*Shortly before Hamas launched their attack against Israel, Israeli police and security forces had driven Moslem worshippers away from the Al Aqsa Mosque on Temple Mount to allow a Jewish party to occupy the precinct without suffering any harassment (a group who may have been supporters of the building of the Third Jewish Temple on the site). Hamas have mentioned that this act was a final provocation for them.

However, there's a development going on where they found some oil and some natural gas in Israel.

So, everybody's positioned, right next door to Israel. The Iranians are there, the Russians are there, the Americans are there. How many other people in proxy: UK, France - they're all there. And they're all gathering there as if, unnoticed, as if it's got NOTHING to do with Israel. And yet, we've read in the Bible, all this is a stage.

This is a show for the world to gather together and next would be the spillover into Israel. Only one thing has to happen, one bomb has to go off. One nuclear warhead gets dropped, one nuclear "accident " they might call it. And suddenly the whole world is upon Israel. But they've been gathering the troops and the tanks and the ships and the boats there all this time. And no-one, except us whose reading the Bible will say, "Hey! Red Alert! Israel!! Israel!! This is WWIII that's coming, Ezekiel 38-39!! Prophesied for nearly 3,000 years."

And now the Americans are moving more troops into the area and two carrier groups. However, it is the mention of significant discoveries of gas in and near Israel/Gaza that caught my attention, since it could be an ulterior motive for driving the Palestinians from Gaza. Indeed, I understand that Netanyahu met with the Egyptian President not long ago and offered Egypt a substantial sum of money if he would agree to take the whole population of Gaza and allow Israel to occupy it. Naturally the Egyptian President declined the offer. I set out below though a link to a recent article by Dr Joseph Farrell on the strategic importance of this discovery of gas deposits and its possible implications: GAZA HAS GAS

In turn, Farrell's article refers to an earlier article written in January 2009 by Prof Michel Chossudovsky with the title War and Natural Gas: The Israeli Invasion and Gaza’s Offshore Gas Fields - see: War and Natural Gas: The Israeli Invasion and Gaza's Offshore Gas Fields - Global Research. Professor Chossudovsky has recently updated the article since the Hamas attack on 7th October. Here are two brief quotes from it:

It should also be understood that Netanyahu’s October 7, 2023 illegal declaration of war against Gaza is a continuation of its 2008-2009 invasion of Gaza under “Operation Cast Lead.” The underlying objective is the outright military occupation of Gaza by Israel’s IDF forces and the expulsion of Palestinians from their homeland.

Gaza and Energy Geopolitics
The military occupation of Gaza is intent upon transferring the sovereignty of the gas fields to Israel in violation of international law.

What can we expect in the wake of the invasion?

What is the intent of Israel with regard to Palestine’s Natural Gas reserves?

A new territorial arrangement, with the stationing of Israeli and/or “peacekeeping” troops?

The militarization of the entire Gaza coastline, which is strategic for Israel?

The outright confiscation of Palestinian gas fields and the unilateral declaration of Israeli sovereignty over Gaza’s maritime areas?

If this were to occur, the Gaza gas fields would be integrated into Israel’s offshore installations, which are contiguous to those of the Gaza Strip.
Merci d'avoir partagé, le Message de Nathan me semble très proche de la vérité, Que le Divin Esprit Cosmique nous bénisse tous, nous en avons tellement besoin...
Je mes suis permis d'en poser une question aux Cassiopéens... Merci encore @MJF

Thank you for sharing, Nathan's Message seems very close to the truth to me, May the Divine Cosmic Spirit bless us all, we need it so much...
I took the liberty of asking the Cassiopaeans a question... Thanks again @MJF
I think Iran's threat about giving Israel an earthquake is more metaphorical. However, one only has to look at what is happening in Afghanistan to see that something is cooking Mother Earth. Those who study seismic energy movements point out that it is heading west. How ironic it will be that Israel will be wiped off the map by an earthquake thus fulfilling the "tit for tat..."

I remember the C's said there would be a strong magnitude10 earthquake,.. in Israel
I can't find the session...sorry
I remember the C's said there would be a strong magnitude10 earthquake,.. in Israel
I can't find the session...sorry
If that is true, it would absolutely devastate the country. The Richter Scale is exponential. Once you get up to 10 you are speaking of a quake that would be so powerful as to completely obliterate major cities leaving just a pile of rubble behind. Even buildings that are constructed to be earthquake proof would not survive. It would be interesting if someone could find that quote.​
If that is true, it would absolutely devastate the country. The Richter Scale is exponential. Once you get up to 10 you are speaking of a quake that would be so powerful as to completely obliterate major cities leaving just a pile of rubble behind. Even buildings that are constructed to be earthquake proof would not survive. It would be interesting if someone could find that quote.​
When the C's say that Israel will be destroyed, it may be due to this earthquake.
When the C's say that Israel will be destroyed, it may be due to this earthquake.
Perhaps you may have been thinking of this particular exchange in the transcripts:

Session 23 August 2014:

A: Psychopaths see these events as reasons to impose more controls, but that only results in more pressure and more anger which will reach a global tipping point.

Q: (Pierre) Doesn't it mean national or international revolt?

A: "Tipping points" can be other than human initiated actions.

Q: (Pierre) Cosmic reactions.

(L) Yeah.

(Perceval) Earth changes.

(Pierre) It would have been better that humans react. {Note: if humans don’t take care of their problems, the cosmos will.}

(Chu) But that makes sense like with dictatorships where people were oppressed and killed in front of other people, and still the people submitted. If it's not a cosmic type of reaction, people won't react now. They just don't have it in them.

(L) Yeah, I think the big key to what's going on here is the global nature of the repression, the killing, the suppression, you know?

(Perceval) It's linked because they say, okay, the effect of psychopaths can cause people to rise up and have a revolution. But other than that, it would be nature. It reminds me of that 2004 tsunami when they said...

(L) “If you can't create within, you create without”. When people's creativity is suppressed...

(Perceval) …it manifests externally. It was a wave of creativity that was being suppressed, and it was a wave that came in and destroyed everything, you know what I mean?

(L) Yeah.

(Pierre) There's a circle, or negative feedback loop described with the dynastic cycle {in “Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection}...

(L) That's a positive feedback loop of negative events.

(Pierre) Yeah, you're right. More earth events, more desperation, more control, more anger, and it keeps feeding itself.

(L) Okay, next question?

(KJN) Will Israel get its comeuppance and the Gaza atrocities abate?

A: Israel will certainly "pay the piper", but perhaps not soon enough.

Q: (L) I just keep wanting a comet to just come down on Tel Aviv. There was a session years ago where the C's warned us not to go to Tel Aviv. We were invited to a conference, and they suggested that we not go because they could see something really big coming for Tel Aviv at some point in the future. Now, that was years ago, but you know how time is for the Cs; it's irrelevant. So, I suspect that there IS something really big coming for Tel Aviv.

(Pierre) Something of cosmic origin?

(L) Possibly, we don't know.

(Perceval) One of the depressing things I was thinking about was that the world needs - in a strange way - Israel and the Zionists to do what they're doing, i.e. massacring civilians, to provide an opportunity for the people of the world to wake up and make a choice; a last opportunity to make a choice between yes and no, good and evil, etc. In that sense, they serve a purpose. So that kind of stuff will continue on until the very last.

(L) So it's like in the Book of Revelation: the Palestinians are the saints.

(Perceval) By dying for humanity, in a certain sense...

(Pierre) What is the nature of the big event coming to Tel Aviv?

(L) You know they're not gonna tell you that! They would have told me that way back then. Wait and see!

A: Yes.

Q: (Kniall) Read Pierre's book. [laughter]

(L) Alright, next?

(KJN) They kind of gave some timetables in previous sessions regarding money collapse, martial lockdowns, the Ebola virus becoming pertinent for the United States, etc. Do we have any updates on these time tables, and have things shifted to create a different time table scenario?

A: You are presently in the process described. It is only a matter of acceleration and the addition of the energy information of more dramatic upcoming events.

Q: (L) More dramatic upcoming events... What kind of more dramatic upcoming events?

A: Earth change variety. That should get the system going in a big way!!

Q: (Perceval) There was a big crack in Mexico.

(L) Well, earth changes doesn't necessarily mean comets. It can mean big earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, superstorms, onset of an ice age, floods, and all kinds of things.

This was said 9 years ago. Perhaps now is the time to pay the piper?
Perhaps you may have been thinking of this particular exchange in the transcripts:

Session 23 August 2014:

A: Psychopaths see these events as reasons to impose more controls, but that only results in more pressure and more anger which will reach a global tipping point.

Q: (Pierre) Doesn't it mean national or international revolt?

A: "Tipping points" can be other than human initiated actions.

Q: (Pierre) Cosmic reactions.

(L) Yeah.

(Perceval) Earth changes.

(Pierre) It would have been better that humans react. {Note: if humans don’t take care of their problems, the cosmos will.}

(Chu) But that makes sense like with dictatorships where people were oppressed and killed in front of other people, and still the people submitted. If it's not a cosmic type of reaction, people won't react now. They just don't have it in them.

(L) Yeah, I think the big key to what's going on here is the global nature of the repression, the killing, the suppression, you know?

(Perceval) It's linked because they say, okay, the effect of psychopaths can cause people to rise up and have a revolution. But other than that, it would be nature. It reminds me of that 2004 tsunami when they said...

(L) “If you can't create within, you create without”. When people's creativity is suppressed...

(Perceval) …it manifests externally. It was a wave of creativity that was being suppressed, and it was a wave that came in and destroyed everything, you know what I mean?

(L) Yeah.

(Pierre) There's a circle, or negative feedback loop described with the dynastic cycle {in “Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection}...

(L) That's a positive feedback loop of negative events.

(Pierre) Yeah, you're right. More earth events, more desperation, more control, more anger, and it keeps feeding itself.

(L) Okay, next question?

(KJN) Will Israel get its comeuppance and the Gaza atrocities abate?

A: Israel will certainly "pay the piper", but perhaps not soon enough.

Q: (L) I just keep wanting a comet to just come down on Tel Aviv. There was a session years ago where the C's warned us not to go to Tel Aviv. We were invited to a conference, and they suggested that we not go because they could see something really big coming for Tel Aviv at some point in the future. Now, that was years ago, but you know how time is for the Cs; it's irrelevant. So, I suspect that there IS something really big coming for Tel Aviv.

(Pierre) Something of cosmic origin?

(L) Possibly, we don't know.

(Perceval) One of the depressing things I was thinking about was that the world needs - in a strange way - Israel and the Zionists to do what they're doing, i.e. massacring civilians, to provide an opportunity for the people of the world to wake up and make a choice; a last opportunity to make a choice between yes and no, good and evil, etc. In that sense, they serve a purpose. So that kind of stuff will continue on until the very last.

(L) So it's like in the Book of Revelation: the Palestinians are the saints.

(Perceval) By dying for humanity, in a certain sense...

(Pierre) What is the nature of the big event coming to Tel Aviv?

(L) You know they're not gonna tell you that! They would have told me that way back then. Wait and see!

A: Yes.

Q: (Kniall) Read Pierre's book. [laughter]

(L) Alright, next?

(KJN) They kind of gave some timetables in previous sessions regarding money collapse, martial lockdowns, the Ebola virus becoming pertinent for the United States, etc. Do we have any updates on these time tables, and have things shifted to create a different time table scenario?

A: You are presently in the process described. It is only a matter of acceleration and the addition of the energy information of more dramatic upcoming events.

Q: (L) More dramatic upcoming events... What kind of more dramatic upcoming events?

A: Earth change variety. That should get the system going in a big way!!

Q: (Perceval) There was a big crack in Mexico.

(L) Well, earth changes doesn't necessarily mean comets. It can mean big earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, superstorms, onset of an ice age, floods, and all kinds of things.

This was said 9 years ago. Perhaps now is the time to pay the piper?
No, it's not at this exchange. He was talking about a magnitude 10 earthquake... maybe in another country, but for me, as I remember it, it was for Israel.
Or maybe my brain is giving me a false memory of this exchange.
The first thing that comes to my mind is that an "alert" will suddenly be created in three countries. Announcing something. These countries will enter a state of higher alert or a state of threat alert. Three countries.

They remind me of churches. The bell towers in churches ring and people go to pray for them.
But I was already familiar with it. Last year, I remember. I can't understand it, but people are crying, crying, afraid. Ladies and gentlemen, a terrible tragedy will happen in some country. It will happen suddenly. Do you remember? "This second war will start while we sleep," that's what I said. "When we wake up, we will know that it is still going on." This was the situation now, on October 7 in Israel, where it started at 5:30 our time, so many of us were sleeping, and when we woke up, we already knew it was happening.

One more unexpected and cruel thing will happen. Something will happen that part of a small country will freeze. It will be so unexpected and so shocking to everyone because one part of this country will be in such a situation. It will look like this, as if something were to hit at once, one thing and it would burst into flames. And will this mean that three countries will announce something as one? A state of "heightened something" or a state of war?

There will be such protests in some European cities or capitals that certain districts will be closed to people or there will be some kind of state, for example a state of curfew.

These phrases were on my mind last night as i was attempting to sleep. Is was like a conundrum and I was trying to connect the dots.
I considered the 3 countries possibly being Lebanon, Syria and Iran. But also the part of a country could also be south Cyprus due to all the Western powers gathering there now. I am most probably totally wrong.
The churchbells were either in sympathy or possibly because they were small western countries?
The only small western country I could think of was Belgium and its centre of power in Brussels?
I know it is pure speculation. But just wondered if anyone else 'felt' anything quite strongly concerning thes particular paragraphs!

Freeze could even man ice but doubt isoslated small place. More like comet or missile.
These phrases were on my mind last night as i was attempting to sleep. Is was like a conundrum and I was trying to connect the dots.
I considered the 3 countries possibly being Lebanon, Syria and Iran. But also the part of a country could also be south Cyprus due to all the Western powers gathering there now. I am most probably totally wrong.
The churchbells were either in sympathy or possibly because they were small western countries?
The only small western country I could think of was Belgium and its centre of power in Brussels?
I know it is pure speculation. But just wondered if anyone else 'felt' anything quite strongly concerning thes particular paragraphs!

Freeze could even man ice but doubt isoslated small place. More like comet or missile.
Yes, it is a difficult conundrum to interpret. There was, of course, a terrorist attack in Brussels in Belgium the other day, when two Swedish football supporters were shot dead by a Tunisian illegal migrant who allegedly supported Islamic Jihad (they, unsurprisingly, have claimed responsibility). He has since been killed in a shoot out with the police. However, the incident has left Belgium on a high state of alert. The head of MI5 in Britain has also recently declared a state of hight alert too. I don't know whether any other European country has followed suit.​

"There will be such protests in some European cities or capitals that certain districts will be closed to people or there will be some kind of state, for example a state of curfew."

I believe Macron has banned all pro-Palestinian marches in France and Germany has now done likewise. Perhaps other European countries will do the same, particularly those with large Islamic populations.​
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