Krzysztof Jackowski - Polish Clairvoyant

The current ruling party's high-ranking politicians are afraid that information about the dire state of Polish finances will see the light of day. When he focused on Glapiński (Polish Central Bank President), he felt that he feared that they would be unable to play with statistics and that the state of public finances could become clear before the Autumn elections. It's related to "trust funds", and it's so bad that the government will need to introduce very unpopular reforms, which could lead to a significant decline in the standard of living. [Is this why Poland has bought so much gold recently?]
The US is also a 'master statistician.' Economic indicators are redefined when it suits their agenda; markets are a news reaction machine. How are the prices of gold and silver so stable?
Q: (L) Enough. The other day I experienced one of those extended pre-sleep states, and it seemed that I was in a class and there was someone explaining things to me. What they were telling me was that during this Christmas season [the Christmas season of the dream], certain steps would be taken by those controlling the economy, and that after Christmas, in January and February, a whole lot of stuff was going to be put into motion to send the economy into a dive of major proportions. It was not clear that it was THIS year, but that it was right after a Christmas. Can you tell me where this information was coming from, and what was I experiencing?

A: This is a long and complicated subject, but we will do our best to explain it. What you were seeing was one possible future. The economy of our 3rd density world is entirely manufactured. The forces that control it are both 3rd density and 4th density. There are conflicting opinions in the 3rd density sector right now as to when, where, and how to institute an economic depression. This has been "in the works" for quite some "time" as you measure it. So far, the forces arguing against institution of a collapse have prevailed. How long this condition will be maintained is open to many outcomes. Also, please be aware that the state of the economy is entirely an illusion. In other words, the world economy performs solely based upon what the population is told to believe.
"Inflation is under control, the economy is improving," they say in the news.
How long will this circus last? :shock:
Jackowski did quite a few sessions in the meantime, mainly about Poland and Polish politics. A few topics that might be interesting here (visions from pictures of people):

Donald Trump​

Without support and political power. He was protecting himself, perhaps he was making some copies of documents. He saw the betrayals of people in these documents. But he is lonely right now. Trump without power is lonely and excluded. I have such a strange feeling that they will do anything to keep Trump out of power. Everything will be done to prevent him from running. But the strange thing ... If Trump had a chance to come to power, it would not be through "clean" elections, but through the rebellion of the people. This revolt will recognize Trump. Or maybe there will be such a rebellion in the USA? Trump will rise in revolt of the people, but that does not mean that he will be a "legal" politician.

Ursula von der Leyen​

Europe has an “alert” plan in place. "Alert". I don't want to say this, but I have to. (...) This will be a preventive "alert". If we're expecting something very similar to what we had in 2021, it's unlikely to happen. Now there will be a threat related to the plague, but there will be no performances like queues in front of hospitals or field hospitals, only an "alert" will be placed, which will be in force and it will be "to prevent". We will be told things to follow, but there will be no narrative of tragedy, only we will be told to "prevent something from happening". (...) The focus will be mainly on making sure that this outbreak does not become a big one.
Something else will happen. Apart from preventive measures, which will be restrictive, they are organized quite specifically. So they're already in development. (...) It will be given to us in the way of prepared actions and surprisingly many people will approach it in a submissive way. Something else will happen... There will be talk of a strange disease that "attacks strangely". Remember what I say. This disease will be strange because the cause of the "morbidity pattern" will not be known. It will be a puzzle. But if someone does get sick, the disease will progress very quickly. This will cause us a lot of fear ... I don't have the impression that many people will suffer from this disease, but we will be told about it.
There will be talk of very dangerous complications, or something more dangerous.
There will be a lot of talk about children. To protect the children.
It has a dark connotation to me... If there is this "alert" (the vision calls it that), (...) people will adhere to it during this time. (...) The regulations that will be introduced will deepen, and we will not necessarily see the need to deepen them. This "alert" will be a "trap". It's prepared.
We will be offered a drink. Or they went to some point so that we could get something and drink it in front of someone.
(...) This may lead to the "closing" of Europe, either to non-EU countries, or to countries in Europe being closed to each other.

Klaus Schwab​

"The Revolt of the World". (...) this is what I told you earlier, from this BRICS was created. There is no going back from that… Do you know what it reminds me of? This "ideology" [KS: Schwab's] is mostly supported by the world, even hostile countries support it. The revolt was about business. "Ideology" is not shaken for this time. Now comes the "torment time".
Yesterday's livestream was interesting. As an introduction, he talked about the influence of the full moon in regard to better visions; fuller and more meaningful in the period of 3-4 days before the full moon. This time without quote block enclosing, because Xenforo makes quotes hard to cite, at least for me.

(...) The first thing that came to my mind was the United States. Can you imagine the United States wanting to do something on their own? [KS: I guess, without resorting to the proxy war] I have this feeling, crazy even, that the United States is preparing for some very serious maneuver. Who knows if not military, in which maneuver, maybe differently, but without consulting anyone, without anyone's support, they want to do some great action.
I won't say that... (...) There's not going to be a President. A group... (...) I'm sorry, but it reminds me of something absurd. United States, the President disappears or he doesn't matter. (...) What came to mind now, in my opinion, is 90% or even more, wrong. Some kind of nonsense. The President disappears or the President ceases to matter. I see a group of people. And something strange is happening in the United States. As if it's still a country, but... This group of people revives or gives greater autonomy to all the States that make up the whole of the United States. And... (...) This is rather impossible. The State to allow itself a coup. Revolution. It has absolutely nothing to do with the coup. (...) And most interestingly, this is a group of people. These are not random people. I don't know if the group will take power similar to the presidential one, absolutely not. (...) But this group of people... Will expose something? I don't know. I don't know if it will happen. (...) And then it will be said that it is the removal of people who have just... They will be said to have betrayed America. I am not saying that the current President will have such an indictment, but there will be talk of political people who have betrayed America. And it's going to ripple through the world and a lot of politicians in the world will have a big problem. It will start with America. God, I don't think this full moon is too crazy for something like that to come into my head. And it will be declared a victory.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the world will win, people will win, and this sick thing that has been going on around us for quite a long time will fall. Was it supposed to start with the United States? They will take away titles, titles from people, let's say academic degrees, honorary degrees. It will, it will spill over the world. I don't know what point in the future I'm in but what's going to happen means two things that it's going to start in the US and it's going to be most spectacular in the US and the rest of the world, western countries it's going to be less emotional. That would mean that the evil that is happening now will fall, will be unmasked. There will be strength, but what strength will it have to be, if that strength overrides, I don't know, directing in the United States would be something extraordinary. Okay, I'm letting it go, I'm letting go of what came to mind now. [KS: are we on a "more sane" timeline now?]

In the south-east, in the south-eastern region of Poland, as you know, there are problems with people getting infected [KS: Legionella in the water], there are some deaths and also hospitalized people. It happens, it's a pity that it happens, but it does happen and you shouldn't infer any panic right now. But why am I mentioning it now? I am reminded that the panic will start from a small town or village, because in a small town or village there will be a very serious poisoning in Poland, or people will be poisoned, or people will be infected. This area will even be guarded in some way, let's say people will not be able to leave this area, this small town or village. And it affects almost everyone there. I also say, nothing means anything for now, but you remember when I suggested that people would leave the south-eastern part of Poland. Nothing will happen, I meant military issues, and people will move from there to other parts of, say, Poland. They will not leave it permanently, their places, only for a certain period of time. So maybe that could mean that not only is there a problem there like now, but this problem can get worse, it can become a much more serious problem. That people will react. I am very concerned about what I said many months ago. Because if people leave their places of residence for a while, they may have a problem later. If it were in a different region of Poland, but this is that region, south-eastern Poland, Podkarpacie.
(...) There will be various things that can be attributed to sabotage.
Suddenly, a well-known politician faints. He won't lose his life right away. And I mean in Poland. He will be in the hospital, but even though he will live, it will be the end of him. And after his death there will be more irony than grief about him.
This is the second time it comes to me... (...) A lot of people will have to get a document, a classification sheet. And based on this state, a state of readiness, on the basis of this state, a certain group of people will have to report to the office to get some document.

By something that will come out, Western countries are on the verge of moral decline. It's about something moral, not a fall as states, but a moral one. And morality towards people.
I'll go back to the first thing I felt. Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, perhaps in a military state as strong as the United States there are circles and groups that which are a counter-front to the politicians who have been in power in the United States for some time. And it's not a bunch of people. It may also be related to the army, to part of the army, to military leaders.​

Merci KS, cette vision donne un peu d'espoir aux occidentaux et rend triste pour les empoisonnements de l'eau et déplacement des polonais... Toujours très intéressant, Merci...

Thank you KS, this vision gives some hope to Westerners and makes people sad for the poisoning of the water and the displacement of the Poles... Always very interesting, Thank you...
Yesterday's livestream was interesting. As an introduction, he talked about the influence of the full moon in regard to better visions; fuller and more meaningful in the period of 3-4 days before the full moon. This time without quote block enclosing, because Xenforo makes quotes hard to cite, at least for me.

(...) The first thing that came to my mind was the United States. Can you imagine the United States wanting to do something on their own? [KS: I guess, without resorting to the proxy war] I have this feeling, crazy even, that the United States is preparing for some very serious maneuver. Who knows if not military, in which maneuver, maybe differently, but without consulting anyone, without anyone's support, they want to do some great action.
I won't say that... (...) There's not going to be a President. A group... (...) I'm sorry, but it reminds me of something absurd. United States, the President disappears or he doesn't matter. (...) What came to mind now, in my opinion, is 90% or even more, wrong. Some kind of nonsense. The President disappears or the President ceases to matter. I see a group of people. And something strange is happening in the United States. As if it's still a country, but... This group of people revives or gives greater autonomy to all the States that make up the whole of the United States. And... (...) This is rather impossible. The State to allow itself a coup. Revolution. It has absolutely nothing to do with the coup. (...) And most interestingly, this is a group of people. These are not random people. I don't know if the group will take power similar to the presidential one, absolutely not. (...) But this group of people... Will expose something? I don't know. I don't know if it will happen. (...) And then it will be said that it is the removal of people who have just... They will be said to have betrayed America. I am not saying that the current President will have such an indictment, but there will be talk of political people who have betrayed America. And it's going to ripple through the world and a lot of politicians in the world will have a big problem. It will start with America. God, I don't think this full moon is too crazy for something like that to come into my head. And it will be declared a victory.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the world will win, people will win, and this sick thing that has been going on around us for quite a long time will fall. Was it supposed to start with the United States? They will take away titles, titles from people, let's say academic degrees, honorary degrees. It will, it will spill over the world. I don't know what point in the future I'm in but what's going to happen means two things that it's going to start in the US and it's going to be most spectacular in the US and the rest of the world, western countries it's going to be less emotional. That would mean that the evil that is happening now will fall, will be unmasked. There will be strength, but what strength will it have to be, if that strength overrides, I don't know, directing in the United States would be something extraordinary. Okay, I'm letting it go, I'm letting go of what came to mind now. [KS: are we on a "more sane" timeline now?]

In the south-east, in the south-eastern region of Poland, as you know, there are problems with people getting infected [KS: Legionella in the water], there are some deaths and also hospitalized people. It happens, it's a pity that it happens, but it does happen and you shouldn't infer any panic right now. But why am I mentioning it now? I am reminded that the panic will start from a small town or village, because in a small town or village there will be a very serious poisoning in Poland, or people will be poisoned, or people will be infected. This area will even be guarded in some way, let's say people will not be able to leave this area, this small town or village. And it affects almost everyone there. I also say, nothing means anything for now, but you remember when I suggested that people would leave the south-eastern part of Poland. Nothing will happen, I meant military issues, and people will move from there to other parts of, say, Poland. They will not leave it permanently, their places, only for a certain period of time. So maybe that could mean that not only is there a problem there like now, but this problem can get worse, it can become a much more serious problem. That people will react. I am very concerned about what I said many months ago. Because if people leave their places of residence for a while, they may have a problem later. If it were in a different region of Poland, but this is that region, south-eastern Poland, Podkarpacie.
(...) There will be various things that can be attributed to sabotage.
Suddenly, a well-known politician faints. He won't lose his life right away. And I mean in Poland. He will be in the hospital, but even though he will live, it will be the end of him. And after his death there will be more irony than grief about him.
This is the second time it comes to me... (...) A lot of people will have to get a document, a classification sheet. And based on this state, a state of readiness, on the basis of this state, a certain group of people will have to report to the office to get some document.

By something that will come out, Western countries are on the verge of moral decline. It's about something moral, not a fall as states, but a moral one. And morality towards people.
I'll go back to the first thing I felt. Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, perhaps in a military state as strong as the United States there are circles and groups that which are a counter-front to the politicians who have been in power in the United States for some time. And it's not a bunch of people. It may also be related to the army, to part of the army, to military leaders.​

In connection with Mr. Christopher's vision of Poles leaving the Subcarpathian region, a nuclear explosion in Ukraine came to mind. Cs were talking about it.

And last night I was struck by the thought of not getting involved in collecting signatures to register an electoral committee for Maciej Maciak's movement, because it could be used to eliminate those sympathetic to Russia.
In the Poland thread I wrote a question in this connection.
Every evening in the "prayer of the Soul" I emphasize the cleansing of the ears and eyes, and the heart.
Jackowski did quite a few sessions in the meantime, mainly about Poland and Polish politics. A few topics that might be interesting here (visions from pictures of people):

Thanks for sharing - regarding a possible plague - the Cs have mentioned this -

useful thread regarding this

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