Krzysztof Jackowski - Polish Clairvoyant

Flat 8 is also the symbol for eternity.
Lord of Serpent 🐍 has a scary ssssssymbol for eternity:
Q: (L) How is infinite power acquired by knowing this code? If you don't know the correspondences, how can you use a numerical code?

A: Lord of Serpent promises its followers infinite power which they must seek infinite knowledge to gain, for which they pledge allegiance infinitely, for which they possess for all eternity, so long as they find infinite wisdom, for which they search for all infinity.

Q: (L) Well, that is a round robin... a circle you can't get out of!

A: And therein you have the deception! Remember, those who seek to serve self with supreme power, are doomed only to serve others who seek to serve self, and can only see that which they want to see.
Latest livestream:

As for the symbol, it looks like the ouroboros to me...
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Thank you KS for reporting his latest findings. It is interesting but it is also quite scary. In one of his previous remove viewing, he stated that Klaus got his instructions from the Benetta Club. Is that it? They are the Lords of Serpent clan? Didn't he also feel that people are waking up?
38 countries whose leaders were seduced to obey and do the bidding of this club, that is far too many! This symbol also appears on several of the Tarot Cards:

The Ouroboros is depicted from the Fantasy Deck while all the others are from the Rider-Waite deck.

Lemniscate: Infinity symbol - Wikipedia

Canadian Metis Flag:1688746640984.png

No wonder they all want to get rid of Trump. How can he change that? We know that this club has a wide hand in everything they do and will not stop unless a catastrophic episode wipes them as well as us. Do they feel secure that their Overlords will protect them?
Even if Trump had been able to arrest a few people, their reach is so wide and far it probably would not have any real effect on it's organization. They've been at it for far too long already and been through many disasters since their inception.
The Klaus Schwab's of this world are too many. Another one will take its place and so on....
Shocking people out of their inertia would work somewhat, but then many would not believe and being 3D STS has its own limitations.
To remove their influence, it will have to be far more drastic: economically, medically, spiritually, educationally, in short, in every aspect of our lives! Our knowledge base is so drastically lacking that it would indeed take a huge effort on the part of the sleeping people to realize they've been had!

Russia is doing it's best to get rid of one "undesirable" element of this movement, however, as we all know with the narrative and propaganda of these overlords wannabe, people are still too asleep to understand. Too busy fighting inflation and getting the necessities of life to bother with this ongoing and real threat!

Too many variables at this time to state if his feelings are right or not. Future so uncertain.


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Jackowski had a live stream yesterday, but most of it was his talk about AI. I didn't find that interesting, so I didn't invest time into transcription. At the end, he took photos of the Pope, Biden, and a few Polish politicians and tried to focus on them. When he took Biden, he felt that "they" were preparing for the next pandemic in a hurry. The next pandemic will be about meat. There will be something in meat, probably a pathogen, that will be very dangerous when ingested. But this will probably be fake. He feels a connection with Istnabul, this pandemic could start there.
Jackowski had a live stream yesterday, but most of it was his talk about AI. I didn't find that interesting, so I didn't invest time into transcription. At the end, he took photos of the Pope, Biden, and a few Polish politicians and tried to focus on them. When he took Biden, he felt that "they" were preparing for the next pandemic in a hurry. The next pandemic will be about meat. There will be something in meat, probably a pathogen, that will be very dangerous when ingested. But this will probably be fake. He feels a connection with Istnabul, this pandemic could start there.
Thank you KS. I guess we've been warned..... Thanks KS for this report. The PTB certainly is determined to make us all sick..... :jawdrop:
When he took Biden, he felt that "they" were preparing for the next pandemic in a hurry. The next pandemic will be about meat. There will be something in meat, probably a pathogen, that will be very dangerous when ingested. But this will probably be fake.

In the 2010 Shape reports for this time period in 2023 we had the [bad meats] and [bad foods] showing up. We had broken it down to:
a. mRNA or pathogens and/or,
b. WEF program to move foods to recycled feces and urine, insects and meal worms, 'lab' meats using immortal cell lines (cancers and tumors), heavy processed simulated foods,meat bans and/or,
c. as yet unknown manifestation.

One webbot forum member noted the following bot words from that report:

[bad foods]
[melt down]
[mass poisoning] <--- Note this!!!
[meat die off]
[bad meat promoting vegetarianism]

I'd have to go to the 2010 report but this is close enough. As it had [mass poisoning] some of us were already taking precautions.

I'd be very careful at this time with events especially when it involves your health or those of your family. Jackowski seems to be picking up on what the bots came back with 13-years ago for this time period. I can find and post the actual report if anyone wants (in the clif high thread as not to derail this one).
I did a large post at the webbotforum per a request of member there. It's too long to cross post here but it gets into the [radiation] and I suspect the 2nd plague mentioned in this thread. I'd take Krzysztof Jackowski concerns seriously, I certainly hope this does not occur. It might be that [world war last] which manifested 02-22-22 and the [new war] within is as Edward Dowd puts it, a smokescreen for the injections deaths (2nd plague) as well as the on-coming dollar collapse. I suspect a ramp up after the BRICS meeting in August 2023, possibly the biblical 10 kings. it may be linked in the Shape reports to the [ancient disease] appearing, which would include smallpox (or something similar), TB and so on.

The bots did pick up the short spike in concern and monitoring for the Fall 2022 even with the NAZIs shelling the nuclear plant in the Ukraine and it did manifest per the 2009 Shape report (shot, intense concern).

This one is very, very serious if it manifests. It appears to be a very large [radiation] event which occurs fairly soon. They are ramping up the war in the Ukraine with US forces going there. It's spread in several Shape reports from 2010 thru 2012. The [ocean death spiral] starts in 2023 and peaks around 2031. [radiation from war] comes up as does [radiation from space], maybe DEWs?

The [radiation] event in this excerpt impacts the oceans (as well as land) and if it manifests takes out the oceans as a food source. [fukushima] comes in as well so it may be adding to the situation, perhaps, dumping some of the radioactive waters into the oceans and the [strange energies from space] also play a role.

Here's a clip from a 2011 Shape report post:


[Death Wave One][sweep][northern hemisphere]
[ocean][winds/jet streams][whole planet]
[placing at risk of radiation poisoning]

[radioactive ocean foods]<- March 2024

[radiation poisoning][denied]
[mainstream media = propaganda press]
[sheeple][suspect truth]

Anyways just a short excerpt from that post. I really, really hope the bots are wrong on this one. I suspect that the US/NATO/KM are about to ramp things up with BRICS imminent so look for more equipment heading over there, perhaps, this is the trigger? The bots also had for early 2023 US draft laws quietly going into place so watch for moves this way as well. I'd keep a close eye on Krzysztof Jackowski posts to see if it manifests further.
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This one is very, very serious if it manifests. It appears to be a very large [radiation] event which occurs fairly soon. They are ramping up the war in the Ukraine with US forces going there. It's spread in several Shape reports from 2010 thru 2012. The [ocean death spiral] starts in 2023 and peaks around 2031. [radiation from war] comes up as does [radiation from space], maybe DEWs?
Zaporizhia power plant should not pose any serious danger to the atmosphere, as it's not using graphite, but imagine how crazy it could be if something bad happens and Dnipro will get contaminated (which flows to the Black Sea). If COVID-19 crazies did PCR tests in the city's sewers and media now trying to demonize standard summer temperatures, it could be awful. I remember that I was watching an interview with Jackowski, and the interviewer asked "What is the weirdest thing that we will believe in?" (a clear reference to the pandemic). Jackowski answered with an anecdote: "Imagine that I will invite you to my house, around which I have an orchard, and you will be afraid when I will offer you an apple because it will be told to us that food is contaminated, but I won't be". The interviewer told him that "people could use Geiger counters, so it's hardly believable that they will fall for it". "Yes, but we've seen asymptomatic diseases, weren't we?" concluded Jackowski.

(...) There are two main scenarios of a disaster at ZNPP, Pareniuk argues.

"In one case, there will be a Fukushima-like accident, that is, a thermal explosion, (and) depending on where the wind blows, radionuclides will becarried there," the expert explained.

“This is exactly what (Ukrainian President Volodymyr) Zelenskyy said — that radiation knows no borders. If the wind blows to Russia, it will carry all this to Russia.”

"And another scenario is that if there is no reactor explosion, the leakage of radioactive substances will contaminate the Dnipro River," Pareniuk added.

If the Kakhovka HPP and the reservoir had survived, all these radionuclides would have "mostly settled in the dead water of the Kakhovka HPP, in the dead layer of water that is down near the dam," Pareniuk said.

"By the way, a lot of Chornobyl nuclides settled in the Kyiv Reservoir dam, which is (to the north of) Kyiv," Pareniuk said.

“But we no longer have the Kakhovka dam, and if there is a leakage of radioactive substances, a certain area of the banks of the Dnipro will be contaminated, but basically everything will go into the Black Sea. And then all the countries of the Black Sea basin — Russia, Turkey, Moldova, Bulgaria — will have ZNPP radionuclides.”
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. I suspect a ramp up after the BRICS meeting in August 2023, possibly the biblical 10 kings.

I was reading Revelations 17 where it speaks of the 10 kings. Before the mention of the 10 kings it speaks of the great whore, the woman clothed in purple and scarlet and in the last verse it is revealed to us that the woman "is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth"

For all that is described about the city, its trade with other nations, gold and precious stones and fornication, it seems that New York City, a center of financial, commercial and fashion power, is being described.

The woman (NY city) is seated on the beast (aka Antichrist, Consortium, lizzards) and we are also told that the beast is of the seven, possibly a reference to the G7 made up of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States which oppose Russia's multipolar order.
Revelation 17:10-12

10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.
Five are fallen (lost power after WWII) France Germany, Italy, Japan, UK. One is (the current king) USA and one is not yet, I think this is the Secret Undisclosed Government and the eighth king.​
11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.
12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
Possibly the ninth and tenth kings have temporary kingdoms or are used to wage war and empower the beast.​
He had another session yesterday, just to register what he said:
  • he felt from Lukashenka and Putin's photos that "turning off will start", which he interprets that Russia will turn off all gas and other resources that are still going to Europe (probably in the Autumn)
  • he confirmed what he felt earlier; the Ukraine conflict will not become something bigger, it'll be a small front that "will smolder", the bigger thing will start in the Middle East
  • Erdogan aligned himself with NATO, and doubts in Putin
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