Krzysztof Jackowski - Polish Clairvoyant

i no longer watch twitter references, because they do not contribute to solving a problem.
Of course, but in the case of SSGEOS as others, the use of twitter is only as a warning, the bulk of information is on the page. There is a whole page dedicated to the topic of Atmospheric fluctuations as an indication of seismic activity and of planetary and lunar conjunctions which, forming certain geometry, provide the electromagnetic energy that can provoke earthquakes.

i stick to this forum as i believe it can be useful.

In the thread Earthquakes around the world we try to keep track of significant seismic activity, personally I have found a relationship between certain planetary geometry and the occurrence of earthquakes.

The following graph is published weekly by SSGEOS and indicates lunar geometry, conjunctions and convergences. There is a coincidence between this and the occurrence of earthquakes.

SSGEOS points to August as a critical month due to Earth's involvement with two planets Saturn and Neptune. Whether something cataclysmic happens remains to be seen, but the last few times it happened powerful earthquakes shook the Indian Ocean near Sumatra and Canada.

The positions of Mars and Saturn will become more critical as the Earth approaches their line. As the Planets move counterclockwise the Earth approaches the Mars-Saturn line. An earthquake of M7 and at worst M8 could be recorded after conjunctions or right angles with the Moon, Mars and Saturn. This as we move through the month of July and into August.

August will be really critical because Neptune is incorporated into the geometry. When Neptune gets involved with Mars an M8.5 earthquake can easily be reached.

On April 09, 2012 for example, the Earth was almost between Mars and Neptune and the moon was forming a right angle with them. Two days later there were two M8 earthquakes on the Sumatran Coast.
Of course, but in the case of SSGEOS as others, the use of twitter is only as a warning, the bulk of information is on the page. There is a whole page dedicated to the topic of Atmospheric fluctuations as an indication of seismic activity and of planetary and lunar conjunctions which, forming certain geometry, provide the electromagnetic energy that can provoke earthquakes.

In the thread Earthquakes around the world we try to keep track of significant seismic activity, personally I have found a relationship between certain planetary geometry and the occurrence of earthquakes.

The following graph is published weekly by SSGEOS and indicates lunar geometry, conjunctions and convergences. There is a coincidence between this and the occurrence of earthquakes.
View attachment 76989

SSGEOS points to August as a critical month due to Earth's involvement with two planets Saturn and Neptune. Whether something cataclysmic happens remains to be seen, but the last few times it happened powerful earthquakes shook the Indian Ocean near Sumatra and Canada.

dear puma. thank you. i agree with you. as regards the prediction of quakes, i suggest you have a look at the site reset676 which also finds planetary correlations. i introduced this site on this forum.
Some countries are preparing not only for war, but we can say that, in a sense, for two wars, because for these reasons, there will be protests in specific countries in the world, even anarchy. If that were to happen, then something big got stuck and failed. But this fiasco is not a victory for all of us, because a secondary plague will come. Inevitable. Anchored.
Internal preparation of some countries. Keeping the army, various police units, and security units in readiness will be aimed at suppressing any protests that may, for a good reason, turn into civil wars. Anarchy.

It seems that anti-government protests are intensifying in France. No doubt in the near future France will be fighting two wars. Possibly one of them a proxy war against Russia and the other one internally provoked by economic policy and the "second plague".

France unrest: Third night of riots after police shoot teen, officer charged​

● Protesters set up barricades, burn cars, ransack bank
● France to deploy 40,000 police officers
Officer charged with shooting 17-year-old in Paris suburb

NANTERRE, France, June 29 (Reuters) - Major French cities saw a third night of riots on Thursday as President Emmanuel Macron fought to contain a mounting unrest triggered by the deadly police shooting of a teenager of Algerian and Moroccan descent during a traffic stop.

Forty thousand police officers were to deploy across France -- nearly four times the numbers mobilised on Wednesday -- but there were few signs that government appeals to a de-escalation in the violence would quell the widespread anger.

In Nanterre, the working class town on the western outskirts of Paris where 17-year-old Nahel M. was shot dead on Tuesday, protesters torched cars, barricaded streets and hurled projectiles at police following a peaceful vigil.

Protesters scrawled "Vengeance for Nahel" across buildings and bus shelters and as night set a bank was lit on fire before firemen put it out.
Update from yesterday's session, that could be a development of the situation in France that @Puma brought up:
  • he feels that there will be a kind of terror attack "pandemic", that will result in lockdown-like countermeasures
  • there will be suspicions of terrorists involved in food or water spoilage, etc.
  • the terrorist attacks could start "even this year"
  • Putin has a very "cunning" plan to create a country, probably from the territories of Ukraine that Russia is controlling
  • this is in order to change the rhetoric: now Ukraine will be attacking sovereign country rather than trying to reclaim occupied lands
  • Russia is constantly observing "some object", because if something happens with it, international pressure will be put on Putin; this is to have evidence of what really happend
I just wanted to clarify that he didn't mean France explicitly. He was saying that there could be limits on how many people could board the metro (and Poland has only one poor metro line), for example. But it really fits France, in my understanding. How will they be able to control the situation that is developing there? But also, terrorist attacks could happen in some other country, but the countermeasures could be implemented everywhere because we are quite used to giving away our freedoms for safety.

It looks like he's echoing our expectations: riots, lockdowns, a power grab by the elites, earth changes resulting in cataclysms, a true pandemic...
It seems that anti-government protests are intensifying in France. No doubt in the near future France will be fighting two wars. Possibly one of them a proxy war against Russia and the other one internally provoked by economic policy and the "second plague".
I think France's involvement in a proxy war with Russia isn't so certain. Boris Johnson was constantly criticizing Macron of being Putin's puppet, and we now know from Putin that Johnson was directly involved in breaking the first deal between Ukraine and Russia. It looks to me as if France was doing everything in their power to calm the situation and to stay away from this as far as possible.

And since this is the topic about Jackowski, he said multiple times that he gets a feeling that, if the situation with Ukraine would escalate further, only like 6 NATO countries are willing to get involved.

If French elites are really desperate to stay out of this, i wouldn't be surprised if they would try to manufacture something withing French borders, just to have an excuse to keep their military inside. "Sorry guys, we're quite busy here, you deal with Russia yourself."
I consider France to be influenced mostly by Germany. And Germany is doing everything to not get involved as much as they can in the whole situation. Poland is America's barking dog that is currently being taken over by the USA (it previously had Israeli, German and Russian influences). I suppose that France and Germany would be happy doing business with the Chinese via their Belt and Road Initiative, especially since it seems that the Chinese will probably not interfere with their internal affairs (as they are ethics-oriented, as described by Koneczny). It'd be best for both countries to have Poland and Ukraine dismantled. If, for example, some parts of Poland could be taken over, this could also mean that Germany could also control the Odessa-Gdańsk route, which could connect the Balck Sea with the Balitc Sea. So it seems that Germany is playing a tricky game, not totally free from American influence, but with the understanding that dealing with Chinese and Russians is far more profitable long-term for them. That's my limited understanding of this situation. The plan seems obvious from the American standpoint: destabilize France and Germany. And they do know how to spread terror.
I consider France to be influenced mostly by Germany. And Germany is doing everything to not get involved as much as they can in the whole situation. Poland is America's barking dog that is currently being taken over by the USA (it previously had Israeli, German and Russian influences). I suppose that France and Germany would be happy doing business with the Chinese via their Belt and Road Initiative, especially since it seems that the Chinese will probably not interfere with their internal affairs (as they are ethics-oriented, as described by Koneczny). It'd be best for both countries to have Poland and Ukraine dismantled. If, for example, some parts of Poland could be taken over, this could also mean that Germany could also control the Odessa-Gdańsk route, which could connect the Balck Sea with the Balitc Sea. So it seems that Germany is playing a tricky game, not totally free from American influence, but with the understanding that dealing with Chinese and Russians is far more profitable long-term for them. That's my limited understanding of this situation. The plan seems obvious from the American standpoint: destabilize France and Germany. And they do know how to spread terror.

not impossible. on verra = we shall see. remember de gaulle: l'europe, de l'atlantique jusqu'a l'oural...
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The first feeling is that he thinks about or regrets not closing down some institution and ordering the arrest of some people. But it may be the other way round that he now thinks that if he is given power in the future, he is thinking of closing some institutions and arresting some people. Purge at very high levels.​
Zrzut ekranu 2023-07-6 o 12.52.09.png
I drew the number 8, and that's exactly what it reminds me of. This is an international organization that has such a symbol. 36 countries of the world belong to this organization. With such a symbol. 36 countries of the world. I mean, it doesn't have to be true. I can feel it from his picture. He says these countries have betrayed humanity, deceived humanity.

"Frothy blood" [pol: pienista krew]. The blood that foams, the foam comes out of it. I feel it strongly, so I say it, but I don't understand it at all.

The 36 countries that have agreed to this are decision after agreement, and it is virtually impossible to deviate from this. Trump knew that when he was still in office, but he couldn't object to it because this organization that has this symbol, an inverted eight, this organization has a lot of people in these countries in their governments. Trump, acting as president, knew that there were people next to him, he rather guessed it, next to him there are people who are ruthless for this organization. Any open, public opposition could be very dangerous for him. He knew this and was against it.

The whole world doesn't do "that", I'm sorry I don't call it what it is, but you can probably guess, I hope. The whole world doesn't do "that", some part of the world does "that". That is done by the countries that are in this organization, or in other words, that have allowed the activities and influence of this organization. Inverted eight. He doesn't agree with it. And if he's given power, if he's president again, before he reveals it, he's unlikely to even reveal it, because that would be a shock to part of the world, he's going to want to pacify it at least from the position of the United States, but he's going to have to secure his own security first. because it works in such a way that people around it can be closest, among them there may be someone who works for this organization, who watches over high-ranking politicians.

This organization doesn't work, it doesn't have a driving force to manage it in the US or in Europe. This organization has a board somewhere in some exotic country. This organization, its center is located in some exotic country. It can be in two or three places. One of the places where I felt it is Kuwait.

He believes that a war, even a world war, a fight against this organization in a sense makes no sense, because countries will fight among themselves, and this organization is in no danger. This organization is apolitical but has influence over politicians. Actually, there is no strength, there is no way to organize this.

It's about generating a new human being. To start a new humanity, new people, other people. This organization thinks that it will create not immediately, but will create a super human, a super race, but getting there will be very dirty, possibly brutal. And would these new people be classified? Would there be a kind of obedient, submissive? There would be a species of humans, but mostly submissive.

He knows it's powerful and so organized that there's hardly any clear-cut power to annihilate it. Trump believed, Trump knew something when he was still president, but he knew that there could be people close to him who are passive of the organization.​


I have the impression that I felt that way about the role of our country, because at the same time it doesn't have to be true, I just feel it that way. With President Duda, I felt a certain disorientation for the current time. I have been telling you for a long time that in my opinion Poland plays an important role in everything that is happening here in this region. An important role, the role of which perhaps the European Union is not even able to understand. That is why there are still some nuances between the EU and Poland on various backgrounds. Our government is also not particularly concerned about having good relations with the EU. I have the impression that our government is focused mainly on the war in Ukraine and what the future may bring in relation to Poland in this respect. At the moment, I think our president is confused.

I have the feeling that there have already been such psychological steps taken in both directions, that he felt that a conflict could soon break out also in Poland, and then it calmed down and relaxed. But it looks as if it absolutely does not depend on our government or the president. As if they were waiting for some decision from outside. It is certainly not a decision that is to come from Russia. From outside. It is possible that the decision of the United States.

I sense from Mr. Duda such concern that the holidays that the children started at school, i.e. the end of lessons, holidays, went smoothly. Going to school may not be... Going to school can be a bad, anxious time. Something might be going on. I have the impression that our president has a feeling, I emphasize these are my feelings, and in relation to him it does not have to be true, but I feel from him that our country is prepared for military action. It's just waiting for an order. And I strongly feel that it is only a matter of time when a decision on such actions will be taken. It doesn't have to be a war with us right away, but he is prepared for military action.

I'll say something else. Going to school doesn't have to be about war. And it may be related to very strange diseases or illnesses, or the threat of illness.​


I have a feeling that what is happening in Ukraine is not the end of this stage. That let's say the war will stop. I have the impression that Putin wants to do something with his own hands. That is, not entirely with their decisions, that something may happen where Russia will not start. It comes to mind, maybe Belarus. Maybe from Belarus. Or it could be a completely different situation. I have such a strong feeling that even before this dam, before this putsch, I said that something would be done, that everything would be done so that the war would be dormant, prevented in some sense. That both the front and the war would encounter difficulties in terms of logistics. And see, that's what happened. First the dam, then the putsch, the departure of a large number of troops. These things really put the front to sleep to a great extent. I have the impression that Russia thinks that if at this stage, at this moment, this war does not end, it will happen, if it escalates, a serious war will ensue. A war that may not be just a Russian-Ukrainian war. It will be a dangerous war. A serious weapon war.

Putin is thinking about creating a state, giving some lands a nationality. But he will do it stealthily. He has the intention, I just did it in a sneaky way, that he will do it contrary to what the world denied. And when he does, when he announces it, he will warn that continuing the war in these territories will be a violation of the sovereignty of a specific state, to which Russia will react.

(...) I believe that this year ahead of us is, unfortunately, the next bad year. But what will it be? When I ask myself what will happen, Russia will attack suddenly. In my opinion, this is not the end of this war. I feel Russia is getting ready, unless extraordinary things happen, but I feel Russia is getting ready for a major war. Russia will attack suddenly. Will first attack some arsenals, some weapon and ammunition depots. And a country near Kaliningrad may be attacked. It will not be Poland. One of the countries: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia.

Air strikes, air strikes on some armaments, on some weapons dumps. I am afraid, ladies and gentlemen, that unfortunately we are... There is a door opened towards a serious war, which will not only be faced by Ukraine. Unfortunately, this door will open. This threat has absolutely not passed. Given what I felt from Trump about some weird organization, some events where 36 countries and there's some new man in it, some ideas with humanity. On the other hand, we have a sense that the war may spread. Pessimistic, but that's how I feel.​

As for the symbol, it looks like the ouroboros to me...
Sorry for the translation errors; sometimes he speaks in such a convoluted way that the automatic translator has major problems. But I hope that the points that he made are understood: Trump really wanted to dry the Swamp, a new race is coming, as C's said a long time ago, and the West will piss off Russia even more... "May you live in interesting times".
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