Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Powerful - tears in my eyes . . .

US Veterans throwing their medals at NATOs front gates. Standing in solidarity with people in the Middle East.

US Veterans throwing their medals at NATOs front gates. Standing in solidarity with people in the Middle East.
Very powerful protest. This took place in 2012 (I believe) during a NATO summit held in the city of Chicago.

Democracy Now! broadcasts from Chicago, site of the largest NATO summit in the organization's six-decade history. On Sunday, veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, as well as members of Afghans For Peace, led a peace march of thousands of people. Iraq Veterans Against the War held a ceremony where nearly 50 veterans discarded their war medals by hurling them down the street in the direction of the NATO summit. We hear the soldiers' voices as they return their medals one by one from the stage. "I am giving back my global war on terror service medal in solidarity with the people of Iraq and Afghanistan," said Jason Heard, a former combat medic who spent 10 years in the U.S. Army. "I am deeply sorry for the destruction that we have caused in these countries and around the globe."
More ingredients for/with/on November.
"Advanced forms of biological warfare that can target specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool."

This quote raises a question: what is the meaning of "politically useful"? Obviously, it varies with politics. To identify the politics behind this atrocity, we need merely look at who has been running the governments of the nations primarily targeted: filthy rich, transhumanistically inclined fascisto-communists with a yen for neofeudalism. (CL)…

Let them be careful what they say and to whom they say it, because these beasts no longer feel fear of anyone or anything. The Zionist-psychopathic lunatics are in the mode of killing and destroying everything around them and attacking anyone who disagrees with them, as their perspective changes and everything slowly slips out of their hands. They are not fit for rehabilitation and treatment, the Universe said, they are fit for disposal. And as he said so he did! It's only a matter of time.
Actually yes, they are for the first time in 500 years no longer the Supremes. Their control of fiats is rapidly waning , Putin is spinning them on their heads and their position of disparity is no longer what it was. It must be terrible to acknowledge and even worse to contemplate their accustomed superiority slipping away like sand through fingers.
"You have swords, we have blood,
You have steel and fire, we have flesh,
You have tanks, we have rocks,
You have tear gas, we have rain,

But the sky and the air
Are the same for all.

So pile your fantasies in an abandoned pit and leave,
Go away from our land,
From our soil, from our sea,
From our wheat, from our salt, from our wounds,
From everything... go away,
From the memories of memory."

Mahmoud Darwish, Palestinian poet.

View attachment 84771
Most touching that photograph Brings tears to the eyes. Love and care personified. As long as love persists despite of all the odds the Ugly will never conquer.
Correspondate of The Guardian says:

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' convoy is attacked.

According to the Turkish newspaper Yeni Şafak, one of the guards was shot dead. Whether Abbas himself was injured is not specified. It is alleged that a group called the Children of Abu Jandel claimed responsibility for the attack.

There is no official statement on the incident yet.

Video from the web.

UPD: A source @rian_ru in the Palestinian president's administration denied media reports about the "shelling" of his motorcade. According to him, Abbas is healthy and working in his office in Ramallah.

🟩 RT in Russian
🇵🇸🇮🇱 Videos from an alleged attack against Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas car had surfaced recently. The videos are from the incident with drug dealers in Jalazon just from a different angle, the Palestinian President hasn't even left his home today

◾A campaign of fakes orchestrated by Israeli intelligence is trying to provoke a civil war between Palestinian factions.

◾The Palestinian National Authority has debunked these Mossad fakes with a statement this morning. (Next reply)
◾Two days ago, a fake group by the name of Abu Jandal allegedly released a joint statement of Palestinian Authority officials declaring mutiny against President Abbas within 24 hours.

◾The post was shared by a newly created telegram channel, and only 3 minutes later was reposted by a famous virtual opposition page called "Msh Hek"; the page's IP address is in fact in Tel Aviv, according to a PA intelligence officer.

◾The statement, which shares names of actual officials in the Palestinian Authority debunked the fake statement right after it was published, exposing the attempt as a work of Mossad aiming to destabilise the West Bank and create social divisions and security conflicts.
Maybe it was already posted and translated into English, but I saw the following video (in Hebrew) by an ex-observer/spotter, where she shared that apparently observer female soldiers shared the information (about the movement of Hamas on the 7th of October) to their military bosses, but the information was ignored. The young woman in the video calls it "at least a negligence", but hints at the deliberate dismissal. Which just confirms what we already know.
Do you remember World War 2 when Zionists colloborated with Nazis to kill millions of Jews?
I wasn't aware of this connection between Zionism and Nazi regime in Germany. So I started to do some search on web and found some interesting tidbits, but currently I am reading The Secret Contacts: Zionism and Nazi Germany, 1933-1941, published by University of California Press on behalf of the Institute for Palestine Studies, author Klaus Polkehn.

Here's few short excerpts:
Anti-Semitism became official German government policy when Hitler was named Chancellor of the German Reich on January 30, 1933. The spring of 1933 also witnessed the beginning of a period of private co-operation between Zionism and the German fascist regime to increase the inflow of German Jewish immigrants and capital to Palestine. The Zionist authorities succeeded in keeping this cooperation a secret for a long period, and only since the beginning of the 1960's have criticisms of it been expressed here and there. The Zionist reaction has usually consisted of declarations that their onetime contacts with Nazi Germany were undertaken solely to save the lives of Jews. But the contacts were all the more remarkable because they took place at a time when many Jews and Jewish organizations demanded a boycott of Nazi Germany. On the occasion of the Sixteenth Convention of the Israeli Communist Party, a paper was submitted at the outset of the conference in which it was stated that "after Hitler's taking of power in Germany, when all anti-fascist forces in the world and the great majority of the Jewish organizations proclaimed a boycott against Nazi Germany, contacts and col- laboration existed between Zionist leaders and the Hitlerite government. "The paper quoted the Zionist official Eliezer Livneh (who had been editor of the Haganah organ during the Second World War) as declaring, during a symposium organized by the Israeli newspaper Maario) in 1966, "that for the Zionist leadership the rescue of Jews was not an aim in itself, but only a means" 2 (i.e., to establishing a Jewish state in Palestine).
The persecution of the Jews had already started and reached its first climax in a big pogrom on April 1, 1933, that encompassed all Germany. In the first days of March 1933, German Jewish citizens were mistreated in German cities (for example, Jewish shops in Brunswick were ransacked on March 11, 1933, and on March 13, Jewish lawyers were manhandled in front of the Hall of Justice in Breslau). The fascist authorities issued the "Law for the Restoration of the Character of Vocational Professions," which, amongst other things, led to the removal of 2000 Jewish scientists and scholars from German universities. The Eighteenth Zionist Congress, which convened in the summer of 1933, was nevertheless cool about this: when, during the session of the Zionist Congress taking place on August 24, 1933, the position of the German Jews was to be discussed, the Congress Presidium moved to prevent the discussion. It also strenuously and successfully attempted to prevent the introduction of a resolution calling for the boycott of German goods, and placed great emphasis instead on the need to arrange the emigration of the German Jews. Protests against the events in Germany were kept to an absolute minimum. The fascists rewarded the Zionists for their "restraint" and allowed the ZVFD to go on with its work unhindered. (This was at a time when all democratic and anti-fascist parties and organizations in Germany were subject to the most rigorous persecution, with their officials and members behind bars in prisons and concentration camps.) At the same time, the fascists placed all kinds of obstacles in the path of the non-Zionist organizations.
After 1933, the fascists permitted the Zionists to continue with their propaganda. While all the newspapers in Germany were placed directly under the supervision of the Ministry of Propaganda (the newspapers published by the Communists or the Social Democratic Party or the trade unions and other progressive organizations were banned) the Zionist Jüdische Rundschau was allowed to appear unhindered.
The author lists numerous things in the paper and it just show how shady Zionist were. This is probably a bit off-topic, but I thought it might be relevant piece of history to have here.
These dreams are definitely telling. Especially being put in front of a turret and told you have to remain 100% pure or you'd be killed (paraphrasing).
If we were 100% pure, would we exist in this realm at all ?

We are then asked to not move, do nothing and expect nothing. But life is movement. And the types of movement allowed are restricted constantly and incessantly, and have beeb for tens of thousands of years.

At this point, people are being killed and hated simply because of the artificial and physical borders around where they were born. Or even because of what visas they have. Both are inhumane, illogical and devastating.

Perhaps soon, when the hate is ramped up enough, no one will be safe anymore. Perhaps soon, the trial run of wwii will become reality for everyone.

It seems the universe is testing us individually and collectively. Hyperkinetic sensate and all that.

Who among us can continue without being coerced into " "choosing" a "side" ". Who among us can see the actual SIDES. not those of israeli vs. palestinian, or black vs. white, or this religion vs. that religion ?

In the forum the numbers are much higher than in the wild. and even here it is possible to see glimpses of caving in to the puppeteers' narratives.

I hope humanity is able to actually SEE. All the way though. To see that ppl are and have always been set up to hate and kill each other, in order to feed an inhuman & insatiable machine.

To SEE that it's not X vs. Y, but psycopathy EVERYWHERE vs. the human soul.

Some people in the wild (mostly from abroad mind you, people who have never been to the middle-east, funnily enough) find me unpalatable because I don't agree to hate and condemn ordinary everyday folks of this or that "group". These groups are artificial.
They are propped up and lit in such a way as to allow the best circumstances for feeding on chaos.

On the more "human" level: As for "governments" of all kinds, I don't know what we are able to do against that sickness.

In the meantime, I'll continue to help who I can when the exchange is genuine, irregardless of their visas, color of their skin, or where they were born. I hope in my heart large numbers of others will do the same.
Totally agree with you about not giving into hate, it's really easy to do.
It's just really upsetting. My heart hurts quite literally when I see a government regime do this to people.
And I'm not sure what that dream meant, but to me, it didn't mean something about staying pure, (although it could do from what you say).
Felt it was more something along the lines of how the powers that be, in alignment with zionisim, how they are trying to control everything, the narrative.

And how they are trying to justify what they are doing, (but can't because it's just too horrible).. When they actually engineered this situation to further their aims.. From what we've been told what happened on the 7th was an inside job anyway. So choosing sides it's not about, more about seeing this for what it is, the truth, a genocide, and calling them out for it.

They've done numerous false flags like this it's standard apparently, and have manipulated the media for a very long time to suit they agenda.

So It's more about this thing that is happening right now, this is a really specific situation which from what I know has indeed been instigated by the zionist regime, which seems more political than religious in a sense.. At the very highest levels possibly not religious at all. .

So I'm not for it tbh, yes I am against zionism as an ideology and will admit that. So you can say I'm impure lol. Agree that it's very difficult to be totally pure.. Just think Its like a pretty toxic belief system that has caused many prob in the world imo, historically if people speak out against it it's a big taboo, being labeled anti semetic etc.
The powerful lobby's they silence people..And they have got away with it for too long imo. So it was more about the sentiments behind zionisim and where they have lead, not the individuals. I don't mention Israelis or Jewish people as they don't necessarily agree with this stuff.

Many Jewish people don't like zionist ideas either who I've seen.. Many are protesting about it from what I can see and don't like being associated with it..
I wasn't aware of this connection between Zionism and Nazi regime in Germany. So I started to do some search on web and found some interesting tidbits, but currently I am reading The Secret Contacts: Zionism and Nazi Germany, 1933-1941, published by University of California Press on behalf of the Institute for Palestine Studies, author Klaus Polkehn.

Here's few short excerpts:

The author lists numerous things in the paper and it just show how shady Zionist were. This is probably a bit off-topic, but I thought it might be relevant piece of history to have here.
From Yahweh to Zion by Laurent Guyenot
Let's face it: the evil being unleashed upon Gaza at this time is unparalleled at any time in history. Not that such evil hasn't happened before, oh no. But that it's happening SO openly and brazenly in real time? THAT is new. And that all the world can see it, even if they don't want to - it's THERE IN OUR FACES now 24/7. We are collectively standing on the edge of the abyss.

Yes there had been, Irak, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen to name a few, in the last 20 years. In Gaza, the Nakba. Pandemia 2020, the main purpose to decimate, the population.

History repeats itself over and over again, even though more people are able to become more and better informed.

And yes, we as the collective standing on the edge of the abyss, don't want to realize that the time will come when we will fall.

So I'm not for it tbh, yes I am against zionism as an ideology and will admit that. So you can say I'm impure lol. Agree that it's very difficult to be totally pure.. Just think Its like a pretty toxic belief system that has caused many prob in the world imo, historically if people speak out against it it's a big taboo, being labeled anti semetic etc.
The powerful lobby's they silence people..And they have got away with it for too long imo. So it was more about the sentiments behind zionisim and where they have lead, not the individuals. I don't mention Israelis or Jewish people as they don't necessarily agree with this stuff.
Yes exactly.

I would not say that makes you impure, no. The opposite in fact. I would live for whoever is responsible to be found out, and that they pay.

But what are the odds of that happening ?

When has it not been the case that innocent lives are not used to shield the insane upper eschelon ?

As we can see now, innocent people die to further agendas. This has been the case always. "In order to gain souls, one must remove bodies" ....

The question is, what else has to occur for people to see.

We've had colonizers on every continent kill the local populations (a la North America etc')

We've had two world wars

We've had endless false flags, shootings and mini wars.

We had "pandemic" (we might yet see an actually dangerous one)

We have wwiii in the making

all that's left is (")aliens(")

and mega earth changes

I guess we will have to wait and see what transpires
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