Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Another vote took place at the UN on November 9, very telling results...

03:40 13.11.2023Telegram review

The UN voted to declare Israeli settlements in Palestinian territories, including Jerusalem and the Golan Heights, illegal:

“For” - 145 countries voted;

“abstained” from voting - 18;

7 countries voted “against”: USA, Canada, Israel, Hungary, Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Nauru.

Erdogan said that the UN has become an ineffective organization, and the Security Council cannot achieve any results."
L'OMS affirme que le principal hôpital de Gaza "ne fonctionne pas" après que de lourdes frappes aériennes l'ont laissé sans électricité et désespérément à court de fournitures - au milieu d'une guerre de mots sur la question de savoir si Israël ou le Hamas sont à blâmer pour les bébés et les malades qui y sont piégés !
Mail Online (Gaza's main hospital 'not functioning' after heavy airstrikes)
Gaza's main hospital 'not functioning' after heavy airstrikes
A heart-breaking photo shows seven newborn babies wrapped in green scrubs beside each other on a bed after they were taken out of incubators due to a power outage at Al-Shifa hospital.
'Iran is preparing for war with Israel.'

13 November 2023

Another vote took place at the UN on November 9, very telling results...
This is interesting in the context of What Bibi told when asked (by a Indian journalist) about previous UN resolution where lot of countries abstained. Video dated October 31st.
"The resolution is deeply flawed ... Even many of our friends didn't insist that be a full and powerful condemnation... I hope we don't see repeat of these kinds of resolutions "
  • Even many of our (aka Israel) friends - i.e. NATO nations in Zionists pocket ( Britain, France and so on).
  • Well, after these threats to Israeli "friends" (aka NATO allies) , some of Israeli "friends" were pushed to make a choice and they voted against Israeli. One reasonable explanation is no body wants riots in their countries over a issue in a far away land (based on the massive rallies going on).
  • With out going into all or nothing that last for "forever", the resolution on November 9th went against Israel even from its "friends". That is good to see.
  • Does Bibi see India as friend? You know the answer leaving aside occasional public consumption statements. Every body knows Modi is NATIONALIST to the core. If there is any body who can influence him little bit (mostly through carrot and stick), it is Putin. There is a decent sentiment in hard core Hindu's that "enemies' enemy is friend". But, reality is LOT MORE complicated as 80% of Hindus are secular and NO BODY wants any Hindu-Muslim riots over any pretext, though there is always "forces" that want to trigger that. If that happens all the blame will be put on Modi. Most importantly 2024 is parliamentary election year in India. Nations can have all sorts of foreign policy position (or shadow boxing) over the word "Terror" as if it means same, ground reality is LOT more complicated.
Yes, let us hope that the light will come soon. In the meantime, I hold out no hope that governments or the Arabs themselves have the ability or the DESIRE to stop the massacre of the Palestinian people. It seems that Saudi Arabia is there to protect Israel. I put my hope in the cosmic forces, if any help is to come to Palestine it will be through the cosmos, the energy influencing earthquakes, volcanoes, weather phenomena and of course, the space rocks.
Ironic that Palestinian children throw rocks at Israeli tanks and they taunt and murder. Soon someone will throw a rock at them too.
I think MLK said it best:

IMO, value in Europa comes from the deliberate depiction of the Allied leaders as corrupt and beholden to various financial and other interests, because this depiction aided the filmmaker's defense of Hitler. "Zionist conspiracy" was also depicted as a major factor in all aspects of WWII. These perspectives, whether enlarged or not, are predictably missing from most of the history with which we are programmed here in the West. Europa conversely lacks criticism of Hitler, instead focusing on his accomplishments for the German people prior to the war. It seems extreme because it is the other, unfamiliar extreme rarely shown.

I also remember watching The Greatest Story completely unaware it was a pro-Hitler documentary. In the end, the conclusions presented were brain dead, but it did open my eyes that the Allies were not so angelic as they teach us in school.
Plenty of war crimes were committed on both sides

The thing is, there was a whole lot of propaganda against Germany both during and after WWII, which most people are not aware of. And there was a lot of covering up of the crimes of the Allies (the history is written by the victors and all that). This makes it easy to spin it in a way that turns Hitler and the Nazis into the good guys, especially if you use emotional hooks and the like. But no serious person reading about all that, including primary sources, could embrace such a narrative.

The thing is, the Nazis tapped into genuine grievances: the screwing over of Germany after WWI, the chaos of the Weimar "democracy", the imposition of foreign ideas, anti-communist sentiments (the attempted communist takeover in 1918/1919, violent communist protests...), anti-capitalist sentiments, anti-America sentiments, people fed up with modernity and modern industry, hyperinflation, financial crisis (and the screwing over of ordinary Germans by the banks and speculators), constant political mayhem, etc. Then there was a sentiment that the German people had a historical role to play, given its domination of academia and science at the time, and its cultural impact and history. Thinking about history in semi-spiritual terms of "destinies of peoples" had a long tradition in Germany (think Oswald Spengler and the like).

It is interesting to note that in many of the nationalist thinking of the 1920s (often, somewhat misleadingly, referred to as "Hitler's intellectual precursors") , the issue of the Jews often wasn't a primary focus. It was often mixed with a critique of capitalism and Americanism, and sometimes wasn't present at all (in that case, such criticism was explicitly directed at the US and Britain, and a fear of "Americanization" and the "world financial elites", or "American consumerism"/"capitalism" etc.). In fact, according to some German historians I've come across, while there was certainly run-of-the-mill antisemitism in Germany (like everywhere else), and some German thinkers combined ideas about blood with esoteric concepts of transcendence and enlightenment, the hardcore master race and Jew-obsession stuff seems to have been a very Hitler-specific thing. (Which would kind of confirm what the Cs said about Hitler having been in direct communication with 4D STS which instructed him about that stuff).

Anyway, Hitler and the Nazis managed to tap into all that and whip Germans into a collective frenzy, which was very attractive for many. It was in a sense a corrupted form of a spiritual unity and community that people were longing for, not unlike today, in a world perceived as having gone totally nuts. But those who are tempted to see Hitler as the good guy have no idea what they are talking about: if you thought Covid was stupid and bad, well, multiply that by a hundred and you will get a glimpse into life under the Nazis. If you had a somewhat contrarian nature back then, i.e. a functioning soul/a non-authoritarian personality, you would have resented those dumb authoritarian thugs running around telling everybody what to do and think, and you would have resented that you have to play along.

I had a college professor who once said, "all wars are economic." Indeed, plenty of outrageous war crimes on all sides.

Indeed, I recently learned that the allies (the US in particular) seized all patents from Germany after the war! They plundered the place. Look at this:

The Allies confiscated large amounts of German intellectual property (patents and copyrights, but also trademarks).[30] Beginning immediately after the German surrender and continuing for the next two years the US pursued a vigorous program to harvest all technological and scientific know-how as well as all patents in Germany. John Gimbel comes to the conclusion, in his book Science Technology and Reparations: Exploitation and Plunder in Postwar Germany, that the "intellectual reparations" taken by the US (and the UK) amounted to close to $10 billion.[31] (Compared to America's 1948 GDP of $258 billion and total Marshall plan expenditure (1948-1952) of $13 billion, of which Germany received $1 billion in loans and $400 million as a grant). The US competitors of German firms were encouraged by the occupation authorities to access all records and facilities.[32] In 1947 the director of the US Commerce Department's Office of Technical Services stated before congress:

"The fundamental justification of this activity is that we won the war and the Germans did not. If the Germans had won the war, they would be over here in Schenectady and Chicago and Detroit and Pittsburgh, doing the same things."[32]
A German report from May 1, 1949, stated that many entrepreneurs preferred not to do research under the current regulations (Allied Control Council Law No. 25) for fear of the research directly profiting their competitors. The law required detailed reporting to the Allies of all research results.[32]

The patents, drawings and physical equipment taken in Germany included such items (or drawings for) as electron microscopes, cosmetics, textile machinery, tape recorders, insecticides, a unique chocolate-wrapping machine, a continuous butter-making machine, a manure spreader, ice skate grinders, paper napkin machines, "and other technologies — almost all of which were either new to American industry or 'far superior' to anything in use in the United States."[33]

The British took commercial secrets too, by abducting German scientists and technicians, or simply by interning German businessmen if they refused to reveal trade secrets.[34]

Konrad Adenauer stated:

According to a statement made by an American expert, the patents formerly belonging to IG Farben have given the American chemical industry a lead of at least 10 years. The damage thus caused to the German economy is huge and cannot be assessed in figures. It is extraordinarily regrettable that the new German inventions cannot be protected either, because Germany is not a member of the Patent Union. Britain has declared that it will respect German inventions regardless of what the peace treaty may say. But America has refused to issue such a declaration. German inventors are therefore not in a position to exploit their own inventions. This puts a considerable brake on German economic development.[35]

In JCS 1067 there were provisions allowing German scientists be detained for intelligence purposes as required. Although the original focus on the exploitation was towards military means, much of the information collected by FIAT was quickly adapted commercially to the degree that the Office of the Assistant Secretary of State for Occupied Areas requested that the peace treaty with Germany be redacted to protect US industry from lawsuits.[36]

The US made no attempt to evaluate the value of what was taken from Germany, and in the contracts that led to sovereignty for West Germany in 1955 the West Germans had to formally renounce all claims to possible compensation for all types of assets taken, including scientific and technical know-how. Gimbel notes that this made a later accounting practically impossible.[33]

The property taken in Germany was without regard to the rules of the Hague Convention, which prohibits the seizure of enemy private property "unless it is susceptible of direct military use",[33] but there are legal arguments that the Allied occupation of Germany was not bound by Hague Conventions, because if the German state no longer existed (see debellatio), and the convention only applied to the occupation of territory belonging to one of the Contracting Powers then it did not cover the territories of Germany post war.[37][38] The legal status of Germany under occupation is however unclear, particularly as debellatio in general involves the complete dissolution and annexation of the defeated state, which did not take place and indeed in the Berlin Declaration (1945) it was categorically denied that Germany was annexed. However, the eastern quarter of Germany was later annexed and its German inhabitants expelled).

Chris Hedges: The Horror, The Horror

by EditorNovember 11, 2023

"DOHA, Qatar: I am in the studio of Al Jazeera’s Arabic service watching a live feed from Gaza City. The Al Jazeera reporter in northern Gaza, because of the intense Israeli shelling, was forced to evacuate to southern Gaza. He left his camera behind. He trained it on Al-Shifa hospital, Gaza’s largest medical complex. It is night. Israeli tanks fire directly towards the hospital compound. Long horizontal red flashes. A deliberate attack on a hospital. A deliberate war crime. A deliberate massacre of the most helpless civilians, including the very sick and infants. Then the feed goes dead."

"Israel and the United States are sending a chilling message to the rest of the world. International and humanitarian law, including the Geneva Convention, are meaningless pieces of paper. They did not apply in Iraq. They do not apply in Gaza. We will pulverize your neighborhoods and cities with bombs and missiles. We will wantonly murder your women, children, elderly and sick. We will set up blockades to engineer starvation and the spread of infectious diseases. You, the “lesser breeds” of the earth, do not matter. To us you are vermin to be extinguished. We have everything. If you try and take any of it away from us, we will kill you. And we will never be held accountable."

Full article below:

Chris Hedges' most recent article from his substack:

In this case, it is very easy to be "Edgar Cayce" and say that I was sure that this was the case.
The SVR reported that the US is convincing Israel to speed up the operation in Gaza

MOSCOW, November 13. /tass/. Behind closed doors, the United States is urging Israel to accelerate the operation in the Gaza Strip so that it does not affect the election ratings of President Joe Biden. This is stated in the press bureau of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) of the Russian Federation.

The SVR drew attention to the statements of Washington, which is allegedly concerned about the indiscriminate bombing of hospitals and refugee camps in the Gaza Strip. At the same time, "numerous visitors from the US State Department and the Ministry of Defense declare their desire for the soonest peace," the press bureau said.

"The truth, however, is that behind closed doors with the Israeli leadership, the Americans are having very different conversations. The Israelis are being urged to speed up the operation in order to prevent its delay, as this would negatively affect the electoral positions of [US President] Joe Biden," the SVR noted.

In this regard, the SVR press bureau noted that the United States administration "once again resorted to its favorite means - pharisaism, this time against the background of the ongoing tragedy in the Gaza Strip."

The SVR also stressed that the United States "is aware that solving the task of destroying Hamas can lead to the death of a "significant number" of civilians." "However, according to the White House, this is quite acceptable and will not entail depriving Tel Aviv of Washington's support. The main thing is to complete military operations as quickly as possible," the ministry said.

In addition, the Foreign Intelligence Service drew attention to the fact that the United States, with the support of Great Britain and Germany, "intend to hinder initiatives providing for a cease-fire in Gaza." "Obviously, this is the order based on American rules that Washington offers to the rest of the world," the SVR concluded.
В СВР сообщили, что США убеждают Израиль ускорить операцию в Газе

В данном случае очень легко быть "Эдгаром Кейси" и сказать, что я был уверен в том, что дела обстоят именно так.
The thing is, there was a whole lot of propaganda against Germany both during and after WWII, which most people are not aware of. And there was a lot of covering up of the crimes of the Allies (the history is written by the victors and all that). This makes it easy to spin it in a way that turns Hitler and the Nazis into the good guys, especially if you use emotional hooks and the like. But no serious person reading about all that, including primary sources, could embrace such a narrative.

The thing is, the Nazis tapped into genuine grievances: the screwing over of Germany after WWI, the chaos of the Weimar "democracy", the imposition of foreign ideas, anti-communist sentiments (the attempted communist takeover in 1918/1919, violent communist protests...), anti-capitalist sentiments, anti-America sentiments, people fed up with modernity and modern industry, hyperinflation, financial crisis (and the screwing over of ordinary Germans by the banks and speculators), constant political mayhem, etc. Then there was a sentiment that the German people had a historical role to play, given its domination of academia and science at the time, and its cultural impact and history. Thinking about history in semi-spiritual terms of "destinies of peoples" had a long tradition in Germany (think Oswald Spengler and the like).

It is interesting to note that in many of the nationalist thinking of the 1920s (often, somewhat misleadingly, referred to as "Hitler's intellectual precursors") , the issue of the Jews often wasn't a primary focus. It was often mixed with a critique of capitalism and Americanism, and sometimes wasn't present at all (in that case, such criticism was explicitly directed at the US and Britain, and a fear of "Americanization" and the "world financial elites", or "American consumerism"/"capitalism" etc.). In fact, according to some German historians I've come across, while there was certainly run-of-the-mill antisemitism in Germany (like everywhere else), and some German thinkers combined ideas about blood with esoteric concepts of transcendence and enlightenment, the hardcore master race and Jew-obsession stuff seems to have been a very Hitler-specific thing. (Which would kind of confirm what the Cs said about Hitler having been in direct communication with 4D STS which instructed him about that stuff).

Anyway, Hitler and the Nazis managed to tap into all that and whip Germans into a collective frenzy, which was very attractive for many. It was in a sense a corrupted form of a spiritual unity and community that people were longing for, not unlike today, in a world perceived as having gone totally nuts. But those who are tempted to see Hitler as the good guy have no idea what they are talking about: if you thought Covid was stupid and bad, well, multiply that by a hundred and you will get a glimpse into life under the Nazis. If you had a somewhat contrarian nature back then, i.e. a functioning soul/a non-authoritarian personality, you would have resented those dumb authoritarian thugs running around telling everybody what to do and think, and you would have resented that you have to play along.

Indeed, I recently learned that the allies (the US in particular) seized all patents from Germany after the war! They plundered the place. Look at this:
A very impressive analysis. The American banks really did try to screw Germany over during the 1930's with unfair loan terms that were very favourable to the US banks but highly unfavourable to German concerns, thus taking full advantage of Germany's difficult economic situation.

As to anti-Semitic treatment of German Jews, this would only get into full swing with the Nazis in the late 1930's. It was interesting to read an article a few years ago written by a German Jew who had emigrated to the USA as a child with her family in the 1930's at a time when Jewish people could still get out of Germany. She stated that she and her family faced far more discrimination in the USA than they had done in Germany. For example, although she came from a middle class professional family, they were banned from joining a country club due to their being Jewish. Indeed, many German Jews chose to stay in Germany when Hitler first came to power since they enjoyed a good life in Germany, which they were unlikely to experience in other parts of Europe where discrimination against Jews was more rife and widespread. Unfortunately for them, this would prove to be a fatal mistake.

Speaking about economic warfare, it is a fact that the USAAF, could be very selective about their bombing targets in Germany when they wanted to be. For example, they avoided destroying Ford Motor company and Kodak installations located in German cities, so that when they came to occupy these places as the occupying power after Germany's surrender, US forces soon restored them to full working order and production. What was good for Ford was evidently good for America. This is ironic when you consider that Henry T Ford, a Nazi sympathiser and donor before the war, conducted talks (through the agency of his son Edsel - who travelled to Vichy controlled Casablanca, I believe, for these talks) during the War with the German Army with a view to employing Ford motor plants in occupied France to build troop carriers for the Wehrmacht. This was high treason, a charge that carried the death sentence yet Ford got away with it, even though the US State Department was fully aware of the talks. Ford was, of course, part of the US power elite who, just as now, felt themselves invulnerable to censure and prosecution.

Where you say "there was a sentiment that the German people had a historical role to play ...", would you compare this outlook in Germany with that of America today, where only recently Joe Biden spoke of the US as being the exceptional country with a divinely mandated destiny?​
Everyone here publishes pro-Palestinian demonstrations. I will give you a small, funny video about what is happening around.

Urgently remove it before they see it!

Тут все публикуют пропалестинские демонстрации. Я приведу небольшой, забавный ролик о том, что происходит вокруг.
As to anti-Semitic treatment of German Jews, this would only get into full swing with the Nazis in the late 1930's. It was interesting to read an article a few years ago written by a German Jew who had emigrated to the USA as a child with her family in the 1930's at a time when Jewish people could still get out of Germany. She stated that she and her family faced far more discrimination in the USA than they had done in Germany. For example, although she came from a middle class professional family, they were banned from joining a country club due to their being Jewish. Indeed, many German Jews chose to stay in Germany when Hitler first came to power since they enjoyed a good life in Germany, which they were unlikely to experience in other parts of Europe where discrimination against Jews was more rife and widespread. Unfortunately for them, this would prove to be a fatal mistake.

Yes, there certainly were antisemitic actions even in the early Nazi years, like Nazi goons smashing Jewish shops and the like, professors were kicked out (initially war veterans were exempt) etc., but what people often forget is that many of these sentiments were very common in Britain, France, the US etc., too. There were in fact even passionate Jewish supporters of Nazism in the early days, and many more Jews who throughout the 1920s expressed views that we would see as utterly antisemitic these days. All of that "complicates" the standard narrative, and it doesn't help that Allied propaganda exaggerated some of what went on. But still, it can't be denied that Hitler and the Nazis were obsessed with the Jews, and that they actively worked to get rid of them, escalating step by step.

Where you say "there was a sentiment that the German people had a historical role to play ...", would you compare this outlook in Germany with that of America today, where only recently Joe Biden spoke of the US as being the exceptional country with a divinely mandated destiny?

Well, "manifest destiny" is the dumb version of those intellectual currents in Germany :) Basically, it was the idea that there are transcendent features of peoples and places, their "souls", which could act positively on the world stage. For Germany, its tradition of poetry, philosophy and culture was seen as a superior force, the greatest achievement of a sort of Hegelian World Spirit, that would eventually create a "spiritual Reich" and therefore lead to a spiritual transformation, possibly of the world. There were many different currents and variations, so it's hard to pin it down, but it certainly wasn't about a "Christian crusade", or even territorial conquest. German thought back then was utterly transcendental, and not so much occupied with a concrete, worldly mission.

It is also interesting to note that some of the German right-wing/nationalist socialist thinkers at the time took these ideas about "souls of peoples" and cultural relativism so far that they said every nation, every people deserves to express its unique soul fully. Some advocated for the independence of India on those grounds, for example. This led to a dispute between Hitler and some of these thinkers/politicians, because Hitler thought the European/white race was superior, and the Brits should therefore stay in India.
"Palestinian official says Hamas ends hostage talks" says Reuters, of course, after bombing the Al Shifa hospital. Reuters says its because "Israel's handling of the ... hospital". Nice double-speak there.

The rescuing of the hostages will not happen anytime soon, even if given the chance, its the perfect excuse to keep bombing everything.

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