Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

So once you are aware of the origin of the photo there is no mistake for you, what you have before you is a choice. Continue posting the photo on social networks with the explanation of its origin and as a way to support the Palestinian people or forget about the photo because it is fake or it is altered.
The AI image will pass, there are plenty of new ones, those whom do not want to believe the ongoing atrocities, wont believe no matter the images. That's their choice.
Is important to know what it is and what it is not, that way we practice discernment.

Thanks to others, we can see through the veil.

Thank you Alma for your investigation. I had not realized it was AI. However, it is still powerful despite all the flaws. As the Cs stated: Be vigilant! Indeed!
Recently I saw a picture where Indian fisherman caught a Mutant fish with tiger head. It picked my curiosity and even thought it as a possibility. One thing didn't agree with me is how "cleaner" those fisherman were in their supposed dirty environment though their skin color is correct. It was a like polished painting much cleaner than natural setting. As I looked for the article where these pictures might have come, I found a article where few more of similar pictures with slight deviations to the original picture. Then I know for sure it is AI created . some body is slightly adjusting the variables to AI program to create those pictures and put it as a article.

There are all sorts of AI created pictures out there that are used as 'bait'.
I see this work created by AI as a motive to inspire resistance, the work gives hope, rather than sowing doubt. Parents fleeing destruction carrying their children is real.​
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Just because someone has made an exaggerated representation of the situation does not take away from the fact that in real life is happening.

The real images of suffering are there for the world to see and, to some extent, they are demoralizing, dehumanizing. They desensitize the masses. As if it were the Hunger Games for Panem society. So that humanity sees the destructive power of the Zionist army and loses all hope. The AI photo tells them "hey despite your bombs, we are still here" that's why they rush to tell people "don't believe it, it's fake, it doesn't exist, there is no such hope of survival".

This photo can be seen as a symbol. A symbol of what is happening in Gaza. Whether it's made by AI or not, it shows us what's happening in Gaza. And that's what counts for me.

In any case, reality surpasses fiction. If this photo is fiction, reality is a thousand times worse. Nevertheless, the children, the father, the father's strength and the destruction all around are real.
'Israel's "international law": Killing civilians is priority.'

13 November 2023

14 November 2023


Bodies piling up at Gaza’s main hospital amid Israeli siege, fire

Officials say 40 dead at al-Shifa, large number of bodies need to be buried but Israeli forces prevent movement.


By Nisreen Othman/Shaza Qreima - 14 November, 2023

Evil people.jpg
Is important to know what it is and what it is not, that way we practice discernment.

Yes, discernment and with this we practice or experience what we preach:

"With Knowledge I shall be blameless and innocent of offense against the Universe"
So my note, posting on social media photos that I know or am aware were generated by AI would be:

"This photo was AI generated however I believe it sends a powerful message to the Palestinian people: HOPE."


I completely agree with Loreta
This photo can be seen as a symbol. A symbol of what is happening in Gaza. Whether it's made by AI or not, it shows us what's happening in Gaza. And that's what counts for me.

It is scarey though what AI, as a continuation of 'real' propoganda, as in Covid and other situations, all has to be taken with that familiar grain of salt.

Yes. During Covid's time, community notes or Facebook checks actually prevented other points of view or research contrary to the official narrative from getting out. Many of us were censored and banned from further posting for months.

Social networks such as FB or Twitter actually conditioned people to believe only the authority.

The verifications and notes are no longer as drastic but they are not fair. I have not seen notes where the beheading of 40 Israeli babies is announced, I have not seen a single note on the IDF video where a soldier points to a list of names he claims are Hamas militants but in reality they are the names of the days. I have not seen notes before the speeches of diplomats and Bibi himself.

In times of war it seems that everything is propaganda. From one side or the other.​

+Iraq’s top court ends Parliament speaker’s term

Mohammed al-Halbousi calls decision ‘strange’, implies it violates constitution and undermines national stability.
Iraq‘s top court has terminated the tenure of Parliament speaker Mohammed al-Halbousi, who called the decision “strange” and suggested it violated the constitution and undermined national stability.
The Federal Supreme Court’s ruling on the career of the country’s most powerful Sunni politician is final and not subject to appeal, according to state media reports on Tuesday

+“In the name of humanity, Guterres calls for Gaza ceasefire

“In the name of humanity, the secretary general calls for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire,” UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric told reporters on behalf of United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres.
Guterres is deeply disturbed by the “dramatic loss of life” in several hospitals in the Gaza Strip, his spokesman said.

+ Video: Brazil's Lula says Israel killing civilians 'without any criteria'

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said on Monday that Israel is “killing innocent people without any criteria” and criticised Israel’s bombing of hospitals “under the pretext that there is a terrorist there”.

So just to clarify, these “photos” are created by Artificial Intelligence (AI) as opposed to by people with Photoshop skills? I worked professionally with Photoshop for years and could have done that Gaza guy with the kids on my lunch hour. So I’m just wondering if it’s a who or an it that’s doing the work, and whether the flaws are AI failures due to lack of human discernment or just sloppy work.

PS, my avatar pic was taken in my living room. I added the palm trees and sunset (and their reflections on the guitar) for fun. Just saying.😄
Makes me wonder

if perhaps the real Neom (Noah II) lies deeply below the surface, and not so much in what they are going to show off above to the public … ?

To me it seems that giant projects and large (delayed) renovations often can contain secret facilities deep below the ground.

Also: Neom may not be truly be powered by green energy - just outwardly, in order to pretend it be green for the public.

Wouldn’t be the first time… I mean, those who engineer etc - know that green energy isn’t really so much to have, especially when the sh.. hits the fan. You need backups and stabilities.

What you say might go to why so much about NEOM is being kept secret. A seasoned researcher on X pointed out how difficult it was to find anything (other than the promo stuff in these online pieces). By the way, for those interested, check out the promotional videos on all things NEOM on Youtube. Very slick, and the descriptions as per the voiceover is very telling (they slide some insidious material into these "uplifting" "feel good" advertisements).

OR... maybe NEOM is exactly what it looks to be: another unrealizable Middle East mega-project, this one dreamed up by Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Muhammed Bin Salmon.

Actually, here's a good Youtube summation of NEOM, and why so many are saying it's doomed to fail.

Why NEOM The Line Is DOOMED To Fail​

Chapters: 0:00 The Future Is Here
0:41 Background
1:35 Problem 4: Technology Does Not Exist Yet
5:20 Problem 3: Human Rights Violation
7:37 Problem 2: Ecological Disaster
9:25 Problem 1: Inefficient and Expensive Design

I thought this comment (below) by a viewer of this video captures how these mega wealthy Sheikhs think and operate (although this quote refers to the UAE, not Saudi Arabia):

@bobnat2: I lived in the UAE for two decades starting in 1999. I had made the acquaintance of an American who was the project manager for a new hospital complex. He gave a brilliant assessment of how the government approached development. He said, "The Sheikhs fly over New York or London in a helicopter and say, We want all of that in our country, those beautiful buildings and streets and stores. A consultant with them says that the infrastructure is immense and very costly. They reply, We don't care about that just give us the buildings." He nailed it. [end quote]

As per the video, on the ecology front: the mirrored surface of NEOM is sure to confuse (and cause death to) migrating birds; its hundred mile length is going to obstruct migrating desert animals. Also: the water needed for this desert project will have to come from desalinization plants (powered by fossil fuel --ha!) -- according to this vid, this approach has never been successful in the past.

Oh, and this project is also displacing much of the Huwaitat Tribe, which has lived in the region for generations, well before the establishment of Saudi Arabia.

Other comments below this video point out the potential disaster within this severely contained city should there be a serious power outage or natural disaster. Just trying to imagine living in such a place feels dystopic and prison-like -- and the plan is for nine million residents.

Also: there isn't even the technology yet to realize the extremely high speed of the high speed train they are advertising.

Given the extreme AI dimension, one wonders what Elon Musk's take is on all this. Actually, Musk sought funding from Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Fund (which is the primary funder of NEOM) in order to take Tesla private. In 2018, Musk was premature in tweeting the success of this, and his shareholders sued him given the tweet caused wild swings in Tesla's stocks that investors claimed hurt their portfolios. (Not sure of the outcome of this court case.)

Also: I read somewhere (can't find that link, I'm afraid) that the AI involved at NEOM may have ties to Musk's Neuralink. It is at least similar, and Musk may be involved in some way.

Also: just found this Axios item from November 1, 2022:

[Senator] Murphy on Monday asked the Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S. (CFIUS) to investigate "potential national security concerns" arising from Saudi Arabia and Qatar's involvement in Elon Musk's takeover of Twitter. (Not sure what happened with this either.)
If you like Pepe Escobar just tell you that he has a program on YouTube. An expert in geo-politics, he can help us see a little more clearly in all this imbroglio that surrounds us.

In this program, of course, he talks about the war in Gaza - and he asks: what is the aim or reason for this war? Apart from ethnic cleansing...

Personally, I kinda dislike AI-generated pictures, and I truly dislike Palestinian-war-victim themed AI-generated pictures. I mean, come on, really? Feed al those awful photos into an algorithm to create more of them? Or create derivative work from it? Why? I just don't see the point.

The people who took the images and the people displayed also deserve a little bit more respect than that, I think. I don't think they took those images for people to use in their AI-algorithms, they probably just took and shared them to let the world know about the atrocities going on.

Also I think the muddying-the-waters argument is a legitimate concern, accusations of forgery could have a negative influence on the narrative.
I don't know what you mean exactly, really. However, it is curious how it could generate that effect by means of a false image above the millions of graphic records that have been about it for many, many years. It's as if, it exists when I see a false and inspiring image and "ceases to exist", at least for my immediate importance, when I ignore the harsh reality.

It reminds me of the resource used in movies that the more graphic the scene, it serves to remind the viewer that it is false and not reality. That it's just a movie.

Although it would not be news, the lie is always chosen over the truth. That's why it must be that it takes more real pain and less artificial pain to get where it should be.
Imo, good speech in EP.

Irish MEP Claire Daly:

A month has passed since the start of the mass killings of Palestinians in Gaza, and this is no longer just a spiral of violence, Frau von der Leyen. This is an open genocide carried out by the apartheid State of Israel. Famine, bombing of hospitals, attacks on ambulances, journalists and humanitarian routes — all this led to 10,000 victims, every 200th resident of Gaza died. One Palestinian child dies every 10 minutes. Frau von der Leyen's response boils down to an appeal to Israel to "avoid civilians" and be as focused as possible.

It's not just inattention; it's an expression of pride. There is no call for an end to violence or fire, because these terrible crimes against humanity are being committed with her blessing. A month ago, when she sided with Israel, she promised support and today she cannot wash her hands of this genocide. No, even The Hague is not good enough for you.

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