Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Umm... I just started playing around with the letters for NEOM and it turned into this. It's basically just what came up in the browser.

NEOM- "Neom is a new urban area planned by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to be built in its northwestern Tabuk Province."

NEMO- Captain Nemo (Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas and The Mysterious Island)
NOME- a territorial district in ancient Egypt each governed by a nomarch; Nome, Alaska
NMOE- National Museum of Education
NMEO- National Mission on Edible Oils
NOEM- Kristi Noem, 33rd (republican) governor of South Dakota

MOEN- plumbing company
MONE- Michelle Mone, wife of Douglas Barrowman, admits being awarded gov. £200m contracts during the Covid pandemic
MENO- a Socratic dialogue by Plato
MEON- a river in Hampshire, England, once home of the Meon people; I remember it's also mentioned in Where Troy Once Stood
MNEO- Malignant Neoplasm, Mycobacterium Neoaurum
MNOE- Malignant Necrotizing Otitis Externa

OMEN- "A phenomenon supposed to portend good or evil; a prophetic sign."
OENM- a leading orchestra in Austria

EMON- a Bengali and Japanese name; in Japanese, it translates literally as 'guardian of the gate'
EMNO- L'École de médecine du Nord de l'Ontario
EONM- Eradicating Offensive Native Mascotry (Jacqueline Keeler)
EOMN- Eye On Media Network
It's also noisy in the neighborhood of Israel.
Israel has carried out 7 strikes on the runway of Damascus International Airport
Recently published satellite images of Damascus Airport show significant damage to its runway, resulting from a series of air strikes carried out by Israeli aircraft. The images clearly show seven large funnels evenly spaced along the entire length of the strip.

These damages significantly limit the possibility of using the airport for take-off and landing of aircraft, effectively disabling it before large-scale repairs are carried out. Thus, the Damascus airport, which has become the target of Israeli strikes, is currently unsuitable for normal operation.

Experts emphasize that although the attacks on the Syrian airport began relatively recently, they have already led to serious consequences. The repair work will require considerable effort and time, which reflects the strategic goal of the Israeli airstrikes - to neutralize a key transport hub in Syria.
Израиль нанёс 7 ударов по взлётной полосе Международного аэропорта Дамаска

The US base was hit by a missile attack, and Syria attacked Israeli troops in the Golan Heights
A missile attack was carried out on the military base of the international coalition, located near the Koniko gas field in the Syrian province of Deir ez-Zor. According to preliminary data, seven missiles were fired at the facility. There is an assumption that the Iranian armed forces of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) are behind the attack.

This event caused increased attention, since earlier in the United States they threatened to bring down large-scale strikes on IRGC facilities if attacks on US bases continued.

During the same period, Israeli media reported rocket attacks coming from Syria in the direction of the occupied Golan Heights. This also causes some concern, since the IDF in such a situation may begin to strike at the territory of Syria.

The attack on the military base of the international coalition and the rocket attacks on the Golan Heights represent a serious escalation of tension in the region, especially against the background of the war between Israel and Hamas.
База США подверглась ракетной атаке, а Сирия нанесла удары по израильским войскам на Голанских высотах
All of these interactions are usually presented as par for the course. The media apparatus in its current state is informed by the MIC, but what is much more important is that the emotions stirred up by this horrific situation are leading people into support of WW1 akin stances, and a desired repeat of a similar situation that can be exploited by all of the unholy parties that should be dismantled.
Besides the insanity 'justifying' this potential war, lets go back to what happened around the trenches during christmas. We had people talking to each other and smoking pipes together during the trench conflicts at christmas. And one day later they were killing each other again. It breaks my heart to even think about that...

Every war that is not defending your own country OR preventing a genocide should simply never happen.
Kind of feels like Christianity is morphing into Zionism...?
That was my recent perception as well. I see that some Christians either do not condemn Israel for the genocide or they support it openly. GOP in the US is 85% in support of Israel, meanwhile the Liberal Left is pro-Palestinian. Either or it is an artificial division between left and right, so a distraction from the real division between the population and the ruling elite of this world.
Again, Hungary against.
What is the issue?
Hungary has a lot of Jewish citizens and Orban has to be very careful what policies he can or cannot support. I do not defend him, I am just pointing out why Hungary has to thread carefully when it comes to Jewish affairs. Just like in case of Ukraine, Orban tries not to get too much invloved, but Hungary wants to keep good relations with Israel. I do not like this, but it is what it is.


+ Erdogan: ‘Israel is a terror state’

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday that Israel is a "terror state" committing war crimes and violating international law in Gaza.
Speaking to lawmakers in parliament, Erdogan also called on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to announce whether Israel had nuclear bombs or not.

+Canada’s Justin Trudeau tells Israel to end ‘killing of babies’

Trudeau said on Tuesday that the “killing of women, of children, of babies” in the besieged Gaza Strip must end. Netanyahu pushed back, insisting that Hamas is responsible for civilian deaths as Israeli forces continue to batter the enclave.
“I urge the government of Israel to exercise maximum restraint,” Trudeau said in his sharpest criticism of Israel since the war on Gaza broke out more than five weeks ago. “The world is watching, on TV, on social media – we’re hearing the testimonies of doctors, family members, survivors, kids who have lost their parents.
“The world is witnessing this killing of women, of children, of babies. This has to stop,”
he told a news conference in the western province of British Columbia.

In a post on X directed at Trudeau, early on Wednesday, Netanyahu said:

“It is not Israel that is deliberately targeting civilians but Hamas that beheaded, burned and massacred civilians in the worst horrors perpetrated on Jews since the Holocaust.”
“The forces of civilization must back Israel in defeating Hamas barbarism,”
Netanyahu continued.

+Renewed heavy Israeli shelling on Jabalia refugee camp

Heavy Israeli shelling has targeted residential homes in the Jabalia refugee camp, with children among the casualties.
Video footage shared on Al Jazeera Arabic showed residential blocks falling to the ground in a plume of smoke after being bombed.

+ Israeli forces raid Gaza’s biggest hospital​

Israeli forces have been carrying out a raid on Gaza’s largest hospital, al-Shifa, after surrounding it for several days. Al Jazeera’s Hani Mahmoud is in Gaza with an update.

Survivors are digging in the rubble with their bare hands to try to retrieve dead bodies.
Martin Griffiths, the United Nations humanitarian affairs chief, said that he was “appalled by reports of military raids in Al Shifa hospital,” on Wednesday.

“The protection of newborns, patients, medical staff and all civilians must override all other concerns,” he said on social media platform X. He added: “Hospitals are not battlegrounds.”
Avant l'assaut de l'hôpital Al-Shifa à Gaza, Israël a lancé une campagne de relations publiques payante en ligne
À la veille de l'assaut, la propagande israélienne a commencé à « réchauffer » le public à travers une vidéo dans laquelle une jeune fille se présentant comme une infirmière de l'hôpital Al-Shifa a déclaré que le Hamas aurait emporté des médicaments, des médicaments et tout le carburant du centre médical. facilité.
« Cette vidéo doit être diffusée dans le monde entier et dans toutes les langues ! »
a insisté Hanna Abutboul.
Cependant, en réalité, « l’infirmière » s’est avérée être l’actrice professionnelle israélienne Jimena Orozco. Aujourd’hui, elle gagne de l’argent grâce à des tournages organisés pour la propagande israélienne. Ainsi, les informations mexicaines d’El Universal se sont souvenues d’elle, où Orozco « parlait depuis le bunker de sa maison alors que le Hamas attaquait les zones voisines avec des roquettes ».
La nuit, les FDI ont pris d’assaut l’hôpital Al-Shifa et, le matin, l’armée israélienne est entrée dans l’établissement médical et a attaqué les patients. L'attaque contre le plus grand hôpital de l'enclave est justifiée par le fait que des militants du Hamas s'y cacheraient.
🇮🇱 Before the assault on Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza, Israel launched a paid online PR campaignOn the eve of the assault, Israeli propaganda began to "warm up" the public through a video in which a young girl presenting herself as a nurse from Al-Shifa hospital declared that Hamas had taken away medicines, medicines and all the fuel for the medical center. ease.📝 “This video should be broadcast worldwide and in all languages! »insisted Hanna Abutboul.However, in reality, the "nurse" turned out to be professional Israeli actress Jimena Orozco. Today, she earns money through filming organized for Israeli propaganda. Thus, the Mexican news of El Universal remembered it, where Orozco “spoke from the bunker of his house while Hamas attacked neighboring areas with rockets”.💥 At night, the IDF stormed Al-Shifa Hospital, and in the morning, the Israeli army entered the medical facility and attacked the patients. The attack on the largest hospital in the enclave is justified by the fact that Hamas militants are hiding there.⭐️@BrainlessChanel
I have had the above passage in my mind for the past few days and I just wonder if the global solution C's are talking about is exactly what's unfolding in front of us - a complete displacement of the Palestinians from Gaza. It's been a longstanding problem and the current solution does move these people out of the hell that Gaza has been for the past 70-odd years. Not that they have a permanent home to go to but anything anywhere else would be better than what they are being made to go through in their current location. And in a general sense, it's a solution that we don't like at all because once again the real perpetrators are not being punished for their wrongdoings. OSIT
But on the bright side, if the Palestinians are displaced from Gaza and West Bank leaving their homeland, Israel becomes a sitting duck either for the potential space rock/comet impact or for the other Arab states to deal with it. Either way,I sense it is better for the Palestinians to move out of the firing line on which Israel is standing on.
Hungary has a lot of Jewish citizens and Orban has to be very careful what policies he can or cannot support. I do not defend him, I am just pointing out why Hungary has to thread carefully when it comes to Jewish affairs. Just like in case of Ukraine, Orban tries not to get too much invloved, but Hungary wants to keep good relations with Israel. I do not like this, but it is what it is.

yes, but orban is also a voice of reason in other nonsensical initiatives of the eu.
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