Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Many are, heinrich, yet memes are sometimes not accurate, as they are memes meant to hint. Even Elon jumps in on this meme in one way, and Yahoo the other. Some might argue that it is all just one too many bases, depending on who is counting.

As for names, one can research.

Perhaps it is easier to ask, where are bases not located than located. Iran for sure, and they cut way back to zero on bases in Afghanistan as many know, yet Pakistan ponied up recently - new base on the doorstep of Afghanistan last heard - all a bit of a seesaw. Then there are all those hush non-disclosure bases (if it is possible to hush) - invite bases, and the floating ones. More East, least one forget that there are bases in the Philippines, Thailand, Burkina Faso out of Africa and more, Japan of course, and some recent cozying back up to Vietnam and Cambodian (irony Elon) to park a few boas and jets.

To the West of Iran, well it is indeed busy:

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as regards the bases, thank you for the link. the original image was showing russia built so close to the us bases...
The C's had specified in a recent session (but I don't remember which one) that the PTB would archieve 80% of their goals... Curious to know in a future session what percentage they are at... 🤔
It's in Session 25 February 2023, but the percentage only applies to the USA.
Q: (Summerlite) What percentage of the World Economic Forum plans will come to fruition in the USA?
A: 80 or thereabouts.

Q: (Summerlite) Is resistance and exposure foiling their plans?
A: Largely, but people need to suffer enough to lose their fear of action.
As of 8 April 2023, the percentage of achievement was 60% in the USA.
(Caesarea) In the previous session, you said the World Economic Forum would achieve 80% of their plans in the USA. What percentage have they currently achieved?

A: 60
More suffering ahead. Just wait for 2024!
(Artemis) Yeah, it's about their wishful thinking. It's kind of inevitable what's going to happen, but they just refuse to see it.

A: They will go too far as usual and all will come crashing down. But it will take some time. Be patient and circumspect.
yes, but orban is also a voice of reason in other nonsensical initiatives of the eu.
Agreed. That's why I do not blame him. He has to pretend he supports Israel or else he will become a target and with many Jews living in Hungary it can quickly escalate against him. He is well aware of this and "virtue-signals" to the Israelis in order to avoid problems.
'"Military elections": The US is "quietly" arming Israel for war with Iran.'

15 November 2023

15 November 2023

13 November 2023

"Choose Israel or Hamas," and emphasized: "There is no middle ground in this conflict. You’re either for the Jewish people or you’re not."

The Washington D.C. “March for Israel”: A bipartisan rally for genocide​

Jacob Crosse, Joseph Kishore

10 hours ago​

"On Tuesday, a degraded spectacle took place on the National Mall in Washington D.C. The “March for Israel” will be recorded in history as a rally for ethnic cleansing and genocide."

"Leaders of both the Democratic and Republican parties declared their support for Israel’s war against the people of Gaza, which has already killed at least 11,000 people, including more than 4,000 children. Just hours later, in a move apparently coordinated with the rally, Israeli tanks and bulldozers attacked Al-Shifa Hospital, the latest blatant war crime."

Under these conditions, the most popular chant at the rally, “No Ceasefire! No Ceasefire!”, would have been more accurately rendered as “Genocide, genocide, more genocide!”

"Substantial funding was devoted to flying participants from throughout the country and financing their attendance. At its height, however, the rally barely attracted 10,000 people, a tiny fraction of those who participated in the mass rally of 300,000 in Washington D.C. 10 days ago."

"Following his proclamation that “the United States has always stood with Israel, and we will do everything to see that that never, ever changes,” Schumer led the crowd in chants of “USA! USA!”

"Among his many antisemitic statements is Hagee’s assertion, in his book Jerusalem Countdown: A Warning to The World, that Hitler was a “half-breed Jew,” who was sent by God as a “hunter” to drive European Jews to “the only home God ever intended for the Jews to have—Israel.”

"Framing Israel’s ethnic cleansing campaign as a divine mission, Hagee proclaimed at the rally that “Israel is not merely a state, Israel is the apple of God’s eye.” Putting no restrictions on Israeli war crimes, Hagee declared, “You, the leaders of Israel, should decide how this war is conducted, you, and no one else!”

And here's zerohedge's take of the spectacle: (these two articles have a discrepancy in the size of the crowd)

"Choose Israel or Hamas," and emphasized: "There is no middle ground in this conflict. You’re either for the Jewish people or you’re not."

"US House Speaker Mike Johnson spoke in person, receiving loud cheers when he denounced any talk of ceasefire. He actually called the very idea of ceasefire at this point "outrageous." He emphasized, "Israel will cease their counter-offensive when Hamas ceases to be a threat to the Jewish state." The crowd then broke out into chants of "no ceasefire!"

"Some critics said the march had the atmosphere of a "pro-war rally"...

Full articles posted below:

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Palestinian Resistance JUST COMMENTED on ISRAEL’S RAID of Gaza’s Al Shifa Hospital:

“We hold the occupation and President Biden fully responsible for the Nazi occupation army's invasion on the Al-Shifa Medical Complex.

We hold the occupying entity and its new Nazi leaders, along with President Biden and his administration, fully responsible for the consequences of the occupation army's raid on the Al-Shifa Medical Complex, and what the medical staff and thousands of displaced persons are subjected to, as a result of this brutal crime against a health facility protected under the Fourth Geneva Convention. The leaders of the occupation and all those who conspired with them in killing children, patients, and unarmed civilians will be held accountable.

The adoption by the White House and the Pentagon of the occupation's false narrative, claiming the resistance's use of the Al-Shifa Medical Complex for military purposes, served as a green light for the occupation to commit more massacres against civilians to forcibly displace them from the north to the south, completing the occupation's plan to displace our people, as stated by many ministers of the occupying entity.

The silence of the United Nations, and the betrayal of many countries and regimes, will not deter our Palestinian people from clinging to their land, their legitimate national rights. We will remain committed to our people by continuing to defend them and their rights with all our strength. The occupation will pay dearly for its crimes and aggression against our children, women, and sanctities.

Gaza has been and will remain a graveyard for the invaders, and tomorrow is near for those who wait.

And indeed, it is a jihad of victory or martyrdom.”

The Biden administration lifted sanctions on Iran and now has access to $10 billion. In exchange for what this was given is a mystery, or not. Possibly it is the leash that ties Hezbollah. Poor Palestine has already been betrayed by their brothers and now they are left alone. I think that soon the world will have forgotten them, when the news will stop talking about the "crisis in the Middle East"

"Some surprising solutions to longstanding problems" could well be the exile of the Palestinian people. The Zionists will have had their way, today Palestine, tomorrow the world.
Q: (L) Are we going to like the solutions, at least at the personal level?

A: Mostly.

Q: (L) What about on the global level?

A: Not so much.

Can anyone name one political figure in the US or UK who, in recent years, has seemed to be on the same page as us, and who has also condemned Israel over recent events?
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Someday, their own people will realize that they are being deceived as well .... Because yes, the families of the kidnapped are suffering. And thousands were led to believe that the hostages were in the hospital bunker.

I assumed that after being fooled with the injections they were going to do math, but the hyper propaganda can do more.


NOW #Israel occupation forces raise their Nazi flag over Al Shifa hospital in #Gaza.

I congratulate them for "conquering" a hospital full of sick, dead and wounded, full of premature babies on the verge of death, full of women, civilians , doctors and health personnel.

Congratulations, psychopaths with religious delusions. You sick fucks who claim to be "the most moral army in the world" and only murder civilians.

Can anyone name one political figure in the US who has seemed to be on the same page as us, who has also condemned Israel?
Choose the most appropriate response:
  1. That's like asking if money grows on trees. Yes, it does... in Biden's world!
  2. Nyet. Jeez, those pesky Russians are interfering again!
  3. If a US politician has managed to get to page 168 of this thread, then I'll send a blank cheque to Biden!
  4. There is one figure, but he's in the shadows... JFK's reincarnation!
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