Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

"NO WAY #Sunak is going to ask #Israel for a #Ceasefire from the #Gaza #Genocide.

#Israel has awarded #BritishPetroleum exploration licenses for #Gaza’s Gas

& from this #Infosys, owned by Sunaks wife, has received a $1.5 Billion Deal"

The link doesn't work for me...although I haven't delved further, it wouldn't surprise me...Infosys was given the tender for the data crunching of covid vaccine adverse events...keep it in the family and all that!

It does not work because the url contains - ?s=20 - at the end. It should be removed in order for the X to be shown or for the link to be followed correctly:

MANY links on X appear that way recently (and some have longer useless numbers and typographical characters), one should then be CAUTIOUS when sharing them here (or elsewhere for that matter).

Always delete anything from the question mark.
It's in Session 25 February 2023, but the percentage only applies to the USA.

As of 8 April 2023, the percentage of achievement was 60% in the USA.

More suffering ahead. Just wait for 2024!
Actually my question was not about Israel, I thought I remembered that the percentage was more general, thank you for finding the session Natus Videre, to clarify that it related to the USA... 👍
Can anyone name one political figure in the US or UK who, in recent years, has seemed to be on the same page as us, and who has also condemned Israel over recent events?
No one in recent years in the US who has been in office. The only one that comes to mind is Cynthia McKinney and she was effectively ousted from Congress in the 2000's. She does still speak critical of Israel, but for all intents and purposes she doesn't exist in the US political world, except on the fringe.

Just today - "Israeli citizens, embedded inside the US government and making US policy toward Palestine, are defending Israel's apartheid and genocide against the Palestinian people. Don't be surprised when you inside the US are their next target!"

"Don't be surprised when you inside the US are their next target!" (the C's did give us a head-up to this possibility)

I think that was Bibi's point when he said. “If we don't win now, then Europe is next and you're next.” Spoken to Sean Hannity. Your next meaning the Americans.

Don't say it!
Don't use the I-word or the J-word unless you're going to praise them. This short 9 minute video goes thought several of the u-tubers that we all know, that have said the wrong thing recently. Candice Owen being highlighted. (Ben Shapiro: Candice Owen's behavior is disgraceful! and yes she works for my company.)

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Can anyone name one political figure in the US or UK who, in recent years, has seemed to be on the same page as us, and who has also condemned Israel over recent events?
No. In fact, here's RFK Junior's response concerning Hamas, and his undying support of Israel:

He conveniently seems to have missed the part (presently being discussed by informed sources) whereby Israel fostered Hamas from the very beginning, particularly as a counter to the PLO. After all, Israel cannot continue to divest Palestinians of their homeland without having created, or co-created a viable enemy (in Hamas). This is kid stuff, and yet no one in that audience is calling Kennedy out on it--in those terms, I mean. Yes, Kennedy is stating Hamas isn't good for the Palestinian civilians (at least), but he's not talking about how the existence of Hamas plays into Israel's hands. As for these rockets he's talking about, I remember in the past when just a few inconsequential rockets, which were not in any way a threat to Israelis, were being amplified by CNN as if the end of the world had come. This has been going on forever. Have the media amplify the significance of a few rockets in order to justify slaughter. Kennedy acts as if none of us have been a witness to this repeated strategy, ad nauseum. Yes, this time they devised a more deadly false flag, which of course is in keeping with their instrumental role in 9/11, and the more recent genocide of their own population at the hands of Pfizer. It's all of a piece, and Kennedy thinks he can go on ignoring the glaringly obvious. I think he's lost a lot of support due to this unyielding stance, however.
Can anyone name one political figure in the US or UK who, in recent years, has seemed to be on the same page as us, and who has also condemned Israel over recent events?
Nope - not really - pretty demoralizing, especially if you live in America. Even if you can't figure out that this situation was setup - None of our political leaders can call out what's happening - the wholesale butchering of 1,000s of innocent people - even when it is beyond obvious.

Live Updates

British MPs vote against calls for a ceasefire in Gaza

British MPs voted against calls to support a ceasefire in Gaza, with several senior Labour Party members defying their leader and voting for the SNP's amendment.

293 MPs voted against the SNP's amendment to the King's Speech, which called for a ceasefire in Gaza, with 125 voting for it on Wednesday.
56 Labour MPs defied Starmer's calls to not back a ceasefire in Gaza.

Twelve Shadow ministers resigned from Starmer's cabinet to vote for a ceasefire in Gaza.
Among the MP's who resigned from Labour's frontbench include Jess Phillips, Yasmin Qureshi, Afzal Khan, Rachel Hopkins and Sarah Owens .

The resignations come amid reports that Starmer planned to fire any Shadow Cabinet Minister who voted for a ceasefire in Gaza.
Glenn Greenwald on why so many Americans strongly support Israel.

He cites 4 reasons: the second-largest population of Jews in the world lives there, the 'christian' Zionist religion/movement, the 'national security partnership' (which means effectively all govt employees), and the post-9/11 'civilization vs barbarism' meta-narrative that 'elevates' Israel to 'joint-Exceptionalist status'.

Well Israel did attack the USS Liberty for which no repercussions have ever happened and Israel was most likely involved in the 9-11 fiasco but no one wants to go there.
Don't you hate it when someone replies to their own comment! Sorry.

I don't know all of the nitty gritty details about the attack on the USS Liberty, but from the lack of response over decades by the US Government, I would say that they found something or were in a position to discover something that neither the US Government or Israel would allow.

Of course, it could have just been Israel at the time and everyone else after that has been bought/bribed/threatened.
Glenn Greenwald on why so many Americans strongly support Israel.

He cites 4 reasons: the second-largest population of Jews in the world lives there, the 'christian' Zionist religion/movement, the 'national security partnership' (which means effectively all govt employees), and the post-9/11 'civilization vs barbarism' meta-narrative that 'elevates' Israel to 'joint-Exceptionalist status'.

It seems that he just said who he is!
Israel commits worse crimes every day but the symbolism here is very telling:

There has much speculation about what the IDF have been doing all day inside Al Shifa hospital, planting evidence of a Hamas base?

If it's true that there are underground facilities beneath the hospital built by Israel then I expect footage of them will be shown. That would be a lot more convincing to many people. The stuff they have shared so far, images of elevator shafts and so on, is pitiful.
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