Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

EU wants in on the collective punishment

The EU has put all of its development funding to the Palestinian territories under review in response to Hamas’s attack on Israel, its commissioner for neighbouring countries has said, following similar decisions by Germany and Austria.
“The scale of terror and brutality against Israel and its people is a turning point. There can be no business as usual,” Várhelyi wrote on the social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter.“All payments [are] immediately suspended. All projects put under review. All new budget proposals, including for 2023 [are] postponed until further notice,” said Várhelyi. “Incitement to hatred, violence and glorification of terror have poisoned the minds of too many,” he added. “We need action and we need it now.”

Was the EU funding Hamas? No. So what exactly is this 'action' supposed to achieve? How will it improve the situation in any way? Disgusting
Gaza is being bombed indiscriminately now. 🤷

Shock and awe style bombing.

Accordingly as beasts. They wanted to do it for a long time and since they were given the go-ahead..
Defense minister announces ‘complete siege’ of Gaza: No power, food or fuel

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant says he has ordered a “complete siege” of the Gaza Strip, as Israel fights the Hamas terror group.

“I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed,” Gallant says following an assessment at the IDF Southern Command in Beersheba.

“We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly,” he adds.
Other things are going on that surely are related.

When I went searching for the Cs "things will get rocky" quote, pretty sure they said something about glitches - probably in connection to a fake alien invasion, but nevertheless . . . maybe it's actually gonna get real glitchy out there! When will the 4D bleedthroughs start to kick in, I wonder?
Ben, oui l'Europe finançait la Palestine, entre autre :

L'UE alloue 25 millions d'euros à titre d'aide humanitaire aux Palestiniens (16/05/2022)​

L'UE annonce aujourd'hui une aide humanitaire d'un montant de 25 millions d'euros pour répondre aux besoins fondamentaux des Palestiniens vulnérables en Cisjordanie, à Jérusalem-Est et à Gaza.

Well, yes Europe financed Palestine, among other things:
EU allocates 25 million euros in humanitarian aid to Palestinians
The EU is today announcing €25 million in humanitarian aid to meet the basic needs of vulnerable Palestinians in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza.
When I went searching for the Cs "things will get rocky" quote, pretty sure they said something about glitches - probably in connection to a fake alien invasion, but nevertheless . . . maybe it's actually gonna get real glitchy out there! When will the 4D bleedthroughs start to kick in, I wonder?
Maybe it already started?

Doesn't look like the movement of any drone to me...

Palestinians’ anti-Israel operation 'legitimate defense' against decades of occupation: Iran's UN mission

"The resolute measures taken by Palestine constitute a wholly legitimate defense against seven decades of oppressive occupation and heinous crimes committed by the illegitimate Zionist regime,” the mission said."

Iran, Iraq call for emergency OIC meeting to help Palestine amid Israeli aggression​

"The two sides emphasized the need for coordination and coherence among Muslim countries in support of the Palestinian nation, calling on the OIC to convene an emergency meeting in order to review ongoing developments"

Russia warns of foreign involvement in Palestinian conflict as US moves warships​

"Russia has warned against any involvement of a third party in the ongoing tension in Palestine after the United States relocated its warships to waters close to the Israeli-occupied territories."

"Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan warns Americans to stay away from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict:" “We will defend Palestine at any price.”

Maybe it already started?

Doesn't look like the movement of any drone to me...
It has already started

In the past few weeks my high-strangeness alarm has being going off almost every day.

As you can imagine, being a forum members for so long, I had to develop the awareness to match.

Some experiences include:
A shadowlike UAP that myself and one other person saw. It disconnected from a hotel and floated before rising up. Disconnected is the only way we could describe it.

Strange sudden "weather" from out of nowhere

A "dude" that had been following people around and taking photos of them with high end equipment under the guise of taking pictures of nature. Saw him too, he was not exactly your average guy.

But the biggest one so far is the sounds (in plural), something seismic and or wavelike is definitely taking place

Whatever happens I will always have the Cs and the forum in my heart
There is a rumor in social media that Israel just blew up the third oldest church in the world. Saint Porphyrius Orthodox Church in Gaza but other sources quoting the curator of the church mention that it is not true that the church was destroyed.

Church of Saint Porphyrios in Gaza Remains Intact Amidst Conflict​

Amidst the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, there have been numerous claims and counterclaims regarding the destruction of various sites. One such claim was made earlier today, stating that the Church of Saint Porphyrios in Gaza, a Greek Orthodox Church with a rich history spanning over 1597 years, had been destroyed by an Israeli airstrike. However, the curator of the church has now come forward to debunk these claims, assuring that the church remains intact and is currently providing refuge to those affected by the bombings.

In reference to Hamas coming to get us! (in the US) in the next 12 or 14 months, and my daughter just sent me a similar warning of UN solders will be activated withing 90 days. I'm sure there is now and will be more such "fearmongering" in the near future. But....

"Speaking only for myself"

I think it would be rather naive of us to watch millions and millions of people coming across the border (mostly young single males paid for by NGO's) and not at least suspicion that mercenary armies/cells are being developed across the country, and that the “cartelsakacia” have already replaced the mafia in our cities some time ago.
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Another development (Breitbart):

Sydney Jewish Community Warned to Stay Home as Hamas Supporters Claim the Citys Streets

Members of the Jewish community in Sydney, Australia’s biggest city, were warned Monday to stay home and avoid being identified while supporters of the Palestinian terror group Hamas marched through the Central Business District to gather at the iconic Opera House.

Australian Jewish Association President David Adler told Sky News an email was sent to the Jewish community warning them to avoid the harbor front building and the center of the city.

“We’ve seen one or two Jewish people who turned up early, who have been taken away by police because they carried an Israeli flag,” Adler told Sky News host Andrew Bolt.

“An email went around to the Jewish community warning us to stay out of the city of Sydney tonight, to stay away from the Town Hall area, to stay away from the Opera House area.

“We would be at risk if we were identified as Jewish in Sydney.”
The Sydney rally, organised by the Palestine Action Group Sydney, is demanding Australia cut ties with Israel and urging supporters to “protest in solidarity with Palestine.”

It follows the unprecedented Hamas terrorist attack on Israel over the weekend that claimed hundreds of Israeli lives, as Breitbart News reported.

People reportedly carried Palestinian flags, wearing black, white, red and green, and carrying banners with messages such as “Apartheid, wrong in South Africa, wrong in Palestine” and “Free Palestine.”
As the march set off a supporter of Israel was quickly detained and arrested by police.


Monday’s march was organized to coincide with the state government’s decision to illuminate the landmark in blue and white – the colours of the Israeli flag – in support of Jewish community groups in NSW.

Parliament House in Canberra is among a number of Australian landmarks being lit up in solidarity with Israel.
The author was fired from Reuters in 2008 for dishonest reporting:

Hamas Confirms It Received Support From Iran For Terror Attacks On Israel

Hamas, a Palestinian Islamic terrorist organization, has confirmed that it received support for its recent surprise attacks on Israel from the Islamic Republic of Iran, the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism.

A spokesperson for the terror group told the BBC that it received support from Iran and others, although he declined to say who else provided support.

In Iran, people flocked to the streets to celebrate the deadly attacks — which killed hundreds of Israelis and wounded thousands more — shooting off fireworks, waving flags, and cheering, according to numerous images posted online.

Iranian foreign ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanani said, “What took place today is in line with the continuation of victories for the anti-Zionist resistance in different fields, including Syria, Lebanon and occupied lands.”

Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei posted on social media: “God willing, the cancer of the usurper Zionist regime will be eradicated at the hands of the Palestinian people and the Resistance forces throughout the region.”
What an absurdity. So now Loomer and others in her club would have us believe that Hamas and/or affiliated groups are suddenly powerful enough and organized enough to pull off some kind of mass casualty/terror event in the US?? Well, they're already planting narrative seeds in the minds of the gullible for sure.

Exactly, and if they go that route, which is very likely, that’s where the holes of this begin to appear and people (not a lot, but some) will begin connecting the dots!

Hamas, a Palestinian Islamic terrorist organization, has confirmed that it received support for its recent surprise attacks on Israel from the Islamic Republic of Iran, the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism.

How convenient!! it’s so obvious, who in the world will believe that a terrorist group would disclose who is supporting them?? (Almost everyone it seems) And of course, they are just trying to implicate Iran in this, it’s so clear obvious everything that is happening and only a few really realize the motives behind it, Mr comet where are you?

I hope this time around groups like the BRICS or at least some of its members, carefully but in a smart way, can assist to stop or mediate somehow this madness once for all!
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