Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Remember how after 9-11 the story was that it was masterminded from the caves of Afghanistan - yet the neocons decided going only after the Taliban was kind of lame so they invaded Irak as well? According to General Wesley Clark the idea was to invade 5 countries in 7 years or something like that.

So the more I think about it, the more it seems to me that Israel will go after several countries - whether they were involved or not, and dragging the US to the frontlines of course - most probably Iran, Lebanon (already happening with Hezbollah) and Syria (bombed by Israel every week anyway). And as some have said here, perhaps that was the whole point. From the point of view of Netanyahu, politically he is forced to go way beyond destroying Gaza to apeace the masses, whether he likes it or not.

Re: remote viewers and psychics - I think indeed they have been seeing fragments of what will happen with this drama, but *also* fragments of other disasters. Some of the visions sounded like natural/cosmic disasters to me.

In short, it's going to get wild.
Exactly, and if they go that route, which is very likely, that’s where the holes of this begin to appear and people (not a lot, but some) will begin connecting the dots!

How convenient!! it’s so obvious, who in the world will believe that a terrorist group would disclose who is supporting them?? (Almost everyone it seems) And of course, they are just trying to implicate Iran in this, it’s so clear obvious everything that is happening and only a few really realize the motives behind it, Mr comet where are you?

I hope this time around groups like the BRICS or at least some of its members, carefully but in a smart way, can assist to stop or mediate somehow this madness once for all!
You and me both 💌🤞
Egypt released a statement saying they warned Israel of a major escalation prior to the attacks. If we are to believe this, then it's another data point that sinks the whole 'Israel was caught off guard' narrative.

Egyptian authorities trying to mediate the war between Israel and Palestinian factions say that their words of caution to Tel Aviv fell on deaf ears.

“We have warned them an explosion of the situation is coming, and very soon, and it would be big. But they underestimated such warnings,” an Egyptian intelligence official told AP.

Definitely the IDF soldiers on the ground were caught off guard. It's looking like they were sacrificed by their own psycho elites/other interested parties to get this conflict started.

Then there's the whole 'Iran did it' narrative coming from many Western conservatives.

After watching a Martyanov vid, I don't think any woke Western power actually has the capability to engage in an armed conflict with Iran.

Iran has hundreds of advanced missile defence systems, some of them similar to the Russian S-300s. They also have a number of S-300s. Iran also has its own hypersonic missile (not sure if the missile is operational yet, but it is far along enough to have been announced). Plus tons of other missiles, drones, etc.

Maybe Iran had a hand in the attacks, I don't know. I'm leaning more towards an intel agency inside job, using Iran as a target for hatred & doing what they can to disrupt any unity in the BRICS+.
This carnage at the rave has been troubling me as well. We are led to believe Hamas fighters came in lightly armed, on foot and on hang gliders, yet somehow they produced this utter devastation:

View attachment 82968
View attachment 82969

Cars at the rave in the perhaps hundreds left crushed, mangled and burnt to a crisp. Perhaps they used bulldozers, stolen tanks, incendiaries... but why spend so much effort on a bunch of cars...? I suppose it does leave a powerful statement... but one has to wonder...

BBC TV News particularly highlighted a case regarding one girl taken as being of German origin... just saying....
For a minute I thought that was Lahaina.
Maybe it already started?

Doesn't look like the movement of any drone to me...
I did not post anything here at the time because of the bad reputation of the alleged/fake alien bodies and other comments - being flares, but those look like this...

Gaza Strip, October 07, 2023; what appear to be unidentified anomalous phenomena [UAP], static for 5 minutes over Gaza City, full video.

Gaza Strip, October 07, 2023; were captured by live webcam; what appear to be unidentified anomalous phenomena [UAP's], static for 5 minutes over the city.



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“After multiple massacres, we regret & are sad to announce that every Israeli massacre or an attack without prior warning on Palestinian homes, will be met with an execution of an Israeli captive and we will publish recording of each execution.”

- Major General Fayez Al-Duwairi, on Al-Jazeera Today, was angry and rejected Abu Ubaida's speech on the execution of Israeli captives. He said Hamas is repeating scenes from ISIS and that is wrong.
Well some have pointed out how odd that CNN would air such an anti-Israel interview. But it’s been increasingly true in the last few years that the left have been increasingly pro-Palestine and the right have been pro-Israel. I think we are at the point where even the leftist mainstream is tolerating more anti-Israel rhetoric. But I think it fits into the plan.
Speaking as a reformed leftie :-), being pro-Palestine comes naturally to them.

Fareed Zakaria and others like him 'support' Palestine (to the point of giving them some air-time at least) because they're liberals. You can fool liberals into thinking that every cause is 'just', but you cannot fool them into thinking that an ACTUAL, clear example of a just cause, is not just! This will always be Israel's Achilles Heel.

"Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan warns Americans to stay away from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict:" “We will defend Palestine at any price.”

This is a fake translation of what Erdogan said. He didn't say anything of that sort. He just called for a cease fire and said that the conflict can only be resolved via the two state solution.
I don't think the libtard left really cares about Palestine, and they don't really push the issue from what I can tell. Or if they do, they don't get a lot of MSM coverage. Ilhan Omar has talked about it, but no wonder given that she's Muslim. Otherwise a few lefties who see racism everywhere might correctly see it in Israel, too - a broken clock and all that. Then, there are some oldschool lefties who didn't forget the old slogan that Israel is an "imperialist bridgehead", which used to be a cold war framing in the context of West vs. USSR. But mostly, it seems that the prominent libtards/democrats are very silent about the issue. The MSM consensus is "support Israel" all the way.

As for the conservatives, it's almost as if unconsciously they know exactly that their own anti-Woke rhetoric clearly and logically leads to questioning the Israel narrative, which is the mother of all weaponization of victimhood, moral blackmail and group identity thinking. But instead of "going there", they go like "no no sir, I know my conservative stance implies criticism of Israel, but I'm a good boy and support Israel!"

Definitely messes with people's heads so that they can't think straight, which weakens them.
I've given my tuppence on the Left's response to this, but as for the Right's...

I've had to unfollow and mute a ton of them on 'X'. They're such whiny, hysterical, ignoramuses on Palestine-Israel, "gushing forth paramoralizations," as Lobaczewski would say. It's like all the apparent 'progress' they made seeing through the official lies on a raft of issues and trends in recent years has only been thimble-deep. They're right back to calling for all Muslims to be thrown into camps or for the Middle East to be "glassed" (nuked).

To hell with them. They're not christians, they don't actually care what happens to Israel in this situation, they're not interested in Truth, and they're still raging Westoids.

/rant over!

Of course, this particular outbreak of hysteria will likely calm down, and many of them could yet learn from this.
Indeed, and yet as we mentioned on the show yesterday, ISIS was a group (funded and trained by Western intel) that sought to appropriate the lands of others based on a religio-historical claim to those lands. Precisely the mentality that brought about the state of Israel and the current situation. So ISIS has far more in common, ideologically-speaking, with Zionism than with Palestinian aspirations, which are exactly the opposite.

Netanyahu: Hamas is ISIS and we will eliminate it in exactly the same manner that the enlightened world eliminated ISIS.

Maybe he's right, literally, maybe some of those at work on Saturday ARE indeed members of this CIA/Pentagon group of crazies. That would make sense in terms of the capacity, training, brutality shown during the operation.
I didn’t see this posted before (if it was shared, apologies for the double post)

Saudi Arabia spoke about the situation:

The Crown Prince affirmed that the Kingdom stands by the Palestinian people to achieve their legitimate rights, realize their hopes and aspirations, and achieve just and lasting peace.

A bit more detailed:

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman discussed with Jordan’s King Abdullah II and Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi in phone calls the military escalation in Gaza and its surroundings and the worsening situation threatening the lives of civilians and the security and stability of the region.

It was agreed during the calls on the need to intensify international and regional efforts to stop the escalation in Gaza and its surroundings and prevent its expansion in the region, the Saudi Press Agency said on Monday.

Source Link Saudi crown prince discusses escalation in Gaza with Jordanian, Egyptian leaders

Let’s not forget that Iran and Saudi Arabia will be new members of the BRICS, officially starting 1/1/2024, same for Egypt.
NOT HEZBOLLAH: Al-Quds Brigades Claims Responsibility for Infiltration Operation on Lebanese-Israeli Border

The Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), claimed responsibility for a recent infiltration operation on the Lebanese-Palestinian border earlier Monday, saying it was part of the wider Al-Aqsa Storm operation. The PIJ is the second largest group in the Gaza Strip after Hamas.

So, Hezbollah hasn't engaged yet - this from zerohedge:

Following the deadly coordinated attack on innocent civilians in Gaza by Hamas terrorists, U.S. hawks have begun their usual warmongering push, looking to reengage America in Middle Eastern conflict.

GOP Senator Lindsey Graham was head of the line, bandying around threats to Iran that “we are all going to come after you” if there is an escalation involving Hezbollah:
Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley stated that Hamas has attacked America:
It’s only a matter of time before Israel takes it to Iran.
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