Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

“Persona non grata”. Wear that like a badge. Anymore, being persona non grata among Zionists is being as an honored guest of humanity. Honestly, they have somehow managed to exceed even the limitless scope of my contempt. I’d sooner s**t in my own hand…I need to stop reading and breathe for a minute!
“Persona non grata”. Wear that like a badge. Anymore, being persona non grata among Zionists is being as an honored guest of humanity. Honestly, they have somehow managed to exceed even the limitless scope of my contempt. I’d sooner s**t in my own hand…I need to stop reading and breathe for a minute!

Agreed! I think it was Laura on X the other day who said anyone who still supports Israel nowadays is akin to accepting the mark of the beast! Ain't that the truth? Over 28k innocent people murdered, with no end in sight....:-(

There's a terrible vibe of anxiety at the moment with all the tensions in the world, certainly it calls to us to keep our heads and not completely fall into despair. And that's not an easy task. The C's have stated that the "controllers" of 4d STS/Consortium are getting desperate, to control society as we near the change in our environment to 4d, and even this as the great "leveller" brings its own levels of intimidation as well. But maybe, just maybe, they will make a fatal miscalculation in their hubris? Truly I hope so!
Thank you @SlipNet ! I was overthinking leaving my last post up (at least the s**tting in my own hand part,) or at least editing it, but seeing your response was enough to be quite certain that I stand by every word! I completely agree that this could very well be the Mark Of The Beast moment. I know damn well that Sheik Imran Hosein would agree!

Always inspiring to listen to the thoughts of Roger Waters, he's sharp as ever here. He fields questions on whether he's an antisemite. Roger's not racist, he's an old school Brit of the Orwellian type. What is he, 80 years old and still touring? Remarkable.

Always inspiring to listen to the thoughts of Roger Waters, he's sharp as ever here. He fields questions on whether he's an antisemite. Roger's not racist, he's an old school Brit of the Orwellian type. What is he, 80 years old and still touring? Remarkable.

I grew up a massive Pink Floyd fan! I actually remember hearing Atom Heart Mother on the radio in my parents’ car when I was 4 years old. It stuck with me as a vivid memory. I was too young (16) to really appreciate The Final Cut when it came out. Corporal Clegg I could get, and even Pigs (maybe not the Mary Whitehouse reference at that point), but later on when I hit 20 years old, I really began to love Waters on a deeper level. I was lucky enough to see him on the Is This The Life We Really Want tour in 2017. But one of my favorites remains:

Brezhnev took Afghanistan.
Begin took Beirut.
Galtieri took the Union Jack.
And Maggie, over lunch one day,
Took a cruiser with all hands.
Apparently, to make him give it back

That lyric opened up a whole new dimension of Waters’ character for me. And I’ve been paying close attention ever since.
What's brilliant about Roger Waters is that he's the main writer of lyrics and music, so he's made a mint in publishing over the years. He's rich beyond his wildest dreams, but it's not that that drives him. He sees reality and makes art about how that makes him feel. He's been doing that since "Meddle" came out I think. "Animals" the album is his finest work for me, I bloody love that record. He's rare in the current music scene, most haven't had the guts to come out and criticise Israel, but Waters is made of stronger stuff. He's very intelligent and a fierce defender of human rights. There's no-one else in rock n' roll like him, a true legend.
What's brilliant about Roger Waters is that he's the main writer of lyrics and music, so he's made a mint in publishing over the years. He's rich beyond his wildest dreams, but it's not that that drives him. He sees reality and makes art about how that makes him feel. He's been doing that since "Meddle" came out I think. "Animals" the album is his finest work for me, I bloody love that record. He's rare in the current music scene, most haven't had the guts to come out and criticise Israel, but Waters is made of stronger stuff. He's very intelligent and a fierce defender of human rights. There's no-one else in rock n' roll like him, a true legend.
I wholeheartedly agree! It’s ironic that Meddle (my personal favorite album as well; I could listen to Echoes endlessly), is lyrically among his least pointed. San Tropez, Seamus, almost silly. Fearless however has some of my favorite lyrics (and who’s the fool who wears the crown). And I recall John Peel describing One Of These Days as “A poignant appraisal of the contemporary social situation. Come ‘round.”🤣 on his BBC radio hour. I think Us And Them from DSOTM is really where he turned a corner. But ultimately he’s driven by a determined desire for justice. Unlike Gilmour, who seems content to let his wife Polly take the pen, notwithstanding his brilliant guitar work. He’s always been one of my biggest influences (as the photo of my own guitar is clearly tribute).😉

US pushes for UN to support temporary Gaza ceasefire, oppose Rafah assault

UNITED NATIONS, Feb 19 (Reuters) - The United States has proposed a rival draft United Nations Security Council resolution calling for a temporary ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war and opposing a major ground offensive by its ally Israel in Rafah, according to the text seen by Reuters.
The move comes after the U.S. signalled it would veto on Tuesday an Algerian-drafted resolution — demanding an immediate humanitarian ceasefire — over concerns it could jeopardize talks between the U.S., Egypt, Israel and Qatar that seek to broker a pause in the war and the release of hostages held by Hamas.

Until now, Washington has been averse to the word ceasefire in any U.N. action on the Israel-Hamas war, but the U.S. text echoes language that President Joe Biden said he used last week in conversations with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
It would see the Security Council "underscore its support for a temporary ceasefire in Gaza as soon as practicable, based on the formula of all hostages being released, and calls for lifting all barriers to the provision of humanitarian assistance at scale."

The United States does "not plan to rush" to a vote and intends to allow time for negotiations, a senior U.S. administration official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said on Monday.
To pass, a resolution needs at least nine votes in favor and no vetoes by the U.S., France, Britain, Russia or China.
The U.S. draft text "determines that under current circumstances a major ground offensive into Rafah would result in further harm to civilians and their further displacement including potentially into neighboring countries."

Israel plans to storm Rafah, where more than 1 million of the 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza have sought shelter, prompting international concern that an assault would sharply worsen the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The U.N. has warned it "could lead to a slaughter."....
The second day of hearings at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague has begun, and Canada withdrew at the last minute from presenting arguments before the ICJ.
It looks like they are watching their backs to the international community. These beasts must have some fear.

Interesting article on The Cradle. Citing a Saudi article and source, the article claims that on Oct 7, a unit of the Qassam Brigades had the mission of liberating Palestinian prisoners from a prison in Ashkelon, 18km north of Gaza, but something along the way happened:

But for an unknown reason, potentially due to a faulty GPS device, the group returned south towards Moshav Netiv HaAsara on the Gaza border rather than proceeding north to Ashkelon. After reaching Netiv HaAsara, the unit then headed east toward the town of Sderot.

Interesting, a faulty GPS device..?

And then, in Sderot, the unit barricaded themselves inside a police station, which was eventually attacked by the Israeli military.

The source also states what has been reported elsewhere, that along freeing the prisoners, Hamas' objective was to take IDF soldiers hostage and force an exchange, but then the Hannibal Directive was activated.

US blocks ceasefire call with third UN veto in Israel-Hamas war

UNITED NATIONS, Feb 20 (Reuters) -
The United States on Tuesday again vetoed a draft United Nations Security Council resolution on the Israel-Hamas war, blocking a demand for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire as it instead pushes the 15-member body to call for a temporary ceasefire linked to the release of hostages held by Hamas.
Thirteen council members voted in favor of the Algerian-drafted text, while Britain abstained. It was the third U.S. veto of a draft resolution since the start of the current fighting on Oct. 7. Washington has also used its veto to block an amendment to draft resolution in December.
"Proceeding with a vote today was wishful and irresponsible... we cannot support a resolution that would put sensitive negotiations in jeopardy," said Washington's ambassador to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, while advocating an alternate resolution drafted by the US. It is the third such use of its veto on the council since the conflict began on 7 October.
In other words, those are the "competitive advantages" that Blinken talks about with its volunteer partners. You do it the way we want it, or ...

US pushes for UN to support temporary Gaza ceasefire, oppose Rafah assault

The second day of hearings at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague has begun, and Canada withdrew at the last minute from presenting arguments before the ICJ.
It looks like they are watching their backs to the international community. These beasts must have some fear.

It's obvious that the US is buying time for Israel to prolong the ethnic cleansing in Gaza, because the permanent ceasefire is not good for the business.
“Persona non grata”. Wear that like a badge. Anymore, being persona non grata among Zionists is being as an honored guest of humanity. Honestly, they have somehow managed to exceed even the limitless scope of my contempt. I’d sooner s**t in my own hand…I need to stop reading and breathe for a minute!
And he's not being left alone, ALBA-TCP is backing him up. A bit of their declaration today below:

"Brazil's President Lula da Silva is a leader of his country and of our America, a faithful defender of human rights, as well as of the principles and purposes of the United Nations Charter, international law and respect for the self-determination of peoples," ALBA-TCP said in a communiqué.

The organization also reiterated its condemnation of the "massacre in Palestine" by the Israeli State and called on the international community to impose an immediate cease-fire in Gaza and to determine "the responsibilities for crimes against humanity".

"The Alliance has warned of the danger that the situation in Palestine represents for regional peace and stability, and therefore, faithful to its principles, demands a just and definitive solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through dialogue, based on a two-state solution," it said.

It also calls for Palestine to be allowed "to exercise its right to self-determination as an independent and sovereign state, with East Jerusalem as its capital, based on the pre-1967 borders".

And then, Chile had the following to say as well.

"Chile considers that Israel is committing violations of the inalienable right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and other norms of international law," said Chile's representative to the body, Ximena Fuentes.

"Israel has demonstrated its intention to indefinitely control the occupied Palestinian territory, by virtue of its actions, including the exploitation of natural resources, settlement policies, the construction of the wall, the legalization of outposts, among others," she said.

So, the region is backing Lula up on his declarations, which is still South America and probably has not a lot of weight internationally, but it does show a shift in their allegiances, which is truly interesting and refreshing, specially since it used to be Venezuela and Cuba, but now, the exceptions are those who follow the Washington line.

Russia reacts to US vetoing Gaza ceasefire​

"the US has shown a disregard for human life, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has claimed."

"The Americans “are blocking the call for a ceasefire. That’s it. This is their attitude towards people, not towards people of a certain nationality, but towards people in general,” Zakharova said in an interview with Sputnik Radio on Wednesday."

“The solution [to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict], towards which the US is pushing people and regions, does not exist,” she stressed,"

"While the Americans continue to obstruct a truce, the situation in Gaza “only deteriorates,” the spokeswoman added."

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