Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Hmm... Antonio Guterres is troubled by Israel's use of AI targeting. Why this message, and why now? I've been seeing a similar trend as you @forest_light, and I don't think it's because world leaders suddenly care about Gazans. There must be some reason they're turning on Israel.

Edit: perhaps the reason is to tame Israel for geopolitical reasons...

Have noticed that too and was wondering if the focus on AI will be used as a blame shifting manoeuvre. 'It wasn't us! The computers did it! We had no idea how stoopid they were! Let's go after the programmers!'
Maybe Iran isn't bombing Israel because it favours diplomacy? And also because Iran showed all the signs of preparing to bomb in order to back up the diplomacy.

BREAKING: This explains why today Israel announced a complete withdrawal from Gaza.

Iran has reportedly communicated to the United States through the Sultanate of Oman, that the Islamic Republic intends to directly strike Israel, unless the U.S. guarantees an immediate permanent ceasefire in Gaza & no Israeli ground invasion of Rafah – Exclusive sources to Jadeh Iran.

So basically Iran has given the U.S. a choice: You can avoid a direct attack on Israel, by signing a permanent ceasefire in Gaza & an official guarantee of no Rafah operation.

Either that, or Israel is withdrawing troops from Gaza and letting aid in for a different and more sinister reason.
After the Netanyahu government closed 28 of its embassies around the world. Israel now withdraws from southern Gaza

IDF withdraws all ground troops from southern Gaza, leaving just one brigade in the enclave

Overnight, the IDF withdrew all ground troops from the southern Gaza Strip, after four straight months of fighting in the Khan Younis area.
Only one brigade, Nahal, currently remains in the Gaza Strip.

The Nahal Brigade is tasked with securing the so-called Netzarim Corridor, which crosses Gaza from the Be’eri area in southern Israel to the Strip’s coast.
The corridor enables the IDF to carry out raids in northern and central Gaza, prevents Palestinians from returning to the northern part of the Strip, and allows humanitarian organizations to deliver aid directly to northern Gaza.
A tweet, including a supposed map of territory currently held by the Zionists:


Six months into the Gaza War, the IDF has withdrawn almost all of their forces from the Strip, leaving only a single infantry brigade - the 933rd - garrisoning an isolation barrier south of Gaza City, with the 401st Brigade (an armor unit) also operating in the area.

The Israelis claim the operation thus far has destroyed nineteen of twenty-four "Hamas battalions," with the remnants of the group's armed wing holed up in Rafah. It's difficult to take this claim seriously - as anyone who came up during the War on Terror knows, you need to be killing more enemies that you create. By flattening much of Gaza with effectively indiscriminate bombing the Israelis have radicalized the population and they should expect Hamas to be flush with new recruits for a generation. As anyone who came up during that long war also knows, clearing an area without holding it is pointless if you don't want the enemy to move right back in after you leave - as Hamas has already done in Gaza City.

As I pointed out some time ago, the Israelis have refused to dedicate sufficient troops to the operation - leading to a grinding war, an inability to garrison cleared areas, and heavy civilian casualties. While there is talk of them preparing a new push on Rafah, "more of the same" further south is not going to restore their national security at this point.

A peace treaty - a real one that both sides have good reason to uphold, not a ten-year ceasefire - would.

Diplomatic warfare

The effect that continues to create BiBi's policies clearly lacking "sense" of strategy but rather guided as compulsive paranoid orders (bombing the Iranian consulate with his delegation, killing cooks of PMA, exterminating wounded in a hospital etc, etc) represents a threat not only to his continuation as prime minister, but has created an effect of dissemination of a basic fear ,atavic fear, about his partners US (Biden's re-election) and England (we are "not unconditional"). From which Russia and China with their proxy partners in this case Nicaragua will try to make the most of:

Nicaragua tells ICJ Germany is 'facilitating' genocide in Gaza

THE HAGUE, Netherlands: Nicaragua on Monday called on the United Nations’ top court to halt German military and other aid to Israel, arguing that Berlin’s support was enabling acts of genocide and breaches of international humanitarian law in the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza.
Opening Nicaragua’s case at the International Court of Justice, the country’s ambassador to the Netherlands, Carlos José Argüello Gómez, told the 16-judge panel that “Germany is failing to honor its own obligation to prevent genocide or to ensure respect of international humanitarian law.”
Israel strongly denies that its assault amounts to genocidal acts, saying it is acting in self defense. Israeli legal adviser Tal Becker told judges at the court earlier this year that the country is fighting a “war it did not start and did not want.”

But Nicaragua rejected that defense, in a reference to Germany’s support for Israel.
“Surprisingly, Germany seems not to be able to differentiate between self-defense and genocide,” Argüello Gómez said.
Germany, whose lawyers will address the court Tuesday morning, rejects the case brought by Nicaragua.
“Germany has breached neither the Genocide Convention nor international humanitarian law, and we will set this out in detail before the International Court of Justice,” German Foreign Ministry spokesperson Sebastian Fischer told reporters in Berlin on Friday.

Ironically, those who preach honor, freedom and rights do not apply it:

Daniel Ortega's regime deployed a mega operation with thousands of police to prevent Easter Week processions

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Diplomatic warfare

The effect that continues to create BiBi's policies clearly lacking "sense" of strategy but rather guided as compulsive paranoid orders (bombing the Iranian consulate with his delegation, killing cooks of PMA, exterminating wounded in a hospital etc, etc) represents a threat not only to his continuation as prime minister, but has created an effect of dissemination of a basic fear ,atavic fear, about his partners US (Biden's re-election) and England (we are "not unconditional"). From which Russia and China with their proxy partners in this case Nicaragua will try to make the most of:

Nicaragua tells ICJ Germany is 'facilitating' genocide in Gaza

Ironically, those who preach honor, freedom and rights do not apply it:

Daniel Ortega's regime deployed a mega operation with thousands of police to prevent Easter Week processions

Well, Ortega has been a CIA target for years. He seems like a wily old fox to me, and as anti-PTB as a leader of a small LatAm country can get. Maybe he had intel that the processions were going to turn into something else. Last time I was in Nicaragua, I got there just after some widespread CIA/NED-lead protests, which were put down by the gov't. This leading to a red alert internationally, meaning a travel warning, which ruined Nicaragua's tourism industry for about a year.

Anyways, comparing Ortega to the German gov't or the Israeli gov't is comparing apples and oranges.
Apparently they are two different fronts and if the analogy is fruit both are rotten and in reality I would choose the bananas,
Ortega is a leader of a "banana republic", and all thanks to him, like Fidel, once installed in power has used all the tricks to stay fulfilling the cliche of becoming what they fought, a small monarchy (like Somoza's) of more than 23 years in power and financed at first by Bill Clinton and the CIA and now by its trading partner China.
With respect to the processions, it happens that as in all leftist regimes the Catholic Church is being persecuted, in Latin America it is more difficult to repress it because of the number of believers, so it represents a challenge to uproot this faith without representing a political cost.
And well the German left is not far behind, The left wing party "Links" and the "traffic light" destroyed as best they could the most important economy in Europe reducing it to a war economy, some are starting to compare it to a banana republic, and looking for all politicking means to stay in power, including illegal immigration and what this vote represents.
Both Germany and Nicaragua are proxy countries in this war, that must be accountable to those with whom they submit. Then so continuing with the comparison, I think they are all in the same fruit bowl.
Apparently they are two different fronts and if the analogy is fruit both are rotten and in reality I would choose the bananas,
Ortega is a leader of a "banana republic", and all thanks to him, like Fidel, once installed in power has used all the tricks to stay fulfilling the cliche of becoming what they fought, a small monarchy (like Somoza's) of more than 23 years in power and financed at first by Bill Clinton and the CIA and now by its trading partner China.
With respect to the processions, it happens that as in all leftist regimes the Catholic Church is being persecuted, in Latin America it is more difficult to repress it because of the number of believers, so it represents a challenge to uproot this faith without representing a political cost.
And well the German left is not far behind, The left wing party "Links" and the "traffic light" destroyed as best they could the most important economy in Europe reducing it to a war economy, some are starting to compare it to a banana republic, and looking for all politicking means to stay in power, including illegal immigration and what this vote represents.
Both Germany and Nicaragua are proxy countries in this war, that must be accountable to those with whom they submit. Then so continuing with the comparison, I think they are all in the same fruit bowl.

I think the whole 'Ortega is a dictator' narrative is deep state propaganda. Check out the SOTT articles on Ortega, and you'll find he's nothing like Somoza - in the same way Nicaragua is nothing like Germany. It's pretty off-base to make the comparison IMO.

And he's been calling out Israel's genocidal policies for years, too:

Everyone's keen on Bukele nowadays, but Ortega has been resisting US domination and truly helping his people for decades, just like Castro did. The only problem is that both are old-school leftists, and people who are sick of woke leftist can't seem to look beyond anti-left ideological blinders when considering who can be a good leader. In other words, they don't look at policies or results. Same thing is happening with Xi these days.
I think the whole 'Ortega is a dictator' narrative is deep state propaganda. Check out the SOTT articles on Ortega, and you'll find he's nothing like Somoza - in the same way Nicaragua is nothing like Germany. It's pretty off-base to make the comparison IMO.

I understand and we see how at this moment the forces are changing with this Israel-Palestine war and in fact this is what I try to say when I find a position of equals between Germany and Nicaragua something that a few years ago diplomatically would not have been possible
For me it is not about left or right, although the current political landscape looks and behaves like that. I am sorry if I cannot have a romantic vision about revolutions and dictatorships of the "old school" -more than 70 years old- such as those of the Castros in Cuba, Chávez-Maduro or los Ortega (23 years of continuous democracy?), among others, because I have lived them and I cannot approve the insidiousness and manipulation of foreign governments, be they from the United States, Russia, the CIA, MI6, the Vatican, the Mossad or the CPC, which have only brought immigration, poverty, ignorance and inhibition to communities and peoples of Central and South America.
Some leftist leaders like Ortega, Lula, or Petro among others, may have rhetoric that awe especially when they speak against Israel, which I think is perfect, but their personality and behavior that they hide speaks badly of them and what they give to their people.
In the same way, right wing illusions like Milei and Bukele suffer from the same malady.
Netanyahu ist pushing straight forward to the next big slaughter. The situation in Gaza is only bringing hatred to Jews and disgrace like a boomerang to Israel, unless it is the target of 4DSTS.

Netanyahu declares ‘there is a date’ for Rafah invasion as Hamas claims ‘no ability’ to free 40 hostages

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu affirmed Monday that he plans to forge ahead with a long-anticipated and controversial military operation in the Gaza Strip city of Rafah — as Hamas reportedly claimed there are fewer than 40 women, elderly and ailing hostages who it can account for.
In a video message posted to X, Netanyahu — who has come under increasing domestic criticism over his handling of the six-month-old war against the terror group — told Israelis that “complete victory” over the jihadists “requires entry into Rafah and the elimination of the terrorist battalions there.”

It will happen, there is a date,” the 74-year-old added without giving further specifics.

Meanwhile, truce talks involving Israeli and Hamas officials in Cairo were ongoing after CIA Director Bill Burns proposed over the weekend that Hamas submit a list of 40 Israeli hostages who are alive and can be released on humanitarian grounds — meaning women, female Israel Defense Forces soldiers, men over 50, and those with serious medical conditions — in exchange for a six-week cease-fire, according to Axios.

On Monday, however, Israel’s Channel 12 news reported that Hamas was trying to negotiate the release of fewer hostages on the grounds it had “no ability to release 40” abductees who fit the initial request by Israeli negotiators.

Rafah is home to an estimated 1.4 million refugees, many of whom traveled there to seek safety from the intense fighting up north.

Will invasion on Rafah provoke UN member states to accept Palestine's request for full membership?

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