Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Now it is clear what Iran needs to focus on if it wants to cause real damage. And so- seven rockets to the desert and everyone is happy.

Ни одна из запущенных Ираном по Израилю гиперзвуковых ракет не была перехвачена - Российская газета
None of the hypersonic missiles launched by Iran at Israel were intercepted
If it's true it would be a big blow for Israel.

I am not sure that those numbers are not just spin. Hal Turner's sources are reporting 44 Mossad agents were killed at the air base. Hal is really bad at filtering news and overhyping stuff, but he does have good sources that do relay him good information from time to time and they were still towing the line that everything that was not hypersonic got shot down (not sure I totally believe that given the Israel and US intelligence predilection for prevarication, but it is possible if they are fessing up to Mossad deaths not publicly acknowledged) Battle Damage Assessment: Iran Strike Against Israel - VIDEOS
Hal claims to have covert intel sources in other countries but it's a lie. His "covert intel sources" are just info he copied and pasted from Telegram and Twitter/X accounts. Info that he got for free and puts behind a paywall. On several occasions, he screwed up and left it open for everyone to view and it was always stuff that I saw on Telegram or Twitter a day earlier. He's not a very reliable source of info IMHO.
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But that said, I get the concern: why should all Americans suffer for the sins of Dick Cheney, Joe Bidenstein, Obummer etc etc? It’s a deep question. Why should good folks suffer the fate of the psychopaths?
Because of passivity, selfishness, turning a blind eye and ignorance, but it is similar in almost every country throughout history, when you let others lead your life and have power over you this is what you get, lesson in the end to think with your head and do the right action.
The desired outcome of Ukraine was to make money for Western, especially US, defense contractors and their political friends. Mission accomplished.
Reminded of this somehow...

Heaven and Earth have no humanity;
They regard all things as straw-dogs.
The sage has no humanity;
He regards the people as straw-dogs.
Between Heaven and Earth, it is like a bellows or a flute!
Empty, but not exhausted;
With movement, more comes out.
Too much talk always exhausts;
It is better to keep to the inside.
- Lau Tzu - Tau Te Ching Translated by Yi Wu, Chapter 5
Funny news. So the Israelis themselves did not have enough showmanship. After all, it is more epic and picturesque in Donbass.
Israel issued a video from Donbass for footage of the work of the Iron Dome

The Israel Defense Forces posted a video on social media that passed off as a reflection of an Iranian air attack.

In fact, the footage shows a night battle in Donbass in 2017, during which the Grad MLRS was used. Meanwhile, the video posted by the IDF is signed "Israel in the last hours."

Earlier, the Iranian General Staff announced the completion of the operation against Israel, General Bagheri announced the successful defeat of enemy targets and the end of the operation against Israel. According to Tehran, all designated targets were hit.
ÐзÑÐ°Ð¸Ð»Ñ Ð²Ñдал видео из ÐонбаÑÑа за кадÑÑ ÑабоÑÑ Â«Ðелезного кÑпола»

Забавная новость. Значит у самих израильтян не хватило зрелищности. Все таки в Донбассе эпичнее и живописнее.
Because of passivity, selfishness, turning a blind eye and ignorance, but it is similar in almost every country throughout history, when you let others lead your life and have power over you this is what you get, lesson in the end to think with your head and do the right action.
Is it a question of 'letting" others lead our lives ? We have all been born into a system that favors psycopaths in government.
Karma is not always punishment. As Ryan implies, it’s more of an indifferent cause and effect thing.

But that said, I get the concern: why should all Americans suffer for the sins of Dick Cheney, Joe Bidenstein, Obummer etc etc? It’s a deep question. Why should good folks suffer the fate of the psychopaths?

Avoiding the valley of the shadow in 3D STS is not possible. It’s a Gethsemane realization. Suck it up and accept it, I guess. We’ve had a good run. So many nations are going to gloat and point with glee as Amurrika goes down.

So, Walk with stoic dignity through the chaos and degradation if and when it becomes necessary. Knowledge will protect.
There's always been the struggle between the 'spirit and the flesh'. As Laura discusses in "From Paul to Mark", people were too physically focused to easily understand what Paul was talking about. So Pauline Christianity got converted into a version that worked well with the goals of the state and helped control people but essentially short-circuited any spiritual growth past a certain point of spiritual maturity.

So we are all guilty of choosing this physical focus and focusing on the self instead of others, and that is a karmic debt that begs a payment or a lesson or both. Another painful lesson for many is putting trust in authority and/or asking what the government can do for me instead of the other way around. Additionally, there is the Karmic debt of feeling righteous and deserving of any and all abundance, even at the expense of others. So it seems that the Karmic load will vary according to what an individual believes and what he or she has done, or has not done, in their life. America has been focused on serving self while shirking responsibility to the Common Father for too long and to such an extreme degree that we have become a symbol of excess in the world.

This brings me to a quote from Castaneda in "A Separate Reality":
... a man of knowledge has no honor, no dignity, no family, no name, no country, but only life to be lived, and under these circumstances his only tie to his fellow men is his controlled folly. Thus a man of knowledge endeavors, and sweats, and puffs, and if one looks at him he is just like any ordinary man, except that the folly of his life is under control. Nothing being more important than anything else, a man of knowledge chooses any act, and acts it out as if it matters to him. His controlled folly makes him say that what he does matters and makes him act as if it did, and yet he knows that it doesn't; so when he fulfills his acts he retreats in peace, and whether his acts were good or bad, or worked or didn't, is in no way part of his concern.
and from Matthew 6:19-21 NIV:
Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
I don't have many dogs in many races these days.
Really last night attack was as Joe and Niall said on their post cast, just theater. It couldn’t be the beginning of WWIII because no ship was sunk. No USS maine, Lusitania, Pearl Harbor or Gulf of Tonkin incident, false flag or let it happen even that will prime the US citizen to take arm to save the home land.:whistle: Israel image is at the bottom, no sane man would want to fight to defend it and frankly this respond to Israel attack on the consulate was just a matter of time to come. From what I read so far, the success of the attack was limited but it is hard to estimate it as Israel certainly won’t share the real picture. What worries me is that now Israel as now a quasi-legitimate pretext to attack Iran and I’m certainly no convince that Biden phone call would stop Israel from launching an attack in the near future. Since when Netanyahu listen to a U.S. president anyway, his master are way above the US president and they have their own agenda and one that they seem more desperate to achieve recently. Mossad is closer to the apex in the 3rd density sts hierarchies, above the deep state I think and if the Lizzies need a war in the middle east, a war they will start.

We can read and see a lot of comment about the big money that is made by these stupid war and yes, it is a big motivation for the greedy psychopath but, they are not in charge, they will be sacrificed with the rest of us if the lizard fulfill their wish so, don’t under estimate the fourth density STS, what they can or can’t do. As long as they have this mad men at the head of Israel who as the support of madder men that could trigger him to attack Iran quit easily, I think, we are on for much surprise.

Enjoy the ride.
I do wish that each person would somehow only bear responsibility for their own actions / lessons. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be the case on terra firma.
When karma and multiple lifetimes are taken into account, it could be the case.
Q: (L) Is there some karmic element that was fulfilled by the Holocaust?

A: Of course.

Q: (L) Could you tell us what karma was being expunged in that activity, and what group the Jews represented?

A: This is not germane, but it was Atlantean overseers "expunging" guilt from that life experience.
But that said, I get the concern: why should all Americans suffer for the sins of Dick Cheney, Joe Bidenstein, Obummer etc etc? It’s a deep question. Why should good folks suffer the fate of the psychopaths?
There seem to be different types of karma (and dharma), including something like collective karma of all humanity. Because on some levels we are all connected.
But that said, I get the concern: why should all Americans suffer for the sins of Dick Cheney, Joe Bidenstein, Obummer etc etc? It’s a deep question. Why should good folks suffer the fate of the psychopaths?
Well, maybe all those born in the US or who moved to the US for one reason or another have something to do with the process of cleansing and need to experience whatever might be coming down the pipe. Specially when you consider that we chose the lives we lead.

I think the experience the US is about to undergo, and its people, is not something strictly created in the last 20 years, it has to be a long process of generations, and several reincarnations worth of karmic debt might've been generated in the process.
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