Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

The desired outcome of Ukraine was to make money for Western, especially US, defense contractors and their political friends. Mission accomplished.
I think that the geopolitical goals of the "US empire" faction were just as important in Ukraine, namely to prevent closer cooperation between Russia and the EU/Germany.

And that goal was accomplished too for now, though the way it was achieved may backfire on the "US empire" and play into the hands of the "ultraglobalist faction" that wants the US weakened or even dismantled.

Blowing up Nordstream, using the dollar system to confiscate sovereign assets and the loss of the war in Ukraine all weaken the US position in the world.
Remember also that we have the working assumption that the death of Solemani was agreed to beforehand.

The level of cynicism and theater - around war in particular - among the political class would blow most people's minds.
I think your analysis, Joe is spot on, namely that this was an agreed upon accepted retaliation to suit the respective leaders in the countries involved. This is also borne out by the 6 headlines on RT which says:


Netanyahu claims success in defeating Iran’s attack​


Biden told Netanyahu he won’t support retaliation against Iran​


Iran struck ‘important’ Israeli military targets​


IDF confirms ‘minor damage’ to military base​


US helped Israel take down ‘nearly all’ Iranian drones and missiles – Biden​

‘Punishment’ of Israel completed – Tehran​

In other words, they are all winners and can sell that to their domestic audiences and another world war started and finished by the blink of an eye and the accepted levels of tension can continue its usual humming at a jointly accepted level by the partners involved.
This is something that really bothers me. A crime against a collective done by a collective, gets collectively punished. If it's done by an individual against an individual it will be individually punished. To me it's an absolutely horrifying situation.
I don't think it's quite that black and white. It seems like Karma is one aspect regarding the direction of future lessons, so it's not that people automatically have 'done unto them as they did to others', but rather that potentially being 'done upon as they once did' provides a little extra incentive in the lesson of 'learning to do differently'.
Yeah, that doesn't really describe the situation. The main target was one or two military/airbases in S. Israel. Ramona being one. At least one of those bases was hit with a few ballistic missiles with relatively small warheads.

That's about it. Most of the drones were probably without warheads, i.e. decoys.

Israel spent about $1 billion on AD missiles to shoot them down.

Iranians are happy "the Zionist regime got a smack"

Iranian govt. is happy that the people are happy.

Israelis are happy their air defense kept them safe.

Israeli govt. is happy it got more propaganda material and support from the world, especially the US in the form of more money.

American govt. is happy to distract Americans from the problems in the USA.

Everyone wins, even the Palestinians, because tonight was the first night in 6 months that Gaza wasn't bombed by Israel.
So, Iran saved its face, Israel remained "strong", Americans preparing for election in piece, scores settled. I guess Iran and everyone would be happy if all stays silent from now on. Which, knowing psychopaths in Israel will not. Psychopaths doesn't have ability to learn, they can only be stoped by physical destruction. So the next Iran's strike (after next Israel's action) could be the real one.
This is something that really bothers me. A crime against a collective done by a collective, gets collectively punished. If it's done by an individual against an individual it will be individually punished. To me it's an absolutely horrifying situation.
I agree. When it comes down to it, being alive in a physical body is a horrifying situation in and of itself.

I do wish that each person would somehow only bear responsibility for their own actions / lessons. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be the case on terra firma.
FWIW, Alex Christoforou of the Duran in this mornings' news summary mentioned the following;

FT hinted that US and Iran are in back-channel talks facilitated by Oman, "Tehran is unlikely to target Israel diplomatic facilitated in the region, said an official briefed on talks between Iran and Oman, the Gulf state that often facilitated back-channel diplomacy between Tehran and Washington."

According to Ram Aminach, former financial advisor to the Israeli Chief of Staff, it is estimated that Israel's defense against last night's Iranian missile and drone attack cost more than $1.3 billion in jet fuel, surface-to-air missile interceptors, air-to-air missiles and other military equipment used by Israel's air defense network; one hypersonic anti-ballistic "Arrow 3" missile alone is believed to have cost between $5 million and $20 million.
Considering that Iran spent about 10% on its offensive, it calls into question Israel's ability to keep the Iron Dome operating at full capacity for any length of time.
Then, according to the NYT,
Israel decided not to retaliate against Iran after Biden's conversation with Netanyahu, According to the newspaper, Biden told Netanyahu that "because the Iranian attack appears to have caused minimal damage, Israel should accept victory and not retaliate against Iran."
In general, and as Joe also mentioned, the situation is similar to Iran's attacks on U.S. bases after the assassination of General Soleimani. Iran attacked, the U.S. said there were no casualties. And now the region will finally enter a long proxy war.

I agree. When it comes down to it, being alive in a physical body is a horrifying situation in and of itself.

I do wish that each person would somehow only bear responsibility for their own actions / lessons. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be the case on terra firma.
This answer is for Ruth too.

In one session the C's responded to Laura something like that she already knew the circumstances of the life she was going to have (paraphrasing from memory) and I think that can be applied to many people.

So if you allow me the note of humor despite what is happening...

I believe that complaints have to go to the fifth density mailbox.:-)
Zakharova, as always, is diplomatically polite.
Zakharova recalled that Israel did not condemn the Ukrainian strikes on Russia

MOSCOW, Apr 14 — RIA Novosti. Israel did not condemn the Ukrainian strikes on Russian territory, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova wrote on the Telegram channel.
This is how she commented on the call by Tel Aviv's ambassador to Moscow, Simone Halperin, to condemn Iran's massive attack on the Jewish state.
"Simone, remind me, when did Israel condemn at least one attack by the Kiev regime on Russian regions? Don't you remember? And I. But I do remember regular statements in support of Zelensky's actions by Israeli officials," Zakharova said.
After the Iranian attack on Israel, the Russian Foreign Ministry called on the parties to the conflict to exercise restraint.

Escalation in the Middle East
Iran attacked Israel late on Saturday. According to media reports, 185 drones, 36 cruise missiles and 110 surface—to-surface missiles were launched. It is claimed that Israel shot down most of the shells outside its territory. The American and British military took part in repelling the attack.
The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps said it had destroyed important military targets in the territories "occupied" by Israel. Iran's mission to the United Nations reported that the attack was a response to aggression against diplomatic facilities, citing Article 51 of the organization's Charter on the right to self—defense.

The head of the General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces, Mohammad Bagheri, clarified that Tehran had completed Operation True Promise against Israel, but warned that it would continue to act in case of escalation from Tel Aviv.
Western countries condemned the Iranian attack, and UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres called for de-escalation. An urgent meeting of the Security Council of the World Organization due to the aggravation of the situation in the Middle East is scheduled for 23:00 Moscow time on Sunday.
In turn, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu noted that Tel Aviv had repelled Tehran's attacks, and also promised "victory through joint efforts." The country's defense minister, Yoav Galant, added that the campaign is not over yet.
Захарова напомнила, что Израиль не осуждал украинские удары по России

Now it is clear what Iran needs to focus on if it wants to cause real damage. And so- seven rockets to the desert and everyone is happy.
None of the hypersonic missiles launched by Iran at Israel were intercepted

Iran launched seven hypersonic missiles during the attack on Israel's Nevatim airbase. Israeli air defenses failed to intercept any, according to the Iranian Press TV channel.
Earlier, military expert Vladislav Shurygin told reporters that the main trump card of the Iranians was the latest hypersonic ballistic missiles "Fattah", which, according to the expert, "all reached the targets and none of them was intercepted."

He explained that the hypersonic missile warheads glowing from overheating, which were clearly visible in the night footage, were moving towards the airbase.

According to the expert, Fattah missiles are capable of reaching speeds 15 times faster than the speed of sound, therefore they are invulnerable to air defense.
Ни одна из запущенных Ираном по Израилю гиперзвуковых ракет не была перехвачена - Российская газета

Захарова, как всегда, дипломатически вежлива.
Теперь понятно, на что надо сделать акцент Ирану, если он захочет нанести реальный ущерб. А так- семь ракет по пустыне и все довольны.
According to Ram Aminach, former financial advisor to the Israeli Chief of Staff, it is estimated that Israel's defense against last night's Iranian missile and drone attack cost more than $1.3 billion in jet fuel, surface-to-air missile interceptors, air-to-air missiles and other military equipment used by Israel's air defense network; one hypersonic anti-ballistic "Arrow 3" missile alone is believed to have cost between $5 million and $20 million.
Considering that Iran spent about 10% on its offensive, it calls into question Israel's ability to keep the Iron Dome operating at full capacity for any length of time.
Then, according to the NYT,

In general, and as Joe also mentioned, the situation is similar to Iran's attacks on U.S. bases after the assassination of General Soleimani. Iran attacked, the U.S. said there were no casualties. And now the region will finally enter a long proxy war.

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I am not sure that those numbers are not just spin. Hal Turner's sources are reporting 44 Mossad agents were killed at the air base. Hal is really bad at filtering news and overhyping stuff, but he does have good sources that do relay him good information from time to time and they were still towing the line that everything that was not hypersonic got shot down (not sure I totally believe that given the Israel and US intelligence predilection for prevarication, but it is possible if they are fessing up to Mossad deaths not publicly acknowledged) Battle Damage Assessment: Iran Strike Against Israel - VIDEOS
This is something that really bothers me. A crime against a collective done by a collective, gets collectively punished. If it's done by an individual against an individual it will be individually punished. To me it's an absolutely horrifying situation.
Karma is not always punishment. As Ryan implies, it’s more of an indifferent cause and effect thing.

But that said, I get the concern: why should all Americans suffer for the sins of Dick Cheney, Joe Bidenstein, Obummer etc etc? It’s a deep question. Why should good folks suffer the fate of the psychopaths?

Avoiding the valley of the shadow in 3D STS is not possible. It’s a Gethsemane realization. Suck it up and accept it, I guess. We’ve had a good run. So many nations are going to gloat and point with glee as Amurrika goes down.

So, Walk with stoic dignity through the chaos and degradation if and when it becomes necessary. Knowledge will protect.
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