Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

From what I can tell these psychos would also like to see the US dragged into a war against Iran. Is it about the dream of 'grater Israel'? Is it about Netanyahu knowing that if the fighting ends, then he's out?
Two more potential reasons I see:

1) The deluded biblical crowd (also strong in the US) who think that they need to bring about Armageddon and the building of the "Third Temple", so that the "biblical prophecies" they subscribe to come true. For that a huge war involving Israel is probably a necessity in their eyes.

2) Maybe another factor is that some of the 3D STS are trying to get to the 95% STS level to graduate to 4D. It is possible that this is one of the main reasons why they seem to be short on time and pushing a lot more and faster than before.
12:00 AM · Sep 29, 2024, Run Time 4:30 minutes
Russia has condemned Israel's repeated attacks on Lebanon at the United Nations Security Council. Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov warned that the Middle East is on the brink of a full-scale war triggered by the conflict in Gaza

The IDF press office announced the neutralization of Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah:
he was killed in another Israeli Air Force raid on the Lebanese capital.

At the same time, one of those killed in the strike on Beirut was Iranian Brigadier General Abbas Nilforushan, commander of the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps on the territory of the Republic of Lebanon.

This is confirmed by government media.

Against the backdrop of the incident, Hezbollah reported launching attacks on about ten IDF facilities.

Most of the munitions were either intercepted by air defense systems or fell on wastelands - often on the territory of Lebanon itself.

It is noteworthy that the total number of rockets launched to date also remains at a relatively low level - only a few dozen, whereas earlier their number could be measured in hundreds.

It's a degree of fanatical psychopathy, which is realised on the ground that for every 1 Israeli killed, 20 Palestinians/Arabs must die.
And in recent months, the balance has tipped hard.

That's very similar to what came out of this session:

In this video, Thierry Meyssan links the Russia/NATO conflict to what is currently happening in Lebanon.

Meyssan tells all about Netanyahu's race to war:
In this Meyssan fortnightly, we take a closer look at the terrible war that is brewing between Israel and the "axis of resistance". Next week, Thierry will discuss the issue of the Trilateral Commission.
Automatic English translation available.

Meyssan (from the video link) provides some very interesting information on Hezbollah, including the fact that it is not a terrorist organisation as described by the mainstream media; it is much more organised and modern than it lets on, with resources whose primary source is the deep-seated will of its fighters.
And if there is a war, Israel will initially win thanks to the strike force provided by the Americans, but in the long term Hezbollah will regain its ground despite the heavy losses.
T. Meyssan also draws a parallel between the Russian scorched-earth policy and Israel's Samson option, which is in fact a form of collective suicide.
For example, if Lebanon is strategically atomised (quite a strategy!), the nuclear fallout won't stay within the borders.
Israel may certainly be winning the opening stages of this new war but, as I said in my previous post about their fate being sealed and their having "to pay the piper", the C's have already predicted Israel's utter defeat, which was reiterated as recently as the session dated 6th July 2024:

(Joe) Oh, one last question. Gaza, how many Palestinians have been actually killed by Israel in Gaza compared to the official number of 40,000?

A: Over 100k.

Q: (Joe) Is Israel going to get smashed for doing that?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Tomorrow?

A: Not yet.

Similarly, the C's also confirmed in the session dated 13 April 2024 that Iran will bomb Israel (arguably they have already done so by the drone strike they launched a few weeks ago):

Q: (L) All right. Any other topics we want to cover? Is Iran going to bomb Israel?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Any minute now! [laughter]

(L) Is it going to be any minute now?

A: No

Q: (Joe) At some point.

(L) But you said in the past that Israel was ultimately going to be destroyed. Is that still in the cards?

A: Yes
Alexander Dugin: The Murder of the Hezbollah Leader Is the Beginning of the End of the World

The confirmed death of Hezbollah leader Sheikh Seyed Hassan Nasrallah is a colossal blow to the entire structure of the Middle East Resistance.

The resistance is usually called the most radically anti-Israeli forces in the Middle East. First of all, it includes the Yemeni Houthis (the Ansar Allah movement, which controls the northern part of Yemen), the Syrian forces led by Bashar al-Assad, the Palestinian movement as a whole (primarily Hamas), and the most radical, mainly Shiite forces of Iraq.

The Middle East Resistance developed under the significant influence of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which was its main support. And the deceased Hassan Nasrallah, as the leader of Hezbollah, represented the vanguard of the anti-Israeli resistance of the entire Islamic (primarily Shiite) world. Therefore, the blows that Israel has dealt to Hezbollah in recent weeks, ultimately destroying its leader, are a powerful blow to the entire Middle East Resistance.

Given the relatively recent bizarre helicopter crash that killed Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi, who was a vocal supporter of the Middle East Resistance, the picture of Israel attacking its regional adversaries appears truly epic.

Israel, thanks to the support of the collective West and using its latest technological means (and they were and remain pioneers in the field of digital technologies), acts very effectively, precisely and in a coordinated manner. And it is very difficult to imagine how to respond to this. Especially considering that many people from different countries, standing at the forefront of high-tech processes, at any moment may turn out to be Israeli citizens and, together with their codes and technologies, head to Israel.

That is, Israel relies on a huge network of its supporters, people who share the principles of political and religious Zionism in all countries of the world. And this is a great advantage of Israel as a network structure, and not just a state.

It was this Zionist structure that committed mass genocide against the population of Gaza. And now it has carried out the same terrorist attack on Lebanon, having achieved the death of the leader of Hezbollah, the charismatic spiritual and political leader of the Shiite vanguard of the Middle Eastern Resistance.

Let me remind you that earlier, in January 2020, Iranian General Qasem Soleimani, also one of the leaders of the Middle East Resistance, was killed in a similar manner. But the destruction of the one who is now considered a martyr and shahid by Shiites around the world – Sheikh Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah – is truly an unprecedented thing.

By acting in this way, Israel aims to create a great state. This is done in anticipation of the coming and reign of the Mashiach, who will subjugate all countries and peoples of the world to Israel (in the Christian and Muslim understanding it is the false Messiah, the Antichrist, Dajjal). And one can imagine what is going on in the heads of the extreme right-wing Zionists today, who see their successes. They can not interpret it in any other way than the proximity of the Mashiach, the preparation for whose reign are the current actions of the extreme right-wing government of Israeli Prime Minister Bemyamin Netanyahu.

Today, almost all obstacles to blowing up the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem have been eliminated. And in the very near future, the Israeli extreme right, in a triumphant mood, can do this, after which they will begin building the Third Temple on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount. And the collective West supports all this, allowing the mass destruction of innocent people standing in the way of “Greater Israel” including attacking them with any technical means.

This is serious. This is no longer just a war in the Middle East. In fact, the very existence of the Middle East Resistance is in question. The leaders of the Shiite world are perplexed, but the Sunnis are even more confused, and cannot help but react to what has happened.

On the one hand, Sunnis cannot show solidarity with Israel, since this would be a complete betrayal of even hints of Islamic solidarity. On the other hand, the military effectiveness and rigidity of Israel’s right-wing Zionist policy puts them in an extremely difficult situation, since it is unclear what can be used to counter the Israelis. Considering that Israel’s missiles reach wherever they want, and the missiles and UAVs of its opponents are quite effectively stopped at the border of the “Iron Dome” of Israeli air defense.

Perhaps now there will also be a land invasion of Israel into Lebanon and beyond. In order to create a “Greater Israel” from sea to sea. No matter how utopian and extremist the projects of Netanyahu and his even more right-wing ministers Smotrich and Ben-Gvir may seem, they are being realized right now before our eyes.

Only a force comparable in strength, equipment and determination to break all possible laws, to cross any red lines can fight such an iron enemy. And whether such a force exists, we will soon see.

Comment: Is Russia the force that will stop the advance of Zionism? Is Russia the hope of the world as Edgar Cayce mentioned?
Unfortunately this is what happened and possibly will happen with the rest of the disunited Arab world. Full of traitors. Israel will get its way and with the help of the White House tenant, whoever he or she is.

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That's a bit too far on the doomer side IMO. If anything, this tragedy will only increase recruitment for Hezbollah.

Hizbullah is a social movement deeply ingrained into the people and society of Lebanon.

Hizbullah has a social society side which takes care for and aliments large parts of its constituency.

It also has a military side which is very well organized, disciplined and which has many hidden assets ready to be activated when needed. Following the Shia creed Hizbullah's soldiers are ready and willing to die for their cause.

In 1982 Israel assassinated Hizbullah chief Musawi. His replacement, Hassan Nasrallah, proved to be the more formidable enemy who organized resistance movements that span the whole region. Anyone following Nasrallah will also be younger, less risk avers and a more formidable enemy.

The same holds for the replacements of lower level casualties.

The Zionist colonist will rue the consequences of their deeds.

Then there is the broader regional escalation to consider.

Hezbollah is not a brittle organization. What do I mean? It is not dependent on one key man, or group of men. The Israelis fail to grasp the reality that this is a religious movement and that the death of a leader or a fighter is part of Allah’s plan and they will soldier on. This is not the first time that Israel has killed a senior Hezbollah official, and it will not be the last. But, killing Nasrallah is likely to energize Hezbollah to step up its attacks on Israeli targets in Israel. The cycle of tit-for-tat is going to heat up dramatically in the coming days.

One of the consequences of killing someone like Nasrallah is that a new leader may not have the patience and restraint exhibited by Nasrallah over the last year. He was not a hothead, inclined to react emotionally. A new General Secretary (assuming that Nasrallah is dead) will be under pressure to intensify attacks on Israel, this time using precision guided missiles and potentially striking deep into Israel. Hezbollah will not be alone in this fight. The Houthis also will respond, if for no other reason than to show solidarity with Hezbollah. Shia groups in Iraq are likely to intensify their attacks on US outposts in Syria.

Israeli sources report that reservists have been recalled to their barracks, which may signal that Israel intends to follow up these attacks with a ground invasion of southern Lebanon. If that happens, then Lebanon will be engulfed in a devastating war. We can expect to see mass evacuations of foreign civilians via landing craft and boats in the next few days.

This attack also is likely to fuel more outrage among an already angry public in Turkey, Jordan and Egypt. The Arab and Muslim public will demand sterner action on the part of their governments to hold Israel accountable for what they believe is an inhuman outrage. In short, this is a very precarious situation.

Not to mention potential actions by Iran, which is the main question in this whole thing.

If Israel does invade Lebanon over land, thinking they've sufficiently crippled Hezbollah and weakened Lebanese society, their forces are still probably the same as has been mentioned numerous times by various military analysts... they're neck deep in wishful thinking and ill-equipped for the job of defeating Hezbollah's 100,000 or so fighters.
The guys on the Duran say, and they've said it before, that the main reason for what the Zionist crazies are doing at the moment is to lure Iran into a major war, so that Iran can then be neutralized/destroyed with the help of the US (as they are forced to join). That they see Iran as the main source of all their troubles, and if they can be defeated, then the rest of the muslim world resisting Israel/US hegemony will fall. (I'm paraphrasing heavily, I hope I got it right).

On another note, Simplicus on Substack offers some sobering observations:

Israel admitted the pager attack itself took 15 years to plan, setting up shell companies within shell companies, and even having those companies actually produce and ship real products for several years in order to first build up a reputation of authenticity for them, so they would be entrusted when the time came to distribute the lethal devices.

And what did they get for 15 years’ worth of work and planning? There isn’t a single shred of evidence I’m aware of that the attack took any real Hezbollah members out. All I saw were hospitals soaked in the blood of civilian casualties and collateral, and oceans of Hasbarah dreck claiming legions of Hezbollah were washed away by the Zionist’s supremacy.
Now even figures like Dugin have heralded the supremacy of Israel’s actions as an exemplar or epitome of how nations should fight their enemies, with zero restraint and decisiveness authority.
For all Israel’s “remarkable” prowess, they’ve managed to quickly sweep under the rug the fact that after a year of combat, they have not even been able to take out Hamas, which is slowly repopulating into Gaza—but we’re meant to believe they have entirely destroyed Hezbollah in a mere day or two of active strikes?
No, the resistance’s main weapon is the slow erosion of time. I do not see any victory in Israel’s actions thus far, but what I do see is major jumping to conclusions by people who take every Israeli claim at face value, including claims that they’ve “destroyed all Hezbollah’s rockets”, etc., without any proof other than a few grainy distant videos of civilian apartment buildings exploding.

Yup, I think he's largely correct. There's a lot of hubris and wishful thinking from the Zio-crazies, and they just love to project the imgae of their omnipotence through MSM and social media drones/bots. As another example, I saw on the Slavyangrad Telegram channel a post in which the Israeli army's chief of staff is quoted saying:

The Israeli army's chief of staff issued a sharp statement, hinting at Iran:

"This is not the end of the toolbox. Things are going from bad to worse. Iranian assets are gradually being dismantled. From the Israeli perspective, that is perfect, for Iranians, however, it does not look so good. One thing to ponder about is what Lebanon would look like after the Israeli operation, and so far, everything indicates Gaza's fate, especially if ground forces came in. Don't think about Stalingrad's type of battles. Israelis will simply level everything to the ground and then advance. How many civilians will die is anybody's guess. Ukraine should consider itself lucky that the Russian Army is not the Israeli Defence Forces"
Talk about hubris! :lol: Only cowards and people without any conscience will 'carpet bomb' a country, disregarding any civilian deaths. Russia could've done this, but they didn't. But the reasons for this do not fit into this psycho's reality.
Unfortunately this is what happened and possibly will happen with the rest of the disunited Arab world. Full of traitors. Israel will get its way and with the help of the White House tenant, whoever he or she is.​

Yep, I think that's accurate. The Israelis are not stupid, and are driven by a need for total control, and they have the skills, manpower, wealth and weapons to do it, and they have been doing it over the past several decades.

We should also not discount that the recent assassination of President of Iran Raisi and Foreign Minister Amir-Abdollahian were likely a major contributing factor to the current state of affairs. In fact, you could put the planning for Israel's escalation into Lebanon back well before then. You can also be sure that the US was fully appraised of all of it, despite their claims of ignorance.
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Yep, I think that's accurate. The Israelis are not stupid, and are driven by a need for total control, and they have the skills, manpower, wealth and weapons to do it, and they have been doing it over the past several decades.

We should also not discount that the recent assassination of President of Iran Raisi and Foreign Minister Amir-Abdollahian were likely a major contributing factor to the current state of affairs.
It's quite depressing, though not suprising thinking they can infiltrate anyone. No wonder the western puppets roll over and do exactly as they're told. It'd been the end of them if they went anti-Israel!!
Israel and Mossad seem to be steps ahead. Pulling the strings whatever direction they want to go.
It appears they control the middle east. Feels like we're not on a level playing field.
It's worth considering how long the government, and military, of Lebanon has been infiltrated by the UK (and therefore also the US). Citizens are spied on all over that small country, providing Israel with plenty of Intel about Hezbollah. Palestinian refugees are also closely watched.

There's lots of information about that compiled in this thread.

Leaked Foreign Office documents show how a British government-funded program has infiltrated Lebanon's Internal Security Forces at every level since 2008.

They are operating from Cyprus, just a short distance away, always listening and sending reconnaissance planes if they need to get any closer.

Certainly the UK and US would have known about the operation to take out Nasrallah, or even actively colluded by helping provide his location. Israel is not generally a rogue state (though it is often a liability with some of the more reckless actions it takes), it is the attack dog of a powerful larger system and therefore will not be taken down by conventional military means. A very organised coalition of states might stand a chance, but that doesn't exist right now. That's not to say that the resistance movements cannot cause them huge problems, but they will never get the drop on Israel. They are all operating from vulnerable countries, many with entirely self interested leadership.

I think the end of Israel will come in the same way as that of its powerful progenitors, a result of economic problems and mismanagement under the weight of its own corruption. Through their own hubris, wishful thinking and reckless behaviour resulting from an advanced state of pathocracy. Possibly helped along by Mother Nature, which is all connected to this, of course.
Why so sure when reality is never so sure and everytime twists, especially in these times, and when you take all odds into question. Nothing is ever sure in war, there were many situations were stronger oponent bare the brunt, see US in Afganistan as one example and Vietnam, and it was only guerilla warfare mostly. Isreal is far behind US in that regards, small country despite enourmus influence, and as said by C s Iran has more nukes than Isreal, and is more stronger then those countries. Isreal and US can only use their missles from ships and planes to hit them, any kind of conventional invasion against that kind of oponent will fail drastically. If there is nuclear attack there is assured mutual destruction, I would say Isreal even more because of it size and population vs Iran, and Iranian plus Russian missle technology, Isreal has no defence against Iranian hypersonic missles(that iron dome is only good against third grade missles) and I am not sure US navy has so their complete fleet in M East can be easily sinked. Lebanon is another matter and small country where also Isreal will bleed much if on the ground, but Iran is different story altogether. If it comes to war with Iran it will bring domino effect even if Iran is destroyed. Israel will be destroyed and US crippled beyond repair so it will just fasten wests final fall and other powers using vacum like China on Taiwan and Russia in Europe to seal the deal. There are also other countries like Turkey, Syrian, Iraq, Yemen that will not stay idle and get fed up maybe when there is all out war, pressure of local population and knowing they are next. Whole M East will flare up.
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What is the longest war Israel has ever fought over the past few decades?
My recollection is that the duration of the 2006 war with Hezbollah lasted less than forty days. My point is that Israel has always adopted the same shock and Awe strategy at the start of their created wars. Their nonstop bombing campaign will not work against Hezbollah, and it also never worked in 2006. Let’s us all be patient, killing a giant is never easy you have to inflict several wounds to eventually slow him down.

It appears the Zionist was not comfortable with the past Prime minister of IRAN. It appears this replacement lack the experience and will power to lead in this current turmoil. He is more of a moderate PM worrying about the negative effect retaliation will have on the US economic sanction. I am just thinking the people of Iran this time around will not settle for a backroom ceasefire negotiation. The Zionist inhumane acts in Lebanon will force the ARYAN into ACTION.
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