Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Brilliant, funny, and profoundly sad. I mean, it's so insane that he has to revert to excuisite sarcasm just to make the most blatantly obvious of points. And even that isn't enough to get through to those programmed zombies.
And that Daily Wire guy at the end :barf:
That's exactly what I was strugling to express here, good job luc.

Indeed, very much agree.

People in the youtube comments picked up a sentence from Bassem Youssef, that sums up what Israel really is:
"You look at Israel as Superman, but they are really Homelander." Well said!

(Homelander is in effect an evil version of Superman, from "The Boys" comic and a TV-series based on it.)
The Shah wasn't taken out by alphabet agencies, he was installed by them. He came to power after the CIA and MI6 toppled the government of the popular nationalist prime minister, Mohammad Mossadegh who nationalized Iran's oil industry:
Sorry Iamthstis, should clarify was referring to the 1978/79 revolution, and I'm just going on what's was told to me by family in the past, I've done some research but it's really difficult to find anything trustworthy. I've got no knowledge of this in 1953.. Thanks for sharing though.
Unfortunately yesterday I received word that the parents (elderly) of TWO different friends were murdered in their homes on the 7th

The weight of what has happened is settling in now for many

All the lives lost

Murdering the elderly and unborn children is cowardly and disgusting
Murdering civilians is stupid and barbaric

There will be no family dinner tonight

I keep with Karma with a capital K
and I keep the DCM in my heart

May nature sort things out in her time and her way
They are COVERING UP the truth.

As their narrative is getting out of hand and the media is no longer being so condescending, and many more people are informing themselves via social networks, they have to take matters into their hands.

And yet, when the river sounds, it is because there is water in it.

Commission recommends Member States to fast-track DSA governance to enhance response to illegal online content*
Today, the Commission published a set of recommendations for Member States to coordinate their response to the spread and amplification of illegal content, such as terrorist content or unlawful hate speech, before it can lead to a serious threat to public security. The aim is for Member States to support the Commission in ensuring full compliance by Very Large Online Platforms and Search Engines with their new obligations under the Digital Services Act (DSA), ahead of the deadline for Member States to play their role in the enforcement of the DSA.
Full here: Coordinating responses to incidents in particular arising from the dissemination of illegal content


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🇮🇱Israel aprueba una ley para censurar a los medios de comunicación

☝️Israel aprobó una legislación para censurar y coartar la libertad de prensa de aquellos medios que contradigan la narrativa oficialista sobre el desarrollo del conflicto palestino-israelí, una medida dirigida particularmente al canal de noticias catarí Al Jazeera.

📰La normativa, de acuerdo al ministro de Comunicación de Israel, permitirá cerrar temporalmente los medios extranjeros durante estados de emergencia que consideren que atentan contra la seguridad nacional.

📺Con esta nueva ley, el ministerio de Defensa estará facultado a ordenar el cierre de transmiciones, clausurar oficinas, incautar equipos y restringir el acceso a los sitios web que considere.

💬"Israel está en guerra en tierra, aire, mar y en el frente de la diplomacia pública. No permitiremos de ninguna manera emisiones que perjudiquen la seguridad del Estado”, comentó el ministro Shlomo Karhi.

📃La medida será válida por 30 días desde la fecha de su promulgación, pero podrá prorrogarse indefinidamente por periodos adicionales de 30 días.

👁 @elOJOen
We don't have to forget that Israel = Hamas


For the first time since the war broke out, a Saudi Prince has condemned not only Israel, but also Hamas, AND Western countries!

This is a significant shift in tone, signaling increased support for Israel as they prepare to enter Gaza.


1. The normalization deal between Saudi and Israel is NOT dead

2. Hamas continues to lose support, getting increasingly isolated as the Israeli army threatens to ‘eliminate’ them

Note: Saudi Prince Turki Al-Faisal does NOT speak on behalf of the Government. However he served as the head of the General Intelligence Presidency for 22 years.


- I categorically condemn Hamas's targeting of civilians of any age and gender. Such targeting belies Hamas's claims of Islamic identity. There is an Islamic injunction against the killing of innocent children, women, elders, and places of worship.

- I also condemn Hamas for giving the higher moral ground to the Israeli government.

- I condemn Hamas for ethnically cleansing Gaza and its citizens and bombing them into oblivion.

- I condemn Hamas for undermining the Palestinian Authority, as Israel has been doing.

I condemn Hamas for sabotaging the attempt of Saudi Arabia to reach a peaceful resolution to the Palestinian plight.

- I condemn Israel for its indiscriminate bombing of Palestinian innocent civilians and the attempt to forcibly drive them out of Gaza.

- I condemn Israeli targeted killing and the indiscriminate arrest of children, women, and men in the West Bank.

- I condemn Israel for stealing Palestinian lands

- I condemn Israeli colonists for rampaging through houses of worship in Jerusalem

- I condemn Israel for destroying Palestinian homes and olive orchards

- I condemn Israel for incarcerating Palestinian children, women, and men in concentration camps

- I condemn Israel for targeted killings and assassinations of Palestinians

- I condemn Israel for funneling Qatari money to Hamas, a group defined as a terrorist organization by Israel

- I condemn Western politicians for shedding tears when Israelis are killed by Palestinians but refusing to express sorrow when Israelis kill Palestinians

Two wrongs don't make a right.

- What more provocation is required, to make it provoked, than what Israel has done to Palestinian People for three quarters of a century

I keep with Karma with a capital K
and I keep the DCM in my heart

May nature sort things out in her time and her way
I have felt in my opinion, that you really are the person who is in action doing the "work" in this moment of darkness and I believe that the proof of the light is with you right now in spite of everything and I hope that with these small great acts of the day to day you can maintain the unity of connection with the light and the knowledge for the benefit of those around you. Do not give up, trust and take care of yourself. 🌞
I the knowledge for the benefit of those around you. Do not give up, trust and take care of yourself. 🌞
I have felt in my opinion, that you really are the person who is in action doing the "work" in this moment of darkness and I believe that the proof of the light is with you right now in spite of everything and I hope that with these small great acts of the day to day you can maintain the unity of connection with the light and the knowledge for the benefit of those around you. Do not give up, trust and take care of yourself. 🌞
Love this 😍 and bless to yourself Dekel🥰🙏

In addition to two US carrier strike groups and an amphibious assault force, several other warships from other NATO nations are joining its ranks.

The true objective of this large naval task force remains unknown. The notion that it is gathering to help Israel subdue Hamas is, in my view, patently nonsensical.

It is altogether possible that it is intended as no more than a theatrical flex — an ostensibly awe-inspiring demonstration of imperial military might.

If so, I doubt it will succeed in intimidating those it aims to terrify.

Vladimir Putin has publicly acknowledged the gathering fleet, and announced that Russia will immediately commence, over the waters of the Black Sea, around-the-clock rotations of MiG-31 interceptors armed with Kinzhal hypersonic anti-ship missiles, whose operational range extends to 2000 km.

I expect that Russian aerospace assets at its Khmeimim airbase on the coast of Syria are operating at a state of high alert, including its potent long-range air defense systems.

In Lebanon, the Iranian-affiliated Hezbollah is known to possess a substantial number of relatively capable ground-launched anti-ship missiles. It is not impossible — indeed, it may even be probable — that Iran has augmented Hezbollah's missile firepower with many modern and advanced specimens in every category.

Hezbollah reputedly possesses a diverse array of 150,000+ missiles and rockets, wielded by a well-trained and well-disciplined force of ~50,000 troops. They are not an army to be casually dismissed.

At any rate ... in the end this may well turn out to have been a huge bluff from which the United States and its NATO vassals will awkwardly back away.

But I am convinced most observers are greatly underestimating the potential for this to turn into a catastrophic military / geopolitical miscalculation — one which will greatly accelerate the already-in-progress dissolution of American global hegemony.

Israeli-Palestinian conflict 20 Oct, 15:58
Death toll among Palestinians exceeds 4,200 — Palestinian health ministry
Around 14,400 people have been wounded, including some 1,400 in the West Bank
CAIRO, October 20. /TASS/. As many as 4,218 Palestinians have been killed since the latest outbreak of tensions in the Middle East on October 7, the Palestinian health ministry wrote on its Telegram channel on Friday.

According to the ministry, at least 4,137 have been killed in the Gaza Strip and 81 more - in the West Bank. Around 14,400 people have been wounded, including some 1,400 in the West Bank.

Tensions flared up in the Middle East after Hamas militants from the Gaza Strip attacked Israeli territory. Hamas views its attack as a response to Israeli authorities’ steps against the Al-Aqsa Mosque on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount. Israel declared a total blockade of the Gaza Strip and launched bombardments of the enclave and some areas in Lebanon and Syria. Clashes are also reported in the West Bank. In Israel, at least 1,500 people have lost their lives, and almost 4,500 have been wounded.
The fleet of Israeli "chariots" has been significantly thinned both from the south and from the north.
Hezbollah and Hamas groups destroyed 32 Israeli Merkava tanks
In the past two weeks, tensions in the Middle East have increased due to active hostilities involving the Israeli army and the Lebanese Hezbollah group. According to the data received, over the past 12 days, Hezbollah has managed to destroy at least 12 Israeli Merkava-4 tanks with the help of Kornet-E anti-tank missile systems.

At the same time, groups from Gaza also announced the destruction of at least 20 Israeli Merkava-4 tanks. This means that the Israeli army has lost almost 10% of the total number of its combat-ready tanks of this type.

Such significant losses in military equipment can become a serious challenge for the IDF (Israel's Central Army Command). It is noteworthy that to defeat heavy tanks, both groups use long-range anti-tank systems "Kornet", which provide the opportunity to strike at long distances, beyond the detection of the position of both Hamas and Hezbollah.
Группировки Хезболла и ХАМАС уничтожили 32 израильских танка Меркава

The potential spread of the conflict.
In Iran, the movement of ballistic missiles to the launch sites was noticed
Residents of Iran have distributed video materials on the internet, which recorded the movement of ballistic missile launchers. The convoy was moving along the highway connecting Tehran and Qom and was heading west.

This happened against the background of increased activity of attacks by Iranian proxies on the American military base Ain al-Assad in Iraq. In addition to this, pro-Iranian formations are actively attacking American positions in Syria.

While there is no exact information about where the missile launchers are supposed to be delivered, however, there is an assumption that their final destination is one of the provinces bordering Iraq. If launchers are deployed in such a region, strategic facilities and bases of the US Armed Forces in Iraq will be within the radius of these missiles. This event may indicate the growing tension in the region and the potential threat of an escalation of the military conflict between Iran and the United States against the background of the war between Israel and the Hamas group, which also involved the Lebanese Hezbollah movement.

It should be noted that on the eve of the day missiles were launched from the territory of Yemen. According to a number of assumptions, the target could be both Israel and an American missile destroyer, which shot down these missiles.
В Иране замечено перемещение баллистических ракет к местам пусков

Парк израильских "колесниц" существенно проредили как с юга, так и с севера.
Потенциальное расползание конфликта.
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