Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Interesting, is worth remembering that Al Jazeera is a Qatari state-owned media. So then, it seems to me, that a branch of Israel government, feel very threatened that Al Jazeera and so Qatar government, is meddling in issues, which are not helping in it's narrative of "defense/invasion" to recover hostages. I don't think it's just due to the video in which Al Jazeera refutes the Israel's not-involvement on the attack at the hospital, as in some people at X are making that association.
Qatar led efforts to secure release of Israeli-American mother, daughter — diplomatic source to ToI
Qatar led the negotiations with Hamas that led to the terror group agreeing to release an Israeli-American mother and her daughter earlier today, a senior diplomatic source tells The Times of Israel, adding that the United States also contributed to the effort.
US is pressing Israel to delay Gaza invasion - report
Bloomberg reports that the US and Europe are pressing Israel to delay an invasion of Gaza because they hope to win hostage releases and proceed with negotiations.
Here is the report.

"US and European governments have been putting pressure on Israel to delay its ground invasion of Gaza to buy time for secret talks underway via Qatar to win the release of hostages held by Hamas, according to people familiar with the efforts," it says.
🇮🇱Israel aprueba una ley para censurar a los medios de comunicación ...

I translated your post into English. DeepL is a very popular translator.
He traducido tu post al inglés. DeepL es un traductor muy popular.

🇮🇱Israel passes media censorship law

☝️Israel passed legislation to censor and restrict the press freedom of media outlets that contradict the official narrative on the unfolding Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a move aimed particularly at the Qatari news channel Al Jazeera.

📰The regulation, according to Israel's communication minister, will allow for the temporary closure of foreign media during states of emergency that they deem to undermine national security.

📺With this new law, the Defense Ministry will be empowered to order the closure of broadcasts, close offices, seize equipment and restrict access to websites it deems.

💬"Israel is at war on land, air, sea and on the public diplomacy front. We will in no way allow broadcasts that harm the security of the state," commented Minister Shlomo Karhi.

📃The measure will be valid for 30 days from the date of its enactment, but may be extended indefinitely for additional 30-day periods.

👁 @elOJOen
I have felt in my opinion, that you really are the person who is in action doing the "work" in this moment of darkness and I believe that the proof of the light is with you right now in spite of everything and I hope that with these small great acts of the day to day you can maintain the unity of connection with the light and the knowledge for the benefit of those around you. Do not give up, trust and take care of yourself. 🌞
Thank you kindly Liliea

A lot of how I am has to do with the magnificence of this Forum, Laura and the Chateau heros

The Archbishop Alexios of Tiberias of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem conducts funeral rites for the orthodox Christians killed in the Israeli bombing of Saint Porphyrius Church in Gaza.

US, UK and Germany tell citizens to leave Lebanon amid fears of wider conflict​

The US, Britain and Germany called on their citizens to leave Lebanon on Thursday amid growing fears that Israel’s war with Hamas will escalate into a regional conflict.

The embassies in Beirut issued their warning after shelling intensified between northern Israel and southern Lebanon, the stronghold of Tehran’s ally Hizbollah.

The restive northern border is a principal concern for Israel, which fears it could be forced to divert military resources from the Gaza Strip even as it prepares for a ground invasion.

Strange times. Ents also go to war

OMG this is really freaky!! 😬

"The woods were moving like the sea this morning"

Filmed by David Nugent-Malone when he was walking his dog in Mugdock, Stirlingshire this morning....
#StormBabet #Babet

In addition to two US carrier strike groups and an amphibious assault force, several other warships from other NATO nations are joining its ranks.

The true objective of this large naval task force remains unknown. The notion that it is gathering to help Israel subdue Hamas is, in my view, patently nonsensical.

It is altogether possible that it is intended as no more than a theatrical flex — an ostensibly awe-inspiring demonstration of imperial military might.

If so, I doubt it will succeed in intimidating those it aims to terrify.

Vladimir Putin has publicly acknowledged the gathering fleet, and announced that Russia will immediately commence, over the waters of the Black Sea, around-the-clock rotations of MiG-31 interceptors armed with Kinzhal hypersonic anti-ship missiles, whose operational range extends to 2000 km.

I expect that Russian aerospace assets at its Khmeimim airbase on the coast of Syria are operating at a state of high alert, including its potent long-range air defense systems.

In Lebanon, the Iranian-affiliated Hezbollah is known to possess a substantial number of relatively capable ground-launched anti-ship missiles. It is not impossible — indeed, it may even be probable — that Iran has augmented Hezbollah's missile firepower with many modern and advanced specimens in every category.

Hezbollah reputedly possesses a diverse array of 150,000+ missiles and rockets, wielded by a well-trained and well-disciplined force of ~50,000 troops. They are not an army to be casually dismissed.

At any rate ... in the end this may well turn out to have been a huge bluff from which the United States and its NATO vassals will awkwardly back away.

But I am convinced most observers are greatly underestimating the potential for this to turn into a catastrophic military / geopolitical miscalculation — one which will greatly accelerate the already-in-progress dissolution of American global hegemony.

Israeli-Palestinian conflict 20 Oct, 15:58
Death toll among Palestinians exceeds 4,200 — Palestinian health ministry
Around 14,400 people have been wounded, including some 1,400 in the West Bank
It's looking the US fleet is going to be a sitting duck for all the various forces involved here. We know the forces on the side of the US are just completely blind and mad with power. Did you guys hear Biden's interview the other night with I think, Fox News? Talking about how America was "the most powerful country, ever!". Such hubris, disconnected from any reality.

I seem to recall a C's session a while ago where they said American military will get smacked back into reality, or something of that nature, can anyone find it?
Just for the record, although Israhell has political and ecoomic intentions over the ethnic cleansing/genocide of Palestinians, they would have further plans too.
Should they succeed in raxing Gaza, (and then WEst Bank next), which we know will not be successful. But either way they would plan to build new settlements all over their newly gained 'territory'.
All the current settlements, and these intended settlements have all been acquired through the intentional killing of innocent Palestinian Families, women and children, including forcibly evicting them or bombing their houses.
How could anyone, who actually had a heart and conscience EVER wish, agree or want to occupy a house, newly built or otherwise, that has any connection with the equivalent of a mass tragic grave of murdered souls?
I know you or I could not even contemplate the idea.
So what does that say about all the current occupiers? Were they told to occupy them at gunpoint?
Are they all clones of the psychopathic government in charge, and of the same engineered Israeli Government of the USA?
I have never heard this fact mentioned before.
I seem to recall a C's session a while ago where they said American military will get smacked back into reality, or something of that nature, can anyone find it?

I don't think this is what you're looking for but I thought it was interesting nonetheless.

From Session 10, Oct. 2015:
(L) So these are the kinds of small changes people can make. And by making these changes, what then happens?

A: Will attract the new reality incrementally.

Q: (Chu) I guess it's like becoming a better antenna for what you want to attract. Your outward appearance and how you present yourself... But then they said self-representation? That would attract the reality. It already exists somewhere, so it's not like you create it.

(L) You move yourself towards it by activating it in your own life.

(Perceval) We've been trying to attract a reality where the USA gets its ass handed to it... [laughter]

(L) And it looks like it's happening!

(PoB) But there are still people in this reality for whom what's going on now is not the most desirable development. So, why are they here if they didn't work towards this outcome?

(Perceval) There's probably a merging or overlapping of realities...

A: Many splits and merges yet to come. Keep in mind that such transitions can be rather chaotic as you have learned.

Q: (L) Not only chaotic, but I think that you can be... I dunno how to explain it. Remember all the crap and chaos we went through with this police investigation, the fiscal audit, and all that? Everything was just chaotic then. It's like when you're in this disconnected state where you're trying to leave where you don't want to be, and you're trying to go to where you want to be, and you become suspended in between. You become a target. It's like a shooting gallery and you're just a turkey flying through.

(Data) A discontinuity.

(L) Yeah, it's a discontinuity. It's crazy. Am I onto something there?

A: Indeed!

Q: (L) Okay, is that enough on that?

(Perceval) Yes. I wanted to ask about the extent to which the US and the powers in that camp have been checkmated by Russia and Putin? They seem to be extremely quiet. All they can do is talk a lot of nonsense and throw silly accusations around...

A: Not checkmate just yet, but the queen is certainly in danger of being taken.

Q: (L) That's not bad.

(Niall) Is the queen Israel? [laughter]

(Chu) You wish!

(Perceval) No...

(Pierre) Unlike a chess game with these nuclear powers available, Israel for example can just drop the whole chessboard and everybody loses.
Families, women and children, including forcibly evicting them or bombing their houses.
How could anyone, who actually had a heart and conscience EVER wish, agree or want to occupy a house, newly built or otherwise, that has any connection with the equivalent of a mass tragic grave of murdered souls?
I know you or I could not even contemplate the idea.
So what does that say about all the current occupiers? Were they told to occupy them at gunpoint?
Is not about that type of conscience, I think. If they would not have one, their culture would not had last... I mean, they form family, business etc
Their ideology on the other hand is well rooted in the community, educated to boast with the right that they have been told since they were born that the land is theirs and no one else's.

This from a Palestinian point of view.

Not at gunpoint but..
Wikipedia - Israeli disengagement from Gaza
In 2005, 21 Israeli settlements in the Gaza Strip were unilaterally dismantled and Israeli settlers and army evacuated from inside the Gaza Strip.
The disengagement was proposed in 2003 by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, adopted by the government in June 2004, and approved by the Knesset in February 2005 as the Disengagement Plan Implementation Law.[1] It was implemented in August 2005 and completed in September 2005. The settlers who refused to accept government compensation packages and voluntarily vacate their homes prior to the 15 August 2005 deadline were evicted by Israeli security forces over a period of several days.[2] The eviction of all residents, demolition of the residential buildings and evacuation of associated security personnel from the Gaza Strip was completed by 12 September 2005.[3] The eviction and dismantlement of the four settlements in the northern West Bank was completed ten days later. Eight thousand Jewish settlers from the 21 settlements in the Gaza Strip were relocated. The settlers received an average of more than US$200,000 in compensation per family.[4]
Jake Morphonios has dropped his latest war commentary on YT. At the end there is a heartbreaking scene of a traumatised child being comforted by a doctor. The speculation at the moment is that over 1500 children have been killed in less than two weeks, and those who are still alive are completely traumatised. And the US and UK are actively supporting this genocide through their vetoes at the UN. The best hope for the people of Gaza is that they get rid of those Hamas psychopaths. But it's a fool's hope I know. God knows how these people are gonna be able to cope and recover from this, these are not wealthy people, where can they go to rebuild their lives?

Also found this recap from UK Channel 4 news. It's the only decent MSM news show in the UK. It's a few days old but is worth watching to get a glimpse of the suffering. The Gazans get told by the IDF to move south, only for them to get bombed once they get there. I cannot fathom the depth of evil that makes a killer. Years of reading about psychopathy and it still floors me every time I see a new event. Maybe I'm just naive I guess. Even given the history of the region, they're calling this the worst they have ever experienced, Ever the ones for balance, there's a piece on the Israeli hostages too. You have to wonder how many of them have been killed in the airstrikes by this point. A first responder to a kibbutz that was attacked by Hamas, called Yossi, is interviewed at the end and his account is equally harrowing, and his response to what he has witnessed is raw. Apparently Hamas burned members of the kibbutz alive. He's moved to tears talking about it, and there's empathy in him for the innocents of Gaza too. But war brutalises even the mildest of hearts as we all know. I think we've reached the point of no return now.

Incidentally, I actually got a letter from the Labour party today, I tore it up and binned it without reading. The Labour party has been eviscerated since Kier Starmer came into its leadership. The one and only time I voted for Labour was when Jeremy Corbyn was leader, and I'll never vote for them again. Democracy's a sham anyway, we all know it.
I think that 3D STS always ends this way, and that is one of the big lessons.
The scope of the conflict is now widening.

U.S under attack: Middle East bases face coordinated drone and missile onslaught"​

In a disturbing turn of events on Thursday, several U.S. military bases spanning across the Middle East were subjected to a well-coordinated attack involving drones and missiles.

Direct Hit in Syria​

The Al-Tanf base, strategically positioned near the trijunction of Syria, Iraq, and Jordan, found itself at the receiving end of a drone strike.

A mere stone's throw away, the Conoco base in Syria's northern Deir ez-Zor region was rocked by missile explosions, highlighting the broad reach and intent of the assailants.

Iraq: The Skies Ablaze with Threats​

Simultaneously, in a stark display of the aggressor's audacity, the Iraqi skies bore witness to an aerial dance of death. Three menacing attack drones, with undisclosed military bases in their crosshairs, were intercepted and neutralized by the vigilant U.S. defense forces.

The U.S. Central Command did not waste any time in confirming these attempts to strike at the heart of their presence in the region.

While the immediate aftermath has been controlled and a crisis averted, these coordinated attacks shine a spotlight on the escalating tensions and precarious state of affairs in the Middle East.
I think that 3D STS always ends this way, and that is one of the big lessons.

Well, our occluded history vis a vis Atlantis, Rome etc, seems to suggest this. Civilisations rise and fall. I tend to agree with you, the divisions in our global society will never be rectified. When I was younger I had hope that we, the masses, would come together against the real enemy, the pathocrats. Now? No, I don't think so, I've lost all hope for a happy ending.

The cleansing mentioned by the C's suggests to me that we'll all (mostly) be checking out to 5d in the future. Yes, there will possibly be pockets of survivors, but they will have to be brave souls to survive what's coming. Things are terrible now, but really it's only going to get worse in the years to come. What was that quote by the C's? "There will come a time when the dead will seem blessed". That's a sobering thought for sure!

Until that time comes, we've just got to keep on trucking I suppose. We can only change our world on the microcosmic level, the rest we have to leave to the universe at large. Sad but true I think.
Is not about that type of conscience, I think. If they would not have one, their culture would not had last... I mean, they form family, business etc
Their ideology on the other hand is well rooted in the community, educated to boast with the right that they have been told since they were born that the land is theirs and no one else's.

This from a Palestinian point of view.

Not at gunpoint but..
Wikipedia - Israeli disengagement from Gaza
And this song from the 1960 movie Exodus sums up what you said:

This land is mine
God gave this land to me
This brave and ancient land
To me

And when the morning sun
Reveals her hills and plains
Then I see a land
Where children can run free

So take my hand
And walk this land with me
And walk this lovely land
With me

Though I am just a man
When you are by my side
With the help of God
I know I can be strong

Though I am just a man
When you are by my side
With the help of God
I know I can be strong

To make this land our home
If I must fight, I will fight
To make this land our own
Until I die, this land is mine

Exodus is a 1960 American epic historical drama film about the founding of the State of Israel. Produced and directed by Otto Preminger, the screenplay was adapted by Dalton Trumbo from the 1958 novel of the same name by Leon Uris. The film stars an ensemble cast including Paul Newman, Eva Marie Saint, Ralph Richardson, Peter Lawford, Lee J. Cobb, Sal Mineo, John Derek and George Maharis.

See: Exodus (1960 film) - Wikipedia
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