Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

British Ship Hit By Rocket Near Yemen – Reports​

"Earlier, British maritime security agency United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) said that it had received a report concerning the activity of a drone, “including a potential explosion”, “near Bab el Mandeb coming from the direction of Yemen”.

"the incident happened in the Bab el-Mandeb Strait which separates East Africa from the Arabian Peninsula."

"Adding to these speculations, Houthi spokesman Brigade General Yahya Sari said on X that the group will release “an important statement” in the coming hours."


"Where did the recordings of October 7, which were to be used for the next day's investigation, end up?": Israeli officials

Israeli military surveillance video from the Gaza border from 7 October, the day of Hamas’ surprise attack, has disappeared, Israeli news site Walla reported on 3 December.
Israeli reserve officers say surveillance video and audio recordings from the Gaza border during the Hamas attack have been deleted, potentially to prevent an investigation into what happened that day

Senior officers ask, "Where did the recordings of October 7, which were to be used for the next day's investigation, end up?"

Amir Bohbot
3.12.2023 / 13:38
During a visit by senior officials it became clear that recordings from cameras along the border from the day the war broke out disappeared as if nothing had happened. Important recordings of Black Sabbath were also downloaded from the database. "It arouses suspicion, it gives the feeling that everyone is looking out for the day after." IDF: "The videos were not deleted, but blocked for people without permission."

With the possibility of a ground maneuver south of the Gaza Strip, task forces were set up last week to analyze the lessons of the war and Hamas' methods of operation, to be distributed to the brigades' combat teams. At the same time, research teams were set up for the "day after", which were to help shape the border area and the security strip being built to protect the settlements.
Be careful to delete the videos from the various IDF surveillance cameras along the Gaza Strip border, from the military network known as "Zi Tube", from the day the war against Hamas broke out, on October 7, to prevent them from an in-depth investigation of what happened in the Palestinian territory, the infiltration of the border line and the area.
"We sat down with one of the generals and were going to show him a video about one of the events, and we found out that someone had deleted the videos," said a senior reserve officer from one of the divisions, adding, "It was very embarrassing. Then suspicion arose as to why someone would do that. And at the end the excuses started that it was decided to give special privileges to certain officers to view the footage. Do officers in our ranks need privileges? It looks like a war between generals and officials. There is a feeling that everyone is now trying to take care of themselves for the day after,"of the Oct. 7 contact recordings.
According to them, "Some of the recordings have disappeared or were simply downloaded from the network and transferred to another location at the direction of commanders. We are unable to hear them … Someone decided to transfer or delete them so that no one will hear them. The recordings tell the whole story of what happened, what we did, especially in the first 8 hours and in the moments when there was really no one to talk to
Response from IDF spokesman: No videos were removed from the operating systems after the events of October 7. The videos are blocked for people without permission, to prevent them from being viewed out of curiosity and voyeurism. In addition, all videos are retained for the benefit of the in-depth investigation to be conducted on the subject by the relevant parties.

A qualified military officer and official said, "In the system in question, the videos are automatically deleted after a few days. If necessary, the videos are saved in a separate folder. In this case, all videos were saved."
Translated with
It should be recalled that an Israeli police investigation into the Hamas attack on the Nova music festival near the Gaza border on October 7 revealed that an Israeli helicopter gunship arriving at the site from the Ramat David base fired at Hamas fighters and other Palestinians who crossed the Gaza border fence into Israel, but also fired at some of the Israelis attending the music festival. Presumably the records will be kept until the "war is over", which makes all concerned very nervous, as well as denoting a strong internal military dispute, all of this is reminiscent of the obstruction, disruption and misrepresentation of information that generated the labyrinth that became the 9/11 investigation.

That and Comunity Notes, suggested feed, algorithm seems to favor Israeli's POV/Propaganda/Zionism1701631561951.png
Shaun King, IMO, is among the very most insufferable, deceitful, marxist agitators out there, openly advocating things like racial division and violent action in the USA. That he is on the right side of this conflict is consistent with his history of "white people are the devil" (even though he is white), but also goes to show how effectively this particular conflict is confusing and dividing people. I don't trust anything about King. I would bet that he revels in further confusion and division as it aids the breakdown of western civilization he so keenly desires.
An informative interview with Paul Craig Roberts. He's always so insightful and knowledgeable. He says Israel and the US seriously underestimated the worldwide support for Palestine which may alter their plans.

US foreign policy in Israel and Russia/Ukraine. (0:00)

- US-Israel relations and potential conflict in the Middle East. (5:12)

- US foreign policy mistakes and their consequences. (9:58)

- The impact of decentralized information and government control. (16:55)

- US foreign policy and its impact on Russia and Ukraine. (21:53)

- Geopolitics and the potential for conflict. (29:24)

- Russia's economic resilience in the face of sanctions. (33:52)

- Geopolitics, military power, and economic devastation in Europe. (38:59)

- US economic power and sanctions. (46:47)

- US politics and media censorship with Paul Craig Roberts. (52:01)
Last edited:
A little more "chatter" on the Red Sea incident: (from the Zerohedge article below)

Twice mentioned: "Yemen's Iran-supported Houthi rebels,"

"Gulf of Tonkin" is trending on X in the US." (says who?)

From the IDF spokesperson: "UK ship that was hit by Houthi terrorists is "in risk of drowning" (It was the IDF so wait and see.)

"The USS Carney shot down two Houthi drones today — one while responding to a distress call from the civilian commercial vessel M/V Unity Explorer, after the Carney saw at least one ballistic missile fired at the Unity Explorer & land in its vicinity: Defense official"

Georges Malbrunot
Après Emmanuel Macron et le secrétaire US à la Défense, la vice-présidente US Kamala Harris avertit Israël. « Trop de Palestiniens innocents ont été tués. Franchement, l’étendue de la souffrance ainsi que les images et les vidéos qui nous viennent de Gaza sont dévastatrices ».
After Emmanuel Macron and the US Secretary of Defense, US Vice-President Kamala Harris warns Israel. “Too many innocent Palestinians have been killed. Frankly, the extent of the suffering and the images and videos coming to us from Gaza are devastating.”
Le plan d’Israël pour éliminer les chefs du Hamas cachés à l’étranger
Par Frédéric Martin-Lassez - La traque devrait commencer lorsque prendra fin la guerre dans la bande de Gaza.
Israel's plan to eliminate Hamas leaders hiding abroadBy Frédéric Martin-Lassez - The hunt should begin when the war in the Gaza Strip ends.
L'Armée israélienne bombarde tout !! Même le convoi de Médecins sans frontières ! MSF convoy attacked in Gaza: all elements point to the responsibility of the Israeli army - Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF ...
MSF convoy attacked in Gaza: all elements point to the responsibility of the Israeli army - Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF ...
On 18 November 2023, an MSF evacuation convoy came under fire in Gaza city. Two people were killed in what immediately appeared as a deliberate attack against clearly identified MSF cars. Both were family members of MSF staff, one of them was also a volunteer supporting MSF medical teams at Al-Shifa hospital. Two weeks later, [...]Read More... from MSF convoy attacked in Gaza: all elements point to the responsibility of the Israeli army
The Israeli Army bombs everything!! Even the Doctors Without Borders convoy!MSF convoy attacked in Gaza: all elements point to the responsibility of the Israeli army - Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF ...On 18 November 2023, an MSF evacuation convoy came under fire in Gaza city. Two people were killed in what immediately appeared as a deliberate attack against clearly identified MSF cars. Both were family members of MSF staff, one of them was also a volunteer supporting MSF medical teams at Al-Shifa hospital. Two weeks later, [...]Read More... from MSF convoy attacked in Gaza: all elements point to the responsibility of the Israeli army

UN General Assembly adopts Gaza resolution calling for immediate & sustained humanitarian truce​

Live streamed on 28th October.
Helpful for information on the position and views of each country.

Time stamps:
14:46 Introduction
17:16 Sponsors of A/ES10/L25
16:22 Additional co-sponsors of A/ES10/L25
18:38 Co-sponsors of A/ES10/L262
1:35 Explanation of vote before the vote
21:56 Jordan
26:43 Canada
34:23 Pakistan
43:59 Voting Draft amendment A/ES10/L26
45:24 Conclusion of vote (Not adopted)
47:56 Voting A/ES10/L25 Protection of Civilians and upholding legal and humanitarian obligations
49:41 Conclusion of vote (Adopted)
50:47 Explanation of Vote after the vote
51:27 Iceland
55:57 Poland
59:41 Belgium
1:04:31 France
1:07:55 Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
1:12:03 Bulgaria
1:14:12 Norway
1:16:04 Israel
1:23:39 India
1:26:55 Ghana
1:30:25 Algeria
1:34:32 Switzerland
1:37:24 Czechia
1:42:06 Peru
1:44:10 Germany
1:47:24 Singapore
1:50:37 Philippines
1:57:55 Republic of Korea
2:03:04 Ireland
2:06:15 Syrian Arab Republic
2:10:15 El Salvador
2:11:39 Tunisia
2:14:51 Australia
2:17:58 Sri Lanka
2:20:28 Russian Federation
2:24:56 Argentina
2:27:10 Iraq
2:29:54 Slovakia
2:32:48 Iran (Islamic Republic of)
2:38:34 New Zealand
2:39:53 Kenya
2:49:29 Colombia
2:51:18 South Africa
3:00:10 Italy
3:04:47 Portugal
3:09:47 State of Palestine

The Australian representative said that Australia agreed with the resolution in principle, but abstained from voting because they thought the resolution was incomplete since it 'did not recognise the terror group Hamas as perpetrator of the October 7 attack.' Kind of feels like Australia would have voted yes if a blind eye was maintained to Israels atrocities and breaking international law.
All of the sudden its OK to talk about Israel, Zionist, Jewish people, 1948 and so on. Recently Ive been asked "what about Hamas" What's that about? This short clip may be a "tool" to help explain at least the broad strokes, of the Hamas part of the equation that could be sent to someone looking to better understand. Its only 3 minutes, from Ron Paul, several years back, but still has relevance.


UN General Assembly adopts Gaza resolution calling for immediate & sustained humanitarian truce​

Live streamed on 28th October.
Helpful for information on the position and views of each country.

Time stamps:
14:46 Introduction
17:16 Sponsors of A/ES10/L25
16:22 Additional co-sponsors of A/ES10/L25
18:38 Co-sponsors of A/ES10/L262
1:35 Explanation of vote before the vote
21:56 Jordan
26:43 Canada
34:23 Pakistan
43:59 Voting Draft amendment A/ES10/L26
45:24 Conclusion of vote (Not adopted)
47:56 Voting A/ES10/L25 Protection of Civilians and upholding legal and humanitarian obligations
49:41 Conclusion of vote (Adopted)
50:47 Explanation of Vote after the vote
51:27 Iceland
55:57 Poland
59:41 Belgium
1:04:31 France
1:07:55 Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
1:12:03 Bulgaria
1:14:12 Norway
1:16:04 Israel
1:23:39 India
1:26:55 Ghana
1:30:25 Algeria
1:34:32 Switzerland
1:37:24 Czechia
1:42:06 Peru
1:44:10 Germany
1:47:24 Singapore
1:50:37 Philippines
1:57:55 Republic of Korea
2:03:04 Ireland
2:06:15 Syrian Arab Republic
2:10:15 El Salvador
2:11:39 Tunisia
2:14:51 Australia
2:17:58 Sri Lanka
2:20:28 Russian Federation
2:24:56 Argentina
2:27:10 Iraq
2:29:54 Slovakia
2:32:48 Iran (Islamic Republic of)
2:38:34 New Zealand
2:39:53 Kenya
2:49:29 Colombia
2:51:18 South Africa
3:00:10 Italy
3:04:47 Portugal
3:09:47 State of Palestine

The Australian representative said that Australia agreed with the resolution in principle, but abstained from voting because they thought the resolution was incomplete since it 'did not recognise the terror group Hamas as perpetrator of the October 7 attack.' Kind of feels like Australia would have voted yes if a blind eye was maintained to Israels atrocities and breaking international law.
Listened to all Bob Rae's response. Canada is sending $60 million for humanitarian aid, to UN and Red Cross agencies. OK, there is that. The amendment he puts forward is urging the UN to include condemnation of Hamas. He says deaths in Gaza, tragically and unacceptably high. Canada endorses the need for humanitarian pauses. "A positive first step, and much more is required." He urges all to support the resolution with the addition of mentioning Hamas 'terrorism'.

Pakistan criticizes Bob Rae for requiring Hamas to be cited. Pakistan also believes Israel needs to be named, which Rae doesn't do. Pakistan then introduces the history of 50 years of Israeli suppression.

Israeli rep tears into the UN, founded as a reaction to the Holocaust, and now, UN is just illegitimate. The UN is commited to ensuring further atrocities.

It is interesting to listen to the nations responding!
The curious thing about the article is that the researchers talk about someone, somebody and whoever writes it, identifies the most obvious one to favor the narrative.
Hamas aka Someone, Make Millions Betting Against Israeli Shares Before October 7 Massacre
Giant gambles against Israel on the markets in Tel Aviv and Wall Street days before Hamas’ attack made billions. Somebody seems to have known about the plan in advance
Hamas’ attack on Israel on October 7 caught the Israeli army unprepared. But somebody seemingly knew in advance and made billions betting against Israeli shares traded locally and on Wall Street five days before the attack.
Short-selling Israeli shares – betting that they will fall – spiked in the days before October 7
, far exceeding the short selling during “numerous other periods of crisis,” Robert J. Jackson, Jr., Joshua Mitts and colleagues wrote in a paper titled “Trading on Terror?” published Sunday on SSRN.
While the source of the putative information leading to the short selling isn’t known, it plausibly originated in Hamas circles: “Our findings suggest that traders informed about the coming attacks profited from these tragic events,” they wrote.
Jackson served as commissioner of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and Mitts is an expert on short selling, where the investor is betting against the security. He is also familiar with the Israeli market.
The ex-commissioner and the team examined transactions in EIS, which is a security traded on the New York Stock Exchange through which investors can gain exposure to Israeli shares (MSCI Israel Exchange-Traded Fund, or NYSE: EIS).
EIS is an exchange-traded fund that tracks Israeli shares in New York. It’s a way to bet on Israeli shares without buying any. EIS tracks the main indices on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, including giant Israeli companies such as Nice, Teva, the banks, Elbit Systems and Israel Chemicals.
Investing in EIS is equivalent to investing in the Israeli economy. Betting against EIS means you are betting against the Israeli economy.

--Hamas is putting Israel’s ‘Teflon economy’ to the test
---I’m usually dubious about Israeli small caps, but one from Kfar Azza cracked my cynicism
---Irked by Erdogan, Israeli supermarkets halt imports from Turkey
Jackson and the team found strong indications that, in early October, somebody in U.S. stock market circles anticipated catastrophe in Israel, leading stocks to crash.
On October 2,
that somebody or somebodies carried out an enormous volume of short transactions on the EIS – meaning they bet against Israel.
In fact, the volume of short transactions on October 2 was so huge – 227,000 units, compared with a few thousand on any given day – that it didn’t seem like a gamble. Whoever was behind the transactions apparently harbored confidence that disaster would strike Israel.
Shorting involves profiting from securities you do not own. If you are confident that a given company’s shares are going to fall, you borrow them from somebody, sell them, and later (sometimes just within days) you buy them on the market (at the lower price, if you were right), give them back to the lender and pocket the difference.
So, if you short a stock and it falls, you win. People shorting Israeli shares on October 2 did well. The value of EIS fell by 7.1 percent on October 11 (the first day the American market was open for business after the massacre) and over the 20 days following that terrible weekend, EIS lost 17.5 percent of its value.
Moreover, it indicates that the short selling that day far exceeded the short selling that occurred during numerous other periods of crisis, including the recession following the [2008] financial crisis.'
Specifically, if a trader borrowed a unit of EIS and sold it for $54, after the crash the trader could buy the unit for $44.50, return it to the lender and make $9.50 per unit.
The paper by Jackson and colleagues was based on data officially reported to the U.S. Financial Industry Regulatory Authority.
The researchers identified two huge transactions selling borrowed units of EIS on October 2. Based on the volumes, the short sellers seem to have made millions of dollars.
To examine how unusual the gamble against Israel was, the researchers checked the volume of short transactions in EIS units from 2009 to 2023, during which Israel experienced plenty of crises. There were 3,570 trading days throughout that period. The volume of shorts on EIS on October 2 was in the top 99 percent percentile. The “short ratio” for EIS was also extraordinary on October 2: “It is extremely unlikely that the volume of short selling on October 2 occurred by random chance,” they wrote.
“Moreover, it indicates that the short selling that day far exceeded the short selling that occurred during numerous other periods of crisis, including the recession following the [2008] financial crisis, the 2014 Israel-Gaza war, and the COVID-19 pandemic,” they added.
Other grounds for their suspicion are the fact that the short transactions were carried out during the Sukkot Jewish holiday, when nothing unusual was happening in Israel and nothing dramatic was expected.
Jackson and Mitts even checked for correlation between the shorting and the Netanyahu government’s plans to overhaul the judiciary, where the greatest drama was on July 24 – the day the Knesset voted to revoke the reasonableness standard. The date of the vote was known in advance, though its results were not. In fact, EIS units lost 5 percent of their value following that vote, attesting that the market hadn’t anticipated the outcome. There was no unusual volume in shorts.
Also, shorting is risky. If you bet against a share and it rises, you lose. The bigger the short, and the longer it lasts (until you have to return the security), the bigger the risk. The giant gamble against EIS (meaning, against the Israeli economy) was done when the market was trending upward. Betting against a market trend just increases the risk. Also, the shorts were unusually long, strengthening the theory that the investor knew of the attack in advance.
Interestingly, Mitts and Jackson identified similar patterns in EIS in April, when rumors were circulating that Hamas was planning to launch an attack. “Specifically, short volume in EIS peaked on April 3 at levels very similar to those observed on October 2,” they stated. There, too, coincidence beggars belief and suggests the information originated in Hamas. Terrorists caught in Israel related that the attack had been planned for April 5, Passover eve, but was canceled at the last minute – whether because Iran ordered it so, according to some media sources, or because the Israeli army was on high alert at the time.
The short spike on April 3 was about a week after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tried to fire his defense minister, Yoav Gallant, triggering mass protests by Israelis. By April 3, however, it was clear that Netanyahu had reversed course on ousting Gallant – indicating that whoever was shorting Israel wasn’t doing so because of that rumpus, but because of the planned (albeit canceled) terror attack.
Very short in Tel Aviv
The researchers also looked into shorts on the TASE and found a significant spike in the days before October 7.
In fact, shorting on the TASE began to increase from August, but peaked in the week before the attack. There was no obvious reason for the behavior; Israel was on holiday, the public sector was shuttered and a lot of Israelis were on vacation. There is no reason to associate the shorting spike with the judicial overhaul, the researchers said, noting there was no particular shorting activity following the “reasonableness” vote in July.
Again, the suspicion arises that somebody had prior knowledge of the Hamas attack.
In addition, Jackson and Mitts didn’t identify an increase in short-selling shares in Israeli companies traded in New York (as opposed to short selling the index tracking Israeli shares). That could be because investors figured the military industries would do well from hostilities and many of the other companies operate in the international markets, so the terror attack on Israel shouldn’t hurt their business.
They noted that while the volume of additional trading in EIS was absolutely abnormal in New York, it wasn’t large in absolute terms – probably because there just isn’t that much trading in its units. But they definitely did observe spikes in short selling on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange.
Shorting the TASE from mid-September to October would have been enormously lucrative, the researchers calculate. In just Bank Leumi alone, “4.43 million new shares sold short over the September 14 to October 5 period yielded profits (or approximates avoided losses) of 3.2 billion NIS [nearly $900 million] on that additional short selling.”
They couldn’t identify whether there was any connection between traders short selling in New York and Tel Aviv.
Note that Jackson and Mitts do not claim the information originated in Hamas.
But the information they collated suggests as much. Hamas had planned the attack for months and its leader, Yahya Sinwar, seems to have planned not just the tactical aspect but logistical and financial aspects as well.
If one believes Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah that he didn’t know about the Hamas attack in advance, then Hezbollah wasn’t the one shorting Israel. Nor Iran, by the same logic. Only investigation by law enforcement, in Israel and the United States, may uncover who benefited from the short transactions.
Note that shorting isn’t illegal, and U.S. securities law apparently doesn’t prohibit exploiting preknowledge of a terror attack. Nor is it some kind of insider-trading violation in Israel. But Israeli sources said Hamas has financially savvy people and it isn’t implausible that they lay behind these shorts. Furthermore, if the short selling was done by Hamas or on its behalf, then they are violations of the U.S. law prohibiting the financing of terror, and the United States could freeze the ill-gotten gains.
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