Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide
En Israël, une chanson de rap a désormais atteint le sommet des charts Spotify dans laquelle les interprètes chantent comment les Palestiniens – déshumanisés comme des « rats » dans les paroles – et tous ceux qui les soutiennent seront bombardés et anéantis.
In Israel, a rap song has now reached the top of the Spotify charts in which performers sing about how the Palestinians – dehumanized as “rats” in the lyrics – and all those who support them will be bombed and wiped out.
Quelques jours avant l'attaque du Hamas contre Israël, le 7 octobre, les opérateurs boursiers ont commencé à anticiper les événements à venir comme par magie :
Les recherches menées par les professeurs de droit Robert Jackson Jr de l'université de New York et Joshua Mitts de l'université Columbia révèlent des ventes à découvert massives avant les attaques :
La vente à découvert avant le 7 octobre était si extrême qu'elle "dépassait la vente à découvert qui s'est produite pendant de nombreuses autres périodes de crise", notamment après la grande récession de 2008, la guerre Israël-Gaza de 2014 et la pandémie de grippe aviaire.
"Nos résultats suggèrent que les traders informés de l'imminence des attentats ont profité de ces événements tragiques..."
Dans les jours précédant l'attaque, les paris sur les titres israéliens négociés à la Bourse de Tel-Aviv "ont augmenté de façon spectaculaire", selon le document.
Par exemple, les chercheurs ont constaté qu'entre le 14 septembre et le 5 octobre, 4,4 millions de nouvelles actions de Bank Leumi, l'une des plus grandes banques israéliennes, ont été vendues à découvert. Le prix des actions de Bank Leumi a chuté de 23 % entre le 4 et le 23 octobre".
Que se passe-t-il ici ? Qui savait quoi et quand ?
Pourquoi laissons-nous ces gens s'en tirer à si bon compte ? Nous avons besoin d'enquêtes criminelles immédiatement.
Reuters (Israel investigates possible trading knowledge ahead of Oct 7 Hamas attack)
Israel investigates possible trading knowledge ahead of Oct 7 Hamas attack
Israeli authorities are investigating claims by U.S. researchers that some investors may have known in advance of a Hamas plan to attack Israel on Oct. 7 and used that information to profit from Israeli securities
A few days before the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, stock market operators began to magically anticipate future events:Research by law professors Robert Jackson Jr. of New York University and Joshua Mitts of Columbia University reveals massive short selling before the attacks:Short selling before October 7 was so extreme that it "exceeded the short selling that occurred during many other crisis periods", including after the Great Recession of 2008, the Israel-Gaza War of 2014 and the avian flu pandemic.“Our results suggest that traders informed of the imminent attacks took advantage of these tragic events...”In the days before the attack, betting on Israeli securities traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange "increased dramatically," according to the document.For example, researchers found that between September 14 and October 5, 4.4 million new shares of Bank Leumi, one of Israel's largest banks, were sold short. Bank Leumi’s stock price fell 23% between October 4 and 23.”What is happening here ? Who knew what and when?Why are we letting these people get away with it? We need criminal investigations immediately.)Israel investigates possible trading knowledge ahead of Oct 7 Hamas attackIsraeli authorities are investigating claims by U.S. researchers that some investors may have known in advance of a Hamas plan to attack Israel on Oct. 7 and used that information to profit from Israeli securities
Hamas reported the destruction of 24 armored vehicles of the Israeli army in a day
According to the military wing of the Hamas movement, the Izz al-Din al-Qassam brigades, have been fighting fierce battles against Israeli forces on all fronts of the invasion of the Gaza Strip since early Tuesday morning. As a result of clashes between brigades, 24 military vehicles were destroyed or damaged in the city of Khan Yunis.

It is reported that snipers killed 8 Israeli soldiers. Qassam detonated a pre-prepared minefield with four anti-personnel mines, hitting a group of Israeli soldiers in the east of Khan Yunis, causing significant damage. The Izz al-Din al-Qassam brigades also announced the destruction of a building where Israeli soldiers were staying as a result of the explosion of several charges.

It is reported that the militants attacked Israeli military bases using the Rejum short-barreled missile system and sent powerful rocket volleys at various targets in Israel.

Israeli media also reported on "fierce fighting in Jabalia and al-Shujaiya." The Israeli army has acknowledged an increase in the number of officers and soldiers killed to 84 since the start of the ground operation in Gaza and to 408 since the beginning of the attack on October 7. Israeli Channel 12 reported on behalf of the representative of the Israeli army that there are still 138 prisoners in Gaza.
ХАМАС отчитался об уничтожении 24 единиц бронетехники израильской армии за сутки
Quelques jours avant l'attaque du Hamas contre Israël, le 7 octobre, les opérateurs boursiers ont commencé à anticiper les événements à venir comme par magie :
Les recherches menées par les professeurs de droit Robert Jackson Jr de l'université de New York et Joshua Mitts de l'université Columbia révèlent des ventes à découvert massives avant les attaques :
La vente à découvert avant le 7 octobre était si extrême qu'elle "dépassait la vente à découvert qui s'est produite pendant de nombreuses autres périodes de crise", notamment après la grande récession de 2008, la guerre Israël-Gaza de 2014 et la pandémie de grippe aviaire.
"Nos résultats suggèrent que les traders informés de l'imminence des attentats ont profité de ces événements tragiques..."
Dans les jours précédant l'attaque, les paris sur les titres israéliens négociés à la Bourse de Tel-Aviv "ont augmenté de façon spectaculaire", selon le document.
Par exemple, les chercheurs ont constaté qu'entre le 14 septembre et le 5 octobre, 4,4 millions de nouvelles actions de Bank Leumi, l'une des plus grandes banques israéliennes, ont été vendues à découvert. Le prix des actions de Bank Leumi a chuté de 23 % entre le 4 et le 23 octobre".
Que se passe-t-il ici ? Qui savait quoi et quand ?
Pourquoi laissons-nous ces gens s'en tirer à si bon compte ? Nous avons besoin d'enquêtes criminelles immédiatement.
Reuters (Israel investigates possible trading knowledge ahead of Oct 7 Hamas attack)
Israel investigates possible trading knowledge ahead of Oct 7 Hamas attack
Israeli authorities are investigating claims by U.S. researchers that some investors may have known in advance of a Hamas plan to attack Israel on Oct. 7 and used that information to profit from Israeli securities
View attachment 87189
A few days before the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, stock market operators began to magically anticipate future events:Research by law professors Robert Jackson Jr. of New York University and Joshua Mitts of Columbia University reveals massive short selling before the attacks:Short selling before October 7 was so extreme that it "exceeded the short selling that occurred during many other crisis periods", including after the Great Recession of 2008, the Israel-Gaza War of 2014 and the avian flu pandemic.“Our results suggest that traders informed of the imminent attacks took advantage of these tragic events...”In the days before the attack, betting on Israeli securities traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange "increased dramatically," according to the document.For example, researchers found that between September 14 and October 5, 4.4 million new shares of Bank Leumi, one of Israel's largest banks, were sold short. Bank Leumi’s stock price fell 23% between October 4 and 23.”What is happening here ? Who knew what and when?Why are we letting these people get away with it? We need criminal investigations immediately.)Israel investigates possible trading knowledge ahead of Oct 7 Hamas attackIsraeli authorities are investigating claims by U.S. researchers that some investors may have known in advance of a Hamas plan to attack Israel on Oct. 7 and used that information to profit from Israeli securities
I think there is evidence for similar trading patterns before the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Centre. If true, it only goes to show that where normal people see suffering, the psychopaths just see an opportunity for profit.​
I think there is evidence for similar trading patterns before the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Centre. If true, it only goes to show that where normal people see suffering, the psychopaths just see an opportunity for profit.

Yes, but this could also be a sign that the same people who were behind the attack on the World Trade Centre are also the same people behind this. After all they got away with it last time and they probably think they can get away with it again.
I think there is evidence for similar trading patterns before the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Centre. If true, it only goes to show that where normal people see suffering, the psychopaths just see an opportunity for profit.
In a world where there is enough food for everybody, the PTB made sure to create just enough artificial crises so that most people are worried about what they are going to eat tomorrow while a select few, with just a mouse-click, can make sure hungry people stay hungry.
Q: (V) I don't know about living the life of a psychic. (L) I think it was a joke. (V) Ah yeah, because I'm thinking, "no way am I doing that!" (R) But the thing is, when that woman said, "in my world the Rainforest is okay," it means she had already made a judgment that ... (V) Yeah, that she was somehow in a better place than I was. (L) Well it was also making a judgment against the wisdom of the universe. It avoids the understanding that if the Rainforests are dying maybe there is a reason for it. (R) Exactly. All there is are lessons. (V) Well you know it was funny because I was taking a Geology course at the time and we were supposed to go on a diving trip down to South Florida, and it got stopped by a hurricane. But before that, this so-called psychic told me she could see me going down there, following her healing reccommendations, and all the dead coral would come back to life.

A: When the universe is ready to revive dead coral, you can bet it will revive.
When the universe declares 9/11, you can bet it will smoke the towers of psychopathy! ☄️☄️☄️
Returning to a 2019 video ... "by their deeds ye shall know them".

"It is our duty to conquer. Even if not a single bullet was fired at us, even if the residents of Gaza constantly offered us flowers with love letters and drawings of hearts, we would be obliged to start a war against them."

Eliezer Kashtiel, a Zionist religious leader, explains the real reason for the war against Gaza, Kashtiel is the head of the High Yeshiva of Army Veterans in the settlement of Eliezer.

I think there is evidence for similar trading patterns before the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Centre. If true, it only goes to show that where normal people see suffering, the psychopaths just see an opportunity for profit.​
And according to the sessions regarding 9/11, it was Mossad that was behind that attack (perhaps planned with the US, but ultimately a betrayal). So if indeed the IDF was stood down to LIHOP, they’re ultimately behind both in their own ways. Toss in the USS Liberty and you have a pattern of behavior steering the US into these “triggering” moments. At this rate I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that the party that talked Roosevelt into letting Pearl Harbor happen was actually a Zionist trying to push The Balfour Declaration across a desk in DC. “It was written for Her Majesty’s Empire, but you chaps seem to have taken the mantle in that regard, so let me share this with you.”
Not something anyone would/could know with any certainty… I have often wondered, in order to continue Israel’s control and manipulation over other countries, and their constant cooperation, just how many nuclear/dirty bomb devices Israel has planted around the globe. 🤔
I would be surprised by nothing from this government. I would literally put nothing past them. Seriously, if it came out tomorrow that Jeffrey Epstein was actually a Mossad agent tasked with luring all those people of note to his island for the express purpose of getting them compromised, I’d say “That sounds about right”.🤣
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Israel Readying Risky Plan To Flood Miles Of Gaza's 'Terror Tunnels' With Sea Water​

"expected to provide enough water to fully flood the tunnels within weeks. According to details in The Wall Street Journal, US defense officials have been briefed on the 'option' - and with pumps now in place - but it's not believed that the Israelis have pulled the trigger on it yet."

Couldn't water pressure cause the whole area to collapse? Indeed, this "plan" seems risky, to say the least, and for EVERYONE there!
How stupid it seems to me, can you imagine? They flood tunnels and Pouf!! Something goes wrong and most Israël "disappears" in a (dark) hole... Oh but wait! "They" will blame Iran, Russia and China, of course, not the stupidity of the thing, what was I thinking...

Returning to a 2019 video ... "by their deeds ye shall know them".


Why isn't there a BARF emoticon in the "mood appreciation" of posts? I wonder, because lately, especially in this thread, I want to use it, and not just occasionally!

Can't make this shit up!

View attachment 87234
Again: :barf: But also: :headbash: And that one with the wall is pretty appropriate here.

"They" have completely lost their minds to a point where it's alarming for the whole world! DCM, help us, they have gone mad!

Sorry, but sometimes, even if seldom, it's beyond me.
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