Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Sometimes they refer to the sun as a sub-logos and sometimes a logos. The context of kindness being a bias of our logos was a discussion of the archetypal mind. Here are some other parts I think are relevant:

I can see why axj listed the three options: "your peoples" seems to imply planetary mind (but the question was in reference to "this system" which seems to imply solar system or greater), the references to "bias" and "evolution" seem to be in reference to the solar logos, but there's usually some ambiguity between solar and galactic logoi in Ra.

I thought there was another excerpt clarifying the "bias towards kindness" as showing up in our religions and philosophies as a weighting of good over evil, but I can't find it, so maybe that's just something I thought when I read it.
Very good job.

Thank you.
"Hit the nuclear first, and worry about the rest later": Trump is supporting nuclear war between Israel and Iran.
Yes, it appears as if Trump actually said that and what to say. It is very misguided and extremely dangerous. You don't go around encouraging a psychopathy to do outrageous inhumane acts of evil on a grand scale.

Here is a bit more from Fox News:

The former president said he rebuilt the "entire military, jets everything, I built it, including nuclear" while he was president. "I hated to build the nuclear, but I got to know firsthand the power of that stuff, and I’ll tell you what: we have to be totally prepared. We have to be absolutely prepared."

He said when Biden was asked about Israel and Iran: "His answer should have been "'Hit the nuclear first, worry about the rest later.'"

Trump made similar comments in an interview with Fox News on Thursday, telling correspondent Bill Melugin Biden's response on Israel attacking Iran was the "craziest thing I’ve ever heard. That’s the biggest risk we have. The biggest risk we have is nuclear."


Rockets over Israel this week

Many rockets, fired from Iran, are seen over Jerusalem from Hebron, West Bank, Tuesday. The Israeli army announced that missiles were fired from Iran towards Israel and sirens were heard across the country, especially in Tel Aviv. (Wisam Hashlamoun/Anadolu via Getty Images)

He continued, "I mean, to make the statement, ‘Please leave their nuclear alone.' I would tell you that that’s not the right answer. That was the craziest answer because, you know what? Soon, they’re going to have nuclear weapons. And then you’re going to have problems."

Former deputy director of national intelligence Kash Patel, who served under Trump, said this week: "Iran launched a war into Israel, so to say that the Israelis who are defending themselves and our hostages shouldn't attack sites in Iran that could kill them – especially when you're the one who gave Iran $7 billion as a commander in chief and then allowed them to acquire nuclear materials – is wildly political."
So worry about the rest later, huh :scared:

He says that he knows about the "power of that stuff". Really and that a nuclear strike by Israel will kill a few hundred thousand people instantly and millions long term in the region. Iran is a huge country, 1.6 million km2 or 2.5 times the size of Texas. Israel might be able to do serious damage if they hit Israeli nuclear facilities, but it will not hit all and Iran will retaliate and Israel will be history. US bases will be history or in permanent danger of becoming history. Israel will have no good will there after in the world community. But I guess that is inconsequential and not something to worry about now. Just do it and see what happens, right?

Will Israel do it? Who knows, but I find it irresponsible of Trump to make such a statement while Israel is seen throwing matches all over the place. That gives Israel the idea that the US will have its back if it continues doing stupid things.

ADDED: I forgot to put in that the size of Israel is about 21000 km2 equal to 1.3% of the size of Iran.
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sToRmR1dR said:
"Hit the nuclear first, and worry about the rest later": Trump is supporting nuclear war between Israel and Iran.

I would just query here that where Trump is saying "Hit the nuclear first", this does not necessarily mean using nuclear weapons to strike Iran but rather I think he means targeting their nuclear facilities with conventional weapons such as missiles. Of course, hitting a nuclear facility such as a power plant with conventional weapons could result in a Chernobyl or Fukushima style melt down that could then endanger nearby population centres. Depending on the prevailing winds, fall out from such a melt down could reach Israel. When Chernobyl went into melt down the resulting fall out reached as far afield as the hills of Wales and Scotland. To this day, the UK's Department of Agriculture still routinely test sheep grazing on those hill for lingering signs of radioactivity. Hence, there is the real threat of blow back here but then what do maniacal Zionist psychopaths with a thirst for revenge care?​
The latest video from Alexander Mercouris 3/10/2024 on his personal channel. He speaks about the Iranian attack and gives conjecture on Russian involvement in the situation.

He acknowledges the truth of the story behind the F-35’s being destroyed is unclear, current photos do not seem able to confirm or deny the claims in his opinion. If the Iranians are not lying/exaggerating the destruction and actually have data to support their claims Alexander theorizes their conclusions may be based on data provided by the Russians.

The attack seemed to attempt to avoid civilian casualties resembling the Russians conduct in the Ukraine war. Alexander postulates this was in part done to keep their Russian allies happy but might also hint at greater Russian involvement in the planning of the attack.

He points out the presence of a number of significant Russian officials currently present in Tehran, possibly meant to act as a deterrent to attacking Iran. Sergei Shoigu and Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin are among those present in Terhran, the latter for discussions on economic issues. Could this be connected to Israel backing away from immediate retaliation? The dialogue from Israel just following the attack suggested they may have originally intended an immediate response.

Indications Netanyahu may be angry at the Russians. Trying to get a phone call with Putin and the attack on Syria close to Russian warehouses might be meant as a warning to the Russians. Even with the involvement in the attack being unclear the Russian cooperation with Iran and provision of anti air systems is clearly intended to strengthen Iran and a show of Russian support.

I will just give a few thoughts of my own.

It seems likely to me that Israel is certain of Russian involvement, regardless of the actual truth of the matter.

The attempts to avoid civilian casualties mirror the Iranian attack earlier in the year. It does make me think to mentions of Caesar introducing the concept of Mercy on a wider scale. We see the Russians exercising restraint in conducting warfare and now other nations doing the same. The situation is more complex with Iran motivated by a desire to avoid serious escalation, but I do feel they may be parallels. Russia in a way has set an example, people can now see that in conducting war you don’t have to bomb the enemy into the stone age or flatten cities. Though on the mention of flattening cities, I had a sudden thought of comets doing the same.
My brother is a keen follower of Alexander Mercouris's podcasts on the war in the Ukraine but his computer recently crashed and is now beyond repair. Hence, thank you for the links which will allow him to see Mercouris's latest update.

I agree that just as the USA is clearly getting more involved in supporting Israel's war effort (and is apparently helping the Israelis in the selection of possible Iranian targets for retaliation), Russia is at the same time stepping up its material support for Iran. This brings the danger of direct super power conflict in the region ever closer. Just think what may happen if an Israeli airstrike accidently (or otherwise) kills a significant number of Russian servicemen. Could Russia sit idly by and shrug its shoulders this time as it did when the Israelis shot down a Russian transport aircraft in Syria a few years ago, as confirmed by the C's.

Your mention of flattening cities makes me think of Apocalyptic prophecies in the Bible involving the war of 'Gog and Magog' and the part Russia may possibly play in this. There is a prophecy specifically concerning the Syrian capital city of Damascus, a very ancient city which has certainly been struck by warfare down the millennia but to date has never been utterly destroyed. However, the Bible does include a prophecy that Damascus will be destroyed, which suggests this event has still to be fulfilled. The prophecy concerned is found in Isaiah chapter 17 verses 1-3:
(1) The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap. (2) The cities of Aroer are forsaken: they shall be for flocks, which shall lie down, and none shall make them afraid. (3) The fortress also shall cease from Ephraim, and the kingdom from Damascus, and the remnant of Syria: they shall be as the glory of the children of Israel, saith the LORD of hosts.”

Some biblical scholars believe the events of this chapter occurred in the 8th century B.C. when Assyria attacked Syria and northern Israel. However, verse 1 clearly states that Damascus will be “taken away from being a city” and it can be forcefully argued, therefore, that this level of desolation has not occurred yet. It should also be noted that biblical prophetic passages often have a “near and far off” application or a “dual fulfilment”, as is the case for example with Jesus's prophecy concerning the destruction of Jerusalem (subsequently fulfilled by the Romans) and the end of the world, which were given together.

This prophecy in chapter 17 of Isaiah is often linked with another prophecy concerning Damascus in chapter 49 of the Book of Jeremiah:​
“Against Damascus. ‘Hamath and Arpad are shamed, for they have heard bad news. They are fainthearted; there is trouble on the sea; it cannot be quiet. Damascus has grown feeble; she turns to flee, and fear has seized her. Anguish and sorrows have taken her like a woman in labour. Why is the city of praise not deserted, the city of My joy? Therefore her young men shall fall in her streets, and all the men of war shall be cut off in that day,’ says the Lord of hosts. ‘I will kindle a fire in the wall of Damascus, and it shall consume the palaces of Ben-Hadad.’ "
These prophecies in turn may be linked with the reference to 'Gog and Magog' in the Apocalypse chapter 20 verses 7-9:
“(7) And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, (8) And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. (9) And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.” (Revelation 20:7-9)
Many biblical scholars link the battle of Gog in Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39 as the same event as the battle of Armageddon, which is linked to the ancient town of Megiddo, which is close to Israel's border with Lebanon and its border with Syria.

Biblical prophecies like these are, of course, hard to tie down but if Israel continues to expand her air and missile attacks to Syria as well, will Russia simply stand by and watch Damascus levelled to the ground like Gaza and Beirut are currently being without intervening at some stage? Will Russia ultimately call time on Israel's genocide in the region?​
Will Russia ultimately call time on Israel's genocide in the region?
I think this is more of a question about what Iran will do in response to Israel. Iran probably has the capability to defeat Israel, but would get destroyed in return too - a regional MAD. Especially since the US would likely fight on Israel's side against Iran.

Maybe Russia and its influence in the region can indeed become the deciding factor on what happens.
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