Lost my personal protection crystal two weeks ago and today it re-appeared under the pillow on my chair.
Probably its just slipped out of my sweatpants-pocket two weeks ago, when I sat on my chair and I somehow didn't notice.. Must be early onset dementia, the working at nights, I'm 49, so its time I badly forget things and completely mix things up and badly remember things - stuff like this now maybe I completely forget, so I'm making bad thinking errors.. and this was one of them..
..but I always check my pockets.
..and I frequently check and fix the layers of blankets I put on my chair for convenience and spine-health.
So as I changed positions on the chair the crystal must have fallen out [?] and it didn't land on the floor [? from free-falling on my chair which has zero sides, no side-support?], but instead of falling to the floor instantly - where it makes a loud banging noise on the carpet and on the hardwood floor below it, if it falls, I just tested it - , but no... instead it somehow very sneakily just worked itself
exactly to the lowest layer of various multiple textile covers I put on my chair to create an always changing spine-support environment. I usually switch up pillows, blankets, shirts, packaging foams, etc.. to change how I sit for long-long hours. And the crystal deftly maneuvered itself to the lowest layer - to the very center - somehow..
to exactly below my tailbone.. I didn't notice the crystal for two weeks - on the one and only chair I always sit on - and where I always change positions on as I read & compose long texts or watch movies, always changing positions, sitting up and down? My spine is so sensitive, I always notice if the blanket layers have slipped sideways / off on my chair. And I didn't feel the stone.. that for the entire time I was sitting on top of it? Really?!
The weird thing is that for the summer, I left a minimal non-heat-reflecting
hard blankets (not soft, not cushy) on my chair so the crystal
should have fallen to the floor and not somehow just slip by the side, because
there is nothing on the side of my chair to prevent it keep falling onto the floor..
Also I re-arranged my chair-blanket layers several times since, and I didn't notice it?? And my blanket layers are hard, so I should have noticed it that I was sitting on something as inconveniently hard as a stone crystal.. and I only noticed it just now this evening, after two freakin' weeks of wiggling around on that chair?
I have strict rules in life: how, when and where I wear the few objects in my pockets and this fact of obstinate habit makes the above obvious explanation unlikely.
1. Mainly because of
Project C, when I go outside I make sure I always carry at least one personal protection crystal - the one without any protective covering - always in my right pocket. It never ever once slipped out so far, while on the road.. The other crystal - in a protective non-slippery covering - is always in my bag, right behind me, on the bicycle.
2. Two weeks ago I went to one of the Artesian wells in our city and when I got back, the crystal was NOT with me anymore. Thinking back - on the way somewhere that crystal must have slipped out of my pocket when I was squatting on the stairs of the well to put the cans under the faucet. Or when I got on my bike. So it must have fallen out. Probably someone found it in the few minutes I noticed it was missing - and already it was gone.. I always make sure to wear one in my pocket. The slipping out scebario is weird, because my summer bermuda shorts has a sturdy deep pocket.
3. I backtracked my exact route twice looking in the grass, on street corners, replaying what I did and where from memory etc... maybe it fell in the mud, so I didn't hear, it? Etc.. The first time I got back to the well, I saw a 5 year old child meandering there, I thought he might have taken it - but I didn't see it in his pockets and children usually play with things they have just found. His mother was talking on the phone with her smaller one in the push-cart. Right then I thought against asking her for various reasons.
4. I looked at home everywhere. I scoured our little yard - which is covered with grass and plants, because maybe when I shook out my
bermuda shorts to clean it from clinging flying insects which usually stick to clothes as they hover in clouds right on the street. Maybe the crystal flew out of my pocket from the hefty shaking on the yard and I didn't see it?
5. And I somehow didn't see it on the chair and probably just put on top of it layers of non-soft, but blankets for the summer and I absolutely not feel that I was sitting on a hard and uncomfortable crystal for two weeks??
The weird thing is I was thinking about the story of Ark's hat. I was thinking that because of the weirdness of Disappearing Objects Phenomenon, the crystal should re-appear in the future, because it is mine, it carries my EM-imprint, etc.. :) Then I thought that Fantastical Thinking is wishful thinking! I'm so stupid.. But as the days passed it fantastically didn't re-appear, so I started planning how to put aside money for a re-order. Also G. was right when he talked about the significance of tails in specific humans, probably the tail had other mystical functions? Because the crystal re-appeared itself exactly under my tailbone and didn't move from there, until I noticed there is something very inconvenient under my blankets on the chair? :D