I'd like to relate two stories that fall into this category that happened to me personally.
The more recent one happened when my wife and I decided to take a short vacation in Edinburgh. It was the summer of 2018. So we make all the arrangements but now I can't find my passport. The funny thing is that I know where it is supposed to be because I was using it not two weeks earlier for ID verification for some internet service or the other. I remembered quite clearly when I'd been using it and where I put it. Besides, this is where we both kept our passports and such. So it was supposed to be in my top desk drawer. I have a desk with five drawers on each side and I checked all of them at least five times during the next few weeks. Never came up with anything, but my wife's old passports and current passport were all there. I also looked everywhere else in the apartment but no luck. I finally gave up because I realised that I can travel to Scotland with just my ID card since it's all in the EU.
Anyway, not long after the trip we moved to our current house. I set up my desk there and the drawers were never dismantled or cleaned up. I just moved the whole thing as it was and set it up in the new office. Months later, I'm looking through the drawers for something unrelated and there it is! The passport is just sitting there in the middle of the drawer like it was always there where it was supposed to be! I've had experiences like this before, so I was not freaked out by it, but this was only the second time that I was absolutely certain in my own observation. The passport was definitely not there before the trip. I'm pretty sure it wasn't there before the move, or even just after the move, because I went through that drawer many times during that period. So it disappeared from my desk drawer early summer 2018 in our apartment and reappeared some 6 months later (it might have been even longer, up to a year and half possibly, I'm not sure about that) in the same drawer but at our new house 30 km from old apartment.
The other story happened some 12 years ago, if memory serves me right, when my girlfriend at the time and I went to a stationery store. We were browsing around getting some art supplies and stuff that students need when we came onto a box of those flat carpenter pencils. They had straight unsharpened ends. The box was freshly opened and there were no pencils missing which I know because I had difficulty taking one of them out. If you ever smoked soft package cigarettes, you'll know what I'm talking about. That first one is always a chore to get out.
So I somehow manage to get one out and take a good look at it then I give it to my girlfriend who also takes a good look and returns it to me. I then put it back into the box since we decide that we don't need it. Well, I try to put it back but it doesn't go all the way in; about 2 or 3 cm are sticking out above all the other pencils. I'm trying to push it in thinking it just got stuck but it won't budge. I then pull it out and take another one to compare.
Lo and behold, the first pencil is 2-3 cm longer than the other one and all the others in the package, but then I notice something even weirder. The pencils were a kind of blue like the navigation bar on this here forum, but the one we took out first was a lighter shade of blue, sort of like the "post reply" button here (the colour scheme came in really handy here

So we discussed it a bit and were convinced that what happened was that the pencil got longer somehow and at the same time it's like the paint on the pencil had to spread out turning to a lighter shade of blue. Well, needles to say, we got really creeped out, put the pencil back into the box and left without buying anything never to speak of this event again. I regret not buying that pencil. It would make a good trophy and, who knows, maybe it would have changed back, but maybe it was for the best.
I know this second one is a phenomenon within a category of its own, but since we're basically talking about glitches in the matrix, I guess it's appropriate for this thread.
As I already mentioned, I had many such "glitchy" experiences, but there was always a possible "rational" explanation, while with these two, I'm absolutely certain that my observations were correct and that these were true glitches.
Hope you enjoyed the anecdotes.