James M. McCanney - Plasma Discharge Comet Theory

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Approaching Infinity said:
WhiteBear said:
I've been looking into McCanney's work, and I'm seeing a few discrepancies...actually, really huge discrepancies, between his theories and science. One of the primary cornerstones in his work is that the solar wind is charged, when the SWICS experiment on the Ulysses project craft which directly measures the solar wind indicates it is electrically neutral.

McCanney talked about this on a radio interview, saying that you can't measure charge in space with a single craft - you need at least two taking measurements apart from each other.

Using one spacecraft is like trying to measure voltage with one lead connected to the voltmeter. You need two leads to make the measurement as voltage is a measure of the difference between two points (potential for current to flow).
Nicolas said:
Using one spacecraft is like trying to measure voltage with one lead connected to the voltmeter. You need two leads to make the measurement as voltage is a measure of the difference between two points (potential for current to flow).

Examining the actual equipment used for measurement, I came to the conclusion that the voltmeter analogy falls short. Using two spacecraft with similar equipment, in the "voltmeter lead" situation, would be the same as using two coin sorting machines, and not dropping coins into one of them to serve as the "ground" comparison.
Hello WhiteBear,

You say that the total charge of the plasma at Earth orbit is exactly equal to zero. Do you have any sources for that?

You cite the Solar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometer but you don't cite the resultyou claim. In the abstract presenting the instrument, the authors say

The Solar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometer (SWICS) on Ulysses is designed to determine uniquely the elemental and ionic-charge composition, and the temperature and mean speeds of all major solar-wind ions...
It says nothing about measuring the concentration of positive charges vs. negative charges, but i'm still reading the instrument characteristics, maybe there is something they didn't say?
Maybe you have other refrences?
No, I was looking at the plots of ions vs electrons, and some of the charts were part of other experiments on Ulysses. The earlier statement wasn't about the charge in earth orbit, and Ulysses didn't spend any mission time there, so the data was extra-orbital, but the "zero net charge" of the wind was an assumption that I'd carried forward from one site to the Ulysses site, and wasn't verifiable (at least with my limited knowledge of the Ulysses data).
I'm learning this stuff as quickly as possible, and looking for holes in both systems (McCanney's and NASA's) and I'm finding McCanney's holes are easier to plug, the more I dig. I apologize about the finality of tone of my first post. I'm not relegating McCanney to the dustbin of disinfo just yet.
I would like to know what anomalies they had before launch with the SWICS experiment. at the end of 'Acknowledgements' section.

“Our special thanks go to Tom Tomey, George Nickols, and Willis Meeks for their help and encouragement during the time before launch when anomalies found in both instruments had to be fixed.”


SWICS equipment _http://helio.estec.esa.nl/ulysses/ftp/cdroms/uls_01_a/Docs/Swics/swics.htm#FIGURE%203

Edit Added:Thank you mkrnhr in advance, the use of the word ‘anomaly’ indeed seems to be used legitimately by physicist/scientists and of no real concern.

But If data is forth coming, one might question its accuracy, fixing anomalies before launch sounds immediate and rushed, buts that’s just my interpretation or imagination, it could be weeks before launch or spelling mistake, before ‘lunch’ or wrong type of bolts fitted, causing problems.

Perhaps it’s a, Look phenomenon no it’s just an anomaly, my bag and I’m :offtopic:
WhiteBear said:
and I'm finding McCanney's holes are easier to plug, the more I dig.
Maybe or maybe not, so far you didn't share any convincing data to support that, just some personal impressions and some personal interpretations and misunderstandings.

You're welcome to present any real data. But saying "i think it is false" doesn't mean it is false, it is just you opinion. If everybody starts giving a personal opinion on everything, it just gets noisier and noisier, nothing else.
Davida said:
I would like to know what anomalies they had before launch with the SWICS experiment.
When you design an instrument, sometimes you have some technical problems you didn't expect, that's normal. And you call them anomalies. They appear usually during the instrument calibration (when one thinks work is finished hehehehe). Nothing abnormal here. And in any case, they say that it has been fixed.
This instrument is not designed to measure charge separation in the solar system so it is irrelevant for the thread discussion.
Seems pretty unlikely to me that the interplanetary environment is electrically neutral, considering the heliospheric current sheet....


Electric current
The electric current in the heliospheric current sheet has a radial component (directed inward) as well as an azimuthal component, the radial circuit being closed by outward currents aligned with the Sun's magnetic field in the solar polar regions. The radial current in the circuit is on the order of 3×10^9 amperes.[4] As a comparison with other astrophysical electric currents, the Birkeland currents that supply the Earth's aurora are about a thousand times weaker at a million amperes. The maximum current density in the sheet is on the order of 10^-10 A/m² (10^-4 A/km²).
WhiteBear said:
I've been looking into McCanney's work, and I'm seeing a few discrepancies...actually, really huge discrepancies, between his theories and science. One of the primary cornerstones in his work is that the solar wind is charged, when the SWICS experiment on the Ulysses project craft which directly measures the solar wind indicates it is electrically neutral. McCanney believes in a "solar capacitor", which would only exist if the solar wind was positively charged, because the electrons stripped from the plasma get left behind, which they do not.

The solar capacitor theory states that the suns reactions occur on the surface, his reasoning for this is the "missing neutrino" theory, where it was found by directly measuring solar neutrino output, the amount measured was only 1/3 of what the computer model stated it should be. The "missing neutrino" theory was solved sometime around 2001 by the discovery that neutrinos have three flavors, and two of those flavors (muon and tau) were not being detected by the neutrino detectors. See Solving the Mystery of the Missing Neutrinos.

Given the number of cornerstones in his work that even I, as a non-physicist/astronomer/science-guy can find to be inaccurate, I have to put him in the catagory of "disinfo".

hi whitebear,
another EU scientist ( Donald Scott) has these comments of the explanation given by NASA on the missing neutrino problem can be found here:

Let me quote the entire chapter (i'd highly recommend reading all the chapters on his web page)
Missing Neutrinos

A thermonuclear reaction of the type assumed to be powering the Sun must emit a flood of electron-neutrinos. Nowhere near the requisite number of these neutrinos have been found after thirty years of searching for them. A series of grandly expensive experiments have failed to find the necessary neutrino flux.

Some solar neutrinos have indeed been observed - but only one-third the number required if the fusion reaction really is the main source of the Sun's energy production. These negative results from the neutrino experiments have resulted not in any re-examination of solar models. Rather, an intense theoretical effort to discover new properties that solar neutrinos 'must have' has occurred. As a result of this effort, it was announced (June 2001) by the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) in Canada that neutrinos have mass and can change 'flavor'. This supposedly accounts for why they have not been fully observed previously. However, several important questions remain to be answered about the methodology that was used by the SNO researchers in arriving at their conclusions. Of course, whether neutrinos actually do change type or not has no bearing whatever on the validity of the Electric Sun model. The neutrino problem is a hurdle only for the standard fusion model. In the Electric Sun model there is no energy produced in the core - radiant energy is released at the surface by electric arc discharge. So, there is no 'missing neutrino' problem for the electric Sun model. The electron-nuetrinos that are observed are probably produced by fusion taking place at the solar surface that produces heavy elements (other than hydrogen and helium).

For decades the measured deficiency of electron-neutrinos has been a continuing embarrassment for those who want to believe that the accepted H-He fusion model of how the Sun produces its energy is correct. Because this failure to observe the predicted neutrino flux clearly constitutes falsification of this fusion model, there has been a great effort to explain away the observed deficit.

The Official Announcement

In June 2001, the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) in Ontario, Canada made an announcement that was joyfully hailed by proponents of the accepted mainstream fusion model. The complete official announcement can be viewed here .
As a result of their interpretation of the data obtained from their experiment, SNO researchers claim that the deficit does not lie with the fusion model, but is due to the fact that neutrinos change from one flavor to another on their way from the center of the Sun to Earth.

There are thought to be three flavors of neutrino: electron-neutrinos, muon-neutrinos, and tau-neutrinos. Some of these flavors were not measurable by the previous experiments that were looking for them. SNO researchers claim, on the basis of their experiment, that the measurable neutrinos turn into previously non-measurable ones enroute from the Sun's core. That 'oscillation', they say, explains the previously measured shortage.

Press Releases

Press releases were filled with pronouncements of confidence that the standard fusion reaction is indeed alive and well at the core of the Sun. There was, however, more rejoicing than factual information in most of these releases.

Some examples:

1."Physicists have wrestled with the 'solar neutrino problem' since the early 1970s, when experiments detected a shortfall of the particles coming from the sun. The neutrino shortage meant either that theories describing the nuclear furnace at the sun's core were wrong, or that something was happening to the particles on their way to Earth. Monday's announcement demonstrates with 99 percent confidence that it is the latter."
- AP article appearing on line in The Nando Times of June 19, entitled "Physicists: Neutrinos have some mass," by Matt Crenson.
QUESTION: What was the basis for the “99% confidence” figure? Was that a mathematically derived number based on a statistical analysis - or was it just pulled out of the blue – an example of unprofessional, non-scientific, hubris?
2. "The SNO detector has the capability to determine whether solar neutrinos are changing their type en-route to Earth, thus providing answers to questions about neutrino properties and solar energy generation." - http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/sno/first_results/
QUESTION: How can the SNO team claim the ability to determine whether something happens to neutrinos enroute from the Sun to Earth without making measurements at the Sun (at the start of the journey) or somewhere along the route? Or by making assumptions about how they started out? More on this question below.
3."SNO appears to be measuring a rate expected for all types of neutrinos combined but a decided deficit for the electron neutrino." http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap010710.html
COMMENT: This appears to be in complete contradiction with the official announcement that states that the results of the only SNO experiment that can measure all three flavors of neutrino will not be announced until a later time.
Analysis of the Official Announcement

The SNO observations were only made here on Earth. No satellite observations were made anywhere along the path, certainly not at its beginning where the neutrinos start their journey (inside the Sun).

QUESTION: Consider a freight train that goes from New York to Chicago. We live in Chicago and are only able to observe the train as it arrives in Chicago. It arrives with 4 freight cars, 2 tank cars, and 1 flat car. How is it possible, no matter how sophisticated our method of observation, for us to make any conclusions about whether freight cars, tank cars, or flat cars have been added to or subtracted from the train at, say, Cleveland? Moreover, how is it possible to say that freight cars have mysteriously turned into tank cars or flat cars along the route somewhere? (And do it with “99% confidence”?)

The answer must be that they are assuming they know the value of the neutrino flux leaving the Sun. If so, this is an exercise in circular reasoning. If they know what the solar neutrino flux leaving the Sun is, there is no need for the experiment. The experiment adds nothing in the way of verification of the assumption. It certainly does not explain the low value of neutrino flux observed here on Earth, it only confirms it.
The logic used in drawing conclusions seems to be faulty in other ways as well.

A sentence from the conclusion of the report

In the conclusion of the Sudbury report it states:
"Comparison of the (neutrino) flux deduced from the ES reaction assuming no neutrino oscillations, to that measured by the CC reaction can provide clear evidence of flavor transformation without reference to solar model flux calculations. If neutrinos from the Sun change into other active flavors, then CC flux < ES flux."
A logical analysis of the last above sentence:

(a) = Neutrinos from the Sun change into other active flavors.
(b) = Electron-neutrino flux measurement is less than the measurement that includes electron-neutrinos and some of the other two types as well.
The sentence says: IF (a) is true, THEN (b) is true. No one can disagree with that.

But they are implying: IF (b) is true, THEN (a) is true. (If the measurement of the flux of electron-type neutrinos is less than the more inclusive measurement that includes some of the other types, then neutrinos from the Sun change flavor on their way to Earth.)

That is a logical non-sequitor. If the Sun is emitting all three types of neutrinos, e+u+t, then any Earthbound experiment that measures only e will always have a lower output than one that measures (for example) e + 0.1u + 0.3t. Moreover, the report states that the CC measured value (e type only) is "significantly smaller than the measurements by [S. Fukuda in an earlier experiment]". So the electron neutrino flux just measured by SNO is even lower than previously reported levels. And it is possible that muon-neutrinos oscillate into electron-neutrinos. And that presents a further complication to the SNO conclusions because of the already extremely low value of measured electron-neutrino flux.

There have been other neutrino experiments that have resulted in unclear answers about whether neutrinos 'oscillate' into different types. The final report of the Liquid Scintillator Neutrino Detector (LSND) experiment in 2001said their results strengthened previously published, but controversial LSND results that provided evidence of neutrino oscillation and mass. The LSND data, collected from 1993 to 1998, suggested that muon anti-neutrinos oscillate into electron anti-neutrinos. However the MiniBooNE project results of 2007 reported no mu-neutrino to electron-neutrino oscillations of the sort that would explain the LSND result. MiniBooNE was designed specifically to look for this, and has successfully ruled it out at 98% confidence level. So it is now exceedingly doubtful that the long sought excuse for the solar neutrino flux deficit has been found.

A measurement that can and should be made but was not

It is regrettable that the SNO results do not address several other pertinent questions relative to the solar neutrino flux. For example, why does the total flux seem to be a function of the sunspot cycle? Physicist Wal Thornhill points this out in detail in his analysis of the neutrino problem at his Holoscience web site.
Thornhill points out that the Electric Sun model predicts that fluctuations in the neutrino flux will be correlated with the level of electrical input to the Sun – that is, with such measurable phenomena as sunspot numbers and solar wind activity. This corrlation has already been observed qualitatively. The standard solar model cannot explain it. Neutrinos carry no electrical charge; therefore, the usual 'hidden strange magnetic fields lurking beneath the Sun’s surface' cannot be invoked to explain away a correlation between neutrino flux and sunspot number if, indeed, that correlation is real. Any quantitative determination of a relationship between neutrino flux and sunspot number and/or solar wind intensity would absolutely falsify the fusion model once and for all. And it would be further validation of the Electric Sun model. But it was not undertaken.


The high decibel level of rejoicing contained in the SNO pronouncements is unprofessional. It is a clue that should not be ignored. It stands in curious contrast to the existence of errors in fundamental logic contained in the report. The prime requirement in research is scientific objectivity. And (given the paucity of actual data that was collected) there is substantial reason to question to what extent a degree of wishful thinking went into the announced conclusions of this report.
There simply is no way that a measurement taken at only one end of a transmission channel can reveal changes that have occurred farther up the channel. The only way such conclusions can be made is when observations have been made at more than one place along the path!
Further measurements (MiniBooNE 2007) have found no evidence to support the SNO 2001 announcement.

Clearly, although the fusion model is beloved by its advocates, an objective analysis of the Sudbury and MiniBooNE experiments reveal that the missing neutrino problem still remains very far from being solved. And unless it is, the fusion model stands completely falsified.
an interesting article on SOTT.

Comet and a CME :

A comet dove into the sun on May 11th and seemed to trigger a massive eruption.....

A comet goes in; a CME comes out. Coincidence? Probably, yes, the sequence was coincidental. The comet disintegrated as much as a million kilometers above the stellar surface. There's no known way that the wispy, vaporous remains of a relatively lightweight comet could cause a billion-ton cloud of hot plasma to fly away from the sun at 400 km/s (the observed speed of the CME). Moreover, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory photographed the eruption that did propel the CME into space. There's no comet in the field of view of this must-see movie.

and the comment from SOTT about this:

Unfortunately, Space Weather's commentator does not take into account the idea that there is an electrical discharge phenomena taking place here which can easily explain why the eruption began before the physical arrival of the comet. If a comet in the far reaches of the solar system can induce Solar discharge events - which is part of the Electric Universe theory - then certainly, a discharge event can begin to manifest as the comet approaches.

From our recent review of Planet-X, Comets and Earth Changes by J.M. McCanney, we understand solar discharge events as follows: Basically, electrons' movement is slightly retarded in the Sun's corona, with solar flares hurling out an excess number of protons. The excess protons in the solar wind creates a separation of charge throughout the entire solar system - a giant capacitor with a positively charged, doughnut-shaped nebular cloud of dust and gases stretching to the far reaches of the solar system, and the negatively charged the surface of the Sun. An electrical potential exists between these two poles and any object moving through plasma regions of varying charge density will become charged, depending on its size and relative velocity. When new bodies (e.g., comets) enter this plasma region from outer space, they ignite and begin to discharge the solar capacitor. Given the electrical nature of the Sun and comets, there is likely more than just "coincidence" at play here.

here is the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeN-rkXkEC0&feature=player_embedded
Found this while looking at some info on comet Elinin. Fwiw. apperently the theories of Omerbashich are used in the you tube community to predict all kinds of things related to the alignment of elinin with the sun and the earth. I have no access to this paper, maybe somebody else has, or somebody else has already read it. FWIW.

Astronomical alignments as the cause of ~M6+ seismicity
Authors: Mensur Omerbashich
(Submitted on 11 Apr 2011)

Abstract: I here demonstrate empirically my georesonator concept in which tidally induced magnification of Earth masses' resonance causes seismicity. To that end, I show that all strong (~M6+) earthquakes of 2010 occurred during the Earth's long (t>3 day) astronomical alignments within our solar system. I then show that the same holds true for all very strong (~M8+) earthquakes of the decade of 2000s. Finally, the strongest (M8.6+) earthquakes of the past century are shown to have occurred during the Earth's multiple long alignments, whereas half of the high-strongest (M9+) ones occurred during the Full Moon. I used the comet C/2010 X1 (Elenin), as it has been adding to robustness in terms of very strong seismicity since 2007 (in terms of strongest seismicity: since 1965). The Elenin will continue intensifying the Earth's very strong seismicity until August-October, 2011. Approximate forecast of earthquakes based on my discoveries is feasible. This demonstration proves my hyperresonator concept, arrived at earlier as a mathematical-physical solution to the most general extension of the georesonator concept possible.

Comments: Continuation of arXiv:physics/0612177
Subjects: General Physics (physics.gen-ph)
Cite as: arXiv:1104.2036v1 [physics.gen-ph]
Submission history
From: Mensur Omerbashich [view email]
[v1] Mon, 11 Apr 2011 20:17:52 GMT (496kb)

to the mods: if not in the right thread, please remove and or replace.
Jeremy F Kreuz said:
Found this while looking at some info on comet Elinin. Fwiw. apperently the theories of Omerbashich are used in the you tube community to predict all kinds of things related to the alignment of elinin with the sun and the earth. I have no access to this paper, maybe somebody else has, or somebody else has already read it. FWIW.

Astronomical alignments as the cause of ~M6+ seismicity
Authors: Mensur Omerbashich
(Submitted on 11 Apr 2011)

Abstract: I here demonstrate empirically my georesonator concept in which tidally induced magnification of Earth masses' resonance causes seismicity. To that end, I show that all strong (~M6+) earthquakes of 2010 occurred during the Earth's long (t>3 day) astronomical alignments within our solar system. I then show that the same holds true for all very strong (~M8+) earthquakes of the decade of 2000s. Finally, the strongest (M8.6+) earthquakes of the past century are shown to have occurred during the Earth's multiple long alignments, whereas half of the high-strongest (M9+) ones occurred during the Full Moon. I used the comet C/2010 X1 (Elenin), as it has been adding to robustness in terms of very strong seismicity since 2007 (in terms of strongest seismicity: since 1965). The Elenin will continue intensifying the Earth's very strong seismicity until August-October, 2011. Approximate forecast of earthquakes based on my discoveries is feasible. This demonstration proves my hyperresonator concept, arrived at earlier as a mathematical-physical solution to the most general extension of the georesonator concept possible.

Comments: Continuation of arXiv:physics/0612177
Subjects: General Physics (physics.gen-ph)
Cite as: arXiv:1104.2036v1 [physics.gen-ph]
Submission history
From: Mensur Omerbashich [view email]
[v1] Mon, 11 Apr 2011 20:17:52 GMT (496kb)

to the mods: if not in the right thread, please remove and or replace.

Fwiw, here are the links where this paper can be found.
_http://arxiv.org/pdf/1104.2036v1 (as far as I know arXiv is available to everyone)
Jeremy F Kreuz said:
Found this while looking at some info on comet Elinin. Fwiw. apperently the theories of Omerbashich are used in the you tube community to predict all kinds of things related to the alignment of elinin with the sun and the earth. I have no access to this paper, maybe somebody else has, or somebody else has already read it. FWIW.

Nice! Great find Jeremy! :)

The author suggests that gravitational tides are responsible for earthquakes instead of electrical discharge events in the solar system, which I'm not entirely sure is correct. But the correlation between alignments and earthquakes is certainly of interest. The information on comet Elenin is interesting too and fits in with what McCanney says about comets alignments affecting the Earth as well.

Oh, and thanks Sasa too for posting the link.
Be careful with this guy. His paper makes rounds throughout the Internet, especially so called "alternative" sites since someone posted a link on spaceobs.org, as it seems.

You might want to check out his website: _http://sites.google.com/site/omerbashich/
and his email exchange with another geologist on Bosnian pyramids: _http://irna.lautre.net/Pyramids-shaped-by-Romans.html?var_recherche=gospodin
(there is a link at the top to an update about Dr Omerbashich.)

I'm not sure who is right and who is wrong there, but I did read his paper on alignments and would tend to say that his arguments are too weak to draw a strong conclusion. I'm no specialist though, so FWIW.
I'm not sure about the correlation here, but the alignment shown on page 8 (Figure 7) in the Omerbashich paper coincides with the anomalous infrared radiation recorded that day (08 Mar 2011).
The paper can be found here: _http://arxiv.org/abs/1105.2841 -- see page 15, top-left corner (Figure 4. A) ).
SOTT carried a related article here: _http://www.sott.net/articles/show/228732-Atmosphere-Above-Japan-Heated-Rapidly-Before-M9-Earthquake

Again, not sure what to make of it (still going through McCanney's books).

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