Javier Milei has been elected president of Argentina

Now the Nazis love the Jews, and the Jews are now the Nazis. You'd think this alone would wake people up - but most just bury the cognitive dissonance and follow along. Seems a pretty effective way to break people's minds so they'll accept anything their "leaders" tell them without question, especially when one sees that questioners are punished. This is the method. Until I saw this in action I could never understand how Russia, China, Italy, and Germany etc. could fall to otherwise obviously evil dictators. You just break the people's will with gaslighting and visibly punish anyone for telling the truth. Such is how empires are born, and die.
Not "the Jews", Zionists. They're not exactly the same.
Semitics, semantics...funny how butchering semantics has allowed the Zionists to implicate Jews while also allowing them to steal the true Semitic nature of the Palestinians as their own. I can see now how rendering language malleable can result in false associations with real-world consequences. I get caught in that trap often. Words are important. Thanks for the correction. I think this kind of word play is a major part of the dissociation process. If you can change the meaning of words and get away with it, you can get away with hijacking nations and dispossessing entire races.
Now the Nazis love the Jews, and the Jews are now the Nazis.

Q: (Pierre) Another question: Years ago in a previous session, you mentioned that Nazi Germany was a rehearsal. Next time, who is going to play the role of the Nazis, and who is going to play the role of the Jews?

A: That should be obvious by now. The objective, as we have said, was/is to eliminate true Semites from the gene pool.

We are now seeing it in its entirety...
I can see now how rendering language malleable can result in false associations with real-world consequences. I get caught in that trap often. Words are important. Thanks for the correction. I think this kind of word play is a major part of the dissociation process.

You are not alone. It is not hard to willy-nilly throw out words as if they represent all. There are many good natured Jews, Christians et cetera, and then there are the crypto-this and that, and psychopaths' who share no religion or political affiliation at all, except if it can be used for their own self interests (ponerology 101). Zionists seem to over represent in this group, and they are not a religion, they are primarily a movement (a club, and real Jews are not in it).

It's like Peterson, you know being attracted to religious history that is misleading, as are other religions histories by the score. They attract believers that get herded together when many have, or might have different views - and there is the 'crowd' effect to help reinforce. Moreover, JP, being especially attracted to a leader who falsely represent the faith of being Jewish, and being a guy who is a psychologist to boot that is engaged in the study of mental pathology, has as his 'good friend,' Benny. Blind spot? So, there is a leader who would provide Robert Hare with weeks of on-the-couch study, and yet JP simply seems hoodwinked, for now. As for Benny, that is quite the con to play on a psychologist, let alone on his own citizens and nations (he does not act alone). So, it may be as simple in that Benny is a spellbinder (pathological is a given), and it has worked to the detriment of many, including Jews by association.
...what happens when a 'spellbinder' or pathological individual attaches him or herself to a movement and hypnotizes those involved into their distorted vision of reality?
The above was about Antifa, yet the same applies across the big board and it is not a Jewish phenomenon by any means.
Although nobody admits it publicly yet, there are at least 3 governors who are evaluating the issuance of quasi-currencies in view of the financial crisis that Milei would generate and the consequent impossibility to pay salaries and current expenses. The first balkanization could be economic.

He says this as a consequence of having suffered the same in the 2000 / 2001 / 2002 crisis, and the provinces were forced to issue what were known at that time as patacones and lecops.

During the 2001 economic crisis, one of the most important measures was the implementation of "Quasi-currencies", the name popularly given to the bonds issued by the government of the Nation or by the governments of each province and which were implemented to the monetary circulation together with the peso. The Patacones and Lecop in Argentina were the best known and remembered, but the reality is that at least ten different types of bonds were put into operation throughout the country under different names depending on the province that issued them. For example, in the province of Tucumán the Bocade were implemented; in Formosa and Entre Ríos the Federal; in Chaco the Quebracho; in Córdoba the Lecor; in Misiones the Cemis; in Mendoza the Petrom; and in Tierra del Fuego the Letras, among others.

But, what were the Patacones and Lecop in Argentina? Patacones bonds were issued between 2001 and 2002 by law 12.727 in the Province of Buenos Aires, during the term of office of Dr. Carlos Ruckauf, who served as Governor from 1999 to 2002. At that time, one patacón was nominally equivalent to one convertible peso. At first, these bonds were used to pay salaries of the provincial public administration, although they soon began to circulate in the economy in a compulsive manner, since as a response to the great economic crisis, stores soon included them as a form of payment, in most cases respecting their nominal value, both in the province of Buenos Aires and in the Federal Capital. However, at a certain point, they also began to be traded in the market at a lower value than the peso, bringing their price closer to the nominal value as their expiration date approached.

So this has the potential and very serious effect of dividing the country. He is not suggesting civil war, but these are characteristics and symptoms.
First of all I want to thank everyone for the contributions in this great thread.
Dear Bluegazer , I want to thank you for all the specific and detailed information about Argentina. It is really very valuable, I think for everyone, and not only for me, that being rioplatense (Uruguayan), it is understandable that I have a particular interest, in the history that concerns me and affects me directly.
When you said you were pissed off, something we had already realized :-D I felt identified.
I was glad when I saw that this anger, did not make you stay insulting to the four winds, but you put your energy in sharing a lot of information with us.
Thank you for that.

I also agree with those who mentioned the distance needed for a greater perspective.
This is not meant to call into question your perspective, which by the way, many of us agree with quite a bit.
Also, the fact that you are giving specific information on Argentina, does not mean that you are neglecting the bigger picture, that is more than clear.
Simply, we are among good fellow travelers and, therefore, there will always be someone who will opportunely remind us of some truths, which help us not to get derailed, for example, by the influence of emotions.
It is mutual prevention.
It is visible Love, taking into account that Love is Knowledge, Light. Between all of us we protect ourselves.

Another thing I wanted to comment on, is something I remembered when you mentioned "The Zion Controversy". I will go to the link to see what it is about. Maybe it is the same thing I read many years ago, or maybe it is something else, I will check it out.
The truth is that years ago, I came across something called "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion".
I had a hard time reading then, I never read anything.
However, it was so strong that I read it to the end.
In retrospect, I realize that I had a before and after reading that text.
Not because it was the truth of truths, in fact I took it with a grain of salt, but I admit that it shook me up quite a bit.

I remember that at that time, I was mentally struggling to understand what the benefit of these guys would be, or why they were spreading their own hidden government agenda.
Nowadays, now with more information found on the forum and such, I can think of some other possibilities, and not just chalk it up to them being cynical.

My biggest suspicion, is that this is related to the protocol permission they must obtain, with their corresponding annunciation, in order to influence the 3D population, being 4D STS for example.
If this I speculate is in the right direction, it is possible that they seek to obtain such permission through 3D accomplices, which would be people in the Deep State.

Be that as it may, these guys blatantly claim that they themselves are the inventors and architects of all philosophical, religious, political and other currents, and that they have designed it in such a way that people adhering to any one of these currents will be hopelessly in conflict with people of another current.

They affirm that in politics, for example, the left and the right is an invention of theirs, to put each one of them in government for a while, until the people are fed up, and totally lose credibility in any system of "Human government".
And, that at that point the people will be ready to see with good eyes, the arrival of a government of "God".
They claim also, that they are preparing that future King, and that he is a Jew.

It is not my intention at this time, to discuss the high probabilities of failure that these guys have, due to delusion, etc., although it would be very interesting.

Now I brought it up because I find it very much in line and perhaps linked, to this whole pathetic political situation, that we are observing mainly in the West.
The Cas have said that the 4D STS Masters are getting desperate.
That's why I think, in order to precipitate things, they are putting in some governments, all these extravagant, eccentric, but above all, mentally unbalanced people.

As for the crazy Milei, I agree with Alejo, in that one thing is "The candidate", and another thing is the "President".
Milei as a candidate has been a loose cannon, but as President he may have to be strapped down and/or strait-jacketted.
I don't know if he has any idea what being President entails.
As a Candidate he has been of great use to the PTB, but for the next role remains to be seen.

I don't rule out surprises.
What if he is actually very aware of his roles?
His delusions are too far-fetched.

The "Anarcho-capitalist" thing, may be for the tribune, during the electoral campaign. Directed especially to the youngest, who may not know that there is no such thing.
Anarchism proposes and defends the idea of "No to the Organization".
And, if there is something that is well organized, it is Capitalism, with its market laws, etc., etc., etc.
All this inconsistent discourse belongs to the electoral campaign.
What IS consistent and forceful, is Milei's AUTHORITARIAN character.

I don't know, but this smells bad. Always before installing a Dictatorship, they prepare the conditions to justify it.
In the Southern Cone, we already have the experience of the "Plan Condor".
I was born in 1970, and to this day, I have not been able to get the "State Terrorism" out of my bones. I assure you that I know the Terror.
Perhaps at some point I will vent a little, but that will be in the appropriate thread.
I hope I'm wrong, but something very unpleasant seems to be brewing.

I have always felt comfortable in the company of Argentines. They are nice people, and I do not like it when people give their opinion forgetting that almost half of them did not vote for Milei! and that is a lot of people. And that is in case the elections were clean, which we don't know.
We'll see what happens, guys.

PS. I apologize that I started writing these comments when this thread was not that far along.
I can only read and write at a snail's pace, that's why I often end up not posting, so as not to make noise by being out of date in context.
In this case I decided to post anyway, clarifying the latter.

Thanks guys.:flowers:
First of all I want to thank everyone for the contributions in this great thread.
Dear Bluegazer , I want to thank you for all the specific and detailed information about Argentina. It is really very valuable, I think for everyone, and not only for me, that being rioplatense (Uruguayan), it is understandable that I have a particular interest, in the history that concerns me and affects me directly.
When you said you were pissed off, something we had already realized :-D I felt identified.
I was glad when I saw that this anger, did not make you stay insulting to the four winds, but you put your energy in sharing a lot of information with us.
Thank you for that.

It's the best I could do. Not only for me, but for everyone. So I used that anger as fuel, refined it and used it to share information, debunk myths and so on.

I also agree with those who mentioned the distance needed for a greater perspective.
This is not meant to call into question your perspective, which by the way, many of us agree with quite a bit.
Also, the fact that you are giving specific information on Argentina, does not mean that you are neglecting the bigger picture, that is more than clear.

Of course, there is nothing really disconnected with what is going on around the globe. So understanding what happens here just broadens the perspective and can show what can happen in other parts of the world. Argentina as an example of what can be for the rest of the world. I just couldn't help but be a bit annoyed by the lack of knowledge (I'm not pointing the finger at anyone here, but the population in general) that people have about what life is like here in the south of the world. I'll put it in two words: Eurocentrism, Anglocentrism. How so? Well, it's not just ignorance. It's that it happens to very elementary things that are only exposed when foreigners come here and realise that despite the problems we have, the quality of life is better. Suddenly you see an American citizen living here, pointing out the differences. Here and here. And you realise that the American dream is really a fraud.

Another thing I wanted to comment on, is something I remembered when you mentioned "The Zion Controversy". I will go to the link to see what it is about. Maybe it is the same thing I read many years ago, or maybe it is something else, I will check it out.
The truth is that years ago, I came across something called "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion".
I had a hard time reading then, I never read anything.
However, it was so strong that I read it to the end.
In retrospect, I realize that I had a before and after reading that text.
Not because it was the truth of truths, in fact I took it with a grain of salt, but I admit that it shook me up quite a bit.

I remember that at that time, I was mentally struggling to understand what the benefit of these guys would be, or why they were spreading their own hidden government agenda.
Nowadays, now with more information found on the forum and such, I can think of some other possibilities, and not just chalk it up to them being cynical.

The following video (no subtitles) is a talk by Guillermo Moreno. A classic, orthodox Peronist.

In this video he says that bitcoin is the work of the British intelligence service. (the C's said in a session that bitcoin is an invention of the CIA, so it is not far from what Moreno said).

But that is not the most important thing. He points out the clear difference between the financial economy, and the economy of services and products.

This talk is in reference to how young people, aged 20 to 25 (liberals-libertarians), are focusing on generating money through bitcoin, which they see as a "job".

Milei's ambitious labor reform: fines to unions, elimination of bargaining agreements and unemployment insurance

Although the economic situation is the one that attracts the most attention, the labor issue is not less important, with a government that leaves open-ended bargaining agreements due to the effects of inflation and more than 40 percent of workers unregistered. For President-elect Javier Milei, the relationship with the unions is not a concern, although he warned that in case of social conflict, he will use "the full force of the law because order is respected" and "within the law everything and outside the law nothing".

In his first definitions, Milei announced privatizations and the paralyzation of public works, which translates into layoffs. Hence the reaction of the CGT, the two CTA and unions such as the construction (UOCRA), Viales or the state workers of ATE, in view of the possibility that the public administration personnel will not receive their Christmas bonus.

Beyond these statements, La Libertad Avanza (LLA) has a labor reform project that has several coincidences with the PRO. Perhaps, to a greater extent, the former presidential candidate, Patricia Bullrich has a dispute with the trade unionism in general and the truck drivers' family in particular (Hugo and Pablo Moyano). What the two groups agree on is that they will apply the full force of the law in street and road blockades and in blockades to factories.

TL;DR: Expect severe repression of the workers by the police forces, and a throwback to the 19th century...
Thank you for this link.:thup:
It's just what I needed, and I'm already tying up some loose ends I had hanging around in my head.

Netanyahu Speaks with Argentina President-elect Javier Milei​

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today (Monday, 4 December 2023), spoke with Argentinian President-elect Javier Milei, congratulated him on his election victory and thanked him for his support of the State of Israel in its war against the Hamas terrorist organization. The Prime Minister told the President-elect that he is a true friend of the Jewish people.

Prime Minister Netanyahu also thanked President-elect Milei for his intention to move the Argentinian Embassy to Jerusalem, and invited him to visit Israel.

"Also on Monday, Milei encountered controversy back home for appointing a 75-year-old official to the office of attorney-general of the Treasury who had been a Nazi in his youth, though he had later apologized."

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