Javier Milei has been elected president of Argentina

What is the "omnibus law" that Milei sent to Argentina's Congress (and why this third leg of his reforms is the most profound)?

Three reform packages in three weeks of government. And the biggest one was left for the end.

With barely 17 days in power, Javier Milei sent to the Argentine Congress on Wednesday an "omnibus law" -or bill with many laws- that makes up the third and last part of the liberal reform plan with which he plans to "make a turning point in Argentine history".

The new president had barely been in office for 48 hours when his Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, announced 10 "emergency measures" to face the economic crisis, among them a brutal devaluation of the peso, which lost half its value against the dollar in a single day.

In his second week, through the national chain, Milei himself announced the details of the controversial "decree of necessity and urgency" (DNU) with which the Executive Power intends to modify or repeal 366 laws that regulate different sectors of the economy.

Now, in the third week of the new libertarian government, the presidential spokesman Manuel Adorni informed that a "package of laws to be dealt with in extraordinary sessions, entitled Law of Bases and Starting Points for the Freedom of the Argentines" was sent to Congress.

Milei himself pointed out that this legislative project is the most profound since it contains "two thirds" of all his reform proposals.

"Public emergency"

The most striking -and worrying, according to its detractors- is the one that calls for declaring "a public emergency in economic, financial, fiscal, social security, security, defense, tariff, energy, sanitary, administrative and social matters until December 31, 2025".

A period that "may be extended by the National Executive Power for a maximum term of TWO (2) years".

In practice, if this rule were to be approved, Milei would have during his four years of government the power to decide on all these matters on which today only the Parliament can legislate.

In other words, he would have in his hands the power of both the Executive and the Legislative, a controversial proposal which, in practice, has little chance of being approved by the legislators of the ruling party La Libertad Avanza, who are in the minority, according to many analysts.

As I read this proposed Omnibus Bill I couldn't help but remember those lines where Palpatine declares the birth of the Empire.
In order to ensure the security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire! For a safe and secure society!

With the (improbable) approval of the Omnibus Law, Milei would be fulfilling one of his messianic dreams, to become emperor of his piece of the planet.

And of course, the populist phrase "for the freedom of the Argentine people" could not be missing.

So this is how liberty dies... with thunderous applause. Padme Amidala

The owner of the hotel where Milei is staying will take control of the national state's assets

Javier Milei has been staying at the Libertador Hotel since the general elections of October 22. Although he announced his decision to move to the presidential quinta of Olivos, he is still there and seems very comfortable.


It is no coincidence that it is the place that Mauricio Macri had already chosen to do politics, at a cost of around 450 dollars per day. In addition to the rooms, it includes other services such as a meeting room, a spacious living room, a large desk, a shared swimming pool and gym.

Since then, around a hundred days have passed, so Javier Milei's hotel expenditure totals around 45,000 dollars. The question that has been raised from the outset is whether the current president actually pays for these services, or whether he enjoys them without making personal expenditures. As liberals and libertarians like to say when referring to health or education, for example, nothing is free, but someone pays the cost. In the case of Milei's accommodation, those who pay those costs are none other than all Argentines.

Of course, we do not do so directly, since no official item records the current president's hotel expenses. Instead, the payment is made through a kind of barter, in which the government has decided to pay for the luxurious lifestyle of the president.

Let's look at it in some detail. Since 1998, the owner of the Libertador hotel has been Grupo IRSA, a company dedicated to premium real estate operations and which has been one of the most favoured by the state in the past. The chairman of IRSA's board of directors is Eduardo Elsztain, who also serves as chairman of Banco Hipotecario, Cresud and BrasilAgro. In 2017, he was one of the three businessmen close to the Macrismo government -along with Marcos Galperín and Marcelo Mindlín-, who appeared along with former president Macri in the Panama Papers for having accounts in tax havens.

As REALPOLITIK opportunely reported, Cresud - a company in which Elsztain owns 38.7 per cent - is the main shareholder of the hotel with a total of 56.7 per cent of the shares. What is surprising is that the National Social Security Administration (ANSES), through the Sustainability Guarantee Fund, owns 5.2 per cent of Hotel Libertador and 4 per cent of Cresud.

The intricate relations between politics and economic corporations made it possible to predict that the IRSA Group would obtain succulent benefits for providing accommodation for Javier Milei. The annulment of the Rent Law, with the consequent annulment of ceilings and restrictive updating clauses, restricting it to the sphere of negotiation between private parties, means a source of exceptional benefits, since this business group includes in its investment portfolio the Llao Llao Hotel in Bariloche, and the Abasto, Alto Palermo, Alto Avellaneda, Dot, Paseo Alcorta and Patio Bullrich shopping malls, among others.

But to this suspicion, which we have already raised at the time, we now add the appointment of Nicolas Pakgojz, of IRSA, as head of the Agency for the Administration of State Assets (AABE). Created during the second presidency of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, AABE's main competences include the implementation of policies, rules and procedures governing the disposal and administration of national real estate assets in use, under concession and / or disaffected; the management of information from the National Registry of State Real Estate and its evaluation and control; the coordination of policies, norms and procedures related to national real estate; the permanent control of state real estate activity and the intervention in all real estate operations of all jurisdictions and entities that make up the national public sector.

Its functions, meanwhile, consist of proposing policies, standards and procedures regarding the use and disposal of the national state's real estate assets; coordinating the national state's real estate activity, intervening in all management measures involving the conclusion, whether for valuable or gratuitous consideration, of the following acts in relation to state real estate: acquisition or alienation; constitution, transfer, modification or extinction of other real or personal rights; lease; and assignment or transfer of use.

This implies that the IRSA Group will have, in exchange for Milei's accommodation, the power to dispose of and administer real estate assets that have been taken out of use, declared unnecessary and/or without purpose; to assign and reallocate the remaining real estate assets that make up the national state's patrimony; which includes, naturally, their privatisation or transfer for rent at a low price. In its orbit, the state real estate and those corresponding to the public service providers, in coordination with the regulatory bodies, enter into its orbit: "Transfer and dispose of, with prior authorisation in accordance with the regulations in force, real estate assets taken out of use for the purpose of constituting public interest undertakings, aimed at development and social inclusion, in coordination with the areas with specific competence in the matter".

Just a few days into Javier Milei's presidency, it is already clear who will pay the cost and how high it could rise: nothing less than leaving in the hands of Grupo IRSA the management of all public real estate in Argentina to dispose of it practically at will. Now we can understand why the businessmen of this group were shouting "Viva la libertad, carajo" (Long live freedom).
And here we go. Argentina has reached rock bottom with the new Zionist president

He managed to destroy the economy in 1 month. Promulgate a law that will completely sell off Argentina.

Argentina also announced that it is going to start printing money in denominations of 25 and 50 thousand pesos "for convenience" of payments.

I saw a horror movie in Zimbabwe that started out exactly the same way.

Milei decrees to unemploy 7 thousand workers

Among the more than 300 laws signed by the ultra-liberal president, which are being discussed in Congress, is the termination of State contracts with less than one year's seniority.

The President of Argentina, Javier Milei, signed a decree which paralyzes the renewal of all those civil servants who were hired less than one year ago, which would be at least 7 thousand.

The Secretary General of the Association of State Workers (ATE), Rodolfo Aguiar, ratified that this union organization will mobilize today within the framework of a new National Day of Struggle, to repudiate the official disposition of "dismissing 7 thousand workers of the National Public Administration", although the government affirms that there would be about 5 thousand.

The government thus leaves without extension all the contracts which expire on December 31, while it prepares an audit to know the number of workers in the State.

This measure has found support in sectors that are or are not in favor of Milei's government. There is a perception that it is necessary to slim down the bureaucracy and improve the services offered by the State.

Moreover, these unemployed people will join the growing wave of discontent.​

Unusual requirement for meetings in public spaces: if there are more than three people, they must ask for a permit

The Ministry of Security will have the authority to reject the holding of meetings, as well as to propose modifications to the time, place or route.

The Omnibus Law sent to Congress to be debated during the current extraordinary sessions includes an unusual requirement for meetings in public spaces, since in the event of the participation of three or more persons, permission must be requested from the Ministry of Security of the Nation, 48 hours in advance.

The package of reforms that President Javier Milei is proposing contains the main measures that he intends to implement during his first stage of administration: from the privatization of all public companies to the closing of INADI. In this context, the project contemplates a chapter dedicated to Internal Security, whose first section seeks to regulate the organization of demonstrations, establishing harsh sanctions for the organizers and for any person who impedes the normal functioning of transportation.

In addition to the proposed amendment to the Penal Code, through Article 331 of the bill, the Government defines a meeting or demonstration as an "intentional and temporary congregation of three or more persons in a public space", for the purpose of exercising the right to protest.

If the law is approved without any modification in matters of internal security, these meetings or demonstrations must be notified at least 48 hours before they are held to the Ministry of Security, detailing the characteristics; the data of the person or organization calling the meeting or demonstration, specifying "names and personal data"; the purpose of the mobilization; the route it will take; the duration; and the estimated number of participants.

The President of Argentina, Javier Milei, signed a decree which paralyzes the renewal of all those civil servants who were hired less than one year ago, which would be at least 7 thousand.
Unusual requirement for meetings in public spaces: if there are more than three people, they must ask for a permit
Milei will soon make Zelensky look like a saint. Think of the craziest thing you can do to people, then square that... and you get Milei.
I won't be surprised if Milei starts attaching ankle monitors to unborn babies. :headbash:

Session 3 September 2008
Q: (L) Is it true that psychopaths... well, we know they appear in the population at a certain percentage. Do they increase at various times in history so that they grow more numerous and kind of take over the planet and create a lot of destruction, and in creating this destruction, do they destroy themselves or reduce their own numbers significantly, kind of like populations of rabbits and foxes or something like that?

A: Very similar, yes.
Things are going to get rocky as society hits rock bottom...
Maduro assures that Milei wants to turn Argentina into an "economic colony".

The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, has criticized the Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) presented by the Argentine president, assuring that it intends to turn the country into an "economic colony". "A dictatorial decree of the neo-Nazi, ultra-right-wing president of Argentina, eliminating all the rights of the people, ending the economic sovereignty of Argentina, turning Argentina into an economic colony, imposing it on the people. Because they come from the hands of the billionaires", said Maduro during a speech reported by the Venezuelan newspaper 'El Universal'.

He added that "Mr. Milei comes from the hand of the most extremist sectors of the United States. Milei is a construct, an elaboration of Trumpism and Zionism to try a colonization project of a country as important and as big as our sister Argentina". With this decree presented by the Argentine Executive, it seeks to promote "an economic system based on free decisions" through the "deregulation of trade, services and industry throughout the national territory", reason for which it has left "without effect" any restriction on the supply of goods and services and rules that "distort market prices, impede free private initiative or prevent the spontaneous interaction of supply and demand".

Well, before Milei was elected president he was compared to Trump. Now that he is president we see that he has nothing to do with Trump or so called Trumpism which is anti globalist. Milei is far from "make Argentina great again" by handing over the sovereignty of his country to international financial groups led by Zionists.​
Milei's authoritarian drift

Javier Milei, president of Argentina, submitted this week to the Chamber of Deputies a bill that seeks a radical reform of the political and electoral system, of the security model and of the rules of the economic game. The norm, pompously called "Law of bases and starting points for the freedom of the Argentines", develops 664 articles that suppose an all or nothing bet of uncertain viability. An authoritarian drift, at least in intentions, which foreshadows a frontal clash with the Legislative power, from which it intends to usurp part of its functions. Milei does not have a majority in the Congress, that is why he has already announced the calling of a plebiscite to endorse this law if it is not approved.
Comment: The Plebiscite is a resource widely used by the left in power to demonstrate the will of the people. "The people are in charge", say leaders like Lopez Obrador or Maduro.​

The President's purpose is, ultimately, to declare Argentina in "public emergency" for at least two years in order to allow the Government to monopolize powers that correspond to the Parliament. A claim that clashes with the Constitution, which prohibits such transfer.

The law eliminates the mandatory primaries of the parties and intends to change the architecture of the lower house, in such a way that it is easier to add seats to the non-majority forces, a measure that benefits Milei's party, La Libertad Avanza. The project also contemplates the persecution of social protest with an anti-mobilization protocol. The stiffening of sanctions, ranging from one to six years in prison, is blatant. Any march, even spontaneous ones such as pot-banging, must, in addition, be notified in advance to the Ministry of Security. This section of the regulation is particularly worrying at a time when a wave of mobilizations has been activated and Argentina's main union, the CGT, has already called a strike for the end of January in view of the announced cutback in rights.

Milei has decided to seize all possible power to govern and face the serious economic crisis by means of maximalist decrees. He runs the risk not only of crashing his project before it has even begun, but also of plunging the country into chaos and causing a deep wound in Argentine society.

Blast from the past
The Enabling Law of March 24, 1933 (German: Ermächtigungsgesetz vom 24. März 1933), officially the Law for the Remedy of the Needs of the People and the Reich (German: Gesetz zur Behebung der Not von Volk und Reich) was the enabling law passed by the Reichstag on March 23, 1933 that de facto ceded all legislative power to Adolf Hitler by breaking the separation of powers of the Weimar Republic. It was the main legal support on which the transition from a parliamentary republic to Nazi Germany was built. Wikipedia​

Law of bases and starting points for the freedom of the Argentines or Law for the Remedy of the Needs of the People and the Reich ... Different era, same objective.


The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, has criticized the Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) presented by the Argentine president, assuring that it intends to turn the country into an "economic colony". "A dictatorial decree of the neo-Nazi, ultra-right-wing president of Argentina, eliminating all the rights of the people, ending the economic sovereignty of Argentina, turning Argentina into an economic colony, imposing it on the people. Because they come from the hands of the billionaires", said Maduro during a speech reported by the Venezuelan newspaper 'El Universal'.

... And the DNU just got approved, valid from today until Dec 31st, 2025. It's going to be "fun". :headbash:
Against the background of the measures taken internally, I think this is not the biggest problem, but this decision will also play a role.
Argentina has officially refused to join the BRICS
The President of Argentina officially declined the invitation to join the BRICS group, sending corresponding letters to the President of the Russian Federation and the Chairman of the People's Republic of China. According to preliminary data, Argentine leader Javier Miley does not consider it advisable for Argentina to join this international association and, therefore, made the final decision to refuse to participate.

This decision came after Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov expressed hope for Argentina's accession to the BRICS. During his recent visit to Buenos Aires, Lavrov noted that Argentina had taken time to reflect on the possibility of interaction with BRICS, stressing that Latin American countries were showing great interest in the group and that the accession of new members would make the work of BRICS more multifaceted.

However, given the current information, President Javier Miley concluded that it would not be advisable for Argentina to join the BRICS.
Аргентина официально отказалась от вступление в БРИКС

На фоне принимаемых внутри страны мер, думаю, что это не самая большая проблема, однако свою роль сыграет и это решение.

Unusual requirement for meetings in public spaces: if there are more than three people, they must ask for a permit

The Ministry of Security will have the authority to reject the holding of meetings, as well as to propose modifications to the time, place or route.

What about the football? Peronistas are out of the picture!
Against the background of the measures taken internally, I think this is not the biggest problem, but this decision will also play a role.

Аргентина официально отказалась от вступление в БРИКС

На фоне принимаемых внутри страны мер, думаю, что это не самая большая проблема, однако свою роль сыграет и это решение.
Bang! The stupid must be also arrogant to be stupid enough! And so, the USers have lost their chance of undermining the BRICS, from the inside.
Argentina has officially refused to join the BRICS

Well, Milei chose from a possible future with BRICS and the help of its Bank under Dilma Rouseff, friend of Argentina to a future under the yoke of the International Monetary Fund and the Federal Reserve. Joining BRICS would have helped Argentina to negotiate with the IMF.

Milei chose to align himself with the group of international looters and extortionists. It is no secret that the IMF demands that countries meet certain requirements to access funds, such as constitutional reforms that allow the free exploitation of natural resources and the privatization of state enterprises, for example. Milei will make all reforms for them under the libertarian banner.

There is no doubt that Milei is an agent of chaos. Milei threw away the turning point that would have meant entering the BRICS. There was a before and an after and now there is only a before.

Well, Milei chose from a possible future with BRICS and the help of its Bank under Dilma Rouseff, friend of Argentina to a future under the yoke of the International Monetary Fund and the Federal Reserve. Joining BRICS would have helped Argentina to negotiate with the IMF.

Milei chose to align himself with the group of international looters and extortionists. It is no secret that the IMF demands that countries meet certain requirements to access funds, such as constitutional reforms that allow the free exploitation of natural resources and the privatization of state enterprises, for example. Milei will make all reforms for them under the libertarian banner.

There is no doubt that Milei is an agent of chaos. Milei threw away the turning point that would have meant entering the BRICS. There was a before and an after and now there is only a before.
The after, looks like the new slavery, the official Banking Slavery System. Up until now it was official serfdom, now it is official slavery.
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