Javier Milei has been elected president of Argentina

Couldn't agree more, it was so awkward to watch it.
I can only imagine the feeling of Argentinian people looking at this and knowing what came up after the elections.
Probably bile, because a lot of stomachs are probably already empty there.

This Milei thing is another marker that delineates thinking people from those running programs, just like Palestinians/Zionism. Many Libertarians I follow support what's going on in Argentina, and they want what's going on there to happen here (USA). I tell them about his WEF connections and his wanting to use the dollar as a peg for his currency and his rabid Zionism and they don't care. They'll accept the cratering of any economy if it gets rid of the "banksters." They don't see it's all just a ruse for them to assert further control and divvy up the country for the IMF and that coterie of evil jerks, and that getting rid of the mid-level bankers might be part of the plan for even greater centralization. Some of them are economists too, who believe in "sound money" principles. The dollar is definitely NOT that.

Things have become so chaotic that ANYTHING that looks like "progress" is accepted without careful reasoning, even when the chains are still there for those who know where to look. I'm starting to wonder if those who once spouted grandiose "sound money" ideals are actually false opposition and they are coming out of the woodwork to support this madness, and in so doing lead their followers over the cliff on purpose. There's a program for everyone after all.

This whole thing is maddening. I mean, the man's name alone spells it out: Mi Lie. How obvious can you get? It's like John Podesta and Sam Bankman-Fried. Sometimes I wonder if part of what gets these psychopaths off is to perpetrate their evil while they signal it right in your face, even with their names.
Actually, I thought the video was funny because it's so pathetic. They go from that kiss, to her pretending she's moved, to him repeating that this is going to be a terrible period, but "Long Live Freedom, Damn it", to then finish with another kiss. You can't make it any worse if you try, LOL!
I know!! what the heck!? it's such a bizarre way to deliver bad news.. it's as if your parents walked in and made out grotesquely and laugh front of you and then proceeded to announce: "by the way we lost the house, we're now homeless", like the clash of moods is so telling of his connection, or lack thereof, with humanity.

You get in a sympathetic mood when you're about to ask someone to go through necessary hardship, you don't show up and play it hedonistic and then go "oh by the way, I am deeply moved by what's about to happen"... bizarre, but yes.. hilarious lol.
Welp, this did not take long at all.

Zuban Cordoba, which is a consulting company that does weekly polls and surveys, they were one of the only ones who correctly predicted the results of the elections, so they have a decent track record. Well, they just published their results of a late December poll, and their conclusions are that Milei's approval has dropped faster than anyone in their records, and perhaps than anyone ever in the region. Who could've guessed that... on that's right.

Results here (Spanish)

Since his inauguration, he highlighted, Milei lost more than one point of positive image per day and today it has a 55% negative image. "It is the most accelerated loss of positive differential that we have recorded. We even dare to say that it is probably the most accelerated in the entire history of the region," she stated.

Milei won the second round on November 19 with 56% of the votes. But today, according to the survey, she only has a positive image of 44.1%.

In all the indicators that the consulting firm measured, the balance is negative for the president. For example, 54.3% believe that the country is going in the wrong direction and 52.9% believe that within a year the situation of the country will be bad, that is, that it will not improve with respect to the crisis that currently facing.
If you regretted voting for JAVIER MILEI, do not worry, do not grieve, millions of Ukrainians made the same mistake😁.

Freedom according to the libertine Milei

The bond between Javier Milei and the governors is strained due to Profit Sharing.

Javier Milei's strategy was impassive and aroused the fury of the governors. Suffocated by the lack of resources, most of them urgently expect the President to comply with the commitment he made weeks ago in the Casa Rosada: to revert the Income Tax to improve provincial revenues. On the contrary, and in line with the "all or nothing" slogan, the President is not willing to move forward with this reform until the huge package of measures he sent to Congress is approved. "We are not going to let ourselves be extorted", responded Ricardo Quintela indignantly. The Riojano expressed in public what Juntos por el Cambio denounces in private. Milei takes advantage of the pressing financial situation of the provinces to force legislative endorsements.

The main reproach of the leaders of Juntos por Cambio is that there is no dialogue between the governors and the Casa Rosada. They assure that they are willing to support many of the articles of the omnibus law, but they question the lack of participation in the design of the measures. "He throws out the issues without generating a previous consensus. We go after his agenda", they explain in the environment of a radical governor. The anger refers to the fact that Milei demands that they support the megaDNU and the unmanageable legislative project in record time and without having debated it.

Milei protects himself against a future coup d'état

Milei sweeps 22 Army generals in biggest military overhaul in 20 years

The Argentine president, Javier Milei, has appointed the new leadership of the Armed Forces. The ultra right-winger assigned to the Air Force the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the body that exercises the highest command of the military. In addition, he introduced changes in the leadership of the Army, Navy and Air Force. The most drastic modifications were made within the Army, where Milei appointed Alberto Presti as Chief of the Army and automatically retired 22 generals. For analysts, Milei's government is giving "a clear message of empowerment" to the military, which now also occupy important positions in the Ministry of Defense.

Thus, the commanders who had links with the previous government, led by Peronist Alberto Fernandez, were removed from the Army's management structure. Fabián Calle, a political scientist specialized in defense issues, warns that the decision "has no ideological or political significance", as he believes it did in 2003. "When one looks at the names, it is a homogeneous generalate, none of them is considered either left or right wing", says Calle, and values that Alberto Presti was chosen as Army chief because he is a "young" military man with a "good image" within the forces. The political scientist believes that the decision responds to a "strong renewal of the Army" that has to do with Milei's Defense and security agenda. "It is an important weapon in the Government's strategy for border control", explains Calle.


What are the 19 objectives that Karina Milei will be in charge of as Javier Milei's Secretary General?

The official, sister of the President, will also lead six areas, including the Military House.

This Wednesday, January 3, the responsibilities assigned to Karina Milei in her role as Secretary General of the Presidency, a position she has held since the inauguration of President Javier Milei, were published in the Official Gazette.

According to Decree 5/2024, Karina Milei will oversee several areas, including the Cabinet of Advisors Unit, the Undersecretariats of Administrative Coordination, Institutional Management, General Planning and Presidential Affairs, in addition to the Military House, responsible for presidential security.

The decree, signed by the President and Chief of Staff Nicolás Posse, also includes an annex with 19 specific goals for his position.

The 19 objectives that Karina Milei will be in charge of are as follows

1 - To directly assist the National Executive Branch in the powers assigned to it by Section 99 of the National Constitution, as regards the activities within its competence.

2 - To intervene in the follow-up and verification of compliance with the directives issued by the Presidency and to perform the special tasks entrusted to it.

3 - To advise the Presidency on the design and updating of the policy of the National Executive Power in the context of the world and national reality, as well as in matters related to the consolidation of the democratic process.

4 - To participate with the National Executive Power in the design of public policies and in the relationship with organizations and representative sectors of the community.

5 - To supervise the fulfillment of the objectives and goals established by the National Executive Branch.

6 - To participate in the preparation of the President's message to Congress on the state of the Nation.

7 - To intervene in the follow-up of the issues considered a priority by the Presidency, reporting on their development and outcome.

8 - To coordinate the analysis, from the political point of view, of all the provisions submitted to the consideration of the National Executive Power.

9 - To intervene in the coordination of its tasks with those of the various secretariats of the Presidency, with those of the Chief of Staff and with those of the ministerial jurisdictions, in order to optimize the results of the government's actions.

10 - To coordinate the relations between the National Executive Branch and the General Audit Office of the Nation.

11 - To manage and execute the Budget of the jurisdiction and of the agencies to which it provides assistance.

12 - To participate in the assistance in budgetary matters to the presidential areas of its own jurisdiction, to those that do not have their own financial administrative service and to the agencies to which it provides assistance.

13 - To conduct the logistic and administrative aspects, as well as the budgetary assistance for the travels of the President and the official entourages accompanying him/her.

14 - To take charge of the administration of human, material, technological, communication, financial and legal resources assigned to the jurisdiction's orbit, as well as to those that do not have their own financial administrative service and to the agencies to which it provides assistance.

15 - To safeguard and preserve the building, cultural and historical heritage of the Government House, the Presidential Residence at Quinta de Olivos and the Presidential Residence at Chapadmalal, in order to preserve the historical and cultural memory of the presidential investiture.

16 - To assist the head of the National Executive Branch in all matters related to ceremonial, protocol, audiences and appointment of retinues and private matters, requesting from the relevant agencies the necessary collaboration for the fulfillment of its functions.

17 - To take part in the organization and logistics of national and international events in which the Presidency is involved, to be held in the national territory and abroad, in coordination with the relevant areas of the National Public Administration.

18 - To take part in the implementation of the Presidential Medical Coverage Program and to coordinate the logistic and operative actions for the protection of the President's health.

19 - To exercise the tutelary control of the decentralized agencies acting within its orbit.

After purging 22 generals from the army, Milei gave control of the Military House (responsible for presidential security) to his sister, Karina, and now the uniformed members of the Casa Rosada are commanded by a Tarorist. Is the official entry of foreign agents into the Argentine military corps on the horizon? The Omnibus Law would pave the way.

Judging by the information from the post above, we are not talking about military attempts. It didn't work out very well to fight without tarologists at the head, and with tarologists there is nothing to count on at all. Why do they think negotiations will help? What arguments can there be?
Argentina has called on Britain to return the Falkland Islands

MOSCOW, January 3 — RIA Novosti. The Argentine authorities called on the UK to return the Falkland Islands (Malvinas) and offered to hold talks on this issue, according to the website of the Foreign Ministry of the Latin American country.
"The Government and people of Argentina once again, 191 years after the illegal occupation, reaffirm the legitimate and inalienable rights to sovereignty over the Malvinas Islands, South Georgia, the South Sandwich Islands and the surrounding maritime areas. <...> The Government reiterates its readiness to resume bilateral negotiations to find a solution to the sovereignty dispute in accordance with the provisions of the relevant resolutions of the General Assembly," — it follows from the statement.

It is noted that Buenos Aires strives to maintain mature relations with London on issues of mutual interest, despite the dispute over the ownership of the islands.
The newly elected President of Argentina, Javier Miley, announced during the election campaign his intention to return the Falkland Islands, promising to consider the possibility of a diplomatic solution to the problem. In Britain, in turn, they stressed that they do not plan to return to this issue.
There is a long-standing dispute between the Governments of Argentina and the United Kingdom over sovereignty over the Falkland Islands (Malvinas). In 1982, a war broke out between the two countries, which lasted several weeks and ended with the defeat of the Latin American state.
In 2013, a referendum was held on the islands, following which an overwhelming number of local residents voted to retain the status of an overseas territory of Britain. The Argentine government then stated that the results of the vote would not affect the country's territorial claims to these islands.
Аргентина призвала Великобританию вернуть Фолклендские острова

Судя по информации из поста выше, речь не идет о военных попытках. Воевать и без тарологов во главе как то не очень получалось, а с тарологами вообще не на что рассчитывать. Почему они думают, что помогут переговоры? Какие могут быть аргументы?
The 19 objectives that Karina Milei will be in charge of are as follows

It seems that Karina is the real president, the power behind the throne.

Or is it Milei's dead dog?

Karina Milei made her organization chart official and consolidates her power in the presidential environment

Karina Milei made official the state structure she will lead and formalized the attributions she will have as General Secretary of the Presidency to accompany the Head of State in the intimacy of power. The President's sister will be in charge of an organization chart of six sub-secretariats or "ravioli" that will cover from the typical logistic and ceremonial issues to other more relevant political matters. Beyond the functions that appear in the papers, everyone in the Government knows that in practice she will have broad powers to make decisions on a daily basis.

Milei's sister is central in the new power scheme. "If Javier is the rockstar, she is his manager", said a leader who knows the siblings well. Those who have dealt with the duo assure that Karina manages part of the President's relations as a way to protect him from the power brokers. She is Milei's first ring of contention, to the point that she located her workplace in the dining room next to the office of the Chief of State in the presidential wing of the Casa Rosada, a different space from the one occupied by her predecessor, Julio Vitobello.


International Policy

Argentine justice ordered to deliver the Venezuelan-Iranian aircraft to the U.S.

Federal Judge Federico Villena decided to seize and deliver the Venezuelan-Iranian aircraft, seized in Ezeiza since June last year, to the United States Justice, in the midst of a diplomatic conflict with Chavism.
In a resolution, Villena rejected a request of the Venezuelan government, represented by lawyer Maximiliano Rusconi, and gave the final order of confiscation against the Boeing 747-300, registration number YV-3531 serial number 23413. He then ordered the delivery of the aircraft, which is in Ezeiza, to the Government of the United States of America, judicial sources informed Clarín. The delivery will be made when a series of maintenance tasks on the aircraft are completed.
All this in the midst of a new source of diplomatic tension that broke out between the government of Javier Milei and the Chavista regime.
The Attorney General's Office of the Nation expressed this afternoon to the Chancellor Diana Mondino its "deep concern" for the disqualification made by the regime of Nicolás Maduro of prosecutors Cecilia Incardona and Diego Solernó for their opinion in favor of handing over the Venezuelan-Iranian plane to the U.S. Justice, which Clarín reported on Friday.

La Justicia ordenó entregar el avión venezolano-iraní a los Estados Unidos.
El Boeing 747-300 había sido incautado por la justicia federal de Lomas de Zamora en medio de un conflicto diplomático con el chavismo. pic.twitter.com/GFf0Q6WFPD
— TN – Todo Noticias (@todonoticias) January 3, 2024

The aircraft, a Boeing 747 Dreamliner cargo plane, was owned by the Iranian company Mahan Air and currently belongs to Emtrasur, a subsidiary of the Venezuelan state-owned Conviasa, companies that are sanctioned by the U.S. Treasury Department.
Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro himself had implicated himself in the case: "They intend to steal from us an airplane that is Venezuelan property, legally Venezuelan property, in Argentina by virtue of an order of an imperial court" (US), he said in 2022.

Last week, Maduro compared President Javier Milei to "Videla and Pinochet" and called him a "neo-Nazi".

I really didn't know in which War thread to put this news, so I conclude that this whole thing really sucks, it seems that in argentina there is a Gordian knot of corruption through which pass from Israelis to Iranians with merchandise selling all over the america, I have too much fantasy to imagine what was on that plane and where it was going, the conclusion anyway makes clear , in action, the pro-Israeli stance of the Milei government and the Maduro personage will not skimp on making a drama out of this for war purposes.
Controversial statements by the vice-president of DAIA: "There are no innocent civilians in Gaza, maybe children under four years old".

The vice-president of the Delegation of Argentine Israelite Associations (DAIA), Sergio Pikholtz, generated deep controversy and discomfort after stating that "there are no innocent civilians in Gaza" and insinuating that there should not even be "mercy" for the minors residing there.

"As we tirelessly repeat there are no innocent civilians in Gaza, perhaps only children under the age of four. No mercy on the murderers of Jews. We shall overcome," Pikholtz said in a message he posted on his Twitter profile which he accompanied with a video.

More than 20 hours after posting it and in the face of internal pressures, Pikholtz decided to delete the tweet. However, many believe that the damage was already done, not only within the DAIA, but also to Israel's campaign against Hamas' Islamic terrorism.


Milei's friends
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