Javier Milei has been elected president of Argentina

The after, looks like the new slavery, the official Banking Slavery System. Up until now it was official serfdom, now it is official slavery.

I meant before BRICS and after BRICS and Milei opted for the Argentina of before, that of the recurrent crises.

After joining BRICS (which control not only half of global energy), Argentina might have had a better chance.
I meant before BRICS and after BRICS and Milei opted for the Argentina of before, that of the recurrent crises.

After joining BRICS (which control not only half of global energy), Argentina might have had a better chance.
I couldn't agree more, and it might even happen in some distant future. For now, the immediate future, is the pillage and slavery.
BRICS do not need Milei's Argentina, it would have been more of a hazard than an asset. I think they pretended diplomatically for Milei to withdraw officially, but China had already frozen the program of helping with the debt to the IMF. Argentinians will suffer, not just now but even long after Milei's gone. I expect Gates, Schwab, and the WEF gang to show up soon.
Milei's decree promotes the foreignization and sale of the territory and the incursion of foreign armies with his signature. A talk by Sebastián Salgado with Adrián Salbuchi.

Honestly, people, I'm somewhere between devastated and furious. But if there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that I'm sick of running. If Argentina is the point at which the global takeover will begin, I want to put my faith that this is where the snake's head will be cut off.

And you know what? Fck the aliens if after this they show up to take over.-
Bluegazer said:
Milei's decree promotes the foreignization and sale of the territory and the incursion of foreign armies with his signature. A talk by Sebastián Salgado with Adrián Salbuchi.

Just today I saw that interview or rather that talk.
I found it extremely interesting and recommendable.
I'm glad you shared it here.
I am very sorry that it does not have subtitles, for those who do nderstand Spanish.not u
Just today I saw that interview or rather that talk.
I found it extremely interesting and recommendable.
I'm glad you shared it here.
I am very sorry that it does not have subtitles, for those who do nderstand Spanish.not u

Ditto, it was very interesting! Fortunately, I don't think the English speakers here are missing a whole lot, because most of it has been shared in this thread already, or in others about Israel and Zionism in general.
Ha! We call it this: to spite my grandmother, I'll freeze my ears off.
The Argentine Foreign Ministry acknowledged that there is an ideological component in the rejection of BRICS

The head of the department, Diana Mondino, also called the reluctance of the government of President Javier Miley to join the association "optimizing the use of time"
BUENOS AIRES, December 30th. /tass/. Argentine Foreign Minister Diana Mondino acknowledged that the government of President Javier Miley was partly guided by ideological considerations when refusing to join the BRICS.

"Both, but mostly practical," she replied to a question from a journalist of the LN+ TV channel about whether the refusal to join this association is an ideological or practical decision.

Argentina believes that the issue of joining the BRICS requires a more detailed analysis

According to the Foreign Minister, for the Argentine authorities, abandoning BRICS is primarily "optimizing the use of time." "If you participate in all organizations, when will you work?" She added.

Mondino also confirmed that the new leadership of Argentina considers "liberal democracies" to be its priority partners. She included the United States, European countries, Australia, Israel, Canada and New Zealand among them, but did not rule out the possibility of developing trade and economic relations with other countries. "We will trade with those who pay more. This decision will not be made by the state. Our task is to create conditions for trade," the minister said.

Earlier, the official representative of the administration of the Argentine president, Manuel Adorni, confirmed that Buenos Aires had officially notified the leaders of the BRICS countries of its refusal to join the association. The text of the letters sent to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Brazilian President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping stated that the new Argentine authorities "currently consider it inappropriate to join" the BRICS, where the republic was admitted in August.

Miley assumed the position of head of state on December 10. He has repeatedly stated that he does not intend to develop relations with Brazil, China and Russia because of disagreement with their policies, but at the same time claimed that he would not interfere with private business doing business with these states.
В МИД Аргентины признали, что в отказе от БРИКС есть идеологическая составляющая

Ха! У нас такое называют: назло бабушке отморожу уши.
The Islamic Centre of the Argentine Republic expresses its deepest rejection to the aggravating expressions, especially to the Islamic community of Argentina, by the President of the Nation, Javier Milei, during the Opening Ceremony of the Pan American Maccabiah Games 2023.

And that's how you create the conditions for false flag attacks....
AMLO questions Milei's measures against social protests

Referring to the first workers' mobilizations against the new government in Argentina headed by Javier Milei, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador questioned the measures announced to prevent the protests: "Imagine that, having a discourse of freedom and then impeding freedom, denying freedom, conditioning freedom. That's how they are, the true doctrine of the right wing was hypocrisy, saying one thing and doing another".

López Obrador suggested to the social movements in Argentina to look for peaceful ways to express their disagreement, to do it peacefully "because there are many ways to do it and they are effective and do not put people at risk, because generally the right wing, conservatism is very authoritarian and they want to impose themselves by force to subdue and also to produce, to generate fear and that nobody goes out and nobody protests because if they protest it will be with clenched teeth. That is why repressive attitudes, we must not fall into that".

"The whole Latin American left can go to shit"
Milei published in his X account and in fact he later confirmed that everyone else too.

Is it a response to AMLO's proposal of peaceful resistance and to the international criticism of Argentina's resignation to join BRICS? What is a fact is that Milei and Obrador's relationship was stillborn.
A positive outcome:

BTW. If you find the full video, don't watch it. End the year without an upset stomach. 🤢🤮

Actually, I thought the video was funny because it's so pathetic. They go from that kiss, to her pretending she's moved, to him repeating that this is going to be a terrible period, but "Long Live Freedom, Damn it", to then finish with another kiss. You can't make it any worse if you try, LOL!

For those who don't know, her name is Fátima Florez. She's a famous comedian, the president's girlfriend, and the "First Lady", sort of (because they're not married). All normal. They just need one of the 5 dogs on stage now, and it will be a happy family. :umm:

The Government sent to the Congress a bill so that Chinese companies operating in Argentina do not pay taxes.

In the agenda sent by the Executive Power for the extraordinary sessions, the Government included the validation of an agreement with the Chinese regime by which a Chinese company that pays taxes in its country will not do so before the Argentine tax authorities.

The Government included in the agenda sent to Congress for the extraordinary sessions a project to endorse an agreement signed with the Chinese regime in 2018 that avoids double taxation. For such reason, if the initiative is approved, Chinese companies that pay taxes in their country will not do so for their activity developed in Argentina.
At the end of Friday, the Executive Branch announced the list of projects that it is submitting to Congress for immediate consideration. It included the "Bill by which the Agreement between the Argentine Republic and the People's Republic of China for the Elimination of Double Taxation with respect to Income and Wealth Taxes and the Prevention of Tax Evasion and Avoidance and its Protocol, signed in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires on December 2, 2018″ was approved.

The tension in this relationship increased in the last few days with the announcement of China's decision to put on hold the activation of a new tranche of the currency swap, an operation that would allow the Argentine Central Bank to use those yuans to pay for imports or to convert them into dollars and be able to intervene in the foreign exchange markets, options that would help to alleviate its financial situation.

Milei himself had made a special request to Xi Jinping about the swap in a letter sent just two days after taking office in the Casa Rosada. However, the Chinese regime decided to put the agreement on stand-by and block the funds that would serve as a lifeline to the Argentine Executive to help it through its delicate finances.
The agreement was put on hold despite the early efforts made by Milei in the first hours of his administration. The President received Wu Weihua, Vice President of the People's Assembly of China, in his office on December 11, one day after taking office.

But that gesture of goodwill was not enough. Beijing has reportedly taken a negative view of the progress made this week by the Ministry of Defense in the acquisition of the American-made F-16 fighters held by Denmark. That transaction received U.S. approval last October, when the Pentagon also pledged to provide a package of weapons, training, logistical support and spare parts for those aircraft.

After his meeting with Wu, Milei sent a letter to Xi requesting his support and the extension of the monetary exchange to meet international commitments. The summit came as a surprise to more than one: during the campaign, the President himself had made more drastic promises regarding his relationship with Beijing, which were later moderated by the current Foreign Minister Diana Mondino.
After his inauguration, it was the head of the regime who made the first move, congratulating the Argentinean on his new challenge at the head of the Executive Power. Milei thanked the letter and received his delegation immediately. But in the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) they believe that this is not enough for such an important financial commitment. In addition to the discomfort caused by the possible agreement for the F-16, in China they expect a visit or a meeting between the two presidents.


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