Many pretty interesting informations and ideas Ryan presents there... I would encourage anyone interested in this case to watch this interview and also Ryans recent video expose with the very illuminating map Ryan created about Epsteins connections.
Ryan has a number of updated maps and analyses videos of the Epstein network, that are not on youtube since he is already flagged and will be removed from the platform if he publishes them there at this point in time.
He put them all up on bitchute. Unfortunately the loading time, especially for the longer ones is very bad, most of the time. Anyway, here are all the videos, maps and analyses of Dawson in chronological order. He is doing a stellar job in connecting the dots and exposing who is a part of this network. All of those clips are very good ones to share:
Epstein "chalkboard" if you want plus victim statement thank you white rabbits news too
Epstein Crime Map (Updated)
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Epstein Map #2 the Bear Sterns SIV Bailout
Why did JPMorgan corporate officer James E Staley meet in person with Jeff Epstein at his Palm beach Property while Epstein was supposed to be in jail? Was it to facilitate the re-emergence of Liquid Fund Ltd or was it just to go play with children, perhaps both...
Ryan Dawson Interview - Epstein's Blackmail Ring Goes Back Decades & May Have Compromised The US G..
i keep getting suspended and deleted from yotuube, im clearly on a list from the ADL and SPLC
Epstein Maps
More here Barry Krischer ADL award winner, and the man who helped Jeff Epstein get away with raping children and Patrick Ho, “Back Door Tony” Guterres, and Ghislaine...
Ryan Dawson on Kill Stream /Ralph Retort talking how Dark it gets with Epstein