Joe Szimhart & CultAware - New Niche for Psychopaths

Shane said:
Mind-Controllers Targetting LaRouche?

Wow, it really is a small world. LaRouche and his pet goonies were the first group to ever stalk and threaten me...he even predates the baby rapers at NAMBLA.

He went off his nut about AIDS, claimed it could be spread like the flu, and wanted to round up all the gay people and put them in quarantine. I happened to be the Chairperson of the Tidewater chapter of the Virginia Gay Alliance at the time...and that didn't go over real well with us. I thought if I took him all the latest data showing how it had to be blood born, or everyone would already have it, we could have a conversation like adults and work things out. Please keep in mind I was very young (about 26) at the time.

Needless to say, the meeting did NOT go well, I realized that little things like "facts" and "logic" didn't matter to him at all, and to make a long story short...he had his "security" escort me out.

Then the threatening phone calls began and someone started to follow me. I led the guy into a trap of sorts (dead end ally behind a bar) and I and a bunch of my friends blocked him in with a van and confronted the person, who eventually revealed he worked for LaRouche. Even hired goons get real polite when they're surrounded but a couple dozen drag queens and dykes.

Oh this case sure brings back memories :lol:
Here is something interesting I came across while following some links: (Google Maps).

Specifically, the area delimited left (south-west) by the Autobahn (route 45 / 100), south by W Good Hope Road and the big crossing with loops, east by N 107th Street and north by W Calumet Road, possibly extending north until W Bradley Road. I suspect that this would be a spook facility, it has the ingredients to qualify. I have come across other such inconspicuous areas when following leads in unrelated issues. One is related to company ops in Latin America, another one is the HQ of a supposedly non-existent agency in a European country.

The Aangirfan blog mentioned a "Connecticut State Hospital" in connection to yesterday's school shooting. It looks like this project will become really big.
Merry Christmas!

The whole C.A.N. document collection, which was acquired by Scientology in the course of a lawsuit (described previously in this thread), was donated to UCSB by Anson Shupe. This should be a gold mine of information about the previous generation of cult hunters.
The documents (offline, hardcopy) can be used by interested persons in the reading rooms at the University of California Santa Barbara library.
UCSB Library Special Collections: (where and how to access the collection)

C.A.N. were also interested in people who apparently had nothing to do with being a "cult", such as CSICOP or the Church of the SubGenius.
Interesting is that there is material on one Phillip Zimbardo among a long list of people labelled as "C.A.N. related". There are a bunch of people and groups mentioned there which I have found previously (such as RETIRN) but where the (direct) relation to CAN was not clear. Zimbardo I had also found named elsewhere in relation to CAN, but discounted it as a "glitch". Interestingly, Margaret Singer is mentioned, Jolly West is not, Nesta H. Webster is mentioned in that list. And among CAN-related other orgs, there is the Watchman Fellowship.
A psychologist associated with ICSA has this to say about DID (bolds mine)
Dr. Eichel said:
In over 30 years of practice, I can say with reasonable certainty that I have seen one case of "true" DID and one case that may have been DID. In 1991, I can remember a number of colleagues telling me that at any given time the majority of their practices--well over 20 clients per therapist--consisted of MPD/DID clients. I found that hard to believe then, I am just as skeptical now.
Quote from here: _
name said:
A psychologist associated with ICSA has this to say about DID (bolds mine)
Dr. Eichel said:
In over 30 years of practice, I can say with reasonable certainty that I have seen one case of "true" DID and one case that may have been DID. In 1991, I can remember a number of colleagues telling me that at any given time the majority of their practices--well over 20 clients per therapist--consisted of MPD/DID clients. I found that hard to believe then, I am just as skeptical now.
Quote from here: _

I doubt Dr. Eichel very much. I'm a lay person and have known four people with full blown "true" DID (diagnosed) in my lifetime, and witnessed, first hand, the personality shifts of three of them on many occasions. So, considering that the C's have hinted that people with DID tend to be Organic Portals since the personality "fractures" under extreme stress:

932008 said:
(L) Next question: As you know, we've been having (a discussion about MPD /DID in reference to a particular individual). My question is, what makes a person susceptible to MPD? Let me rephrase that: Are some people more susceptible to splitting than others?

A: Yes

Q: (L) What would make a person more susceptible?

A: Being an organic portal.

Q: (L) Okay. is an individual - an OP - less likely to recover, or is it more difficult for them to recover?

A: Yes. Almost impossible. Also be aware that some individuals are actually born with many divisions in their makeup.

Q: (L) Does that mean that _______ is possibly an OP?

A: We hesitated to make such a pronouncement, but since we see that you have such suspicion, then we can confirm it.

Q: (L) Why not just say, "yes"? (laughter and discussion about C's "legalese" answer)
(L) Alright, how many alters or different personalities does ______ actually have?

A: Seven dominant and many temporaries that are born and die frequently.

Q: (A***) Is she aware of all these personalities? (Ark) Which "she"? (laughter)

A: Several are aware of the others but a couple think they are the only ones.

Q: (A****) Do we communicate mainly with one or two or all of them?

A: You have encountered four.

Q: (L) More than enough for me. (A***) Do they have different names for themselves?

A: Some do.

Q: (L) Okay, can multiple personality disorder or dissociative identity disorder be induced in a souled individual or one who is potentially souled?

A: Yes, but it is extremely difficult.

Q: (S) Does that mean that all these programmed assassins are all OPs or something?

A: Most likely.

Q: (DD) (audio too faint but referring to inducing MPD in souled individuals.)

A: Very difficult.

...and considering that, theoretically, 50% of the population are organic portals and that this is and can be an extremely traumatic reality (causing personality fractures), then it becomes quite obvious that DID is not a very rare condition.
I doubt Dr. Eichel very much. I'm a lay person and have known four people with full blown "true" DID (diagnosed) in my lifetime, and witnessed, first hand, the personality shifts of three of them on many occasions.

I've also known two people with DID. What struck me about the first man I knew who was actually diagnosed DID, was the fact that his blue eyes became dark brown when he 'switched'. I have never seen anything like it before or since.
Gimpy said:
I doubt Dr. Eichel very much. I'm a lay person and have known four people with full blown "true" DID (diagnosed) in my lifetime, and witnessed, first hand, the personality shifts of three of them on many occasions.

I've also known two people with DID. What struck me about the first man I knew who was actually diagnosed DID, was the fact that his blue eyes became dark brown when he 'switched'. I have never seen anything like it before or since.

Really? I never heard of that, is there a scientific basis for something like that (a condition or something like it) that can produce that?
I posted that excerpt exactly because the good doctor finds the reports of his colleagues "hard to believe". Either he suffers of serious cognitive dissonance or he has ulterior motive, both of which should lay doubt on his professional ability at least IMHO. The doctor is one of several people in this context who have "interesting" connections, which in some cases lead through what looks to me like cover addresses.

Eyes changing color: I have heard from people in the medical profession that blue eyes turn dark when people die. Also, some blue-eyed newborns at first have a dark, almost black hue which needs some time to turn blue. I have brown eyes and they change to honey-brown or green with sun or positive mood. A girl who went to school with me had blue eyes which changed to green when she became angry.

I mentioned in a previous post that our central character, Szimhart, had worked at a "Pennhurst State Institution". From what I read, tens of thousands of people went through that institution alone. Such institutions exist everywhere in the world and in most cases they are giant areas with many buildings, and very few know what actually goes on there. My suspicion is that these places have very little to with healing anything at all (this would be coincidental if it happens), but lots to with studying human beings. The vast quantities of people flooded through such institutions would have allowed the theorized organizers of such an activity to gather detailed statistics about whatever they were interested in looking at. I base this suspicion on two things: when I went to NLP courses, some of the instructors worked part-time at one such institution and they'd speak during pause of their achievements and what they learned while dealing with the inmates in the way of communication. The other thing is a document about the Phoenix program (or operation) during the Vietnam war of which I read many years ago and which caused the death by torture of (from memory) about 40000 people. That is not "much" if compared with such a presumed operation going on in psychiatric wards around the world, but it allowed the US Intel agencies (CIA and friends) to put together a list of 29 (or 39) parameters based on which they could ascertain people in interrogation situations, and I gather that this is on what the infamous KUBARK manual was based - and the manuals on "interviewing" as it is now called, all resemble KUBARK.
If they were able put together their parameters for "interviews" from 40K victims, then one should what could they put together from millions of victims of the psychiatric systems of the world if we allow for the existence of such a big project. It would not be far fetched to think that they are aware of "OPs" and "soul-potential" individuals (and more) and how to spot them.

From one of those old documents I remember a passage which stated something to the effect that they had found that certain people were "unbreakable" through torture because they "turned into their best" (or pure good or something like that) when the suffering was bad enough, and that effect was undesirable to them, the torturers. So "they" study "us" in their peculiar way after all.

Overall my impression is that what we are seeing here are the outer demarcations of something much bigger and older than merely an anti-cult movement. It would be described in part in a paper from 2004 titled "National Mental Health Program - Creating Standards for the New World Order" (link to scribd) written in 2004 by one Dr. Dennis Cuddy. In the good old days the churches of the world had resources such as rhetorics, bullying, torture, circumcision to cement the power of the "elite", and this might well be their long-term project to consolidate and advance their science of domination over humanity for the next several thousand years. Just my theory.

I have questions too:
- Has anybody here ever come across something called "White Ring" (or similar) in the context of homosexual politics, and would you share that info, please? (I don't mean the organization which seeks redress for victims of crime in some countries).
- Could somebody please explain in concise words the relation and differences between "satanism" and what is today known as "paganism" or "neo-paganism" ?
This is getting more interesting each time I take a look. The good doctor indeed has some interesting connections.
Remember John Lee Malvo, the "Beltway Sniper"? Read no further than here: _

Here are some factoids:
* The doctor, whose full name is STEVE KENNETH DUBROW EICHEL had a "good friend" (his words), Paul Martin. Paul Martin, who died in 2009, had been a C.A.N. operative.
* The doctor is a director/operative of I.C.S.A., a successor organization of C.A.N.
* The doctor served as an expert witness in the John Lee Malvo / Beltway Sniper case
* The doctor is associated with a "St. Francis/St. Johns Home for Boys" (E.I.N. 231370504) which is run by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, which apparently houses troubled black teens aged 12-20 in the main
* The doctor is member in the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (, which was founded by Milton Erickson, and among which members is one Dr. D. Corydon Hammond.
* Paul served as an expert witness in the Zacharias Massaoui case AND in the Beltway Sniper case
* Paul died of Leukemia 9 months after it was diagnosed (see --> _ While I don't know anything about the typical course of leukemia, it strikes me as somehow "convenient".
* Paul has a surviving brother, Stephen, who is a doctor in divinity and who is also into "cult busting".
* The doctor has a relative, Rod Dubrow-Marshall, who is also involved in "cult busting" and who is in the directorate of FECRIS.
* The wife of Rod, Linda, is also involved in "cult busting".

Switching my paranoia switch to on, I ask
- Who was John Lee Malvo, where did he grow up and where did he go to school (and full bio)?
- Who was the other perp, John Muhammad (full bio)?
- Where did he learn the necessary skills to brainwash Malvo into a "cult-like association" with him? Neither Muhammad nor Malvo impressed me (from memory, on TV) as people able to learn much in the way of skills of any kind.
- Are court records of both the "underwear bomber" and the "beltway snipers" available to the public?

Where I live, the only conviction on terrorism-related charges, ever, was against a loser who went to a school run by somebody who avowedly is a CIA asset.

@Mods: If you delete/redact this post I'll fully understand it.

name said:
- Could somebody please explain in concise words the relation and differences between

The short answer;

satanists = renegade Christians. Satan is part of the Christian belief system....doesn't have anything to do with Paganism.

The definition of "Pagan" depends entirely on who you ask,
To a Pagan, it usual means anyone (except an Atheist) who isn't Christian, Jewish, Muslim, ...and maybe Buddhist, although sometimes they get thrown in the Pagan pile too.
To a Christian, a Pagan is usually anyone who isn't Christian, including Jews and Muslims.
To a Jew, a Pagan is usually anyone who isn't Jewish, including Christians and Muslims.
To a Muslim, a Pagan is usually anyone who isn't Muslim, including Christians and Jews.

"Neo-Pagan" is a term Isaac Bonewits coined to describe modern Pagans... the "New Pagans"

Confused yet? ;D
Pashalis said:
Gimpy said:
I doubt Dr. Eichel very much. I'm a lay person and have known four people with full blown "true" DID (diagnosed) in my lifetime, and witnessed, first hand, the personality shifts of three of them on many occasions.

I've also known two people with DID. What struck me about the first man I knew who was actually diagnosed DID, was the fact that his blue eyes became dark brown when he 'switched'. I have never seen anything like it before or since.

Really? I never heard of that, is there a scientific basis for something like that (a condition or something like it) that can produce that?

Not that I've found, and I'm not even sure where to look?

The closest to it I've seen was a TV show on DID in which a woman had glasses for one alter, but not for the others. (I think she had three different personalities, it was a long time ago.) The show did not mention whether or not she was tested for the glasses.

At the time, I chalked it up to phenomena.
Gimpy said:
Not that I've found, and I'm not even sure where to look?

I think when someone's eyes change color due to emotions, it has to do with the pupil size causing the iris to expand or least that's what I was told?
Guardian said:
Gimpy said:
Not that I've found, and I'm not even sure where to look?

I think when someone's eyes change color due to emotions, it has to do with the pupil size causing the iris to expand or least that's what I was told?

Yep, I also thought that Gimpy might saw the pupil size of that person suddenly extremly expanding and actually not the colour of the Iris changing?
Pashalis said:
Yep, I also thought that Gimpy might saw the pupil size of that person suddenly extremly expanding and actually not the colour of the Iris changing?

As I understand it, the color of the iris can change if the pupil suddenly expands or contracts....something about how the pigment in the iris spreads out or gets crowded together?
Guardian said:
Pashalis said:
Yep, I also thought that Gimpy might saw the pupil size of that person suddenly extremly expanding and actually not the colour of the Iris changing?

As I understand it, the color of the iris can change if the pupil suddenly expands or contracts....something about how the pigment in the iris spreads out or gets crowded together?

I think that's quite possible.
Either it is caused by the narrowing or expanding of the pupil wich changes the Iris pigments distribution and form wich gives the impression of another colour?
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