John Kaminski Goes Off the Deep End

Hello Everyone,
This is my first post, having learned of this forum and thread through WingTV. First off I want to stress that I am not specifically addressing the topic in this thread. I don't want to get involved with that at all.

My general comments: No one is perfect. We all make errors in judgment. Let us be forgiving. I think Alex Jones is a hero. Having seen his film "Terrorstorm," and listened to some of his interviews, I see his influence as very positive. I think "Smallstorm" is a heroine. I have a great opinion of many of the people in this movement, but minor differences and even major ones should not distract us from the task at hand. We need to admit it when we are wrong or go too far in criticizing another person in the 9/11 Truth movement.
knowyourfoe said:
My general comments: No one is perfect.

We all make errors in judgment.
True, and some more than others.

Let us be forgiving.
If forgiveness is for us to give, that is.

I think Alex Jones is a hero.

Having seen his film "Terrorstorm," and listened to some of his interviews, I see his influence as very positive.
When you come to a new forum and want to discuss something it is customary to check the archives for previous discussions on the topic. Have you done so on this particular one?

I have a great opinion of many of the people in this movement, but minor differences and even major ones should not distract us from the task at hand.
There is no movement. It does not exist. That's the whole problem.

We need to admit it when we are wrong or go too far in criticizing another person in the 9/11 Truth movement.
Sure, criticizing people is not that interesting. Analyzing, observing, discussing, and indeed, criticizing what people DO (or maybe just as importantly: DON'T DO) is very interesting. In particular, as it happens, with Alex Jones.
knowyourfoe said:
I think Alex Jones is a hero. Having seen his film "Terrorstorm," and listened to some of his interviews, I see his influence as very positive. I think "Smallstorm" is a heroine. I have a great opinion of many of the people in this movement, but minor differences and even major ones should not distract us from the task at hand. We need to admit it when we are wrong or go too far in criticizing another person in the 9/11 Truth movement.
Criticism is given where it is necessary. Making nice just for solidarity's sake is not an example of critical thinking. And since the 9-11 Truth Movement pretty much grew out of critical thinking, I'd say that that would the incorrect logic to use. OSIT.

If you had read some of the other threads on AJ, then you would realize that there aren't too many people here who consider him to be a hero. Read first, then post later.
kyf said:
First off I want to stress that I am not specifically addressing the topic in this thread. I don't want to get involved with that at all.
Then why are you posting in this thread at all? Find the thread on Alex Jones and post about him there.
Interesting item:

Since having gotten involved in this business of the Middle East conflict (as well as all the other social and cultural problems that we are facing in the West today stemming from Zionist treachery) I have run into hateful statements from Jews who feel it no longer necessary to hide their feelings concerning this man named Jesus and His message. Recently I was sent an email from a ‘nice Jewish boy’ who had the following to say about the man who preached justice, compassion, humility, submission before God and service to fellow man. I apologize ahead of time to the reader for the language.

‘I don’t believe in your PUSSY ON A CROSS GOD…Any fool can believe in a god, and fools like you are soon worm dirt. As for your Christ on the cross, he was a fag with a foot fetish, and your god can suck me. It is time to FLUSH…’

There was more to it of an equally-venomous composition, but I will spare the reader.

Shocking, yes, but should we be in the least bit surprised? After all, ‘they’ do not need to hide such feelings anymore. ‘They’ have all the guns, whether such guns are political, legal, financial or whatnot. ‘They’ have grabbed the most powerful nation in the world by the throat and are able to make it dance like a marionette without a will of its own, and therefore these folks are not as worried as they once were about any bad PR coming from exposing the inner workings of the Beast–meaning the Babylonian Talmud–and all its sentiments concerning–not only Judaism’s organic hatred of Gentiles, but as well its statements concerning Jesus, His holy mother Mary and His followers. Besides gloating over Jesus’ death, I have personally run into Jews who say that He was gay, that He had an incestuous relationship with his mother, that He ‘got what he deserved’ and many, many others statements that would (and indeed should) outrage any Christian or Muslim who holds Jesus in the high esteem that is deserving of who He was and is.

Now, I have run into something equally vicious in its content, both towards the recipient of the email (typical amongst Zionists who cannot express themselves intelligently but who must resort to ugly, vulgar and vindictive language in trying to make their point) as well as to persona of Jesus Christ. The reader will note the common mood in both the emails, although they were–presumably–written by two different authors. I say ‘presumably’ because of the ease with which people can hide their identities online with fake names and email addresses. Again, I apologize ahead of time for the graphic language–

‘Go fuck yourself and all that think like you! Do not write me any more you asshole!!!!!! Bite me! Eat shit and die!!! Or fuck off !! Jesus should have been a victim of abortion!!!’

As I said, assuming that the writers of both these emails are different, nevertheless the two individuals are basically birds of a feather with regards to their sentiments and delivery. They both lash out at others whose opinions they find intolerable and both express themselves with vulgarity and viciousness as if they were addicts of violent pornography.

However, what makes the 2nd email pertinent is the fact that it did not come from the now-typical anti-Christian, anti-Muslim, Jewish-supremacist bigot who is a slave to the idol worship of Zionism, nor from some self-absorbed, dangerous settler living in the West Bank who has made the study of the Talmud his life’s work…

Rather it comes from an individual who has ostensibly made speaking out against Zionism his raison d’etre, who claims that everyone and his brother is an under-cover Zionist trying to fool the unsuspecting masses, and his name is none other than Darryl Bradford Smith of ‘I am the witness’ fame.

Now I realize that the reader is probably sick-to-death of hearing about this business involving Smith and the two pimples on his derriere–Huffschmidt and Bollyn–and I recognize that there are bigger fish to fry these days, but what must be remembered is that we are involved in the fight of our lives and therefore all threats need to be taken seriously. The body of mankind has been invaded by a dangerous, deadly virus and right now the last thing we can afford to have happen is for any of us ‘white blood cells’ to be tricked by other viruses dressed in white-blood-cell-clothing. Lest we forget, we were warned by none other than Jesus himself that there would come a time in the future when evil would be so prevalent that you could slice it with a knife and that false prophets would come to lead people astray. He went further by saying that He sends His followers out as ‘sheep amongst wolves’, warning us to be careful that we are not deceived.

And now it is obvious that we have a new wolf among us pretending to be a sheep. Of course, the signs have been there all along, but for the most part these signs merely suggested that Smith and his 2 cohorts suffered from personality disorders rooted in delusions of grandeur and paranoia. With Smith’s latest verbal defecation however, what we see is that the problem goes much deeper than one of a simple schoolyard bully who thinks that the playground and all its toys are his domain.

In addition to the recent revelations by Christopher Bollyn that Eric Huffschmidt is Jewish and related to ultra-Zionist neo-con Rupert Murdoch by marriage, that Bollyn himself lived in a communist enclave in Israel and was married to a woman whom he claimed was working for Israeli intelligence, we now have an additional piece of the puzzle indicating that the entire ‘I Am the Witness’ operation is an intel-op designed to sow dissention within the anti-Zionist movement and to lead people’s energies and resources off into a direction where they pose no threat to the overall agenda.

The latest revelation is one that (like all great discoveries that have benefited mankind in the past) came by accident in an email exchange between Smith and one of his followers. This individual (who shall remain anonymous at this moment) was, up until this point a faithful devotee and was questioning some of the seemingly irrational, baseless and contradictory accusations that Smith was making about other individuals within the truth movement whom she knew to be genuine. As is typical with all cult leaders, free thought and free inquiry are intolerable vices and something for which Smith obviously has no patience, as evidenced by the tone of his podcasts and website with the now infamous ‘YOU ARE EITHER WITH US OR AGAINST US’ and ‘EITHER JOIN WITH US OR BE COUNTED AS OUR ENEMIES’ statements. When the former follower refused to relent with her questioning, Smith let loose with the aforementioned barrage of graphic and vulgar insults.

Just to make sure that all the i’s were dotted and t’s crossed, I contacted Smith personally and enquired as to the veracity of this charge. His response was of the typically-Jewish variety, meaning haughty, unrepentant, and expressed in the form of a one-sentence, smart-alek, non-answer-of-an-answer. When I let him know that I planned on writing something about it, his response was to the effect of ‘Print whatever you want’. Again, in the interest of affording him the opportunity of refuting his statement or at least explaining it contextually (how one could do that, given its nature is beyond me) I again contacted him with other questions, and, again, his response was to ‘Go ahead with it’, adding that he didn’t want ‘religious assholes’ around him anyway. Finally, in the same brave, fearless, manly fashion that Smith constantly claims is his calling card as an anti-NWO, anti-Zionist freedom-fighter he threatened to sue me if I breathed a word about the incident.

It is fairly well-known that Smith–sadly–suffers from alcoholism, and if other reports are true he is also presently suffers from serious liver problems that may be terminal in nature. This being said, it is easy to chalk this latest incident up to the fact that as a result of his sickness he may not be of ‘perfectly sound mind’. We should all certainly hope that this is the case, for the good of his own immortal soul.

Nevertheless, we also have to pay heed to the words of Jesus himself who–when dealing with the viciousness of His own Jewish-supremacist enemies–said that ‘Out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks’. Whether Smith nurses an organic, visceral hatred of Jesus (to the point where he believes the world would be better off had Jesus been cut to pieces in utero rather than cut to pieces by his Jewish supremacist enemies 33 years later) or whether it is the booze talking, the fact is that the diagnosis his words provide indicate he is one sick puppy and perhaps should be avoided at all costs.

Personally, if someone accused me of saying something as horrendous as ‘Jesus should have been aborted’ I would be horrified beyond words and would not rest until I had done all that I could in refuting it. In my opinion there is nothing more horrible or evil that could be said than this. It is something straight out of the Talmud itself, the same Talmud responsible for bringing forth the vicious creature known as Communism responsible for butchering hundreds of millions of people in the last century, the same Talmud that has spawned Zionism that has butchered millions of innocent Muslim and Christian Arabs and which has plunged humanity into the war to end all wars, and yes, the same Talmud Smith and the rest of his entourage pretend to oppose with their website and pod cast.

Is Smith a closet Talmudist who is working in the service of the Zionist agenda? Only time and circumstances will tell. What must be remembered though are the following established facts–

1. He is joined at the hip with a known Jew who in the initial days following 9/11 conspicuously avoided mentioning Israel’s role…

2. He works closely with another individual who lived in Israel and was married to a Zionist Jewess whom he himself has claimed worked for Mossad…

3. He has spent the last year dividing the anti-Zionist movement, casting slurs and suspicion upon everyone who has been working assiduously to expose the inner-workings of what is taking place, and now-

4. He has spoken the language of the Pharisees themselves in saying that Jesus should have been murdered. At the very least, what we can glean from his statement is that he–like the Jewish supremacists who are out to destroy the world today with their poison–revels in the hateful, ignominious end that Jesus endured.

Jesus warnings were clear–that we were not be fooled by ‘men who dress themselves in sheep’s clothing but who inside are ravenous wolves…By their fruits you shall know them.’ By his recent statement and refused denial of same, Darryl Bradford Smith has now revealed himself for what he truly is–an under-cover follower of Talmudic thinking, despite whatever flowery, patriotic and high-sounding words he may offer in the meantime. People of good will who are interested in knowing the truth about what the REAL reasons are for all the chaos that has descended upon the world would be best served to avoid Smith and his operations as if collectively they were a colony of lepers. The fact that he would make such a statement betrays the fact that he does not understand the true gravity of what is taking place in the world today with regards to the battle between the philosophies of Christ and AntiChrist.

In the best of circumstances, he is a madman who does not understand the gravity of his words nor the diabolic sentiments that fueled them.

In the worst of circumstances, he is an enemy who is bent upon the destruction of all that we hold dear.

2007 by Mark Glenn, correspondent, American free Press Newspaper
The header from Kaminski's latest (8 June 2007) email:


Am I the only one is getting sick and tired of the bashing that's going on in the so-called 9/11 Truth Movement?

It seems that every (alleged) 9/11 Truther is claiming that every other (alleged) 9/11 Truther is some kind of agent for some kind of dark side.

It's a catch-22. Many of them deserved to be bashed. Very few are not ponerized and therefore have an ability to see the lies of the others in the movement and rightfully point it out.
I stumbled accross Kaminski's latest today:

2nd January 2008


They Spit in our Faces!

JK said:
“This fictitious conflict between the Zionists and the liberal Jews
soon disgusted me, for it was false through and through.”
— Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

By John Kaminski
skylax @

Do you share in the lie that you live in a free world and can say
and do anything you want?

And do you believe in your government’s right to limit what you say
in the interest of “national security’? It’s a difficult decision
when you know your government is criminal.

There are certain things you cannot say, you know, or funny things
happen to you. Not so funny, really. For saying the “wrong” thing,
you can easily lose your livelihood or your life.

In the ancient streets of Jerusalem, fundamentalist Israeli Jews
routinely spit on those with different beliefs. Especially favorite
targets are visiting clergymen such as priests, preachers and imams
who visit their Holy Land to venerate the history of their own holy
books. And what do these pilgrims get for their effort? Jews spit
in their faces.


This is the message Jews have conveyed to humanity from time
immemorial. This is what the Jews are saying to the world. In their
newspapers. In their movies. In their school curricula. They spit
in our faces. They pornographize our culture. They destroy our world.

Sick snobs stuck in the poison plastic of New York Times reality
glower in a stupor of sanctimonious superiority while the illegal
and immoral underpinnings of their predatory wealth disintegrate.
Think about all those millions of people who have been unfairly
murdered in the past few years. All of sudden, people are putting
the words "9/11" and "Israel" together.

Who else could it have been? American leaders wouldn't kill their
own people, would they? How much money would it take? And who has
that kind of money? Maybe the people who invented and control
money, eh? That would be the Jews.

The great hurdle the American people have yet to surpass is
realizing that the mass murder of 3,000 people in New York City in
2001 was CLEARLY an inside job, covered over by intense media
blather about terrorism with not a whiff of a story that these
events were planned and executed by deep-cover intelligence
agencies, using robotic Blackwater-type operatives.

No one in the so-called real world recognizes this reality
officially. You don’t hear this on TV. No politician dares utter a
word about it.

Yet they all know. I’m not saying they all knew it was going to
happen, but I am saying some of them did. And I’m saying now that
ALL of them (everyone in Congress) KNOWS that elements of the Bush
White House, driven by its powerful Israeli presence, engineered
the whole operation as a sadistic and tragic way to further
unfairly defame Arabs, by painting them (and impersonating them) as
the ultimate terrorists. It’s pretty clear who all these people
are, and, by the way, they’re still in power. In fact, all of the
current presidential candidates except (maybe) Ron Paul are in on
the scam.

Which speaks volumes about the condition, the receptivity, the
powers of perception, and the conscience of the American people.
These faculties must be severely impaired to have attained this
level of mechanical barbarity being imposed on all these bogus
pretenses throughout the world.

Have you pondered the plight of our soldiers lately? The diseases
they come home with, you realize, are made in the states by Jewish
scientists (remember Oppenheimer?) for the purpose of destroying
the lives of every living thing these weapons touch.

Yet you sallie on. Some of you think the presence of Neturei Karta,
those bearded Jews who claim to be against Israel, demonstrates
that the Jewish community is diverse in opinion and objective. I
submit that it is not — that it is hellbent on subjugating the
entire race of humans into what they call "goyim," who are
livestock puppets in this theater of the absurd that they have

This is the only accurate template that adequately describes what
is happening to our world.

Death is their product, and hate is their engine. Self-hating Jews
are programmed to kill. By their beloved holy book, The Talmud, and
their greatest philosopher, Maimonides.

To kill us.

Because they hate themselves.

Which is why they go around spitting on people.

And why they must, according to their programming, destroy the world.

To try to convey to you the danger to our future, I must overcome
several obstacles.

First is your conditioning, your "holocaust programming." Remember
that nowhere in the memoirs of Churchill, DeGaulle and Eisenhower,
the three Western leaders in World War II, is there any mention of
a Jewish holocaust or Germans gassing anybody. The Holocaust
programming came during the 1960s with the JFK assassination, after
which aid to Israel skyrocketed. Writer Elie Wiesel's book "Night"
later won him the Nobel Prize, despite proof that his work was
hysterical fiction. Making soap from the skin of Jews. Indeed. Or
the Auschwitz gas chamber that was built two years after the war

Jews don't believe in freedom of speech. They prove it every day
with their Holocaust laws, which prohibit discussion of a certain
topic because it is “offensive” to them. And because it is a lie.
The very fact they have to make laws preventing discussion of this
topic AUTOMATICALLY means it IS a lie.

The second part is tougher to comprehend. Every particle of
information you have ingested throughout your lifetime has been
transmitted to you through Jewish censors — writers, publishers,
distributors, policymakers — that has shaped you in its image.

This means that you are partly screened from seeing certain
subjects. Money and religion are two of these.

But more importantly, we all grew up believing in an American
dream. It was the basis of our society, if I remember correctly
from my childhood. We believed in honesty, and thrift. We were
disciplined, creative, and respectful. We wanted the best for
everyone. This was the American way.

But it's not now. And you can guess — in fact, in your gut, you
know — why this has happened.

Our decency has been terribly eroded, and we no longer believe in
the future, at least not in the way we used to.

Why it has happened is full spectrum Jewish influence through ...

• Psychiatry, which remains technically a science that doesn't
exist, turned us all into neurotic drug addicts, and literally
afraid of our own shadows.

• Education, the redaction of all ancient literature through Jewish
publishers. Foremost is the Scofield Bible, which trains
evangelicals for obedience to Israel in an armageddon programmed to

• Commerce, the distribution networks for virtually all products
are all Jewish. The CEOs of most production companies are Jewish.
The medical and legal establishments are Jewish. And the result, as
in both medicine and the law, is the production for profit of
products that are poisonous, ultimately meant to harm people.

• Finance, the Federal Reserve has skimmed half the profits from
the American workforce for the last CENTURY! It was a Jewish
invention, just like the two World Wars, just like the constant
wars happening now.

• Media: Beloved songwriter Irving Berlin was sued for monopolizing
American music in 1927, and what we have had are completely Jewish
music and movies ever since. Didn't you love Milton Berle? But what
was he really telling you? That you’re a buffoon, with no power
over anything.

• Politics: Aid to Israel skyrocketed after the Kennedy
assassination, and Vietnam lingered on. The Holocaust legend was
invented and publicized. Drugs were practically legalized. And
then, through TV, the great dumbing down began in earnest. But this
game is almost 150 years old, and the Jewish consolidation of our
false reality is practically complete.

Are you the adults your parents hoped you would be?

Well, maybe. But one thing's sure. This isn't the world they hoped
you would live in.

The words of Eustace Mullins forever ring in my ears. "You will not
achieve your dreams because of the presence of the Jew."

And this is what has happened to America 2007.

I suggest the following course of action for gentiles who take
exception to the ruination of our beautiful world by a parasitic
culture that roams the world subverting honest people with alluring
corruption. This is the way the world has always worked, and the
only way to hold the line against it is by honest assessment of the
chains that bind us to the whim of the superrich, who have created
their money out of nothing, and other criminal schemes.

But more than anything else, we need to treat Jews exactly as they
treat us.

For starters, let's spit on them. They spit on us, we spit back.

Will they use their 500 nuclear weapons? Maybe, maybe not. Jews
always get others to do their fighting for them, then they pick up
the pieces and conduct mass exterminations later, like they did in
Russia, 60 million Christians liquidated in the Gulags, remember?
This was a wholly Jewish enterprise, remember? And they controlled
Roosevelt, so America approved of all of this, remember?

No, you doubtless don't. Why? Because you have been raised on
Jewish history, from CBS to Dr. Spock, from Charlie Chaplin to
Michael Eisner. Jewish history doesn’t mention the Armenian
genocide (done by Jews), or the great Ukrainian starvation (done by
Jews). Nor does official Jewish history ever mention that the
initial financing of Adolf Hitler was done by Jews to create a
great sacrifice of their own people to prove to the world, as
recommended by Zionism inventor Theodore Herzl, that the Jews
needed Israel to escape from anti-Semitism.

The world is beginning to finally realize that anti-Semitism is
generated by the Jews themselves as a way to conceal their
widespread social crimes.

So, let's enforce the very laws by which Jews afflict the Amalek
(the rest of the people in the world) and put these insane laws
back on the heads of the Jews, where they belong.

For instance,

• Many Palestinian babies die in childbirth while waiting for
needless hours in barbed wire enclosures for sadistic Israeli
guards to "process their papers" so the mothers can go to a
hospital to deliver. So, let's make all Jewish mothers in the U.S.
about to give birth wait on a grimy New York City street for 16
hours surrounded by NYPD barbed wire, and let her watch her baby
die of neglect while her guards snicker in derision at her tragedy
and mutter "one less cockroach to feed".

• Make all Jewish parents in U.S. send their children to spend a
month on the streets of Baghdad dressed as a typical Iraqi and see
close up what Mossad-trained, U.S.-sponsored Blackwater mercenaries
would do to them. It wouldn't even record their names as your
children were used as target practice by these Washington-approved
sociopaths (which are about to be deployed in the United States).
Speculate on what official, Rumsfeld-created U.S. policy toward
your young and beautiful daughters would be, and whether the pervs
in the White House would get to watch the video later.

• Make all Israeli children under the age of 10 walk through the
hills of Lebanon where the Israeli army dropped millions of
unexploded cluster bombs for future Lebanese children to discover
sometime in the future.

• Make it a capital offense if any Jew defames any other religion,
just like the new court in Israel which with U.S. help snatches
dissidents from around the world and tortures them before execution.

No law can ever be just if it does not apply to everyone equally.
Therefore, all the Holocaust laws are unjust and undefendable
because they have been created for the benefit of one group, the
group that has pulled the wool over our eyes for centuries, and now
is the central obstacle to our healthy evolution.

The goal of all future banking systems must be to criminalize
usury. Half the profit of all humanity's labor is sucked out of the
real people's economy by psychic vampires who convince us that to
kill is to love, and to love is usually an unprofitable venture.

And that's precisely why the world is going down the tubes.

Then ask yourself this question.

Why is it that the only thing Jews are really afraid of is the truth?
Yeh, way to go John... an eye for an eye - straight from the very philosophy you deign to hate.
I don't think I've ever read anything so full of hate... If that's what being "in love" with what's her face has done to him, it's a pretty sick relationship.
I couldn't agree more, anart. Absolute filth. It's been amazing and disturbing to watch Kaminski's downward spiral into moral degeneracy and hypocrisy. He's everything he hates, and then some. Talk about ponerisation...
eh to think i used to admire his writing. It doesn't even make sense. What's more likely: an entire religion is on the global conspiracy OR a handful of psychopaths are using the religion as a shield.... he seriously needs a reality check.
He's "splitting" which seems to me to be the essential trait of the "schizoid". "Splitting" is also called "black and white thinking", where someone "splits" objects into one or two categories. People are either all good or all bad, and the line of division is an arbitrary one, like Kaminski's "Jews" and "non-Jews". Ironic that schizoidia is the essential trait he is criticizing in Judaism!
I'm speechless.....nearly. I don't think my jaw has ever dropped as far as when I was reading the actions he is "advocating". As anart said, filth. Total, and absolute filth.

Time for a shower.

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