I agree with this, the most valuable aspect of this document I can gather is how unimpeded by preconceived notions of what reality should be and what the phenomenon presented itself as he was. Some of his conclusions on that document seem rather on point and far closer than most UFO websites out there today.I don't think there's any good reason to doubt the authenticity of the document. Skinner has Keel's papers, as mentioned, and regularly posts letters, notes, and drafts from them to the site. As others have mentioned, this was early in Keel's career. He had only been researching UFOs for about a year (maybe a bit longer). He started in 1966, for a Playboy article that he never ended up publishing. OTH wasn't published until 1970. As keit pointed out, the thing that strikes me is how ahead of his time he was even in this document and after only a year of research. It would be decades before ufology would take any of these topics seriously (e.g., underground bases, abductions, hybrids, a 'negative agenda', parapsychological phenomena, etc.).
“The Answer” is the title John gave to “a series of brief articles” outlining what he then (1967) thought was the answer to the UFO enigma.
I hesitated about posting it, since, after all, John said it was not for publication. That reservation, though, was based on his conviction that he had uncovered “the most important event in the history of Mankind”–which, as he later realized, he hadn’t. So, I see no problem with posting it after all these years, with my own caveat that it doesn’t represent John’s later views.
As he notes on the cover, the material is derived from his “Special Cases” file, which I posted earlier. Readers of this site will remember that it was largely devoted to the claims of contactees, particularly Jaye Paro, who inundated him with wild stories, and to the information he received from “Mr. Apol,” a purported alien (although not necessarily an extraterrestrial; Apol was always vague about his origins). As far as I know, John never met or spoke directly with him, and all communication was through Jaye Paro. “The Answer” summarizes and synthesizes this material, much of which he apparently accepted.
This is a strange document in many ways, both for its content and its back story, and obviously very important to John at the time. Please read it for its insight into John’s development and character, not as evidence for a hostile Android invasion. It shows him losing his bearings at the start of his research, and, characteristically, driving ahead at full throttle.
Certainly sounds like what the C's said about the programming being complete at one point.The takeover will be gradual and will be almost imperceptible, except to those few who understand the techniques being employed. Eventually great changes will be brought about in our body chemistry and mental capacities. We will gradually be transformed in robot-like entities blindly obeying an unseen control. Our free will and individuality will be suppressed and when we are at the proper stage of this bizarre evolution we will be pressed into service in the broader celestial conflict which now taking place.
Certainly sounds like what the C's said about the programming being complete at one point.
Truly, if not just look at how automatic people respond to say, a simple twitter tendency. The idea of the NPC's that caught on a while back is precisely that, a robot who reacts precisely as designed to a given stimuli. And the effort isn't just psychological, it's dietary, medical and cultural. It's all these factors that make a person completely predictable, weak willed, sick and maleable.Indeed! I read this "answer" and don't see anything that is written under the title of "UFO hostility" that doesn't match what we are seeing now.
I think that in this case Skinner makes a mistake of assuming that "robot like" necessarily means android. But then, now we know very well that a person can exhibit a "robot like" behaviour and thinking without transforming into some sort of mechanized entity.Basically, whatever is written below certainly applies, especially considering recent answers given by the C's about mRNA vaccines.
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Part 3:Here's part 2 of "The Answer":
The Answer (2) « JOHN KEEL
Points 5 to 8, on the "Overlords" are interesting (including the "seeding" of Earth). There's a bit of nonsense in there for good measure (which would make for a darn entertaining movie). I think the fact that he managed to weed out a lot of the nonsense over the years is a testament to his mind.