Julian Assange Discussion

Weeks have passed now and nobody even seems to ask basic questions like „how is he doing?“ and „what is he enduring at the moment?“, "why don't we here anything from him or his closed ones or lawyers?", in fact, nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care:

Well there's at least one person who's not letting it drop, Caitlin Johnstone. She's still cranking out articles about it. Kudos to her.
Public pressure on Assange's behalf seems to be working, even if it's not admitted. Some tweets from @Wikileaks:

April 24th: "We confirm Julian Assange has access to his lawyers, is now speaking with them regularly and will have an in person visit in the coming days."

Even better:

April 24th: "Icelandic court has ordered formerly VISA Iceland (now VALITOR @ValitorPayments) to pay $10m (1.2 bn ISK) in damages for blocking credit card donations to WikiLeaks in 2011. Valitor has stated it is likely to appeal (Valitor is a subsidiary of @arionbanki)"

and this: "UN Special Rapporteur on the right to #privacy, Professor Cannataci, today conducted a visit to Julian #Assange in Belmarsh prison and to @DoughtyStreet with @suigenerisjen about his @UNHumanRights complaint @UN_SPExperts "

Inteview with Cannataci:

The main group defending Assange recommended sending short letters of support directly to him (they're probably screening his mail):

Mr. Julian Assange
DOB 3/07/1971
HMP Belmarsh
Western Way
London SE28 0EB

So who knows? If there was ever a butterfly-flap situation, this could be it.
DOJ could build Assange case on Espionage Act, carries possible death sentence

About that witch burning outcome possibility, that is a serious obstacle. Both for the world and for Assange. This incoming obstacle in our possible path became visible 14 days ago.
Imagine you are sitting in a car driving on the interstate and obstacles gradually become visible as they come nearer.. right into your path. Do you collide with those obstacles or make efforts to AVOID them? Same way we travel "forward-in-time". Or rather what appears forward movement in time, in reality it looks like this. Print this image out and grab a permanent marker and draw big blotches [possible events, like this Assange death sentence or plane crashes, etc..] onto that picture - everywhere - a lot of it inside that insanely messy path. THAT is what our future looks like - as far as I can see - , especially when constantly messed up by 4thD STS.

I hope by making the right turns in the above timeline-bog hell - or mine-laden dangerous obstacle course that we are constantly speeding through.. I hope we will be able to avoid the US ritual of witch-burning Assange, just like this talented roller-skater avoids the obstacles in her path.
Superb essay by Dmitry Orlov here:

The Martyrdom of St. Julian of Wikileaks

Speaking of mean, this may be a particularly mean thing for me to say, because it may cause some politically polarized brains to explode, but I’ll say it anyway: Narrative Isn’t Everything. The world is split into people who thrive on clicks, views, likes, shares, reposts, ratings and other such nonsense; for them, narrative does seem like everything. After all, people like being told stories, and a lot of the simpler people don’t see the point of drawing a sharp line between fiction and nonfiction. [..]

Just because a certain narrative has become more popular than another doesn’t mean that it has won; it may just mean that the sad, insane people whose minds it has infested have lost. The replacement of the popular narrative “Clinton is a crook; that’s why she lost” with the popular narrative “Trump is a Russian stooge; that’s why he won” has not changed the underlying reality.

What it did was produce a pocket of stark-raving feces-flinging insanity. Helpful Russian clinicians in white coats are standing by with straitjackets and syringes of lorazepam while the rest of the world watches nervously. All hope that this bout of mass insanity will eventually run its course without requiring major medical intervention. Meanwhile, the denizens of the insane asylum obsess over the color of flower petals to scatter over the cesspool of their national politics in 2020. [..]

And it is rather questionable whether the British government has legitimate grounds to hold him: he jumped bail by entering the Ecuadoran embassy, but the arrest, and the bail, had been granted in connection with the Swedish extradition request, which is no longer valid, making the entire matter null and void. [..]

From this point of view Assange’s liberation from the Ecuadoran embassy and imprisonment in a British jail on charges of violating bail for an arrest grounds for which have since been dismissed starts to look like a major success. He is once again in the public eye, with numerous supporters throughout the world. If all goes well, he will be released and reestablish himself as a media personality of great stature. And if everything goes badly and the Americans do get their hands on him and torture him to death, he will die as a martyr and live in public memory forever.

Definitely SOTT worthy. :thup:
I think the problem is not to free him or to kill him, but to "reeducate him" or to "obvilionate him"

I think they want to use his arrest and punishment as an example to other journalists to not leak the "truth" about their crimes.

I doubt they entertain any hopes of "reeducating" him short of a lobotomy. They probably would not mind if the whole mess he has exposed would pass into oblivion though.

If they could kill him and get away with it I am sure they would/will. I have no doubt that torture is one of their favorite pastimes.
I think they want to use his arrest and punishment as an example to other journalists to not leak the "truth" about their crimes.

I doubt they entertain any hopes of "reeducating" him short of a lobotomy. They probably would not mind if the whole mess he has exposed would pass into oblivion though.

If they could kill him and get away with it I am sure they would/will. I have no doubt that torture is one of their favorite pastimes.
I does not explain well.
Some "reeducations" surpasses any torture form, geenbaum, for example.
A life sentence, with or without charges, mades the victim fall into obvilion. We all have fish memory.
To kill him is not an option. Thin about the uncharged US Guantanamo victims, the only place in Cuba human rights are severy damaged. In fact, the US perpetrators forcely feed they victims to avoid inconvinient deaths.
I does not explain well.
Some "reeducations" surpasses any torture form, geenbaum, for example.
A life sentence, with or without charges, mades the victim fall into obvilion. We all have fish memory.
To kill him is not an option. Thin about the uncharged US Guantanamo victims, the only place in Cuba human rights are severy damaged. In fact, the US perpetrators forcely feed they victims to avoid inconvinient deaths.

It is not impossible as you point out. I surely hope Julian does not meet such a hellish fate. He has gone though hell already.
It is not impossible as you point out. I surely hope Julian does not meet such a hellish fate. He has gone though hell already.

If Assange, his Lawyers and close ones are wise, they should do everything in their power to somehow get Assange (no matter how impossible it might seem at the moment) on russian territory (Ambassy for example) and let him apply for asylum there as Snowden did. Russia was the only country in the world that had the galls to take Snowden in and Putin made it very clear afterwards, again and again, that Russia will never hand out human right defenders/heroes.

I know it is practically impossible, but one can surely hope...
It is not impossible as you point out. I surely hope Julian does not meet such a hellish fate. He has gone though hell already.
I absolutely agree. Every time I think about Assange, a bitter taste gets me, and the idea that the "occident way of life" has its days counted becomes cristal clear.
I've a backgroud feeling that this is not a bad thing, in the long term, but witnessing the victims, like Assange (or Kennedy, as many others) pay the price is not a nice thing.
U.S. extradition request for Julian Assange to be heard on Thursday
A request by the United States to extradite WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange for one of the biggest ever leaks of classified information will be heard by a London court on Thursday.

“Julian Assange will be sentenced at Southwark Crown Court at 1030 tomorrow for ‘violating his bail conditions’ whilst seeking & obtaining political asylum,” WikiLeaks said.

“On Thursday at 10AM there will be a hearing in Westminster Magistrate Court on the US extradition request,” it said.

The U.S. Justice Department said Assange was charged with conspiring with former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning to gain access to a government computer as part of a 2010 leak by WikiLeaks of hundreds of thousands of U.S. military reports about the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and American diplomatic communications.
I've noticed that the lawyer has corrected herself in the segment in the last post above as though she wasn't meant to say what she said when speaking about Assange deteriorating "medical condition". I could be wrong though. Almost sounds like he has something rather serious.
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