Julian Assange Discussion

She says:

"We are very concerned about his health situation, his medical con.. his... his health has deteriorated significantly during the course of his confinement inside the embassy without access to medical treatment. And now that he is in the prison, he is effectively in his cell all the time by himself and he... I'm.. I'm.. concerned about his ongoing health problems as a result."
Hey SOTT crew,

I sent y'all two emails regarding a new article a few weeks ago but haven't heard anything back - did you receive them? A week or two prior I migrated my email to my server outside Australia, so it's possible something technical happened, although it looks like the emails sent okay.

Thanks in advance!
Hey SOTT crew,

I sent y'all two emails regarding a new article a few weeks ago but haven't heard anything back - did you receive them? A week or two prior I migrated my email to my server outside Australia, so it's possible something technical happened, although it looks like the emails sent okay.

Thanks in advance!

I am not sure where you should post your question but this thread does not seem to be maybe the best place for the "SOTT crew" to see it.

Maybe one of the other threads might be better for being seen like:

Happy Birthday Sott!
I am not sure where you should post your question but this thread does not seem to be maybe the best place for the "SOTT crew" to see it.

Maybe one of the other threads might be better for being seen like:

Happy Birthday Sott!
Hi goyacobol,

Not sure why you seem so upset that my post is 'not in its proper place', but your suggestion is certainly no better. The SOTT Crew monitor all the threads on this forum, so I figured it would be okay to post the question here even though it's not strictly 'on topic'. Apparently not. 🙄
Hi goyacobol,

Not sure why you seem so upset that my post is 'not in its proper place', but your suggestion is certainly no better. The SOTT Crew monitor all the threads on this forum, so I figured it would be okay to post the question here even though it's not strictly 'on topic'. Apparently not. 🙄

I don't think goyacobol was upset at all that you posted this here. His suggestion is actually a good one since this is a big forum and it isn't a given that every SOTT editor is always on top of (and aware of) everything that happens on every thread on this forum. We have a board that is specifically dedicated to SOTT-Article suggestions, in which you could try it as well.
Hi goyacobol,

Not sure why you seem so upset that my post is 'not in its proper place', but your suggestion is certainly no better. The SOTT Crew monitor all the threads on this forum, so I figured it would be okay to post the question here even though it's not strictly 'on topic'. Apparently not. 🙄

I don't think goyacobol was upset at all that you posted this here. His suggestion is actually a good one since this is a big forum and it isn't a given that every SOTT editor is always on top of (and aware of) everything that happens on every thread on this forum. We have a board that is specifically dedicated to SOTT-Article suggestions, in which you could try it as well.


Pashalis is right. I just wasn't sure you post would be noticed here in this thread. His link looks like maybe the best one to use so your question can be answered.

I was not upset, I was just trying find a better place for you to get in contact with the "SOTT crew". Sorry that my link did no better.

(PS thanks for helping Pashalis)
I don't think goyacobol was upset at all that you posted this here. His suggestion is actually a good one since this is a big forum and it isn't a given that every SOTT editor is always on top of (and aware of) everything that happens on every thread on this forum. We have a board that is specifically dedicated to SOTT-Article suggestions, in which you could try it as well.
I stand corrected. My apologies to you and goyacobol. I'll repost my question in the forum you suggest and will ensure I keep posts precisely on-topic in the future. 👍
Notice that both state the seriousness of what is happening to Assange at the end of the interview.

Pamela says: "We have to safe his life; that's how serious it is." and Hrafnsson says: "It is a question of life and death; that's how serious it is."

Which might be related to this:

I've noticed that the lawyer has corrected herself in the segment in the last post above as though she wasn't meant to say what she said when speaking about Assange deteriorating "medical condition". I could be wrong though. Almost sounds like he has something rather serious.
She says:

"We are very concerned about his health situation, his medical con.. his... his health has deteriorated significantly during the course of his confinement inside the embassy without access to medical treatment. And now that he is in the prison, he is effectively in his cell all the time by himself and he... I'm.. I'm.. concerned about his ongoing health problems as a result."
I was very sad listening to this interview. Specially to see that Assange is in total confinement and also he does not have access to books! 23 hours in a cell is a torture, it is a non-sense and very cruel. What is sad also is that we are so bombarded by news from everywhere, the chaos is so big that we almost forgot Assange. Me the first. But he is there, alone, sick and without books. He can not see his kids, can not see other people. Like a dangerous criminal. From his cell he is teaching us how hard is this system, how cold and cruel, inhuman and uncivilized.
" Still waters run deep and strong. The USA and allies are in for a rude and painful awakening." That`s what C´s said in August 30th,2014 and probably Julian Assange drama could be one of the factors that can trigger this painful awakening.Since this gang of lunatics are living in wishful thinking and they are so desperate,they will make a huge mistake in any moment.
Pamela says: "We have to safe his life; that's how serious it is." and Hrafnsson says: "It is a question of life and death; that's how serious it is."
Very serious !!

https://www.facebook.com/pepe.escobar.77377?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBPds6oiXPrJ1kn4-2IQ7U75ZfAQsose8ChkwTH57ng9WT55K5nVjW-8TKf3qwJK_-c2mSmg4bVJo4r&hc_ref=ARQj8mNmWw9kg3SU8wP1CXR5UWHJ83EKh2EZJl2pGfwUVrJqv5VAPc5jzAVSLClhxUQ&fref=nf said:

Retired USAF Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski is saying what NO ONE in British media – or Western MSM for that matter - dares to say.

The information comes from a source that knows exactly what’s goin’ on in Belmarsh prison – where all manner of “terrorists” are held:

“[Julian Assange] is presently under close observation in prison hospital because he has suffered ‘severe transient psychotic episodes.’ My source(s) indicate these episodes occurred after two sessions of coercive interrogation at the hands of UK and US officials. The source(s) stated the HUMINT interrogators used psychotropic drugs in the course of the sessions.”

Assange and WikiLeaks lawyers MUST act on it – fast.

https://www.globalresearch.ca/julian-assange-tortured-psychotropic-drug/5676921?fbclid=IwAR30mhnqD7IBFvd82Teyri3mzdT47_B1NDjcmj2Pb4k2D8w34JcM3LjUB8Y said:
Julian Assange Tortured with Psychotropic Drug

Retired USAF lieutenant colonel Karen Kwiatkowski writes in an article posted at Lew Rockwell’s website that Julian Assange is receiving the same treatment as suspected terrorists while in captivity at “Her Majesty’s Prison Service” at Belmarsh.

The FBI, Pentagon, and CIA are “interviewing” Assange. Kwiatkowski writes:

Interviewing is the wrong word. I’d like to say doctoring him, because it would be more accurate, except that word implies some care for a positive outcome. Chemical Gina has her hands in this one, and we are being told that Assange is being “treated” with 3-quinuclidinyl benzilate, known as BZ.

BZ is a powerful drug that produces hallucinations.

“Soldiers on BZ could remember only fragments of the experience afterward. As the drug wore off, and the subjects had trouble discerning what was real, many experienced anxiety, aggression, even terror,” the New Yorker reported. “…The drug’s effect lasted for days. At its peak, volunteers were totally cut off in their own minds, jolting from one fragmented existence to the next. They saw visions: Lilliputian baseball players competing on a tabletop diamond; animals or people or objects that materialized and vanished.”

Assange is being chemically lobotomized prior to being extradited to the United States to stand trial on bogus computer hacking charges that—and the corporate media won’t tell you this—passed the statute of limitations three years ago (see 18 U.S. Code § 371. Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States).

Forget about the statute of limitations. The US government has long violated both domestic and international law. It is a rogue nation led by an ignorant clown who opened the back door and ushered in neocon psychopaths notorious for killing millions. In normal times, these criminals would be in the dock at The Hague standing trial for crimes against humanity. But we don’t live in normal times.

The message is clear: if you expose the massive criminal enterprise at the heart of the US government, you will be renditioned, chemically tortured (a favorite of Chemical Gina, now CIA director), chewed up and spit out until you’re a babbling mental case like David Shayler (who believes he is the Second Coming of Christ). Shayler, a former MI5 agent, made the mistake of exposing the UK’s support of terror operations in Libya. Shayler spent three weeks at Belmarsh after a conviction for breaching the Official Secrets Act. He emerged from prison broken and delusional.

I seriously doubt most Americans care about the chemical torture of Julian Assange. On social media, liberals and so-called progressives, along with their “conservative” counterparts, celebrate Assange’s arrest, confinement, and torture. Members of Congress have called for his execution, while one media talking head (teleprompter script reader) demanded the CIA send a hit team to London and assassinate Assange.

Americans are similar to the propagandized and brainwashed citizens of Nazi Germany. Most went along with Hitler right up until the end when their cities lay in smoldering ruins and their once proud country was carved up, half of it given over to the communists. They set up the Stasi to deal with East Germans who were not following the totalitarian program.


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site: Another Day in the Empire.
Kurt Nimmo is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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I wonder how they "legally" are able to do this, and what his lawyer is doing about this hideous injustice.

"Legally" ... that's the issue, an update from Pepe Escobar
https://www.facebook.com/pepe.escobar.77377 said:

This adds up to my previous post on Assange possibly being tortured in jail - according to retired USAF Lt. Col. Karin Kwiatkowski.

My great friend Joe Lauria at Consortium News tell me, "Karin is backing away from her statements and has removed her tweet. She says she was just 'speculating about this when asked a question a couple of weeks ago. Some people think she may have been set up by a source to have her report this and thereby discredit VIPS, of which she is a member."

The attempt to discredit VIPS - who are EXTREMELY professional and in fact unimpeachable - makes total sense. They have been relentless debunking the WHOLE Russiagate narrative. I found it strange that Pamela Anderson and Kristinn Hrafnsson from WikiLeaks visited Julian on Tuesday and did not say anything about his condition being like this.
Besides, the UN rapporteur on torture saw Julian yesterday. Joe tells me "he had a doctor with him who examined Julian, and he said nothing when he met with the press afterward."

Anyway, here are the facts. But I STILL don't put beyond Chemical Gina and his goons to "interfere" with Julian in jail.
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