July 2016 Military Coup in Turkey

Turkish Foreign Ministry recalls 300 diplomats over suspected Gulen links


The Turkish Foreign Ministry has recalled 300 diplomats as part of ongoing investigations into possible affiliation to the network of US-based opposition leader Fethullah Gulen, who is blamed by Ankara for having masterminded a recent failed coup attempt.

Diplomatic sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, said on Sunday that envoys found to have had connections with 75-year-old Gulen will be dismissed from their posts, while those found innocent will return to work.

The report comes as Turkish authorities arrested Gurcan Balik (shown below), who served as the chief advisor to former Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu during the latter’s time as foreign minister, on August 18 for suspected links to the Gulen movement.

Davutoglu had himself resigned back in May in an apparent row with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has been seeking to expand his powers. Davutoglu, however, professed his loyalty to Erdogan even as he quit.

On the same day, Tuncay Babalı, a former ambassador to Canada, and Ali Findik, a former ambassador to Costa Rica, were detained in the Turkish capital city of Ankara over accusations of being linked to Gulen.

Meanwhile, Turkish officials have remanded 40 military officers from the Ankara-based Turkish Military Academy in connection with the botched putsch.

A total of 44 military officers, including three colonels, one lieutenant colonel, five majors, 34 captains and one non-commissioned sergeant were detained on July 18, and referred to the Caglayan Courthouse for interrogation.

Following testimonies before public prosecutors, judicial authorities ordered the release of four suspects on Saturday, while the rest were remanded.

A faction of the Turkish military declared itself in charge of the country on the night of July 15. Renegade military personnel made use of battle tanks and helicopters to fight loyalists to the incumbent government in Ankara and Istanbul.

The coup attempt was suppressed as people turned out on the streets to support Erdogan and his ruling Justice and Development Party.

At least 246 people were killed and more than 2,100 others sustained injuries in the coup attempt.

Gulen has condemned the coup attempt and denied any involvement in the violence.

India ‘infiltrated’ by Turkey coup mastermind followers, warns Ankara


Supporters of the US-based Islamist cleric Fethullah Gulen whom Ankara believes to have been behind the military coup attempt last month have already “infiltrated” India, the Turkish FM claimed, urging Indian authorities to shut down Gulenist organizations.

Referring to the group led by Gulen as FETO (Gulenist Terror Organization, a term used by non-Gulenists) Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Saturday: “Unfortunately, FETO has also infiltrated India through associations and schools.”

Gulen’s organization is a “transnational” one and has its followers around the world, he added. Claiming that the cleric’s supporters represent a threat to Turkey’s and India’s national security, Cavusoglu urged India to take action to shut down organizations linked to the cleric.

I have already taken up this issue with my counterpart,” Cavusoglu told the Press Trust of India on Sunday following talks with India’s Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj.

In all countries where FETO has a presence, we ask them to take immediate actions to remove them from their territories,” he said.

India, in its turn said it is “looking into” to the Turkish FM’s request and remains “sensitive” to Ankara’s concerns.

President Tayyip Erdogan accuses his former ally Fethullah Gulen of orchestrating the failed coup attempt on July 15. The cleric who has lived in self-imposed exile in Pennsylvania since 1999 denies the accusations.

Ankara has been calling on the US to extradite Gulen, however, Washington has refused to do it until clear evidence of the cleric’s involvement has been provided.

The US’ refusal to hand over the cleric is “destroying” Turkish-American relations and has resulted in just “so-so” cooperation, Turkey’s Prime Minister said on Saturday, as cited by Bloomberg.

Nothing is the same after July 15,” said Prime Minister Binali Yildirim. “America knows this, and we know they know it.”

The statements made by the Turkish FM and PM come just days before an official visit of the US Vice President Joe Biden sought to “fix” the current gap in the US-Turkey ties and sort out differences regarding Gulen. The US Justice Department will also send a team to Ankara conduct a probe into Turkey’s allegations of Gulen’s criminal activity.

Over 60,000 people have been detained, suspended or placed under investigation following the attempted overthrow of the Turkish president. The staggering number has been of concern to the West which suspects Erdogan is taking advantage of the situation to clampdown on dissent.
Right after the Coup, there were reports coming out of Washington, John Kerry was to visit Turkey in the first half of August. Nothing else was mentioned in the media. Since then, I haven't come across any reports on Kerry, he must be on Vacation? From this article, it states - that Kerry's visit was scrapped and VP Joe Biden is to visit Turkey August 24th?

Joe Biden's upcoming visit to Turkey will see the US Vice President trying his best to improve Washington's relations with Ankara, journalist Thomas Seibert wrote for the German newspaper Der Tagesspiegel.

Biden's Turkey Trip Could Be Bid to Save Face Following Botched Coup Attempt

With many Turkish citizens blaming Washington for being behind July's attempted coup in Turkey, US Vice President Joe Biden's forthcoming visit to Ankara is essentially a desperate attempt to bolster bilateral relations, according to journalist Thomas Siebert, who also referred to the current thaw in Russian-Turkish ties.

In his article, published by the German newspaper Der Tagesspiegel, Siebert recalled that later this week Biden will visit a totally different country from the Turkey he saw six months ago in terms of the Washington-Ankara partnership.

Washington is clearly concerned about the situation, Siebert wrote, pointing to the US government's scrapped plans to send US Secretary of State John Kerry to Turkey in early August.

Siebert also recalled that the representatives of the Turkish government and the country's state-run media insist that it was Washington which masterminded the attempted coup against President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Turkey's leadership specifically pointed to the fact, Siebert wrote, that Turkish cleric Fethullah Gulen, who is accused of orchestrating the coup, now resides in the US, and that a former US State Department member was in attendance at an Istanbul conference when the coup took place.

In this vein, Siebert referred to the results of the latest opinion polls, in which two out of three Turkish respondents said that they believe Washington was involved in instigating the coup. Siebert also quoted Erdogan as saying that America must choose between Gulen and Turkey, a warning that was echoed by Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim, who said that Washington's choice to give Gulen asylum in the US may "destroy" bilateral relations.

In this connection, Siebert recalled Erdogan's recent visit to Russia, where he met President Vladimir Putin and praised Moscow's "unambiguous" condemnation of the failed coup in Turkey.

Of course, this is not the only reason for the burgeoning dispute between Ankara and Washington, which have closely cooperated since the 1950s, Siebert wrote, referring to Ankara's dissatisfaction with American support for the Kurdish militias in Syria, where the US is fighting Daesh terrorists.

Earlier, CNN quoted the White House as saying that Biden is due to visit Turkey on August 24. He will meet Erdogan and Yildirim "to discuss the US-Turkey relationship and a range of issues of importance to both nations."

Also high on the agenda will be Ankara's request for the extradition of Gulen, who is currently living in exile in the Unites States.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) chief of European command arrived in Ankara for talks with the Turkish general staff over a month after the failed coup in the member state of the military alliance, national television reported Monday.

NATO Europe Commander Arrives in Ankara for Meeting With Turkish General Staff

The delegation’s plane headed by Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) and US European Command (EURCOM) chief US Gen. Curtis Scaparrotti landed at the capital’s Esenboga airport at noon local time (09:00 GMT), according to the Haberturk broadcaster.

Scaparrotti is expected to meet Chief of the Turkish General Staff Hulusi Akar, the outlet added.

Ankara has repeatedly criticized Western leaders for failing to display solidarity with Turkey through paying official visits to the country following the attempted July 15 government overthrow.

Turks who live in Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, France and Switzerland and have links to the co-called Gulenist movement say they are frightened amid Turkey's crackdown on Gulen's followers, according to media reports.

Gulen Followers Living in Europe Receive Death Threats, Feel Intimidated

Some Turkish people living in Europe who have links to supporters of Fethullah Gulen, accused by Ankara of masterminding the July 15 thwarted coup, have receive death threats and feel intimidated, media reported on Monday.

According to Politico newspaper, Turks who live in Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, France and Switzerland and have links to the co-called Gulenist movement say they are frightened amid Turkey's crackdown on Gulen's followers.

"Many of us received death threats…. I have reported six death threats to the police, and I know many people who have done the same. I am in constant touch with the police," the head of one the of the main Gulen think tanks in Europe, based in Berlin, was quoted as saying by the media outlet.

Earlier in the month, Belgium media outlets reported that some ethnic Turks in the country have withdrawn their children from schools allegedly financed by organizations linked to the Gulen-headed movement due to threats they have received.
RedFox said:
angelburst29 said:
Erdogan Wants to 'Smash NATO Secret Army' Allegedly Involved in Attempted Coup

Holy smoke!!!
Well I sure hope he can do it.

I'm getting the Gawd Awful feeling, the media has been feeding us "ALL lies" and what Erdogan is pulling off - is all smoke and mirrors? There's so many contradictions, I'm having trouble keeping tabs on them. I think, what's bothering me the most right now, is that Putin gave Erdogan a golden chance to redeem himself ....... and Erdogan - just blew it!!!

Let's start out with the Coup. The day before the Coup, Kerry was visiting Russia. Following day, the Coup materializes and Kerry is still in Russia! Right away, the U.S. announces - it will remain partners with Turkey's Military - if the Coup is successful? Kerry makes some waves that "Turkey’s NATO membership could be in jeopardy" and Incirlik Air Base (built by U.S./ NATO on Turkey's territory) is closed off (to protect the Nukes?). Soldiers detained during the early hours of the Coup "thought it was a training exercise"? Then there's conflicting reports of Erdogan's assassination attempt and "42 Helicopters Missing" neither reports have been followed with hard evidence? In a Skype broadcast, Erdogan blames the supporters of the Islamist leader - Fetullaha Gülen who resides in the U.S. Erdogan then begins a crusade in rounding up "opposition forces" including some Military personnel at Incirlik Air base.

July 14-15 July 14-15 Kerry heading to Moscow for 4th visit in a year

Turkey army says has taken power over country

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov sain on Saturday that bloodshed should be avoided in Turkey, and that the situation should be settled within a constitutional framework. He also called on his countrymen in Turkey to stay indoors.

The Russian foreign minister made the statement during a joint press conference with his US counterpart John Kerry, who also expressed hope for peace in Turkey.

July 15 - Turkish military declares takeover of country, top officials reportedly taken hostage

July 16 - US, Turkish Military to Remain Partners if Coup Successful - Congressman

"Our military enjoys very good relationship with the Turkish military. If in fact this coup has taken place and is successful, I think moving forward that relationship is imperative to maintain our NATO ally status with Turkey," McCaul said on Friday in an interview with Fox News.

July 16 - Soldiers Detained in Turkey Thought Coup Was a Training Exercise

July 16 - Incirlik airbase in southern Turkey has been closed by local military authorities


In a Skype, which was broadcast on the air of CNN Turk, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has accused the supporters of Islamist leader Fetullaha Gülen in the organization of the coup. Fetullaha Gülen is residing in the United States, and cooperating with US intelligence agencies.

July 17 - Turkey Detains Several Incirlik Air Base Servicemen on Coup Attempt Links

July 17 - 42 Helicopters Missing in Turkey Sparking Concerns of a Second Coup Attempt

July 18 - Erdogan forced to cut off speech after breaking into tears

July 18 - Kerry warns Turkey’s NATO membership could be in jeopardy

July 18 - July 18 - Ex-Commander of Turkish Air Force Pleads Guilty to Organizing Coup Attempt

July 18 - Ex-Commander of Turkish Air Force Denies Admission of Masterminding Coup

Putin contacted Erdogan to express his dismay of the Coup and condolences to the lives lost. An agreement was confirmed for a meeting between the two. Germany's Merkel and some EU Members voice concern to Erdogan's round up and detention connected to the Coup attempt.

Then there's a report, a top US General rushes to Turkey amid accusations - the US Plotted the Coup and out of concern that recent developments will hamper U.S. and NATO operations, while Erdogan consolidates his Power and grip on the Military. Erdogan - even goes as far as stating he wants to 'Smash NATO Secret Army' - All of this sounds serious, yet - I suspect it's all "Smoke and Mirrors" and Erdogan/U.S. and NATO planned the suppose Coup and used Gulen - as a Fall Guy? In all of this Media-talk, I suspect Erdogan is trying to convince the outside World, AND Russia - that he's cleaning up his Act and wants to cooperate with Russia?

July 18 - Putin, Erdogan have telephone conversation after military coup attempt in Turkey — Kremlin

"Vladimir Putin in relation to the attempt of a force overthrowing of democratically elected Turkish authorities at night to July 16 stressed Russia's principal line for categorical inacceptance of anti-constitutional actions and use of force in life of a country," the Kremlin said. "Recep Tayyip Erdogan was offered condolences following the many victims among the civilians and law enforcers opposing the plotters, as well as wishes of soonest recovery of stable constitutional order and stability in Turkey."

Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan also confirmed earlier agreement to meet in person soon, the Kremlin's press service said.

July 22 - Russia, Turkey Resume Work of Intergovernmental Trade Commission

July 29 - Some EU Members' Stance Over Coup Attempt Disappoints Ankara

On Thursday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel condemned Ankara's reaction as disproportionate, as Turkish authorities shut down numerous institutions and detained over 13,000 people in connection with the coup attempt.

July 30 - US Central Command Chief Denies Any Role in Turkey Coup Attempt

July 30 - Top US General Rushes to Turkey Amid Accusations US Plotted Coup

July 30 - US Concerned Turkish Coup Attempt May Impact Military Operations

July 30 - Turkish Official: Erdogan Wants Military Under His Direct Control

After a five-hour meeting of Turkey's Supreme Military Council, chaired by Prime Minister Binali Yildirim and including top brass, Erdogan announced his decision to keep armed forces chief Hulusi Akar, and the army, navy and air force commanders at their posts. Only minor changes to the top military ranks were made.

July 30 - Erdogan Plans to Close All Military Schools, Create National Defense University

July 30 - Turkish Army, Navy, Air Force Transferred to Defense Ministry's Command

Aug. 1 - Turkish Defense Ministry Appoints 167 New Generals After Thwarted Coup Attempt

Aug. 2 - Top US General Tries to Smooth Turkey Tensions After Failed Coup

Aug. 3 - Erdogan Wants to 'Smash NATO Secret Army' Allegedly Involved in Attempted Coup

Kerry was scheduled to visit Turkey on August 21, then it's rescheduled for Wednesday the 24th. A few days later, an odd report surfaces of a U.S. female Intelligence Officer, on mission in Syria and injured, asked her command for rescue and headed to the Syrian-Turkish border. She was located two days later. No other info available.

Tuesday Aug. 9, Erdogan goes to Russia to meet Putin. One of the things discussed was Turkey closing the Border with Syria.

On Monday Aug. 22, NATO Europe Commander arrives in Ankara for a meeting with Turkish General Staff. Wednesday August 24, both VP Biden and Kerry meet in Turkey. While a report by Germany voices concern that the coup was actually orchestrated by Erdogan.

Aug. 5 - Turkey Urged to Mend Ties With Assad After Making Peace With Israel, Russia

Aug. 5 - Russia, Turkey May Agree to Hold Next High-Level Cooperation Council in 2017

Aug. 5 - Putin-Erdogan Talks Could Give Impetus to Turkish Stream Project

Aug. 5 - No basis for talks with Turkey after coup: German FM

Frank-Walter Steinmeier said Thursday that the government in Berlin has serious concerns about mass arrests that have been carried out by Ankara after the thwarted coup on July 15.

In return, Turkey says Germany has not taken the coup attempt seriously. The Ankara government has also been angered by media reports in the European country suggesting the coup was actually orchestrated by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Aug. 5 - Kerry to Visit Turkey August 24

Aug. 9 - Turkish Border Patrol Finds US Agent After Two Days of Searches by Military

Aug. 10 - Wake-Up Call for America’s ‘Indispensable Allies’: Post-Coup Erdogan Goes to Russia

During the meeting, President Erdogan sharply criticized the United States and the EU for what he said was a lack of solidarity with Turkey over the July 15 coup in which more than 240 people were killed and nearly 2,200 wounded.

Aug. 15 - Turkey Needs Political Will to Lockdown Border With Syria

During last week’s session of the joint Russian-Turkish commission, Moscow specifically stressed the necessity of closing the 98-kilometer section of the Turkish-Syrian border.

The meeting was a continuation of last Tuesday's dialogue in St. Petersburg between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The two, among other things, discussed the peace settlement in Syria, which is why Moscow is now urging Ankara to seal this stretch of the Syrian-Turkish border in order to stop the flow of terrorists and weapons.

Aug. 16 - Turkey Allows 1,000 Terrorists to Cross Border into Syria's Idlib

Over 1,000 fully-equipped terrorists have arrived in Idlib province to join Jeish al-Fatah terrorists in Aleppo province as the Turkish border guards have closed their eyes to the border crossings by the terrorists, the Arabic-language al-Watan newspapers reported on Tuesday.

Aug. 18 - Erdogan will meet with Russia, Iran next week

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will make a high-profiled trip to the Tehran next week, as he looks to strengthen regional ties with Russia and Iran.

Erdogan’s upcoming visit to Tehran comes just two weeks after he made a historic trip to St. Petersburg in order to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Earlier this week, Erdogan announced that he has mapped out a solution to end the ongoing war in Syria; however, he did not go into details.

Aug. 18 - Alliance Between Russia, Turkey, Iran on Syria Taking Shape

August 20 - NATO's fingerprints in Turkish coup

The same coup participants stationed at the Turkish Air Force, were the most NATO-integrated structures of the Turkish Military. From the very beginning - Western media spread disinformation. The three most important regiments which participated in the coup were part of Turkey's 'NATO Rapid Deployable Corps'.

Aug. 21 - What’s Going on? Contradictory Reports Regarding US Nukes on Incirlik Airbase

Aug. 22 - NATO Europe Commander Arrives in Ankara for Meeting With Turkish General Staff

The delegation’s plane headed by Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) and US European Command (EURCOM) chief US Gen. Curtis Scaparrotti landed at the capital’s Esenboga airport at noon local time (09:00 GMT), according to the Haberturk broadcaster. (Monday August 22, 2016)

Aug. 22 - Turkey Launches Artillery Barrage on Northern Syria

Aug. 22 - Biden's Turkey Trip Could Be Bid to Save Face Following Botched Coup Attempt

CNN quoted the White House as saying that Biden is due to visit Turkey on August 24. (Same day as Kerry.)
(Continued in next Post.)
Syrian air strikes come near a Base in Hasaka that the U.S. is setting up. The U.S. then scrambles jets but the Syrian pilots are out of the area. Syria is warned, the U.S. will protect their troops. Turkey entered Syria without contacting or getting permission from the Syrian Government.

In an article below, "Turkey 'Was Working on Ground Incursion in Syria For Two Years" goes into some details on a plan Erdogan was ready to implement but met heavy opposition. I speculate, Erdogan was the main instigator in the Coup, to get rid of any opposing forces and solidify more power and control. U.S. and NATO are backing Erdogan up.

Aug. 18 - US Sets Up New Military Base in Hasaka

Aug. 19 - US-Coaliton Scrambles Jets in Response to Syrian Airstrikes

Aug. 23 - US Forces 'Not Really Involved' in Hasakah, Syria Airstrike Area

US Department of State spokesman Mark Toner stated that the United States was not necessarily involved in Hasakah, Syria, an area where US military personnel were reportedly endangered by Syrian government airstrikes last week.

Aug. 23 - US ready to target Russian, Syrian jets in Syria: Pentagon

Aug. 25 - Ankara Needs to Coordinate Actions in Syria With Damascus - Hmeimim Group

"This attack across the Syrian border towards Jarablus is a violation of Syria's sovereignty. Ankara does not have any legitimate right to send forces. For example, all Russian airstrikes are launched in coordination and under the agreement with the Syrian government. If the Turks really want to fight against Daesh they need to coordinate their actions with the legitimate Syrian government," Ahmad said.

Aug. 26 - 'Kurds are Primary Target' of Turkish Operation in Jarablus

"When the Kurdish Democratic Forces destroyed Daesh militants in Manbij they started to advance on al-Bab and further to a Kurdish enclave near Afrin. Thus, Kurds want to create a Kurdish belt along the Turkish-Syrian border. Ankara responded with an operation in Jarablus. The next step could be operation in al-Bab, in order to prevent Kurds in northeast to join Kurds in northwest," Isayev suggested.

Aug. 26 - Syrian Envoy to UN: Turkish Troops Provide Terrorists in Syrian Aleppo With Arms

"On 1 August 2016, Turkish troops were observed entering Syrian territory. Those troops assembled opposite the village of Bikah… in the northern countryside of Aleppo governorate, and built weapons depots. They handed over those depots, filled with weapons and ammunition, to the Army of Conquest, the Nusra Front and Ahrar al-Sham terrorist groups," Jaafari said in identical letters addressed to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon and to UN Security Council President Ramlan bin Ibrahim.

Aug. 27 - Turkey 'Was Working on Ground Incursion in Syria For Two Years

Turkish leadership contemplated launching a military incursion in northern Syria two years ago, but it was repeatedly postponed due a deep freeze in relations with Russia in the wake of the Su-24 incident, opposition from high-ranking military officials and Washington's concerns, Hurriyet reported, citing an unnamed senior military source.

The Turkish government has been working on a ground incursion for more than two years," the source said, adding that Ankara "came close to putting boots on the ground" in Syria at that time.

Like the ongoing Operation Euphrates Shield, that offensive was meant to free Jarablus. The Syrian town located close to the border with Turkey was captured by Daesh in 2013. On Wednesday, the Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army liberated Jarablus in a major ground offensive in northern Syria that saw Turkish warplanes, tanks and special forces cross the border and engage in fighting.

Two years ago contingency plans were prepared for the possible offensive, but "certain commanders within the military" prevented the leadership from moving forward with the initiative, the source explained. These individuals "came up with excuses," saying that the Turkish Armed Forces lacked military capabilities for a ground operation in Syria.

The newspaper named Brig. Gen. Semih Terzi of the special forces as one of those, who were against Ankara's plans in Syria. Terzi was fatally shot during the failed military coup that rocked Turkey on July 15.

Operation Euphrates Shield was launched on Wednesday and is led by Lt. Gen. Zekai Aksakalli, the commander of Turkey's special forces. Terzi was Aksakalli's deputy. The latter played a major part in making sure that coup plotters did not succeed in overthrowing the government as the events unfolded.

Turkey apparently raised the issue of a possible ground offensive in northern Syria with coalition allies, including the United States in June 2015, but Washington "did not believe Turkey's plan [was] feasible." US leadership was concerned that there were not enough rebels to free Jarablus and surrounding areas. The Su-24 incident was also a factor that prevented Ankara from giving the operation the green light.

"After the downing of a Russian jet in November 2015, it became practically impossible to implement our plans due to the lack of air cover. It wasn't until the recent rapprochement with Russia, in this sense, that the ground incursion could practically go forward," the source explained.

Aug. 27 - US Poised to 'Divide Northern Syria Into Several Zones of Influence'

Washington has supported the Turkish military operation in Jarablus, northern Syria. After Kurdish YPG forces leaves Manbij, the US could try to divide northern Syrian into several zones controlled by different players, a political analyst said.

Aug. 27 - Kurds Say Something's Fishy About Turkey's Swift Victory in Jarablus

Turkish armed forces and Syrian rebels pushed Daesh out of Jarablus within hours, despite previous unsuccessful attempts to free the border town since 2013, prompting Syrian Kurds to suspect that something was fishy with Ankara's military incursion into the neighboring nation.

Abd Salam Muhammad Ali, a representative of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) in Russia, told Vzglyad that Turkish troops took control of Jarablus encountering almost no resistance. "Judging from how fast this 'liberation' took place, I have grounds to believe that this is a show. The militants shaved off their beards and rushed to join 'moderates,'" he said.

Aug. 28 - First Fatality on Turkey’s Side on the Battlefields of Syria

One Turkish soldier has been killed and three others injured by a rocket, launched from territory held by Kurdish YPG forces, after Turkey launched a cross-border offensive this week.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that the Turkish operation in northern Syria will continue until Ankara eradicates the roots the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD).

Turkish Operation in Syria to Continue Until Kurdish Threat Eliminated - Erdogan

Ankara will continue its Euphrates Shield military operation in northern Syria until the threat posed by the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) militants operating in the area is eliminated, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Sunday.

"We will fight against the Islamic State terrorist group in Syria's Jarabulus, Iraq's Bashiqa and, if it is necessary, in other places. We are equally resolute regarding PYD. Our operation in northern Syria will continue until we eradicate the roots of this separatist terrorist organization," Erdogan said at a rally in Gaziantep in the southeast of Turkey.

The Kurdish Democratic Union Party demanded an immediate withdrawal of Turkish forces from Syria after Ankara had launched an operation to liberate the city of Jarablus from Daesh.

'Or We'll Force Them Out': Kurdish PYD Demands Turkey's Withdrawal From Syria

The Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) demands that Turkey immediately withdraws its forces from the territory of Syria, a representative for PYD in France, Khaled Isa, told Sputnik on Wednesday. Earlier in the day, Turkish tanks entered Syria as part of an operation to free the border town of Jarablus from militants.

"Turkey is trying to turn its indirect occupation of Syria into a direct one," Isa said. "We demand that Turkey immediately withdraws from the territory of Syria, stops supporting terrorist groups in Syria, otherwise we will force them out of our territory."

At least 35 civilians have reportedly been killed and 75 others wounded in fresh Turkish artillery fire and airstrikes on northern Syria.

35 civilians killed in Turkey raids in Syria: Report

The so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said at least 20 civilians lost their lives and 50 more sustained injuries on Sunday after the Turkish attacks on the Jubb al-Kusa, a village south of the town of Jarablus in Syria’s Aleppo province.

Additionally, four local militants were killed in the Turkish bombardment, the UK-based observatory added.

It further reported that another 15 civilians were dead and 25 others wounded, many seriously, in Turkish air raids near the town of Amarneh, south of Jarablus.

Amarneh witnessed clashes between Turkish-backed Syria militants and pro-Kurdish troops on Saturday.

The development comes as Turkey presses ahead with its incursion into Syrian territory, dubbed “Euphrates Shield.”

Turkish warplanes and artillery units hit Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) targets in Northern Syria on Sunday, military sources said.

Turkish Artillery Hits YPG Ammo Depot in Syria's Jarablus

The sources said the attack on ammunition depots in Jarablus was part of the Turkish ongoing operation against militant groups in Northern Syria.

Ankara has frequently voiced its concern over the YPG's activity along the Turkish border and has been rigid in its stance in not allowing the militant group to found any kind of de facto Kurdish state in Northern Syria.

Earlier on Sunday, Turkish warplanes and artillery units targeted positions of the Kurdish forces of the People’s Protection Units and residential areas on the Southern side of the border town of Jarabulus, claiming the lives of at least 40 people.

Human rights watch announced that at least 20 civilians were killed in the Turkish fighter jets' attacks on residential areas in Jarabulus, meantime Kurdish sources confirmed that over 20 YPG fighters have been killed and many more have been wounded in the Turkish airstrikes in Jarabulus.

Turkey's military operation in Northern Syria, known as 'Euphrates Shield', makes the conflict unpredictable and dangerous not only for Middle Eastern countries, but also for Europe, German newspaper Die Welt wrote.

German Newspaper: 'Euphrates Shield' Operation Threatening Both Middle East, Europe

The Turkish Army with the air support of the US-led coalition launched 'Euphrates Shield' military operation in Syria on Wednesday, as Ankara claims that it has begun to cleanse the ISIL terrorists from its border with the Arab country.

Local broadcaster NTV reported on the same day that Ankara has informed Moscow about launching a campaign to liberate the city of Jarablus from the ISIL militants, but now, according to Russian News Agency Sputnik, the German newspaper Die Welt wrote that the Turkish military is not coordinating its steps with Russia and the US by going on the offensive in Syria.

"Both parties in the bloody game [Russia and the US] know that the wars are not won from the air," the article said. Thus, Washington prefers to refrain from large-scale military operations in the region in the same way that Russia does, Die Welt noted.

According to the newspaper, Recep Tayyip Erdogan wants to strengthen Turkey's positions, defeat the Kurds and eliminate the ISIL in order to present himself as the winner and protector of its citizens.

At the beggining of the operation, the Turkish President said the aim of Ankara's military operation in Northern Syria is to eliminate threats from both the ISIL and the Kurds, adding that Turkey is ready to take joint steps both with the international coalition forces and with Russia.

Die Welt wrote, However, given the current developments, Erdogan's actions do not seem to be based on any comprehensive strategy — it is rather an attempt to escape from a difficult situation.

"It is unlikely that this issue has been coordinated within NATO — and because of this, the Syrian war is taking a new, unknown, dimension," the article said.

Earlier reports provided by CNN Turk broadcaster said about 200 service personnel from armored forces and 150 special forces troops were involved in the military operation in Syria. At least 13 Turkish F-16 fighters, two rescue aircraft, one tanker aircraft and a plane equipped with airborne warning and control systems (AWACS) provided air support for the Turkish military.

A senior Turkish official also announced Thursday that there were now more than 20 Turkish tanks inside Syria and that additional tanks and construction machinery would be sent in as required.

Meanwhile, Damascus has condemned Ankara's military operation and entry of Turkish special forces and tanks into Syria while Moscow has expressed deeply concern about what is happening in the Syrian-Turkish border area.

Tehran, also, underlined that any military action in Syria needs to be coordinated with Damascus first.
[quote author= article Angelburst29]Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that the Turkish operation in northern Syria will continue until Ankara eradicates the roots the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD).

Turkish Operation in Syria to Continue Until Kurdish Threat Eliminated - Erdogan

Ankara will continue its Euphrates Shield military operation in northern Syria until the threat posed by the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) militants operating in the area is eliminated, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Sunday.

"We will fight against the Islamic State terrorist group in Syria's Jarabulus, Iraq's Bashiqa and, if it is necessary, in other places. We are equally resolute regarding PYD. Our operation in northern Syria will continue until we eradicate the roots of this separatist terrorist organization," Erdogan said at a rally in Gaziantep in the southeast of Turkey.[/quote]

Is it really? Or is it aimed at Assad or both? It's nervwrecking.

I have read several articles already how Russia is not willing to draw the line here and go to war with Turkey to save Syria. They see it as the start of Washington's plan B

What those authors are missing is that Russia and Iran cannot openly approve any of this because it will ruin their relations with the Kurds which Russia sees as an formidable ally in this conflict.
And Russia and Iran also cannot ruin it's relationship with Erdogan at the moment. Because there exists no clarity what Erdogan true intentions are? And Turkey is the game-chancer they need to end this conflict as quickly as possible.

I think there are to to many what if's at the moment. Either Russia and Iran have been informed silently by Erdogan what Turkey's intention are. (Only aimed at the Kurds) Or they don't know it either. If that is the case, I fear Plan B has just began. But like said, I think there are to many what if's at the moment.

What is sure is that Erdogan above all fears a Kurdish state. And only recently has serious indications came out that this can become a reality. It's not realistic I think, to many will oppose it. But steps have been made by the US threatening that they will protect their forces fighting allong side with the Kurds. And the Kurds can consists of their Plan B. Something Erdogan will resist with all force, because it will mean that Kurdistan can become a reality.

Maybe Turkey's offensive is only aimed at the Kurds, not Assad. This few coming days/weeks should tell use more.

Or maybe someone else has a better picture of what is going on. Is this aimed only at the Kurds? Or also Assad?

And awhile this has been going on, sources say that China is about to enter the war :


It better be true.
[quote author= Article Angelburst29]"It is unlikely that this issue has been coordinated within NATO — and because of this, the Syrian war is taking a new, unknown, dimension," the article said.[/quote]

How about Erdogan playing nice with the terrorists groups. Letting them retreat, taking the strategic territories for himself.

Maybe his intentions are to covertly set up Turkey's military border control inside Syria as a buffer zone between the countries. And making further Kurdish advances impossible.

Closing the border immediate would be a dumb enough. If you want to kill of their lifeline. Better prepare first, and get ready for the consequences.

I hope Erdogan will stab ISIS/ Al Nusra etc in the back. On another note, I fear he sees them as a usefull tool against the Kurds.

And maybe even still against Assad ...
bjorn said:
Maybe Turkey's offensive is only aimed at the Kurds, not Assad. This few coming days/weeks should tell use more.

Or maybe someone else has a better picture of what is going on. Is this aimed only at the Kurds? Or also Assad?

I don't know if he still wants Assad out. I think that with recent events, he might have changed his mind on that. If he's smart he'd have more or less the same aims as Russia, Syria, and Iran. Regarding attacking YPG, that actually might be a good thing, considering that a Kurdistan is probably what the US wants. Joe wrote here:

Things have changed a lot over the past 5 months, and a lot has been revealed. It seems that the US' "plan b" (or whatever letter they are on now) is to use the kurdish aspiration for a homeland to achieve what they could not achieve through the overthrow of Assad. In short, the idea of a "kurdistan" across northern Syria is a very bad idea, a hopeless one really, although you never know how far the US will push their agenda. The plan seems to be to push for the creation of a "kurdistan" across all of northern Syria in the hope of 'hooking up' with Kurds both in south central Turkey and northern Iraq (where a lot of Iraq's oil is).

The idea seems to be to create a US-compliant state through which Iraqi oil in the north can be shipped to the Med. Obviously Syria, Turkey, Iraq and Iran would all be against this idea (not to mention Russia). The US' immediate way to enforce this seems to be by "embedding" US troops with YPG forces in Northern Syria, warning the Syrian airforce (and by implications the Russians) that, should they attack these forces they would risk US retaliation. Basically, it's the US' attempt at a 'no fly' zone.

See also this from a Sott Focus article:

Make no mistake about it though: the US is saying one thing, and doing quite another. It says it is with Turkey in its mission to contain the YPG to northeast Syria... all the while US Special Forces and military jets are physically assisting the YPG to advance towards (and link up with?) Kurdish forces all along the Syria-Turkey border to the Mediterranean.

These events have been an inevitable outcome of the downturn in US/Turkey relations. Turkey objects in the strongest terms to US support of the YPG and PDF, and after the failed coup - and suspicions Washington was behind it - Turkey feels it must act decisively against the Kurds, and by extension the US, in containing the Kurdish threat. An independent Kurdish region in northern Syria will border the Kurdish-dominated south of Turkey, creating huge security threats for Turkey. Kurdish forces from Syria could reinforce PKK forces in Turkey, potentially plunging Turkey into a civil war.

Expect to see Turkish support for Islamist groups widened in the coming months. Alternatively, the rapprochement with Syria, Russia and Iran, may bear fruit in the form of this powerful alliance acting to ensure there is no Kurdish state, which neither Syria nor Iran want to see realised. The Kurds do not receive a lot of support for their self-autonomy aspirations in the region, and support from the US is only tactical, and token at that; it will dispense with the Kurds if it can achieve its objectives, or if it finds an alternative strategy to do so. This is an exercise in US seduction and deception, and the Kurds would be wise not to be drawn into the tangled web.

Yesterday, there was a great radio show on this as well! I think it will be up soon.
[quote author= Oxajil]I don't know if he still wants Assad out. I think that with recent events, he might have changed his mind on that. If he's smart he'd have more or less the same aims as Russia, Syria, and Iran[/quote]

I think Erdogan above all seeks reliable help against the YPG. That’s his number one priority, Kurdistan has no place when a strong Syria, Iraq and Iran exists. Assad is by that his most natural ally in the region. Confronting the SAA doesn't make sense from any strategic position. Carrying out plan B for Washington will only strengthen the YPG. OSIT.

Recently, reports came out that Kurdish and SAA forces even collided. And the US threatened to intervene on behalf of the YPG. If Erdogan didn't took note of that, I don't know what would.

Turkey 'Was Working on Ground Incursion in Syria For Two Years'


"After the downing of a Russian jet in November 2015, it became practically impossible to implement our plans due to the lack of air cover. It wasn't until the recent rapprochement with Russia, in this sense, that the ground incursion could practically go forward," the source explained.

Lack of air cover refers to Russian air superiority in the region?

Has a secret deal been struck with the Russians for allowing Turkey to move into Syria?

Fact is that the YPG by allying themselves with the US for plan B are setting themselves up against the 4+1 coalition. I hope the YPG will come to it's senses asap.

[quote author= Oxajil]Yesterday, there was a great radio show on this as well! I think it will be up soon.[/quote]

I missed it !! And now I am a bit nervous, several articles I read pointed out that Turkey has been carrying out Plan B. Thinking about it more, that doesn't really make sense.

I better listen to the radio show first. Thanks !!
US is upset that their plan B is under attack by Turkish forces. Meaning Turkey is not part of plan B at all. OSIT.

US slams Turkey over ‘unacceptable clashes’ with Syria opposition, says they aid ISIS

The US says clashes between Turkish forces and opposition groups in northern Syria are “unacceptable.” Washington is concerned this will take the focus away from fighting Islamic State and give the terrorist group the possibility to capture more territory.

Turkey’s use of force against Kurdish forces in Syria has not gone down well with the US, with Washington openly supporting the Kurdish YPG fighters, who have proved to be a vital ground force in the battle against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL).

"We want to make clear that we find these clashes - in areas where ISIL is not located - unacceptable and a source of deep concern," Brett McGurk, the special presidential envoy for the coalition to counter Islamic State, said on his official Twitter account, citing a Defense Department statement.

"We call on all armed actors to stand down... the US is actively engaged to facilitate such deconfliction and unity of focus on ISIL, which remains a lethal and common threat."

However, Turkey reacted angrily to the American rebuke, with its minister for European Union affairs, Omer Celik, saying no one could tell Ankara which terrorist group it was allowed to target.

"No one has the right to tell us which terrorist organization we can fight against and which one to ignore," Celik told a news conference in Ankara, as cited by Reuters.

Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu has issued a stark warning to Kurdish Syrian forces, saying they must “immediately” withdraw east of the Euphrates River, otherwise they would face more strikes from Turkish forces.

"The YPG has to immediately cross east of the Euphrates River as they promised the United States and as they announced they would," Cavusoglu said, as cited by AP. "If they don't they will be a target."

Ankara is worried that Kurdish forces are trying to extend their area of control along Turkey’s southern border. Turkey has been involved in a three-decade-long conflict with the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which is based in the southeast of the country.

Washington has also reiterated a demand to the Syrian Kurds that they cross the Euphrates. The US says that such a movement has “largely occurred,” while fighters from the US-backed Syria Democratic Forces (SDF), which includes Syrian Kurdish militias, say they have withdrawn south following the Turkish offensive.

We, the Military council of Jarablus and its countryside, announce the withdrawal of our forces to the line south of the Sajour River to preserve the lives of civilians and so that no pretext remains for continued strikes on villages and civilians," an online statement from the military council said, as cited by Reuters.

On August 24, Turkey launched a ground operation in Syria codenamed ‘Shield of Euphrates.’ Despite saying it is fighting IS, Turkey has been bombarding Syrian Kurdish YPG militia positions over the last few days and Kurdish officials believe this could be part of a wider goal from Ankara to suppress the Syrian Kurds.

"Turkey's claims that it is fighting the YPG west of the Euphrates have no basis in truth and are merely flimsy pretexts to widen its occupation of Syrian land," Redur Xelil, chief spokesman for the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia, told Reuters.

On Sunday, Ankara said it killed 25 Kurdish fighters, including from the SDF during airstrikes near Jarablus. The assault came “in response to attacks on advancing Turkish-backed rebels” operating in the area.

Representatives of the Kurdish-backed SDF said on Sunday that Turkish airstrikes and shelling of predominantly Kurdish positions in northeast Syria led to civilian casualties.

The current Turkish operation in Syria has been slammed by Damascus as a “blatant violation of sovereignty.” Following the intrusion, the Russian Foreign Ministry also said it was “deeply worried” about the latest development.
As Oxajil said, if you listen to the show we did last night, we more or less spelled out what we think is going on. Erdogan and co have been hamstrung by the 'deep state' NATO elements that have ruled Turkey for a long time. With the Western-backed coup, he was given the justification to root out this element. Now, with more control over the military and intel apparatuses in the country, and fuller knowledge of just how deceptive the NATO types can be, he seems to be playing along with the Russian game plan, which involves sealing the Turkish border to prevent jihadi types from getting in or out, and making sure that the US' "plan b" does not happen i.e. the creation of a de facto 'Kurdistan' in territory running from northern Iraq through northern Syria to the Med.

As you noted today, the US is not happy with what the Turks are doing against the Kurds, and of course the Syrian government "protested" Turkish incursions into Syria, but a temporary incursion like that is better than losing the entire northern area of Syria to a new Kurdistan, which would end up being a US client state.
Turkey warned Syria of moving in troops with Russia’s help — deputy PM


Earlier, Turkey said that it had not contacted the Syrian authorities to directly notify them of the operation

ANKARA, August 29. /TASS/. Turkey warned the authorities in Damascus with Russia’s help it would move its troops to Northern Syria, Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus is quoted by the Turkish television channel NTV as saying.

"The parties concerned had been warned of the operation Euphrates Shield in advance. The same applies to Damascus," Kurtulmus said. "They received the information through Russia."

Earlier, Turkey said that it had not contacted the Syrian authorities to directly notify them of the operation.

Ankara declared on August 24 that the Turkish army had begun an operation into the territory of neighboring Syria. Turkish armor and ground troops, including commando units, in cooperation with the allied armed groups of the Syrian opposition crossed the border into Syria. Ankara said the purpose of its military operation is the struggle against the Islamic State terrorist group and Kurdish militias.

Damascus condemned the operation saying it regarded such actions as an outright violation of Syria’s sovereignty.

Over 3,000 Terrorists Cross Turkish Border into Northern Syria


"In addition to the dispatch of a large number of tanks, armored vehicles and their crew by Turkish army, over 3,000 ready-to-combat fighters have been dispatched to Northern Aleppo to join the Turkey-linked terrorist groups' operation in Jarabulus," the Arabic-language al-Hadath news reported.

"The terrorist groups have raised Turkish flag on their base at Turkey's border crossing and are using the base to collect and forward tens of vehicles and fresh forces to Jarabulus region," the news website added.

"The terrorists have entered Syria via the Turkish town of Qaqamshi," it disclosed.

Reports said earlier today that the Free Syrian Army (FSA), backed up by Turkish army troops, has engaged in an intense battle with the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) near the town of Jarabulus at the border with Turkey, sources said, adding that both side have suffered heavy death toll.

"The FSA and its affiliated groups, backed up by Turkish air force and artillery, have thus far captured the villages of Ein al-Beidha, Bolbolan, al-Amareneh, Sothern Da'es and Ba'ar Kousa after hours of fierce clashes with the SDF fighters," the sources said.

"Tough battle between FSA and SDF has been reported near al-Amareneh," the sources added.

"The villages of Thaljiyeh and al-Hadheibat in the Eastern side of al-Rai also were captured by the Turkey-backed FSA," the sources went on to say.
Oxajil said:
Yesterday, there was a great radio show on this as well! I think it will be up soon.

It's up now: https://www.sott.net/article/326695-Behind-the-Headlines-Whose-Side-is-Erdogan-on-Understanding-Geopolitics-and-Human-Nature
Niall said:
Oxajil said:
Yesterday, there was a great radio show on this as well! I think it will be up soon.

It's up now: https://www.sott.net/article/326695-Behind-the-Headlines-Whose-Side-is-Erdogan-on-Understanding-Geopolitics-and-Human-Nature

Just listened. Thanks for all involved!!

[quote author= Joe]Erdogan and co have been hamstrung by the 'deep state' NATO elements that have ruled Turkey for a long time. With the Western-backed coup, he was given the justification to root our this element. Now, with more control over the military and intel apparatuses in the country, and fuller knowledge of just how deceptive the NATO types can be, he seems to playing along with the Russian game plan which involves sealing the Turkish border to prevent jihadi types from getting in or out, and making sure that the US' "plan b" does not happen i.e. the creation of defacto 'kurdistan' in territory running from northern Iraq through northern Syria to the Med.[/quote]

Such a relief, I was a bit confused at first but I have a better understanding now.

Closing of the border is no easy task. There is a lot of logistical support and any sign of Turkish betrayal could backfire if not prepared well enough. If the Turkish troops stay put in Syria and form defensive positions. We know enough I think.

Starving the Jihadists by cutting of their lifeline is far more effective than bombing them.

It will be just in time before Hillary inauguration. This war has to end ASAP before it further escalates.
Very much appreciate - SOTT doing a show on this convoluted situation. I was unable to listen to the show (celebrating my Birthday with family) but I just checked the link Niall posted and I'm getting, " Error loading player: No playable sound" after trying twice. Hope to have these "little things" corrected soon!

Joe said:
As Oxajil said, if you listen to the show we did last night, we more or less spelled out what we think is going on. Erdogan and co have been hamstrung by the 'deep state' NATO elements that have ruled Turkey for a long time. With the Western-backed coup, he was given the justification to root out this element. Now, with more control over the military and intel apparatuses in the country, and fuller knowledge of just how deceptive the NATO types can be, he seems to playing along with the Russian game plan, which involves sealing the Turkish border to prevent jihadi types from getting in or out,
and making sure that the US' "plan b" does not happen i.e. the creation of defacto 'kurdistan' in territory running from northern Iraq through northern Syria to the Med.

As you noted today, the US is not happy with what the Turks are doing against the Kurds, and of course the Syrian government "protested" Turkish incursions into Syria, but a temporary incursion like that is better than losing the entire northern area of Syria to a new Kurdistan, which would end up being a US client state.

Very interesting - so I "jumped-the-gun" in my assessment - that Erdogan was working against "a Peace initiative" with both Assad and Putin?

What's still not clear in my mind, "Did Erdogan plan the Coup along with the U.S. and NATO elements" or there's some truth that Putin "did warn Erdogan" ahead of time and NATO operatives got wind of it - and jump started the Coup, a few hours before it was originally scheduled to commence?

By "'deep state' NATO elements" I'm assuming this refers to Gulen's followers that have established high positions in Government, Military and Media outlets? (NATO's eyes and ears.) Reason for the heavy purges and detainment?

Another question, "NATO and the U.S. are basically joined-by-the-hip and marching to Israeli orders ..... what's behind U.S. giving Erdogan Air Cover in his operation in Jarabulus? Did Erdogan conned the U.S. just so he wouldn't have any more opposition (2 year plan), in his quest to enter Jarabulus and once in - all deals were off and Erdogan proceeded to do what he originally intended - pushing the Kurds back, so they can't form "a new Kurdistan"? I'm assuming Erdogan's actions are also placing the stability and operations at the new U.S. Military Base in Hasaka in jeopardy? If Erdogan's military pushes back the Kurds and the terrorist factions in the area - Assad's Government Forces could reclaim Jarabulus and take over the U.S. base and help secure that part of the Border?

Personally, I'm hoping Erdogan will take steps "for Peace".
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