July 2016 Military Coup in Turkey

angelburst29 said:
Erdogan Wants to 'Smash NATO Secret Army' Allegedly Involved in Attempted Coup

The media source, referring to reports of Turkish media, wrote that this structure has primarily been used by the British and Americans to influence political events in Turkey.

The newspaper also noted that Fethullah Gulen, a US-based Muslim cleric, who was accused by the Turkish government of plotting the coup, could also be a part of this structure.

"If one wants to again create relationship of trust with the Western institutions, Gladio [clandestine NATO structure] in Turkey must be eliminated as it already was in several Western countries" Turkish journalist Ozcan Tikit wrote for newspaper Habertürk.

According to DWN, Erdogan and the Turkish government are determined to "completely smash this clandestine structure."

According to DWN, Erdogan and the Turkish government are determined to "completely smash this clandestine structure."

"Erdogan is determined to smash Gladio in any case. Because the head of state has — albeit belatedly — realized that NATO seeks to harm Turkey's territorial integrity," the newspaper noted.

At the same time, former head of Turkish intelligence services Bülent Orakoglu argued that NATO's secret structures are active not only in Turkey, but also in the whole Europe.

"There is a force that wants the EU to dissolve. This force is a new form of Gladio, which carries out its operations among the population. I am confident that there is a Gladio structure in Europe which is working towards the dissolution of the EU," Orakoglu said.

Holy smoke!!!
Well I sure hope he can do it.
[quote author= RedFox]Holy smoke!!!
Well I sure hope he can do it.[/quote]

Very exciting, Erdogan is leading by example.

Most parts of the World are in dire need of being cleansed of US infiltration.

If Germany the EU powerhouse ever wants to become sovereign. They have to give it more or less the same treatment Turkey does now. They should take note instead of repeating the US narrative against Turkey.
Turkish police on Friday confiscated the equivalent of some $650,000 during an operation against the movement of US-based Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen, local media reported.

Turkish Police Seize $650,000 in Operation Against Cleric Gulen’s Movement

The operation was carried out in Istanbul and targeted a suspect with links to the Fethullahist Terrorist Organization (FETO), allegedly run by Gulen and designated as a terrorist organization by Ankara, Daily Sabah newspaper said.

The money, believed to be benevolent payments, was hidden in a car in the parking lot of a building.

Ankara believes that FETO is responsible for the recent failed coup in the country. In 2014, Turkey opened an investigation into the organization's activities to allegedly overthrow the government. Gulen multiple faces charges, including treason, which he denies.

US embassy announced that US citizens in Turkey should be aware of protests planned to take place in Ankara’s neighborhood Kizilay and other locations around the capital over the weekend.

US Citizens in Turkey Warned to Avoid Weekend Protests in Ankara - Embassy

US citizens in Turkey should be aware of protests planned to take place in Ankara’s neighborhood Kizilay and other locations around the capital over the weekend, the US embassy announced on Friday.

“Even demonstrations intended to be peaceful can turn confrontational and escalate into violence. You should avoid areas of demonstrations and exercise caution if in the vicinity of any large gatherings, protests, or demonstrations,” the embassy said.

Washington is not yet ready to extradite suspect of Turkish coup attemp organization Fethullah Gulen.

US Not Planning to Extradite Gulen Cleric to Turkey Due to Inconclusive Evidence

Washington is not yet ready to extradite cleric Fethullah Gulen, who Ankara accused of being the mastermind behind the recent coup attempt, as it is not convinced by the evidence Turkey provided to support their allegations, local media reported.

On Thursday, the head of the Turkish delegation that is on a visit to the United States in an effort to persuade Washington to extradite Gulen, Taha Ozhan, said that Turkey considers the continued presence of dissident Muslim cleric Gulen in the United States as a problem in bilateral ties.

The US officials are not convinced by the evidence Turkey has presented in order to support the claim that Gulen was behind the coup attempt, and are troubled by threatening public statements Turkish officials have recently made, the Wall Street Journal said Thursday, citing sources familiar with the discussions in the White House.

According to the media, US and Turkish officials have been privately discussing several scenarios under which Pennsylvania-based cleric could be extradited, but the negotiations have so far failed to persuade Washington.

John Kerry`s visit Turkey is postponed until August, 24.

Kerry to Visit Turkey August 24

US Secretary of State John Kerry will visit Turkey on August 24, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said Friday, as cited by CNN Turk.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Thursday that Kerry would visit on August 21. The visit comes over a month after a failed military coup in Turkey.
Deputy Chairman of the Center-Left Republican People’s Party (CHP) Namik Havutca argues that the base that stores 90 US tactical nuclear weapons “makes enemies of friendly countries and poses a threat to Turkey’s internal stability.

Turkish Lawmaker Calls for Closure of NATO’s Incirlik Air Base After Failed Coup

In the wake of the failed attempt to overthrow the Erdogan government on July 15 and the ensuing purge that has led to over 18,000 military servicemen and judges being rounded up and imprisoned on charges of treason, yet another Turkish leader has stepped forward calling on the country to step back from its alliance with NATO forces who top Erdogan regime officials accuse of being complicit in the botched coup.

The Deputy Chairman of Turkey’s Center-Left Republican People’s Party has called for the immediate eviction of all foreign aircraft, tools and materials from the country and said that Incirlik Air Base should be shuttered.

"Incirlik Air Base has added nothing but instability and fragmentation to Turkey and the region," said Havutca. The lawmaker went on to say that the NATO base failed to stand by the Turkish people at a time when their blood was being spilled and the nation was in tears.

"Incirlik Air Base has added nothing but instability and fragmentation to Turkey and the region," said Havutca. The lawmaker went on to say that the NATO base failed to stand by the Turkish people at a time when their blood was being spilled and the nation was in tears.

The lawmaker said that Incirlik Air Base poses a threat to the country, both internally and externally calling it responsible for "multiplying our enemies and turning our friends into enemies of the state."

The politician has pushed forward a proposal titled "Incirlik Get Out" and calls on his colleagues in the parliament to support the measure in order to put an end to the military facility that he calls a "virus" that eats away at the Middle East.

Finally, Havutca alleges that the NATO base "served the purpose of providing logical support to the organization in the coup attempt."

The strong words mirror recent anti-American protests near the base including a demonstration one week ago where 5,000 protesters screaming "death to the US" were trailed by vehicles and demanded that Incirlik Air Base be shutdown.

The agitation of the Turkish people also comes amid numerous claims by the Erdogan regime that the CIA, FBI, and a top US General John F. Campbell were all really the masterminds of the coup whereas the regime’s nemesis-in-chief Fethullah Gulen was called nothing but a "pawn" by the Turkish President.

At least 117 injured people remain in hospitals following July 15 failed military coup attempt in Turkey, Turkish Health Minister Recep Akdag said Saturday.

At Least 117 Injured Remain in Hospitals After Coup Attempt in Turkey

According to the minister, 18 people are in critical condition.

"114 out of total injured are being treated in Ankara and Istanbul, while one other is getting treatment in Malatya and two others in hospitals in Sakarya province," Akdag told reporters as quoted by the Anadolu news agency.

Turkish border patrol found US intelligence officer, who asked her command for rescue and headed to the Syrian-Turkish border two days ago, according to local media.

Turkish Border Patrol Finds US Agent After Two Days of Searches by Military

Turkish border patrol found on Sunday a US intelligence officer who US and Turkish military had been searching for for two days, Turkish media reported.

Injured while on mission in Syria, the officer asked her command for rescue and headed to the Syrian-Turkish border, the Hurriyet newspaper said.

Reportedly, US and Turkish military launched a search and rescue operation, involving helicopters and drones, but failed to find the intelligence agent.

On Sunday, the woman was found by Turkish patrol officers near the Syrian-Turkish border and brought to the Incirlik base. Her condition is unknown, the newspaper added.

The US Embassy in Ankara said that US citizens should be aware that they could be detained for up to 30 days under the current state of emergency in Turkey.

Turkey Can Detain American Nationals for 30 Days Under Emergency Declaration

US citizens should be aware that they could be detained for up to 30 days under the current state of emergency in Turkey, the US Embassy in Ankara said in a routine travel message.

"The first decree issued by the government of Turkey under the state of emergency increases legal detention periods without charge from a maximum of four days to a maximum of 30 days," the Embassy stated on Monday. "If you are arrested or detained, ask police or prison officials to notify the US Embassy or Consulate immediately."

The Turkish government imposed a three-month state of emergency following a failed military coup in the country on July 15.

Anyone who cannot provide identity documents when requested by police is subject to a fine or imprisonment, the Embassy explained and advised US citizens to carry identity documents and cooperate with Turkish authorities.

The state of emergency also imposes restrictions on public gatherings. The Embassy encouraged US citizens to be aware of local events and large demonstrations or rallies.
Fugitive Turkish soldiers may conduct acts of terror: Deputy PM


A top Turkish official has warned that rebel soldiers and military personnel at large since the July 15 failed coup attempt in Turkey could carry out acts of terror against the state.

“They and their collaborators may engage in lone wolf attacks and assassinations. They would turn to cyber attacks,” Turkey’s Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus said in reference to the fugitive rebel soldiers.

“We need to stay alert from now on. All state institutions and departments are on alert. It is important to exercise caution in the face all forms of potential threats,” he added, speaking to Haberturk television on Tuesday.

On the night of July 15, a faction of the Turkish military declared itself in charge of the country. Tanks and helicopters were used by the rebel faction to fight government loyalists on the streets of the capital, Ankara, and the city of Istanbul.

The coup attempt was suppressed as people turned out on the streets to support the incumbent government.

Turkish authorities have dismissed or detained tens of thousands of people from the military, judiciary, civil services and education in the aftermath of the botched putsch.

Justice Minister Bekir Bozdag said on Tuesday that around 16,000 people have been remanded in custody and are awaiting trial. Another 6,000 people are in detention and await initial court hearings.

Turkey recently sacked 1,389 members of the military personnel, including senior commanders, on suspicion of affiliation to the network of US-based opposition cleric Fethullah Gulen, whom Ankara blames for the coup bid.

The dismissals followed a previous post-putsch expulsion of 1,684 military personnel, including 149 generals and admirals.

At least 246 people were killed and more than 2,100 others sustained injuries in the coup attempt.

Gulen has condemned the coup attempt and denied any involvement in the violence.

Five servicemen killed in Turkey’s explosion — TV report


A military armored vehicle was blown up by a homemade bomb

ANKARA, August 10. /TASS/. Five soldiers died and eight others were wounded in an explosion in southeastern Turkey, the Haberturk TV channel has reported.

The military armored vehicle was blown up by a homemade bomb in the Uludere district in the Sirnak province, according to the report.
Turkish Religious Affairs Organization suspended 2,650 employees on suspicion of having ties with Fethullah Gulen, Turkish leading opposition figure whom Ankara considers responsible for the failed military coup attempt in the country, local media reported.

Turkey Suspends 2,650 Religious Personnel over Ties with Gulen

The suspended personnel comes from all ranks and levels, including foreign organizations, bringing the total number of suspended staff to 3,672, Daily Sabah reported.

In early August, Turkish Interior Minister Efkan Ala said that there were 25,917 people arrested, of whom 13,419 remained in custody, during the investigation into the July coup attempt.

On Tuesday, August 10, Turkish President Receb Tayyip Erdogan was in Russia for talks with President Vladimir Putin on resuming ties as well as latest developments in the region.

Wake-Up Call for America’s ‘Indispensable Allies’: Post-Coup Erdogan Goes to Russia

During the meeting, President Erdogan sharply criticised the United States and the EU for what he said was a lack of solidarity with Turkey over the July 15 coup in which more than 240 people were killed and nearly 2,200 wounded.

The new development is not surprising. Post-coup Turkey feels largely betrayed by the United States and Europe. Its officials now warn of rising anti-American sentiment and risks to a migrant deal with the European Union, ramping up the rhetoric in the face of Western alarm over the scale of purges in state institutions since last month's failed coup.

Perhaps, this is also a wake-up call for all those “indispensable allies” out there, particularly Saudi Arabia, which are still under the illusion that if they keep supporting America’s illegal wars and regime-change fantasies, and/or train and arm CIA’s photoshopped terrorists in places like Iraq and Syria, the War Party will always come to their rescue when there is a military coup or revolution.

On the contrary. History tells us America will always sacrifice everything and everyone just to ensure its regional and global hegemony. Under this doctrine, no one is indispensable for the “Exceptionalistan”, even those regional vassals that commit blood and treasure to help, those who are all talk, and the phony allies who want America’s protection from other threats while they work against the US.

As is, until yesterday it was Iraq and Pakistan. Today it is Turkey and Saudi Arabia. After the July coup, Turkey had to learn its lessons fast. That's why Erdogan went to Russia to say sorry for what his military men did to Russian Air Force bomber in Syria. The pressing question is whether other “indispensable allies” are also in the know, particularly Saudi Arabia. For one, presidential candidate Donald Trump has already said that if he becomes the next president he will force Riyadh to pay for America’s protection in the Persian Gulf!

Meaning, for all its money, the House of Saud’s hold on power is very weak, and its continued existence depends on Western oil money and US protection of Saudi Arabia’s borders, including its all-out support for the running war on Yemen. Now with oil prices down and a failed War on Terror, it’s a mistake to assume that Official Washington will continue to cut the Saudis far too much slack in Syria, Iraq and Yemen. After all, for Turkey, also a NATO ally, they never did.

Here is another line: The Americans are consistent. The now-famous 28 pages redacted from the report of the Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities Before and After the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001, have been released. It is true that the released parts of their contents put an end to allegations – and evidence - that officials of the government of Saudi Arabia were involved or complicit in any way with the attack. But this is for now. You never know what the US government is capable of doing when the occasion arises, say, when there is a revolution or a military coup in Saudi Arabia.

That time, the Americans will waste no time to publicly announce that all of their “new investigations” have led to a new conclusion: That both the Saudi government and its officials were involved in the 9-11 attacks. This is by no means an attempt to endorse the US government’s suspicious version of events on 9-11. It's just a reminder that the War Party is never short of “evidence” to confront and “deal” with any target nation in time.

In all, if there is one certainty about foreign policy in Washington, it is this: The matter is never finished, it is only relaxed for now, even for “indispensable allies” and “faithful players" in Riyadh and Ankara with mutual aims. Erdogan has already shared that bitter lesson with Putin.

Mustafa Ugurlu, a Turkish Navy Rear Admiral serving at a US military base in Norfolk, Virginia, on behalf of NATO, is requesting political asylum in the US after an arrest warrant was issued for him in his home country.

Coup Fallout: Turkish Military Officer Seeks Asylum in US

According to the Turkish embassy in Washington DC, Ugurlu did not report for questioning when summoned by Ankara. The Turkish admiral’s request for asylum may further exacerbate tensions between Ankara and Washington that have been growing since Turkey demanded the extradition of exiled opposition leader Fethullah Gulen.

On Tuesday, the Turkish justice minister stated that if the US did not extradite Gulen, "it will have sacrificed Turkey to a terrorist."

Ugurlu is the first known Turkish military officer to request asylum in the US. His request comes alongside Turkey’s attempts to arrest and detain tens of thousands of people suspected of aiding July’s failed military coup that attempted remove President Erdogan.

An unnamed Turkish embassy official said that the warrant for Ugurlu’s arrest was issued after he failed to respond to a detention order: "On July 22, on that day he left his badges and his ID at the base and after that no one has heard anything from him." The official also indicated that two other low-level officers had been called back to Turkey, "But there's no detention order for them. One of them has gone back, and the other will go back shortly."

The Turkish military is NATO’s second-largest armed forces unit, and the recent purge has resulted in the discharge of thousands of officers, including 40% of the country’s military generals. Many suggest that Erdogan’s overhaul has gone too far, as it lacks parliamentary input.

The mission in Norfolk, where Ugurlu was assigned, is North America’s only NATO command. Norfolk NATO directs subordinate commands of the Allied Command Transformation, including the Joint Force Training Center in Poland, and the Joint Warfare Center in Norway.

Bulgaria extradited Abdullah Buyuk, a man suspected of being in charge of finances at the organization led by Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen, to Turkey, media reported Wednesday.

Bulgaria Extradites Suspected 'Financier' at Cleric Gulen's Movement to Turkey

According to the Turkish Dogan news agency, the Bulgarian authorities carried out the extradition at the Kapikule border crossing.

The masterminds behind the unsuccessful coup in Turkey planned to appoint former Turkish Air Force Commander Gen. Akin Ozturk the next Turkish president, local media reported Wednesday, citing sources in the prosecutor's office.

Turkish Coup Organizers Planned to Appoint Former Air Force Chief as President

According to the investigation, the coup organizers had a list of the individuals who were to take up certain positions in the country, the Hurriyet Daily News reported, adding that Ozturk, a member of the Supreme Military Council, was to become the country's president.

Gen. Akin Ozturk was arrested alongside more than 20 senior Turkish officers on suspicion of having links to the failed military coup in Turkey.
RUMINT: U.S. Nukes Are Being Evacuated from Turkey's Incirlik Air Base to Bulgaria
James the Russian Analyst
August 11, 2016

Here's an excerpt with a link to the original Vineyard of the Saker post:

Bulgaria had no Russian bases in Soviet times, but now has a number of US ones and is already in increasing danger at a time of growing Cold War 2.0 tensions. If Washington moved nukes into the country without the government’s permission, it would be a display of arrogance that could cost the USA dear.

But to use the huge US base in Kosovo would be to put the weapons just a few miles form major concentrations of armed Jihadists, surely unwise even by Washington’s standards of recklessly or deliberately sending weapons to places from which they are promptly seized by Al Qaeda or ISIS.

And how many of the 90 missiles did they even manage to spirit out of the country before President Erdogan, shocked by the fair-weather (dis)loyalty of his American allies stopped them moving out the rest?

For that was surely the purpose of the mass blockade by 5,000 Turkish nationalists, power cuts, and the sealing off of the whole base by 7,000 heavily armoured Turkish troops.

However many nukes are left, they certainly now form extra bones of contention between Ankara and Washington. This will, on balance, probably move the world’s nuclear Doomsday Clock back a minute, with anything that weakens the Nato encirclement of Russia making Planet Earth a slightly safer place.

— http://thesaker.is/whats-happened-to-americas-turkish-based-nukes/

Sputnik Verified account
Turkish lawmaker demands closure of @NATO #Incirlik Air Base, home to US nukes http://sptnkne.ws/bSfF #Turkey



The following is the Russia Analyst's commentary on the subject: we think 90 tactical nuclear bombs is a bit on the high side for estimates of what the U.S. military still stores at the strategically located base near the borders of Syria and Iraq. However, the number is feasible considering that until a few years ago German Chancellor Angela Merkel was vowing to make the U.S. relocate the Cold War legacy weapons out of Germany.



Since the 2014 Washington/Langley sponsored coup d'etat in Kiev followed by the return of Crimea to Russia and the remilitarization of the strategic peninsula amidst the U.S.-Russian proxy war in Ukraine, Merkel has stopped talking about the American nukes in her country, which German Luftwaffe Tornado jets if not Eurofighters are equipped to use in wartime. Other NATO air forces including Poland, the Netherlands and Belgium's F-16s are capable of dropping B61s, though the nukes have yet to be forward deployed to Polish soil from their current locations in the UK, Italy, Germany and Belgium.

The nukes at Incirlik became a subject of concern during the week-long power cutoff to the base, reported by The New Yorker magazine amidst a curious media blackout. The New Yorker was accused by members of the military and experts on nuclear weapons of engaging in sensationalism regarding the remote possibility of Turkish Grey Wolves ultra-nationalists or ISIS terrorists trying to storm the base to seize one of the nukes from their underground bunkers or explode one as a 'dirty bomb' spreading radioactive plutonium (forget movies like Broken Arrow -- terrorists would have neither the means nor the capability to set off a nuclear blast). However 'respectable' outlets such as The New York Times, Foreign Policy and Bloomberg all followed The New Yorker piece with articles suggesting that it could be time for the Pentagon to move America's nukes out of Turkey.

We now know thanks to the reporting of Sibel Edmonds and others that the coup was run out of Incirlik by Turkish officers attached to NATO's rapid reaction force -- making U.S. denials of any foreknowledge and participation in the putsch less than credible. The media blackout during the power cutoff contributed to cryptic tweets from servicemen on base and rumors spreading to their stateside relatives, until the Military Times acknowledged the outage and base commander promised to get the air conditioners back on after a hot, sweaty week for his airmen.

Protonex Technology


At that time in late July rumors swirled that contrary to Department of Defense claims that flight operations were being conducted as usual against Islamic State targets in Syria and Iraq from Incirlik that the base's operations were severely limited by the electricity cutoff and that U.S. airmen were confined to the base at the request of the Turkish government.

Oriana Pawlyk
@SecAF23 says situation post Turkey coup
is concerning for #Incirlik. Re: @MilitaryTimes story here



<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">.<a href="https://twitter.com/SecAF23">@SecAF23</a> says situation post Turkey coup is concerning for <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Incirlik?src=hash">#Incirlik</a>. Re: <a href="https://twitter.com/MilitaryTimes">@MilitaryTimes</a> story here <a href="https://t.co/NonSGn288R">https://t.co/NonSGn288R</a></p>&mdash; Oriana Pawlyk (@Oriana0214) <a href="https://twitter.com/Oriana0214/status/763439628607188992">August 10, 2016</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


Sub for more: http://nnn.is/the_new_media | Sputnik News reports Over five thousand joined anti-American demonstrations yelling "death to US" and demanding an immediate closure of the Incirlik Air Base for over five hours on Thursday before Turkish police came in and broke up the protesters before they could arrive at major NATO military facility, home to nearly 90 US tactical nuclear weapons.

When a demonstration involving several thousand Turks denouncing the coup was held outside the base gate on the night of Saturday-Sunday July 30-31, Turkish police massed near the Incirlik base gate. Russian media reported the Turks had between 5,000 and 7,000 police officers and security personnel operating at or around the base perimeter in the nearby city of Adana in what Ankara later said was a training exercise. When numerous Twitter accounts, some of them with a history of pro-Russian posts asked why the mainstream media wasn't covering this 'exercise', a response came several days later from the CIA/State Dept. neocon mouthpiece The Daily Beast.

In a story featuring the byline of Carbondale, Illinois-based 'Internet Haganah' 'journalist' Andrew Aaron Weisburd, the Beast attacked what it called a network of Russian trolls sending out disinformation about events at Incirlik in an effort to promote division between Washington and Ankara, and especially within the NATO alliance. The only problem with the piece, besides the factually disputed notion that there was no exercise by thousands of Turkish police in or around Adana that night of July 30-31st? Not once does the article mention the reason Americans would be willing to believe the allegedly Kremlin-bot spread rumors under the #Incirlik hash tag -- because the Turkish government had previously cut off the power to the base for A WEEK! This flagrant omission of such an important and relevant detail from the article is what marks it as a clumsy piece of domestic psyops, along with Weisburd's history of smearing ordinary pro-Palestinian Americans as Hamas terrorists.

However, much like the speed with which the Washington (Com)Post recently attacked the 'junk science' 'Internet rumors' about #HillarysHealth (a hash tag Twitter's managers have done a remarkable job of shadow banning, which means making it go down in search results without actually deleting or blocking specific tweets), we can see that the Incirlik problem along with Hillary's rapidly deteriorating ability to hide her serious if not crippling health problems have the Atlanticist Foggy Bottom/Northern Virginia Establishment worried. Definitely worried enough to commission a hack piece by The Daily Beast, which in addition to employing the pro-jihadi Manhattan Trotskyite @MichaelDWeiss, also recently hired ex-Navy security specialist #NeverTrump er fanatic @RobertCaruso. Thus we see several Saudi-firster Sunni sectarian Syria-jihadi neocon sh-tbirds of a feather flocking together under the cash-bleeding, elect Hillary Clinton at all costs Beast banner. Whereby NATO's information warfare funded at yours and my taxpaying expense increasingly is blurred with the #NeverTrump #ImWithHer Clinton campaign.

Clearly it must've been the Kremlin's troll army or Putin's mind control rays that caused Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu to declare that the EU had "failed a test" by not showing enough support for Ankara after the failed mid-July coup. It must be the Russians' fault Cavusoglu went on to tell reporters that support for Turkey joining the EU among the Turkish people had plunged to barely 20 percent, because Brussels allegedly "encouraged the putschists". We can #BlamePutin and #BlameRussia for the fact that NATO recently had to issue an unusual statement affirming business as usual between the Alliance and its member Turkey, with no restrictions on Turkish contributions despite Erdogan's accusations against the Americans or crackdown on alleged putschist officers who work for the Atlanticist Pact. And obviously even though every denial by the Departments of State and Defense that they had nothing to do with the coup is true, a Turkish Admiral seeking political asylum in the United States is just an unfortunate by-product of super-paranoid Erdogan's purges.

Returning to the subject of the B61s and their semi-secret withdrawal from Incirlik to one of the four American/NATO bases in Bulgaria, it stands to reason that the Bulgarian government might not be so happy about hosting U.S. nuclear bombs. Recall that on June 25, 2016, the Russia Analyst published an article about how the historically pro-Russian country's Prime Minister Boyko Borissov publically rejected the idea of a joint 'NATO Black Sea Fleet' that would include his country's navy.

While Sofia probably would not object to U.S. C-17 cargo planes carrying the nukes from Incirlik back to Germany or the U.S. landing and refueling, any permanent stationing of these powerful weapons on Bulgarian soil would make America's bases in the country prime targets in a nuclear war with Russia. Putin has already bluntly warned the leaders of Romania that the U.S. missile defense system on their soil is regarded as a potentially offensive threat to Russia which would be destroyed by Russian missiles in wartime.

Even without Cold War 2.0 turning into a shooting war, the presence of the American nukes would make Bulgaria's NATO bases hot spots for anti-U.S./NATO demonstrations by the pro-Russian Ataka and other nationalist groups in the country. This would be an additional headache that Mr. Borissov's government, already trying to balance the demands of Washington and Brussels with the Russophilic views of the Bulgarian majority, does not need. As Dr. Joseph P. Farrell recently said, the 'siege' of Incirlik may be the first but not the last beta test of a new model for getting U.S. bases out of a country where they're no longer wanted.

Today it's Incirlik that's under pressure as Turkey's pivot to Russia intensifies. But tomorrow it could be shuttered U.S. bases in Bulgaria or cancelled Greek port calls -- any other country where sympathies for the Russians are growing and disgust with politicians taking orders from Washington and Brussels is reaching a boiling point. The election of a barely functional Hillary Clinton as President of the United States with warmongering advisers like Michael Morell could lead Bulgarians and Greeks, if not other NATO 'captive nations' to revolt, as being Eurasian 'red' is preferable to being economically if not physically dead.
Credit to RT Play https://www.facebook.com/RTvids/videos/1277450245598559/ 'Russians and Iranians in Syria should be killed covertly to "pay the price."' - ex-CIA chief and Hillary Clinton supporter Keep us alive: http://russia-insider.com/support Visit us! http://russia-insider.com/en Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RussiaInsider?ref=aymt_homepage_panel Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RussiaInsider

Pentagon Offers ‘New Tactical Scheme’ for US-led Coalition Operations in Syria and Iraq Aug 5, 2016

“Turkey’s foreign minister declared on Wednesday that it would be the West’s own “fault” if it “lost” Ankara, bluntly accusing the European Union of “encouraging” the failed coup.

— http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/08/10/losing-turkey-would-be-the-wests-own-fault-says-foreign-minister/

The Leaders of Russia and Turkey's press conference Aug 10, 2016

Uploaded by FedeCavag on 2016-08-10. Push the CC button for English subtitles.

Clearly it must've been the Kremlin's troll army or Putin's mind control rays that caused Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu to declare that the EU had "failed a test" by not showing enough support for Ankara after the failed mid-July coup. It must be the Russians' fault Cavusoglu went on to tell reporters that support for Turkey joining the EU among the Turkish people had plunged to barely 20 percent, because Brussels allegedly "encouraged the putschists". We can #BlamePutin and #BlameRussia for the fact that NATO recently had to issue an unusual statement affirming business as usual between the Alliance and its member Turkey, with no restrictions on Turkish contributions despite Erdogan's accusations against the Americans or crackdown on alleged putschist officers who work for the Atlanticist Pact. And obviously even though every denial by the Departments of State and Defense that they had nothing to do with the coup is true, a Turkish Admiral seeking political asylum in the United States is just an unfortunate by-product of super-paranoid Erdogan's purges.

Returning to the subject of the B61s and their semi-secret withdrawal from Incirlik to one of the four American/NATO bases in Bulgaria, it stands to reason that the Bulgarian government might not be so happy about hosting U.S. nuclear bombs. Recall that on June 25, 2016, the Russia Analyst published an article about how the historically pro-Russian country's Prime Minister Boyko Borissov publically rejected the idea of a joint 'NATO Black Sea Fleet' that would include his country's navy.

While Sofia probably would not object to U.S. C-17 cargo planes carrying the nukes from Incirlik back to Germany or the U.S. landing and refueling, any permanent stationing of these powerful weapons on Bulgarian soil would make America's bases in the country prime targets in a nuclear war with Russia. Putin has already bluntly warned the leaders of Romania that the U.S. missile defense system on their soil is regarded as a potentially offensive threat to Russia which would be destroyed by Russian missiles in wartime.

Enrico Ivanov @Russ_Warrior
Suspicious timing, TurkishStream back on table and Borisov immediately screams: "Stop it now, dear Russians you forgot our old friendship?"

Even without Cold War 2.0 turning into a shooting war, the presence of the American nukes would make Bulgaria's NATO bases hot spots for anti-U.S./NATO demonstrations by the pro-Russian Ataka and other nationalist groups in the country. This would be an additional headache that Mr. Borissov's government, already trying to balance the demands of Washington and Brussels with the Russophilic views of the Bulgarian majority, does not need. As Dr. Joseph P. Farrell recently said, the 'siege' of Incirlik may be the first but not the last beta test of a new model for getting U.S. bases out of a country where they're no longer wanted.

Sabrina De Sousa @Sadiso
2:49 PM - 9 Aug 2016
Fmr #CIA act Dir #MichaelMorell ramping up the rhetoric in hopes of top Intel job in @HillaryClinton administration. https://twitter.com/zaidbenjamin/status/762819381843914752 …

Today it's Incirlik that's under pressure as Turkey's pivot to Russia intensifies. But tomorrow it could be shuttered U.S. bases in Bulgaria or cancelled Greek port calls -- any other country where sympathies for the Russians are growing and disgust with politicians taking orders from Washington and Brussels is reaching a boiling point. The election of a barely functional Hillary Clinton as President of the United States with warmongering advisers like Michael Morell could lead Bulgarians and Greeks, if not other NATO 'captive nations' to revolt, as being Eurasian 'red' is preferable to being economically if not physically dead.

The U.S. should start killing Russians and Iranians in Syria - Mike Morell, former acting CIA boss
Credit to RT Play https://www.facebook.com/RTvids/videos/1277450245598559/ 'Russians and Iranians in Syria should be killed covertly to "pay the price."' - ex-CIA chief and Hillary Clinton supporter Keep us alive: http://russia-insider.com/support Visit us! http://russia-insider.com/en Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RussiaInsider?ref=aymt_homepage_panel Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RussiaInsider

Source: http://thesaker.is/whats-happened-to-americas-turkish-based-nukes/

Tagged: Bulgaria, BulgarianPM, NATO, NATONukes, Turkey, USTurkeySplit, NATOPropaganda, TurkeyOutofNATO, Erdogan, RecepTayyipErdoğan, RussianBulgarianRelations, RussianBlackSeaFleet, B61, TacticalNuclearWarheads, TacticalNukes, USNukes, NuclearBombs, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Kosovo, Serbia, AdanaIncirlikAFB, IncirlikAirBase, IncirlikAFB, IncirlikSiege, Incirlik, TheDailyBeast, Pentagon, EURCOM, Turks, AKP, TurkishProtests, TurkishMilitary, TurkeyCoupAttempt, TurkeyLeavesNATO, TurkeyLeavingNATO, TheSaker, VineyardoftheSaker, VineyardSaker, @ScottsHumor, NuclearWar, NuclearWeapons, TurkishPurge, coup d'etat, CoupPlotters, NATOCoupPlotters, NATO=NewWarsawPact, NATOasWarsawPact, DamageControl, TurkishPolice, DirtyBomb, Joseph P. Farrell, AndrewWeisburd, InternetHaganah, @RobertCaruso, @MichaelDWeiss, Psyops, LowdownDirtyPsyops, #Incirlik

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Turkey has detained more than 35,000 people following coup attempt: official


Turkish authorities have detained a total of 35,022 people in relation to last month's abortive coup attempt, a senior Turkish official said on Thursday.

Just over half of those detained, or 17,740 people, have since been formally arrested, the official said. A further 11,597 people have been released while 5,685 remain in custody, the official said.
Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said that a total of 32 Turkish diplomats failed to return to Turkey after the military coup attempt.

Turkish FM Says 32 Diplomats Failed to Return After Post-Coup Attempt Recall

A total of 32 diplomats failed to return to Turkey despite being recalled in the wake of the military coup attempt, Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said Friday.

Speaking at a news conference in Ankara, Cavusoglu said that 208 Foreign Ministry employees have been recalled, of whom 32 failed to return, the Anadolu news agency reported. He specified that two personnel based in Bangladesh had fled to the United States.

“Some of them escaped by sea, some of them escaped by air. Some of them we have not confirmed their whereabouts. We will locate them shortly,” the minister said.

Earlier in the day, Turkish Defense Minister Fikri Isik confirmed that two military attaches escaped from Greece to Italy.

The Turkish Prosecutor's Office is ready to charge Selahattin Demirtas, co-chair of the pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) with disseminating terrorism-related propaganda, which means he could spend three to five years in prison if found guilty, media reported Friday.

Turkish HDP Party Leader May Face Five Years in Prison For Promoting Terrorism

The Turkish Dogan news agency said that the Prosecutor's office also wants to charge Demirtas's deputy, Sirri Sureyya Onder.

According to media reports, Demirtas and Onder may be charged with having promoted terrorist idealogies in their speeches at a rally in support of Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) leader Abdullah Ocalan on March 17, 2013.

The PKK party is based in Turkey and Iraqi Kurdistan and seeks to create a Kurdish state in parts of Turkey and Iraq. The PKK is considered a terrorist party and outlawed by many nations, including the United States and Turkey. Ocalan is serving a life sentence for his military struggle against Turkey but still remains an authoritative voice among the country's Kurdish population.
Erdogan is not only setting up defensive policies, but is also taking on the offensive. This is a very positive move.

Erdogan: Turkey, Russia can use national currencies in trade

The August 9 meeting between the Russian and Turkish leaders has moved the Ankara-Moscow ties to a new positive phase and served as a ‘clean slate’ between the two states.

Different aspects of further cooperation in the spheres of energy, trade and investment were discussed at the meeting.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, commenting on results of his visit to Russia, said that Turkey and Russia can use their own national currencies in mutual trade, Haberturk newspaper reported on August 12.

Erdogan believes that the use of national currencies in trade instead USD will benefit both Russia and Turkey.

The Turkish side seeks to increase the trade turnover with Russia up to a record figure – $100 billion.

Erdogan made this statement on the results of negotiations with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin in St. Petersburg.

“We reached the trade turnover of $35 billion, but after the November 2015 events it dropped to $28 billion, then even lower. We have such a mechanism as the higher level of cooperation, which involves the strategic cooperation between the two countries”, said Erdogan “We had a goal to achieve the turnover of $100 billion. It is topical and we again want to achieve it with the help of this mechanism.”

The trade turnover between Turkey and Russia amounted to $8 billion in 1H2016, while this figure was $10-11 billion in the same period of 2015.

In turn, President Putin said that a session of the intergovernmental commission on trade and economic relations with Turkey will take place in 2016.

“We have to work hard to reanimate trade and economic relations, particularly, to pay attention to increasing investments, trade flows, implementation of promising projects”, he noted.

Moreover, Russian President stressed that a separate meeting regarding the trade and economic relations with Turkey will be held in autumn 2016.
It a is top priority for Turkey to close off the remaining 98-kilometer (60-mile) stretch of the Turkish-Syrian border used to resupply terrorists in Syria with militants and arms, however there should be the political will to do it and it is concentrated in the hands of the president, according to Turkish ex-diplomat Aydın Selcen.

Turkey Needs Political Will to Lockdown Border With Syria

During last week’s session of the joint Russian-Turkish commission, Moscow specifically stressed the necessity of closing the 98-kilometer section of the Turkish-Syrian border.

The meeting was a continuation of last Tuesday's dialogue in St. Petersburg between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The two, among other things, discussed the peace settlement in Syria, which is why Moscow is now urging Ankara to seal this stretch of the Syrian-Turkish border in order to stop the flow of terrorists and weapons.

Turkish former Consul General in the city of Erbil in Iraqi Kurdistan Aydın Selcen told Sputnik Turkiye that Ankara needs the political will to do it, however it is a top priority in order to make the country more secure.

“The sealing of the 98-kilometer stretch is possible from the military point of view, however there should be political will to back such a decision,” the former diplomat told Sputnik.

“A strategy should be created involving the military. The sealing of the border could be ensured with the right technologies including airships, fixed cameras, UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles), aircraft,” Selcen said.

Moreover, he added, if necessary Ankara could cooperate with the Syrian and Russian Air Force to secure the necessary level of control over the border.

However the former diplomat stressed that upon sealing the border, the groups which have previously enjoyed support from Turkey now can stage provocations in response to the move and it could be avoided if Ankara follows the correct foreign policy tactics.

“The closure of the border could have a certain impact on Turkey’s internal security,” he said.

For example, being deprived of Ankara’s support, some groups might try to carry out terrorist attacks in large provinces or in the cities where there is an unstable social structure, such as Hatay, Urfa or Gaziantep.

The Turkish authorities therefore need to act cautiously, and follow a clear strategy. And there should be a political will, he added.

Aydın Selcen also noted that the sealing of the border should be a priority for Turkey as the jihadists pose a threat to its national security.

And even though it might somehow deteriorate relations with Saudi Arabia and Qatar, if these countries understand and respect Turkey, they should equally understand and respect its priorities,

The maintenance of close ties with Russia is also a priority in comparison with cooperation with these countries, he finally states.

Turkish government asked Baghdad not only to close schools linked to the Fethullahist Terrorist Organization (FETO) but also to deal with other issues related to the organization, according to Iraq's ambassador to Turkey.

Iraq to Suppress Activity of Institutions Linked to Gulen - Ambassador to Turkey

Iraqi authorities have been requested to suppress the activities of institutions linked to the Fethullahist Terrorist Organization (FETO) made up of supporters of Turkish opposition cleric Fethullah Gulen, accused by Ankara of being the mastermind of a recent military coup, Iraq's ambassador to Turkey said.

"We contacted the respective departments to take the necessary steps on FETO activities in Iraq," Hisham Ali Akbar Ibrahim Alawi told the Anadolu news agency.

According to the ambassador, the Turkish government asked Baghdad not only to close schools linked to the FETO but also to deal with other issues related to the organization.

Foreign Minister stated that Turkey expects Greece to extradite eight Turkish servicemen who fled the country after an attempted coup.

Turkey Expects Greece to Extradite 8 Fugitive Servicemen – Foreign Minister

Turkey expects Greece to extradite eight Turkish servicemen who fled the country after an attempted coup, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu told journalists on Monday.

“On Friday, August 19, the trial of these traitors will take place. One more hearing will be held next week, on August 23–25…. We expect that our request to extradite [them] will be satisfied,” Cavusoglu said after a meeting with opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) head Kemal Kilicdaroglu.

Turkish servicemen detained chief prosecutor in Erzurum province, who was put on the wanted list after the coup attempt in Turkey, on the border between Turkey and Syria, according to local media.

Turkish Army Detains Top Provincial Prosecutor on Syria Border Wanted Over Coup

Turkish military detained Ekrem Beyaztas, chief prosecutor in Erzurum province, who was put on the wanted list after the thwarted July coup, as he tried to cross the Syrian-Turkish border in the province of Kilis, local media reported.

Turkish servicemen detained Beyaztas late on Sunday after he ignored warnings to stop at a border checkpoint, according to Turkey's Hurriyet newspaper.

The Turkish authorities have started judicial and administrative proceeding against the prosecutor, the media outlet added, citing a statement by Kilis Governor's Office.

According to local media reports, Turkish police detained two soldiers who were behind raids at the TRT news building and were giving orders to shoot civilians on the Bosphorus Bridge during July's foiled coup attempt.

Turkish Soldiers Behind Foiled Coup's Raid on State TV Network Detained

Turkish police detained two soldiers who were behind raids at the TRT news building and were giving orders to shoot civilians on the Bosphorus Bridge during a foiled coup attempt, local media reported Monday.

Staff Col. Nebi Gazneli, and Muslum Kaya were detained in the central Turkish province of Konya, the Daily Sabah newspaper reported.

Their weapons were found buried in a house where they were hiding.

Police also allegedly confiscated fake IDs fugitives were intending to use to flee to Egypt.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said that journalists in Turkey are arrested because of their links with the movement of opposition cleric Fethullah Gulen.

Arrests of Journalists in Turkey Not Related to Profession - Foreign Minister

Journalists in Turkey are arrested because of their links with the movement of opposition cleric Fethullah Gulen, whom Ankara accuses of playing a key role in the recent coup attempt, and not because of their profession, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said Monday.

"Should you be untouchable, because you are a journalist? Some journalists have followed the instructions of the Gulen's terrorist organization, they have ruined lives of many people and have supported the coup. If a journalist is a member of a terrorist organization, what does that have to do with freedom of the press? There are many journalists and media that criticize the government every day. They are able to report freely. But when it comes to the coup, they have made a clear stance. But the media coverage in Germany… is controlled in a way that has nothing to do with the reality in Turkey," Cavusoglu told the German Bild newspaper.

Numerous news websites in Turkey have been shut down at the request of the Turkish prime minister's office, on the pretext of endangering national security and public order. The Turkish government reportedly has revoked the licenses of 25 media outlets.
Turkish prosecutors have demanded two life sentences and an additional 1,900 years in prison for US-based cleric, Fethullah Gulen, whom Ankara blames for the failed mid-July coup.

Turkish prosecutors demand two life sentences for Gulen

In a 2,527-page indictment approved by prosecutors in the Usak region of western Turkey, the Pennsylvania-based cleric is charged with "attempting to destroy the constitutional order by force," Turkey's Anadolu news agency reported on Tuesday.

According to the indictment, the cleric also faces criminal charges for "forming and running an armed terrorist group" among other accusations.

The case dates back even before the abortive coup and had been launched by Usak prosecutor's office into the financial assets of the so-called Fethullah Terror Organization (FETO).

FETO has been accused of infiltrating state archives through its members in the state institutions and intelligence units.

Turkish state media say the group has used media outlets, foundations, private schools, companies, student dormitories and insurance companies to serve its purpose of taking control of all state institutions. FETO has also collected funds from businessmen in the name of "donations" and transferred the money to the United States by means of front companies.

At least 13 out of 111 suspects in the case are remanded in custody, all facing prison terms ranging from two years to life in jail.

The Turkish Journalists' Association said Wednesday that police had detained 24 employees of the pro-Kurdish Ozgur Gundem newspaper a day after a court ordered its closure over allegations of involvement in "terrorist propaganda."

Turkish police detain 24 employees of pro-Kurdish paper

The association said some Ozgur Gundem workers were "ill-treated" as they were taken away. The detainees included prominent writers and journalists.

The paper said on its website that most of the workers were detained during a raid on the Ozgur Gundem headquarters in Istanbul on Tuesday. Others, including writer Eren Keskin, were arrested in police raids on their homes.

On Tuesday, a court in Istanbul ordered the temporary closure of the pro-Kurdish daily after accusing it of spreading terrorist propaganda and "acting as the de facto news outlet" for the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).

Police also arrested four journalists working for other media outlets while they were covering the raid in Istanbul, according to the paper.

Ankara says the court ruling has nothing to do with the state of emergency declared in the country in the wake of the abortive coup of July 15. Over 130 media outlets have been shut down ever since.

Ozgur Gundem has been the subject of court closures and raids in the past and its journalists have been detained on several occasions.
More than 40,000 detained over coup attempt: Turkish PM


Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim says more than 40,000 people have been detained in connection with last month’s failed coup, which Ankara blames on US-based opposition cleric Fethullah Gulen.

Speaking live on national television on Wednesday, Yildirim said around 20,355 of those detained have been formally arrested since the July 15 abortive putsch.

Yildirim added that 79,900 people have been removed from public duty in the military, police, civil service and judiciary.

Moreover, some 4,262 companies and institutions linked to Gulen have been shut down, the Turkish premier said.

At least 246 people were killed and more than 2,100 others sustained injuries in the coup attempt. Gulen has condemned the coup attempt and denied any involvement in the violence.

Turkey is seeking Gulen’s extradition from the United States. Washington has said it would only do so if it has firm evidence.

On Wednesday, Ankara issued a decree, paving the way for the conditional release of some 38,000 inmates not linked to the failed coup attempt.

Justice Minister Bekir Bozdag said the release was “not an amnesty” but the measure could eventually apply to almost half of the Turkish prison population which has swelled to over 200,000 since the bungled coup.

“The regulation refers to crimes committed before July 1, 2016. The crimes committed after July 1, 2016 are outside its scope,” Bozdag said on Twitter.

In a separate decree, however, Turkey dismissed 2,300 more officers from the police force, in addition to another 136 military officers and 196 employees from its information technology authority.

Turkey’s crackdown has raised concerns among European nations and human rights organizations, who have urged the Turkish government to show restraint.
Turkey is considering a coalition with Russia and Iran against terrorists in Syria. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will soon visit Tehran to discuss the issue. The visit is also expected to normalize ties between Turkey and Iran, the two powers seeking dominance in the region.

Alliance Between Russia, Turkey, Iran on Syria Taking Shape

Next week, Erdogan will visit Tehran to discuss a Russia-Turkey-Iran coalition to fight terrorism in Syria, Fars news agency reported.

During his recent trip to Russia, the Turkish president held talks with Russian leader Vladimir Putin, including on the situation in Syria.

Earlier this week, Russia used the Hamadan airfield in Iran for its strategic bombers involved in the Syrian military campaign.

According to Al-Hayat newspaper, recently Erdogan already paid a short visit to Iran. It was also reported that after a foiled military coup in Turkey, Erdogan had a phone talk with Putin and then with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.

Earlier this week, it was reported that Ankara could change its stance towards Syria and form an alliance with Russia and Iran. In turn, Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said it is time for Ankara to normalize ties with Damascus and resolve the Syrian crisis in cooperation with other regional players.

Turkey and Iran are the two countries seeking dominance in the region thus they have had differences on a number of issues, including Syria and Yemen.

Turkey supported a Saudi-led international coalition and its military campaign in Yemen while Tehran has opposed the operation. In addition, Iran has supported the government of Bashar Assad and Turkey has long insisted on Assad’s resignation.

A coalition between Russia, Turkey and Iran on Syria is theoretically possible but hard to work out in practice, Alexander Sotnichenko, an expert in Russian-Turkish relations, said.

Such an alliance between the key players is crucial for the peaceful settlement in the Middle East. At the same time, Turkey on the one hand and Russia and Iran on the other hand still support different sides of the Syrian conflict. The recent developments in Aleppo show that Ankara is still supporting terrorists," Sotnichenko told the Russian online newspaper Vzglyad.

However, at a time when Turkey has problems with the West, Erdogan understands that he needs good relations with Russia and Iran. During the visit to Iran, Erdogan will try to bolster his positions in the talks with Moscow, the expert suggested.

At the same time, it is premature to say that Erdogan could break up with NATO. "NATO is a deeply integrated military and technological alliance. In turn, Moscow cannot provide the similar level of partnership to Turkey," he said.

Stanislav Tarasov, head of the Middle East-Caucasus think tank, underscored that the West is now leaving Turkey alone with serious challenges, including the attempted coup and refugee crisis.

"It’s no surprise that Erdogan is looking for partners in Russia and Iran," he said.

Tarasov also pointed out that despite numerous tensions between Ankara and Tehran they have a common stance on the Kurdish problem.

The idea is to preserve the territorial integrity of both Turkey and Iran. Currently, the Kurdish problem is one of the most important issues for Ankara. In order to resolve it, Erdogan may turn to Tehran.

Tarasov also assumed that Erdogan could easily abandon ties with Daesh and end support for terrorist groups in Syria.

"The current domestic situation in Turkey is threatening Erdogan’s power. The Turkish president would go to all lengths to stay in power," the analyst concluded.

Turkey on Thursday ordered the seizure of the assets of 187 businessmen suspected of links to US-based opposition leader Fethullah Gulen, accused by Ankara of masterminding last month's attempted coup, local media reported.

Turkey to Seize Assets of 187 Gulen-Linked Businessmen

Sixty out of 187 suspects including CEOs were detained as police launched a vast operation in Istanbul and other provinces targeting businesses suspected of financing Gulen's activities, Dogan reported.

Anadolu also reported Turkish police have launched simultaneous raids in 18 cities against companies linked to Gulen.

They are accused by justice ministry of alleged "membership in a terror organization" and "providing financial support to a terror organization."

According to Anadolu police searched 204 premises after warrants were issued for the detention of the businessmen.

Russia recognized the dangers posed by Turkish self-exiled opposition leader Fethullah Gulen long before Turkey did, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said during an exclusive interview on Thursday.

Cavusoglu: Russia Recognized Threat Posed by Gulen ‘from Beginning’

"The danger, the threat which we did not see in the past, Russia recognized from the beginning. We thought that the followers of this movement are good citizens of the country, people of faith, but we could not even suspect that they are secret agents," Cavusoglu said in his exclusive interview to the Sputnik new agency.

The minister also reiterated that Ankara had sent all documents necessary for Gulen’s extradition, including proof of his involvement in the coup, to the United States.

The Cavusoglu comments came days after Renowned western and Arab media outlets and journalists confirmed that Russia had warned Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of an imminent coup by the army on July 15, a revelation that appeared in an FNA report last month.

A July 20 FNA report, quoting Rai Alyoum, revealed that Turkey's President Erdogan had been alerted by Russia against an imminent army coup hours before it was initiated, and added that Erdogan asked his supporters to remain in the streets after receiving advice from Tehran.

Several Arab media outlets, including Rai Alyoum, quoted diplomatic sources in Ankara as saying that Turkey's National Intelligence Organization, known locally as the MIT, received intel from its Russian counterpart that warned of an impending coup in the Muslim state.

Now Rai Alyoum Editor-in-Chief Abdel Bari Atwan has stepped forward and once again confirmed the report in an interview with Russia Today Arabic news network, saying, "The Russian intelligence came to find out about the coup in Turkey before anyone else and the Russian President informed his Turkish counterpart in an urgent hotline phone call."

Asked about his sources and the reliability of his report, the renowned journalist said, "We earned this piece of news from several sources; the Russian intelligence service had managed to monitor and pick up abnormal and massive moves of the Turkish army through the Tartus base in Syria."

He further stated that the move has caused a U-Turn in President Erdogan's foreign policy towards Russia, specially with regard to Syria.

Meantime, Robert Fisk who heads the Middle-East desk of Independent also confirmed the report in an article on Tuesday.

"Russia and, indeed, Iran played an intelligence role in warning Erdogan of the military coup plotted against him," Fisk wrote.

"The Arabs have already been told by their Russian collocutors that Putin, being the old KGB boss that he was, personally sent a message to Erdogan after learning of the coup from Turkish army communications, which were picked up and listened to by Russian technicians at their air base just outside Lattakia in Syria," he added.

"The Iranians – who would be happy to see Turkey turned against their Sunni Islamist enemies in Syria – also tipped off Erdogan about the coup, so the Arabs have been told," Fisk said.

Fisk also presented an analysis identical with Atwan in his Independent article, saying that Turkey is now leaning towards Russia and turning its back to the former Arab and western allies.

The FNA report last month quoted diplomatic sources in Ankara as saying that the Russian army in the region had intercepted highly sensitive army exchanges and encoded radio messages showing that the Turkish army was readying to stage a coup against the administration in Ankara.

The exchanges included dispatch of several army choppers to President Erdogan's resort hotel to arrest or kill the president.

The diplomats were not sure of the Russian station that had intercepted the exchanges, but said the Russian army intelligence unit deployed in Khmeimim (also called Hmeimim) in Syria's Northern province of Lattakia is reportedly equipped with state-of-the-art electronic and eavesdropping systems to gather highly sensitive information for the Russian squadrons that are on an anti-terrorism mission in Syria.

Khmeimim in Northwestern Syria is the only Russian air force base in the war-ravaged country that provides cover for Syrian army and popular forces in multiple fronts across the country, in addition to bombing missions against terrorist targets. The Russian naval fleet, including its only aircraft carrier, are deployed along the coasts of Lattakia border province to provide logistical aid to the air base in a short time. Meantime, Russia has deployed its highly sophisticated S-400 air defense shield at Khmeimim and announced that it covers the entire Syrian skies with the same air defense system.

Last year, Turkey shot down a Russian Sukhoi bomber over Syrian skies and President Erdogan who was then a staunch enemy of Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad rejected extending an apology to Moscow for about a year, although economic sanctions by Russia as well as growing victories by the Syrian army, popular forces, Hezbollah fighters, Iranian advisors and Russian air force that cornered the terrorists in Syria and similar victories against ISIL in Iraq convinced the Turkish president to not just apologize for the Sukhoi incident, but also show signs of a U-turn in foreign policy, saying that he is dropping his opposition to President Assad.

Four days after the coup, officials in Ankara announced that the two Turkish pilots who played a role in the downing of the Russian plane in November were in custody over the recent failed coup. “Two pilots who were part of the operation to down the Russian Su-24 in November 2015 are in custody,” a Turkish official told journalists on Tuesday, adding that they were detained over links to the coup bid.

Russian President Vladimir Putin called his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan only two days after the coup, and rejected the Turkish army attempt as unacceptable.

The diplomatic sources said the shift in Erdogan's foreign policy stated only a week before the coup has been "a major cause pushing several foreign states to provoke and promise support for the army to stage the coup, and the same shift also saved him" as it was not clear if the Russians would provide Ankara with their intel, otherwise.

Officials of neither country rejected or confirmed the revelation about Moscow's aid to President Erdogan. In Ankara, official sources, including the Army itself, confirmed that the Turkish army’s top generals had been informed of the coup by the MIT hours before the plot came into action.

A statement issued by the army on July 19 described the events that took place on July 15, saying a majority within the military managed to suppress the coup attempt due to information provided by the MIT some five hours before the coup plot became public, national newspaper Hurriyet reported.

“The information given by the National Intelligence Organization on July 15, 2016, at around 4:00 p.m. was evaluated at the General Staff headquarters with the attendance of Chief of Staff General Hulusi Akar, Chief of the Army General Salih Zeki Colak and Deputy Chief of Staff General Yasar Guler."

In order to counter the coup, high ranking officials within the Turkish army gave orders for all air and ground forces around the country to immediately cease operations including military vehicles such as tanks, planes and helicopters.

A report by Al-Jazeera Arabic then suggested the coup plotters initiated the operation six hours ahead of time as they had previously planned to launch the coup at 3:00 a.m. local time on July 16.

While the report did not indicate the reason for the coup being initiated ahead of time, the revelation by the military suggested the coup plotters understood their plans had been compromised and decided to act.

Reports also suggest the coup plotters had orders to kidnap or kill President Erdogan as helicopters headed toward the hotel he was staying in at the holiday resort of Marmaris. But Erdogan had left 44 minutes before they arrived, according to Al-Jazeera’s report.

The official statements coming out from Ankara were in full compliance with the Arab media reports quoting the diplomatic sources on the Russian intel.

Only four days after the coup, Erdogan appeared on the media saying that he planned to declare a crucial turn in foreign policy that would "end differences with Turkey's neighboring states".

Less than a day later, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov announced that President Erdogan would visit Russia early in August to meet with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. The visit took place this week and contained romantic words from the Turkish president towards his Russian counterpart that he called in several interviews as "my friend Vladimir".

Meantime, Iran rushed to condemn the Turkish army coup only two hours after it started. Several top security and foreign policy officials in Tehran were in constant contact with President Erdogan and his cabinet ministers all throughout Friday.

As July 15 was coming to an end in Tehran, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif was on the phone with his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu, whose government was under the threat of being overthrown by a military coup. Meanwhile, Ali Shamkhani, the secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC), was on another line with security officials in Ankara. All the while, Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps’ Quds Force, Iran’s regional military arm, was busy pursuing and reviewing various scenarios that might emerge.

“It’s not a secret anymore,” an Iranian official told Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity. “Zarif, Shamkhani and Soleimani were executing higher orders. The whole establishment was too concerned. Turkey is a neighboring state. President Erdogan and his government are strong partners of Iran. Our nations enjoy strong brotherly ties, so it’s the least we can do to show solidarity and try to offer any help they might need in such critical times.”

"Another Iranian official saw parallels between the successful coup against Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in 1953 and this year's coup attempt in Turkey," Al-Monitor said in a report a few days after the coup.

The official told Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity, “What we know is that this move was triggered by foreign hands. We went through the same in the past, and because Mr. Erdogan is today looking forward to playing a better role in the region, they want him down.” The Iranian official said, “There was a message that was conveyed to Turkish security officials: Don’t leave the streets. This coup might be made up of several waves; it happened in Iran in 1953. When the first coup failed, they had another one ready — and they succeeded.”

In Ankara, the government claimed the coup and the generals behind it are loyal followers of US-based Islamic cleric Fethullah Gulen, who was once Erdogan’s key ally before a major fallout in 2012. Many believe that Gulen is the main cause of why Ankara officials have repeatedly accused the US of masterminding the plot.

Gulen is running a multi-billion dollar enterprise in Saudi Arabia and has grown into a serious bone of contention in Ankara-Riyadh ties. Saudi Arabia reserved condemnation of the coup in a suspicious move. Later, reports surfaced the media that the top brass in Riyadh and Abu Dhabi - two strong allies of the US with unbreakably intimate ties with each other in the Persian Gulf - were involved in the coup.

Saudi whistle-blower Mujtahid, who is believed to be a member of or have a well-connected source in the royal family, disclosed that senior government officials in Riyadh and Abu Dhabi had been informed of the coup in Turkey long before it took place.

Mujtahid wrote on his twitter page on Monday that the UAE leaders had played a role in the coup and the Turkish spy agencies have come to decode this involvement, adding that the UAE leaders had also alerted the Saudis about the impending coup.

"Saudi Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister Mohammad bin Salman had been informed of the military coup in Turkey," Mujtahid wrote on his twitter page on Monday.

"There are reasons to prove that given his intimate relations with Mohammad bin Zayed bin Sultan Al-Nahyan (the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces), Mohammad bin Salman had been filled with information about this coup," he added.

According to Mujtahid, Turkish intelligence agencies had received information about some negative collaboration between bin Salman and bin Zayed, but the Saudis managed to convince the Justice and Development party to rest assured and be optimistic about Riyadh's actions.

He revealed that bin Salman has been trying to convince the Turks to conceal the UAE's role in the coup and has promised a large amount of cash in retribution.

"The coup in Turkey is now growing into a major regional confrontation over Turkey's shift in its Syria policy now. If confirmed, the Russian and Iranian aid to Erdogan would mean the power balance and equations in the region ought to be redefined," the FNA report on July 20 concluded.
The list of Americans involved in the Turkish putsch arrangement was published.

Ten Secret Organizers of Pro-American coup in Turkey

The new list of US intelligence personnel involved in the coup in Turkey was announced. According to the Aksam newspaper, these people arrived in the country from July 13 to 15, and directly co-ordinated rebels actions, as well as helped to create the publications in western and local gülenist media.

While it proved a number of CIA members involvement, officially attributed to the composition of the US diplomatic representation.

Graham Fuller is closely associated with Fethullah Gülen, “former CIA employee,” working in the Middle East for 20 years and wanted to use the Gülen influence in Russia. He was responsible for the support of gülenist in to building a “parallel state” in Turkey. Witn the direct support of Fuller Gülen, he managed to obtain permanent the US residency. Then the personal guarantees were given by three CIA members, he was one of them. Frederick Engdah in his book Holy Wars of the Western world describe him in the details.

According to him, Graham Fuller was no ordinary intelligence officer. He took an active part in the coordination of activities of the Mujahideen and other organizations of political Islam. He became a “pioneer” in using the Muslim Brotherhood and similar Islamist groups as a tool of American foreign policy. In 1982, Graham Fuller was appointed national intelligence officer in charge of the CIA for the Middle East and South Asia. He became responsible for Turkey. In 1986, when Fuller became vice-chairman of the National Intelligence at the CIA Board, and in 1988, when the war of the Mujahideen in Afghanistan was coming to an end, Fuller formally retired from the RAND intelligence analytical center of Washington neo-conservatives, that is closely associated with Pentagon and the CIA. For a variety of evidence, he helped to develop a strategy for the creation and use of the Gülen movement as a geopolitical force to intrude into the countries of the former Soviet Union in Central Asia.

In the RAND Fuller devoted to study the Islamic fundamentalism in Turkey, Sudan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Algeria. In his works, he considered Iraq's survival issues, wrote about the post-Soviet, new geopolitics in Central Asia, which Gülen sent his adherents to found new Gülen schools and madrassas, says Engdahl.

• Henri Barkey is one of the leaders of the Turkish department of the CIA, former member of the US State Department Policy Planning Staff for the Middle East. He was famous for his articles against the Turkish state. In particular, Russia is widely dispersed his article in Foreign Policy - Erdogan’s Foreign Policy Is in Ruins.

• Helen Laipson is assistant head of the US National Security Council, former vice chairman of the CIA National Intelligence Council.

• Sylvia Tiriaki is a political analyst, who observes Israel, Palestine, and Armenia.

• Ahmed Morsy is an expert at the Carnegie Endowment, a curator in Egypt and Iran.

• Ellie Geranmayeh is an employee of the Department of foreign relations of the European Council, observing Iran and Saudi Arabia.

• Mesud Karokhail is the analyst on the Middle East, the expert a number of international NGOs.

• Marwa Daudy is the Associate Professor of the Center for Arab Studies at the Georgetown University. The author of the book The watershed between Syria, Turkey and Iraq and numerous publications about the “atrocities” of the Syrian leadership, argued in one of his articles that Putin benefited from the rise of the Islamic State, received a carte blanche for military intervention along with the Assad regime.

• Samir Sumaidaie is the former US ambassador to Iraq, at one time represented the opposition to Saddam Hussein.

• Ali Vaez is the one of the Woodrow Wilson Center managers.

According to Turkish sources, the group focal point was Büyükada island near Istanbul, where the rebellions were directed and the media fake stories were prepared.

After the inevitable failure of the coup became clear, the media started to spread the fake story that allegedly Erdogan himself had staged the coup attempt to strengthen his position in the country. This thesis is widely distributed among the Western press. After that, these persons left Turkey.

The operational work of the Turkish secret services identified these CIA members as participants in the Arab Spring events in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen and Libya.

Reports that US General John F. Campbell was the organizer of a coup d'etat in Turkey surprised no one.

NATO's fingerprints in Turkish coup

Recall that the July 25th edition of the Turkish Yeni Safak, close to President Recep Erdogan's AKP party, reported that General John F. Campbell, former U.S. commander of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), a NATO-led security mission in Afghanistan, was the organizer of the July 15th military coup attempt in Turkey. The sources stated that he was also involved in the financing of the coup participants and the reshuffling of air base personnel while visiting the base on the eve of the coup attempt. After an unsuccessful coup attempt the Turkish generals Cahit Bakır and Şener Topçu were detained in Dubai airport. Both worked with Campbell in Afghanistan, where they commanded the Turkish contingent within the NATO forces.

However, these are not the only clues in the Turkish coup plot which directly points to NATO as the mastermind of the coup. There are some other information regarding this issue:

1. The same coup participants stationed at the Turkish Air Force, were the most NATO-integrated structures of the Turkish Military, and this gave to the observers the first evidence of NATO involvement in the military putsch. The Incirlik Air Base, where the US military was based was used by the putschists to launch air strikes on the Turkish parliament. The base is jointly used by the US and Turkish Air Forces. After the coup attempt, it was suppressed by the Turkish commander of the base. General Bekir Ercan Van was arrested by the troops loyal to Erdogan. General Van sought asylum from the United States but was denied. In the aftermath of the coup, external electrical power from Turkey was cut to the base and a Turkish no fly order had been put into effect for US military aircraft in the area. On July 30th the base was blocked by Turkish troops on information about a second coup attempt.

2. From the very beginning Western media spread disinformation, that President Erdogan flee the country. American NBS mentioned high ranking US military, proving the information. Thus the US military was directly involved in the disinformation during the most critical early hours of the failed coup operation.
The US alternative media Newsbud has identified Former NATO Commander-Retired US Army General John F. Campbell as the 'likely' NBC News' source.

3. The majority of those arrested after the coup attempt were people related to the NATO structure.
The the Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, speaking at a forum on security organized by the Aspen Institute in Colorado last week, declared that after the coup "many of our interlocutors have been purged or arrested".

Curtis Scaparrotti, NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe confirmed this information, stating that:

"Some of the officers that we have our relationships with in Turkey are now either detained, in some cases retired as a result of the coup"

Thus, NATO de-facto recognized, that their people were in the ranks on the presumptive putschists

4. It was revealed that NATO aggressively promoted their agents, who then actively participated in the coup: According to Erdogan's supporters, thousands of Turkish officers recruited to Gulen's network went up the ladder in their military career on "on high speed", reaching ranks of generals and colonels in key positions. In sharp contrast, in the Kemalist army base, their former fellows remained captains or majors.

5. The three most important regiments which participated in the coup were part of Turkey's 'NATO Rapid Deployable Corps'. The registration plates on military vehicles of the putschists, show that they belonged to the 2nd Armoured Brigade, stationed in the Istanbul district of Kartal, and the 66th Mechanised Infantry Brigade, which is based in Hasdal together with the 6th Regiment. The transcript of WhatsApp messagess of the plotters, provided by Bellingcat showed that the group in communications also used the emblem and slogan used by NATO's Rapid Deployable Corps (a quote of Ataturk) : "Peace at home, peace in the world.".

6. And finally, once again the news from Yeni Safak. It revealed information that the Guvercinlik First Army Aviation Regiment's Maintenance Battalion Commander Lieutenant Colonel Murat Bolat told prosecutors that the US was ready to help them to assassinate Erdogan during the coup.

"Americans were to provide the exact coordinates of Erdoğan, if the team was unable to find him in the hotel. They also said that up to four persons with civil dress have been tracking Erdoğan ",
- the Turkish newspaper quotes the rebel.

The same fact, that Erdogan’s newspaper attacks the US and NATO so fiercely corroborates that Turkish authorities are preparing for harsh anti-US moves, including leaving NATO. And they have a lot of the evidence of NATO’s involvement in the coup.
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