July 2016 Military Coup in Turkey

Studying Turkish Coup Attempt

Published on Jul 18, 2016

During the failed coup in Turkey, two rebel F-16 fighter jets had Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan’s plane in their sights, but refrained from opening fire, says a report.

During coup bid Erdogan’s plane was in sights of rebel jets

Erdogan was returning to Istanbul from a holiday in the coastal resort of Marmaris when the attempt coup began on Friday.

"At least two F-16s harassed Erdogan's plane while it was in the air and en route to Istanbul. They locked their radars on his plane and on two other F-16s protecting him," Reuters quoted an informed former military officer as saying in a report published on Sunday.

"Why they didn't fire is a mystery," added the former officer.

Another informed source from the Turkish government confirmed that Erdogan’s plane had been harassed while leaving Marmaris by jets piloted by coup plotters.

The incident has also been verified by another senior Turkish official.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has been forced to cut short a speech after bursting into tears while paying respects to his supporters who were killed in a failed coup attempt.

Erdogan forced to cut off speech after breaking into tears

“We march in our funeral shrouds, and we will deal with these assassins, this cult, these followers of Fethullah,” said Erdoğan on Sunday at a funeral held for those who died in the recent coup.

The Turkish president was referring to a dissident movement run by Fethullah Gülen (seen below), who he has accused of plotting to overthrow him by building a network of supporters in the media, judiciary and, education, an allegation Gulen denies.

At this point, Erdogan broke down into tears and was forced to cancel the reset of his speech, but earlier he vowed to rid Turkish institutions of Gülen’s followers.

He also claimed that “Gülen group” had infected the armed forces, and vowed to “clean all state institutions of the virus.”

Almost 9,000 Turkish officials have been dismissed from their jobs as Turkey escalates the crackdown following a failed coup attempt.

Turkey dismisses almost 9,000 over links to botched coup

Sources in Turkey’s Interior Ministry said Monday that a total of 8,777 public personnel were discarded from their official positions since the coup against the government was declared over two days ago.

The officials, who spoke to the state-run Anadolu agency, said one provincial governor and 29 governors of towns were among the dismissed officials.

Turkey's Savings Deposit Insurance Fund has suspended activities of Asya bank, which is reportedly linked to Turkish opposition cleric Fethullah Gulen.

Turkish Authorities Suspend Activities of Bank Allegedly Tied to Gulen

Turkish authorities have suspended activities of Asya bank, which is reportedly linked to Turkish opposition cleric Fethullah Gulen, who has been allegedly linked to a coup attempt in the country, Turkey's Savings Deposit Insurance Fund (TMSF) said in a statement Monday.

"Activities of Asya Bank, whose governance and general rights (except for dividends), have been delegated to the Fund on May 29, 2015, in accordance with the 107th article of the Banking Law No. 5411, has been suspended by the decision of the Fund," the statement said.

Saudi officials have reportedly detained the Turkish military attache to Kuwait at Ankara’s request for his alleged involvement in a recent attempted coup in Turkey.

Saudi arrests Turkish military attaché to Kuwait over coup plot

The attaché, identified as Mikail Gullu, was arrested at an airport in the eastern Saudi city of Dammam on Sunday as he was taking a transit flight to Amsterdam, reports said.

“Saudi authorities are holding the military attache for the Turkish Embassy in Kuwait,” Saudi daily Asharq al-Awsat reported, quoting what it described as a foreign diplomatic source.

“He was stopped based on a Turkish request and was detained during his attempt to flee over his likely links to the coup in Turkey,” it said.

The Saudi-owned al-Arabiya news channel confirmed the report from “Saudi sources” adding that Gullu was heading to Dusseldorf in Germany via Amsterdam.

Kuwait's al-Qabas daily said that Gullu had fled Kuwait by land to Saudi Arabia.

Turkey's Ambassador in Kuwait Salih Morat Tamer told al-Qabas that the attaché is suspected of involvement in the coup attempt but stressed that “accusations against him are yet to be investigated once he is handed over to Turkey.”

A Greek court hearing the case of eight Turkish military officers, who escaped to Greece by helicopter during last Friday’s coup attempt, was adjourned for three days, local media reported Monday.

Greek Court Hearing in Case of 8 Turkish Officers Adjourned Until Thursday

The Turkish military brought tanks to the streets and flew attack helicopters and fighter jets low over Turkish key cities last Friday in a failed takeover attempt. The eight service members flew a Black Hawk to Greek city of Alexandropoulis on the Turkish border where they claimed asylum. Ankara wants them extradited.

The men appeared in the Greek court on Monday. They are being tried for illegally crossing into the Greek territory. The judge agreed to give them three more days to prepare the case, according to the Athens news agency. They will remain in custody.
The Turkish army has started search operations to find and destroy the 42 helicopters which have gone missing from Turkey's military facilities in the wake of the failed coup attempt, a security source said on Monday.

Turkey Running Search Operation to Hunt Lost Choppers

"Last night, the Turkish president ordered the air force to conduct patrolling missions across the country and the air force proposed that the F16 fighter jets fly over the country's sensitive regions, including Ankara, Istanbul and many other cities and important points," the source said.

He said that the Turkish Falcon warplanes have been ordered to directly fire and destroy the lost helicopters, adding that the IDs of all the lost choppers have been recorded on the fighter jets trace and targeting systems to prevent possible mistakes.

"Before this, the Turkish prime minister had announced that if the fighter jets and helicopters stolen by the coup plotters are not handed back to the Army General Staff and continue flying over the sensitive regions, the army's air defense units will be ordered to bring these fighters and choppers down," the source said.

Local sources in Turkey said on Monday that at least 42 helicopters have gone missing, sparking the concern over another attempt to overthrow the Turkish government.

Turkish special forces launched a search operation in the Air Force Academy, located in a suburb of Istanbul, as Turkish security forces started conducting fresh raids in a relentless crackdown against the suspected plotters of a botched coup in the country.

Dean of Istanbul’s Air Force Academy Detained, as Turkey’s Anti-Coup Plotters Operation Expands

Turkish media reports suggest Istanbul counter-terror units and police arrived at the site, the academic buildings and dormitories are being searched, Vestnikkavkaza reported.

The Dean of the Istanbul Air force academy Colonel Ahmet Gumus was detained on suspicion of involvement in the coup.

Haberturk TV channel reported earlier today that 14 generals and one admiral were arrested in Turkey on Sunday night by the decision of the Istanbul Court. They are charged with an "attempted coup", an "attempt on the president’s life" and "intended killing of people."

The Turkish authorities have introduced a state of emergency in Istanbul. They also deployed additional police special forces in the city.

Saudi whistle-blower Mujtahid, who is believed to be a member of or have a well-connected source in the royal family, dislosed that senior government officials in Riyadh and Abu Dhabi had been informed of the coup in Turkey long before it took place.

Whistleblower: S. Arabia, UAE Involved in Turkey Coup

Mujtahid wrote on his twitter page on Monday that the UAE leaders had played a role in the coup and the Turkish spy agencies have come to decode this involvement, adding that the UAE leaders had also alerted the Saudis about the impending coup.

"Saudi Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister Mohammad bin Salman had been informed of the military coup in Turkey," Mujtahid wrote on his twitter page on Monday.

"There are reasons which show that given his intimate relations with Mohammad bin Zayed bin Sultan Al-Nahyan (the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces), Mohammad bin Salman was aware of this coup," he added.

According to Mujtahid, Turkish intelligence agencies have received information about some negative collaboration between bin Salman and bin Zayed, but the Saudis have managed to convince the Justice and Development party to rest assured and be optimistic about Riyadh's measures.

He revealed that bin Salman has been trying to convince the Turks to conceal the UAE's role in the coup and has promised a large amount of cash in reprisal.

Former Emir of Qatar, Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani, harshly criticized Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir for his involvement in Friday’s coup attempt in Turkey while insisting the United States and another western country have orchestrated the abortive coup.

Saudi’s Al-Jubeir Accused of Involvement in Turkish Coup Attempt by Former Qatari Emir

“Al-Jubeir remained silent even though he knew beforehand what was being plotted against the Turkish state,” the former Qatari emir said, Al Masdar reported.

He also strongly condemned the failed military coup, stressing his country’s solidarity with the legitimate Turkish government.

Al Thani, considered a former close ally of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, also commended the ‘positive and constructive’ role undertaken by Erdogan in the region.

Turkey’s police used water cannons during an operation to detain coup plotters at the airbase in Konya, local sources said.

Anti-Coup Plotters Operation Conducted at Turkey’s Konya Airbase

Turkish news TV channel, Haber Turk TV channel said police forces came to the airbase with a warrant to arrest a number of officers suspected of being involved in the failed coup attempt and several pilots of fighter jets, TASS reported.

The use of water cannons may mean that the police met resistance. According to available information, the operation at the airbase is not yet over.

Turkey’s police have detailed 11 coup plotters at Istanbul’s second airport, Sabiha Gokcen, Dogan news agence said on Sunday.

The police arrived at the airport with a warrant to arrest several officers of the local Gendarmerie department but were met with resistance. Police officers fired warning shots. After a short clash, the coup plotters surrendered. No one was killed.

The Turkish police raided the Incirlik airbase where the US-led coalition's jets are based, local media reported.

Turkish Police Raid Incirlik Airbase

Local newspaper, Hurriyet quoted informed sources as reporting that the Turkish prosecutor's office representatives, flanked by police forces are running search and investigation at the Incirlik base.

The development comes as the top commander of Incirlik air base was arrested by the Turkish police on Sunday after a coup attempt in the country ended in failure.

The Incirlik airbase's top commander, Bakir Ercan Van, was among the six thousand military and judiciary personnel arrested across Turkey on suspicion of involvement in the abortive coup.

Turkish authorities imposed a comprehensive ban on the Turkish government’s civil servants that effectively bars them from leaving the country, local sources reported.

Turkey Imposes Travel Ban on Civil Servants as Crack down on 'Gulenists' Widens

The sources said the travel ban on the civil servants was imposed to stop supporters of Friday’s botched coup as well as “the public sector employees that Turkish government branded as Gulenists", an apparent reference by the Turkish authorities to the supporters of opposition leader, Fethullah Gulen, from leaving the country.

Russia's President Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The Kremlin's press service said the conversation was initiated by the Russian side.

Putin, Erdogan have telephone conversation after military coup attempt in Turkey — Kremlin

"Vladimir Putin in relation to the attempt of a force overthrowing of democratically elected Turkish authorities at night to July 16 stressed Russia's principal line for categorical inacceptance of anti-constitutional actions and use of force in life of a country," the Kremlin said. "Recep Tayyip Erdogan was offered condolences following the many victims among the civilians and law enforcers opposing the plotters, as well as wishes of soonest recovery of stable constitutional order and stability in Turkey."

Russian tourists in Turkey

Presidents discussed safety of Russian tourists in Turkey after the military coup attempt in that country.

"The Russian president said after lifting of the limiting measures the number of Russian tourists in Turkey has jumped up, and expressed hope the Turkish side under the current complicated conditions would be able to provide maximum their safety," the Kremlin's statement reads. "Recep Tayyip Erdogan stressed all necessary steps in that sphere would be undertaken.".

Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan also confirmed earlier agreement to meet in person soon, the Kremlin's press service said
Breaking: Turkish pilots who downed Russian jet arrested in Turkey


Things are really moving quickly!

On the surface, looks like Erdogan is throwing them under the bus after himself sanctioning the shoot down for months, making him a total hypocrite. But if we think that he was coerced, or had no role in the shoot down at all, it makes more sense.
Carl said:
Breaking: Turkish pilots who downed Russian jet arrested in Turkey


Things are really moving quickly!

On the surface, looks like Erdogan is throwing them under the bus after himself sanctioning the shoot down for months, making him a total hypocrite. But if we think that he was coerced, or had no role in the shoot down at all, it makes more sense.

Could also be an unreported/unknown influence by Putin and Russia and/or Erdogan realizing he needs to do more to make up for his behavior of the past if he is planning to turn toward and court Russia as a partner in an alliance in the future. Seems a lot could be hanging in the balance based on what transpires with Erdogan and Turkey.
An interesting article from 2015,link in Russian:

in English:
"But how high is Erdogan's credibility among the generals now? It is common knowledge that at the beginning of his rule, he was faced with constant unvoiced resistance from the military.

A.V.: The attitude toward him has been changing. Some of the General Staff were going to intervene in politics, but the moment turned out to be inopportune.

Erdogan used the criteria for entry put forward by the European Union to break the military, to subordinate them to his will...."

Also ,good timing:
Turkey ready to restore regional peace together with Iran and Russia

google translate
Russian Su-24 bomber was shot down over Syria, the Turkish military without the knowledge of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan with the aim to embroil Ankara and Moscow. This opinion was expressed by the head of Ingushetia, Yunus-Bek Yevkurov, commenting on the attempted coup in Turkey.

- It now becomes understandable and version for downed Russian aircraft. This was done without the knowledge of most of President Erdogan, with the aim to embroil Russia and Turkey - said on his page on Instagram.
Scottie said:
Plus, the PTB's wishful thinking seems to really be biting them on the tookis lately, which is helpful...

Yeah - I hope more mistakes are made, for only through these mistakes can the masses realize (hopefully) that most of their leader's are mass murdering psycho's

Been thinking a lot lately about this failed coup - and the amount of wishful thinking here seems truly disconnected from reality. And now Erdogan being Erdogan is going full steam ahead to purge Turkey of the 5th column - and as Harrison mentioned this is in effect a declaration of war against the Empire. I think he has to cozy up to Russia fast, by really making concessions and terminating their support for ISIL - for when the Empire strikes back Turkey needs to have Russia behind them.

I also think, this failed coup is an important marker moment - coming straight after the failure in Brexit could possibly mean that the Cosmic forces have clearly "shifted" into cleansing mode. As the C's mentioned previously and from the last session - the bad times for the psycho's are beginning. But these critters don't think like that, and they only know to behave like a virus, hence more chaos down the road as the Earth starts to respond. You can almost "feel" the rage from the Empire, and I think they are planning a "big" retaliatory move now...just some thoughts, fwiw
More hints that the Cs were right:


The reason the coup in Turkey failed was (1) because it was launched far too early in the night, when most people were still awake and were therefore able to hear the news about the coup and could be mobilised quickly to oppose it; and (2) because Erdogan and the other members of the government were not immediately arrested by the coup plotters, and were therefore able to organise the resistance almost from the moment the coup got underway.

That points to the coup having been launched prematurely as a result of a leak. Fars says the coup was supposed to start at 3:00 am - a far more appropriate hour for launching a coup than the late evening and a time when organising resistance to the coup would have been all but impossible because most people would have been asleep - whilst it is an acknowledged fact that Erdogan was not at his hotel when troops came to arrest him, whilst it seems that attempts to arrest other members of the government also took place, and that they too had fled just in time and were able to escape arrest.

There has been no really satisfactory explanation to date of why the coup began so early or of why Erdogan and the other members of the government were able to escape arrest. The Turkish General Staff is saying there was a leak but the international media at least is providing few details. If there was a leak, forcing the plotters to start the coup too early and causing Erdogan and the other members of the government to escape arrest, then that would explain everything.

Of course that does not prove that the leak originated in Russia. However the Russians do have a very sophisticated intelligence operation in Syria and for obvious reasons they would have been monitoring Turkish military communications closely - exactly as the Fars reports say. It is entirely plausible therefore that they overheard Turkish military wireless traffic discussing the coup and that they tipped Erdogan and the Turkish government off.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says the movement affiliated to US-based opposition cleric Fethullah Gulen would be treated as “another separatist terrorist organization” in the wake of last Friday’s failed coup attempt against his government.

Gulen movement to be treated as separatist terrorist group: Erdogan

“We will continue the fight... wherever they might be. These people have infiltrated the state organizations in this country and they rebelled against the state," Erdogan said in an exclusive interview with Reuters in the capital Ankara on Thursday, describing the botched putsch as “inhuman” and “immoral.”

He drew a parallel between the Gulen movement and the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), calling the former a malignant cancer that could develop if not eliminated.

“We will do everything necessary to have the highest rate of success. Whatever the law allows or admits,” the Turkish president added.

“We never considered even the possibility that they might be involved in this kind of treason... We supported them to the fullest as citizens of our country,” Erdogan said, adding, “They are traitors... They have always been two-faced, if you want, and now we see their real face very clearly,” he commented.

Two Turkish ministers, Interior Minister Efkan Ala and Justice Minister Bekir Bozdag will travel to the United States in order to discuss possible extradition of opposition cleric Fethullah Gulen to Turkey, accused of masterminding last Friday's failed military coup.

Turkish Ministers to Travel to US to Discuss Gulen Extradition

Turkish Interior Minister Efkan Ala and Justice Minister Bekir Bozdag will travel to the United States next week to discuss possible extradition of opposition cleric Fethullah Gulen to Turkey, NTV televison reported Friday citing a government source.

Ankara accuses Gulen, 75, who has been residing in self-exile in the US since 1999, of masterminding last Friday's failed military coup that killed more than 246 people and injured over 2,000.

The United States offered to dispatch a team to Turkey to help Ankara in processing its request to extradite Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen, US Department of State spokesperson John Kirby said in a briefing on Thursday.

US Offers to Send Team to Turkey to Assist With Gulen Extradition Process

Kirby noted that the United States is not responsible for gathering evidence to support the extradition of Gulen.

“We have offered… to assist them in the processing of the [extradition] request, even to send a team there [Turkey] if they would welcome it,” Kirby stated when asked about the request to extradite Gulen.

Ankara has not responded to Washington’s proposal to send a team, Kirby also said.

Turkish authorities revoked passports of 10, 856 citizens suspected in the links with the failed military coup, according to Turkish Interior Minister Efkan Ala.

Turkish Authorities Revoke 11,000 Passports in Wake of Failed Coup

Turkish Interior Minister Efkan Ala said Friday that the authorities had canceled almost 11,000 passports of Turkish citizens suspected of their role in the failed military coup.

"At this point, we have revoked passports of 10, 856 people," Ala said in an interview with Turkey's NTV television.

A passport is a major ID document serving Turkish citizens both domestically and during travel abroad.

Greece's authorities have strengthened control over its islands to prevent Turkish military suspected of having been involved in the recent attempted coup from getting into the country, media reported Friday.

Greece Boosts Patrols of Islands to Stop Fleeing Turkish Militants

On Wednesday, reports emerged that Turkish soldiers who allegedly participated in the attempted coup against Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan would try to enter Greece to escape punishment in their state.

Some Turkish military personnel are reportedly hiding near the sea and land borders with Greece and Bulgaria, intending to cross the frontiers.

Earlier on Friday, the Greek Defense Ministry decided to launch patrols of air, sea, and land from islands of Evros to Kastelorizo, the Independent Balkan News Agency said. Pentagon sources confirmed that six Apache attack Boeings had already been deployed in the Dodecanese islands, the agency added.

Athens promised to extradite to Ankara eight alleged participants of the military coup attempt who fled to Greece, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Saturday.

Greece Promises Turkey to Extradite 8 Runaway Coup Supporters - Turkish FM

Earlier in the day, a helicopter with eight alleged coup supporters on board landed in Alexandroupolis. Turkey asked Greece to return them.

The Greek authorities replied that they will return the helicopter but will apply general procedure to the detained passengers who intend to ask for asylum in the country.

"I had a phone talk with Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias. He told me that eight rebels who fled to Greece would be returned shortly," Cavusoglu said in his Twitter account.

Work of the Russian-Turkish Intergovernmental Commission on Trade and Economic Cooperation will be resumed soon, according to the decree of the Russian Cabinet.

Russia, Turkey Resume Work of Intergovernmental Trade Commission

The Russian Cabinet has signed a directive to resume the work of the Russian-Turkish intergovernmental trade commission as well as negotiations on a program of bilateral cooperation until 2020, according to a document posted on the government's website on Friday.
Latest news: WhatsApp communications between coup plotters show that at least 3 of the 5 regiments participating in the coup were NATO Rapid Deployable Corps.


Also, Sibel Edmonds is starting a Twitter-bomb campaign tomorrow to demand and explanation and retraction from MSNBC for their pro-coup psych-war news story that Erdogan was seeking asylum in Germany (check out the video in the comment of the article above).
More than 72,000 people have signed a petition urging Washington to extradite US-based dissident Muslim cleric Muhammed Fethullah Gulen to Turkey following the coup attempt there, according to information provided on the White House website on Tuesday.

Over 72,000 Sign Petition to Extradite Turkish Cleric Gulen From US

According to the White House website, the petition needs some 28,000 more signatures by August 16 to merit an official response from the authorities.

Turkey has not yet decided on the reinstatement of the death penalty following a coup attempt that took place this month, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Mehmet Simsek said Tuesday.

Turkey Undecided on Reinstating Death Penalty Post-Coup Attempt - Deputy PM

“The decision is still pending,” Simsek told reporters on a visit to Russia as head of the Turkish delegation.

Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the country would have capital punishment back on the law books if the people demanded this.

On Monday the Turkish government issued an official request for an apology from US-based cable channel NBC News for what the former considers was false coverage about President Recep Tayyip Erdogan during last week’s attempted coup.

Erdogan Administration Demands Apology From NBC for Coup Attempt Reporting

Last Friday, as the attempted military coup in Turkey was unfolding, NBC News reported, citing a senior US defense official, that Erdogan had been refused landing rights in Istanbul and was seeking asylum in Germany.

After the situation in Turkey stabilized, NBC News received a letter from the Turkish Embassy in Washington DC, accusing the news channel and producer Kyle Griffin of irresponsible actions, and demanding an apology. According to the Turkish embassy, the false report aggravated an already tense situation.

"It is outrageous that such important and sensitive information about the well-being of the Turkish President was handled in such an unprofessional way and was divulged without properly checking its validity and the credibility of the source," the letter read.

Although NBC News withdrew its allegations, it did not acknowledge that it had made an error.
Turkish and American citizens turned to social media to press the channel to issue a formal apology.

​​Hundreds of Twitter users on Monday made critical postings under the hashtag "#confrontNBC" and threatened the channel with protests outside its New York City headquarters.
Egyptian Prime Minister said that Egypt has not yet received an asylum request from US-based cleric Fethullah Gulen, whom Turkey accuses of orchestrating the recent botched coup.

Egypt Yet to Receive Turkish Cleric's Asylum Request - Prime Minister

Egypt has not yet received an asylum request from US-based cleric Fethullah Gulen, whom Turkey accuses of orchestrating the recent botched coup, Egyptian Prime Minister Sherif Ismail as quoted by local media Thursday.

Turkish Justice Minister Bekir Bozdag told Turkish television earlier in the day Ankara had intelligence suggesting Gulen may leave the United States for Canada, Egypt, Australia, South Africa or Mexico.

There is no confirmed information about this. If such a request is submitted, it will be examined," Ismail said, as quoted by Egypt’s Mubasher Misr online news outlet.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said that supporters of US-based cleric Fethullah Gulen, whom Turkey accuses of orchestrating the recent botched coup, could stage another coup in Kyrgystan.

Cleric Gulen's Supporters Could Stage Coup in Kyrgyzstan - Turkish FM

Supporters of US-based cleric Fethullah Gulen, whom Turkey accuses of orchestrating the recent botched coup, could try to stage one more coup, in Kyrgyzstan, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said Thursday.

"If a coup to take place in Kyrgyzstan, it will be staged by Gulen's movement. It is the biggest threat for Kyrgyzstan," Cavusoglu said in an interview televised on CNN Turk.
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