July 2016 Military Coup in Turkey

Joe said:
Mr.Cyan said:
Laura said:
No, I'm not even suggesting a personality disorder so much as a person who is normal/wounded like everyone, in a certain position where all kinds of people and energies act on that person and they are not stable enough inside to withstand the pressures and they just kind of go nuts.

Thanks Laura for the food for thought concerning Erdogan; been thinking about it since I read your post, and I really too am not sure at this point.

Thinking back to the past, couple of points stand out to me, that make me think that he is a psychopath:
1. His reactions/actions right after the downing of the Russian SU-24 - then again he could have been under strict guidance from his "masters".
2. His family being involved in the sale of illegal ISIS smuggled oil, as exposed on RT

However when watching the videos of the coup on RT, in the videos, there were lots of people on the street resisting the attempted coup (even trying to stop tanks by lying on the road), and being jubilant when the attempt failed.

Then there was also Putin's statement after the downing of the jet - where he clearly mentioned that Turkey "backstabbed" Russia. Knowing that he understands psychopathy, and with the information he had on Erdogan from the FSB - maybe he was surprised as well at Erdogan's actions ?

Also, as you pointed, psychopaths actually don't care what people say or think about them.

Well I'm not sure, and I guess Erdogan's actions/reactions in the coming weeks will tell us more.

At the time of the shootdown of the Russian plane last year, I wrote an article (or two) suggesting that Erdogan and co. didn't order the shootdown, that they found out about it after the fact. That still seems like the most likely scenario to me, especially given recent event where he eventually apologized to Putin and his shocking recent Uturn on Syria. Then we have the coup to oust him. If there's one thing we've learned about the actions of the CIA/Western powers over the past 70 years, it's that very few coups in strategically important countries happen without them being involved in it somehow, and when they happen, it's because the ruling party in that country had fallen out of favor with the West/CIA.

In the articles I wrote, I also detailed the ramified power networks in Turkey, the most powerful of which has its origins in Gladio/NATO 'stay behind' networks during the cold war. When Erdogan came to power, he undoubtedly already knew about, or soon found out about the power of these groups, primarily ensconced in the civilian and military infrastructure. It seems to me that Erdogan's authoritarian leanings over the past few years have been evidence of his and his buddies attempts to wrest control away from these groups. That effort, and his recent turn towards Russia and switcheroo on Syria was a bridge too far for the 'reality creators' in the USA, and they cobbled together a hasty coup that fell flat, largely because of the efforts Erdogan and co had made to appeal to the large majority of Turks who (apart from the Kurds) seem to be very well disposed towards Erdogan. In addition, recent events seems to suggest that Erdogan has finally understood that he can't go it alone, that he has to pick a side for Turkey to align with in 'cold war 2' between the West and Russia/China. And he seems to be learning towards Russia/China. There isn't, after all, much love to be lost between Turkey and the EU/NATO.

So there's a possibility now that Erdogan can use the failed coup to purge as many of the fifth column members as possible, and give himself more room to pursue a sovereign choice. If he's even half smart, he'll throw his lot in with Russia, which can provide very significant help and protection.

Thanks Joe for the comments and previous articles, much appreciated. Thinking back, fully agree with your views, and I similarly think too that Erdogan and co. didn't order the shooting down, and found out after the act. When thinking about if Erdogan is a psycho yesterday - I thought, if he wasn't involved in the shooing down - that could have been a point where he announced his regret, or use it as an incident to expose the Gladio/Nato/Empire stay behind networks in Turkey and also possibly start to work with Russia. I guess the networks, and the Empire was just too powerful at that point in time, and he decided that his best chance of survival was to play along with it.

Now with the coup though, I think too the situation is completely different, and he has the chance to partner with Russia, and start purging Turkey of all this networks more aggressively. Hopefully he starts to make sovereign choices for Turkey, and look towards Eurasian integration while working with Russia.

However, the fact that the Empire even indulged in this hastily cobbled together coup, means that they are increasing desperate, and will resort to more insidious measures - and I think there is a long road ahead for Turkey and Erdogan, with probably more chaos planned. The Empire is very vindictive, and now all cards could be on the table after this failed coup.
Joe said:
At the time of the shootdown of the Russian plane last year, I wrote an article (or two) suggesting that Erdogan and co. didn't order the shootdown, that they found out about it after the fact. That still seems like the most likely scenario to me, especially given recent event where he eventually apologized to Putin and his shocking recent Uturn on Syria. Then we have the coup to oust him. If there's one thing we've learned about the actions of the CIA/Western powers over the past 70 years, it's that very few coups in strategically important countries happen without them being involved in it somehow, and when they happen, it's because the ruling party in that country had fallen out of favor with the West/CIA.

In the articles I wrote, I also detailed the ramified power networks in Turkey, the most powerful of which has its origins in Gladio/NATO 'stay behind' networks during the cold war. When Erdogan came to power, he undoubtedly already knew about, or soon found out about the power of these groups, primarily ensconced in the civilian and military infrastructure. It seems to me that Erdogan's authoritarian leanings over the past few years have been evidence of his and his buddies attempts to wrest control away from these groups. That effort, and his recent turn towards Russia and switcheroo on Syria was a bridge too far for the 'reality creators' in the USA, and they cobbled together a hasty coup that fell flat, largely because of the efforts Erdogan and co had made to appeal to the large majority of Turks who (apart from the Kurds) seem to be very well disposed towards Erdogan. In addition, recent events seems to suggest that Erdogan has finally understood that he can't go it alone, that he has to pick a side for Turkey to align with in 'cold war 2' between the West and Russia/China. And he seems to be learning towards Russia/China. There isn't, after all, much love to be lost between Turkey and the EU/NATO.

So there's a possibility now that Erdogan can use the failed coup to purge as many of the fifth column members as possible, and give himself more room to pursue a sovereign choice. If he's even half smart, he'll throw his lot in with Russia, which can provide very significant help and protection.

Thanks to your articles, I came to understand it along that line as well... Thank you so much for providing all that insight!

Now it seems that things are going in yet another predictable but still unexpected and certainly upsetting way.

Someone just sent me a link to an article saying that pro-Erdogan ilamists are publicly "torturing and murdering" the soldiers who took part on the coup. I'll post the link here but, take notice, the images are disturbing, so I'll paste part of the report here:

Harrowing scenes are reported by the world’s media as soldiers are beaten, tortured and murdered in open streets all around Turkey today.

The aftermath of the military coup that began last night is proving to be quite bloody as horrific scenes takes place by Islamist Erdogan supporters all around Turkey today.

The police are reported to be allowing it to happen without intervention.


Now, the sources are quite suspicious (from Israel and Saudi Arabia) and I couldn't find much more about it in any other newspaper (just a few linking back to these same sources). I've only found a mention that one soldier was allegedly beheaded by a pro-Erdogan Islamist group:

A Turkish soldier has reportedly been beheaded on Istanbul's Bosphorus Bridge by a pro-government mob.

Graphic video footage and images online show the soldier lying on the ground surrounded by a pool of blood.

He can be seen with horrific injuries after the attack.


Notice that according to Sputnik, the US House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Michael McCaul said that:

"His [Turkish] military being more secular, President Erdogan being a little more on the Islamist side of the house," McCaul claimed.

When we were discussing this at the Spanish Radio Show, we found that the use of the word Islamist referring to Erdogan was kind of the key word used to make him look even worse.

So it would seem like the coup is still in process and now it's time to spread tons of propaganda against Erdogan (and all his supporters) so that the people in the world will think that maybe the coup was better than Erdogan in power... maybe justifying NATO's intervention once again (????) I don't know all the details, so I may be way off, of course. I wanted to post it here to get further insight...

It's just truly upsetting to see all this things happening... although it is something we know we can expect from these psychos. :(
Well, based on our experiences, when you see the Western media go on a rampage presenting a situation in a certain way, you can almost guarantee that it is the opposite.
It's interesting, and perhaps revealing, how the mainstream media has been quick to cast a slur on Erdogan, saying how he has "won" and how he will now have even a tighter grip of the country. Where I live, the headlines and articles - instead of describing the actual events of the coup - are screaming about this "Erdogan's victory". That the MSM endorses this angle can be no accident, it smells very fishy to me.

Katehon seems pretty sure this was a US backed operation:


Another US bloody mistake

Yes, it was a quiet limited upheaval right here in Turkey, organized by small group of commanders within Turkish army forces. The Turkish forces high commanders immediately rejected the coup d'états. So, the Turkish arm forces as a unity, rejected this upheaval from the beginning. The officers, who organized this coup d'états completely belongs to the CIA US-based Gulen 's organization. In fact, the upheaval was the answer to a case of inquiry, opened against two thousand officers, who belongs to the Gulen's sect (cult). Also the upheaval is the answer to turkey's fight against the PKK. Officially, the organizers of overturn said that they are for the peace in the country and for peace with the PKK. They also declared that they rejected all the measures against Gulenists. But truly, the upheaval is definitely an answer to changes in Turkish policy, which is getting closer to it's neighbors - the approachment between Turkey and Russia, the convergence with Syria, and new stage of political relations with Egypt. This upheaval was definitely American sabotage as the reaction of Turkish foreign and domestic policy, which does not match with America's interests. America is very worried about our fight against the PKK, that is why they organized this attempt of the takeover.

The public rejection of this upheaval shows that there is a strong support of president Erdogan's policy. Gulen is a sect. Definitely, Kemalists did not support this sect in the overturn. The military, all different parties, including our Patriotic Party, we all supported the legal government.

The cataclysm is already finished. The last small groups of soldiers had been arrested without fight. They were convinced to give up. The people, who participated in the overturn will be judged and the decision of the court can be expected. For now there is no conflicts in Ankara and in Istanbul. Honestly, yesterday night it was already clear that this coup d'états will have no success. The leading commander of Turkish forces declared on TV that he rejects the upheaval and stands with the Turkish nation.

The foreign policy of Turkey will fallow the way it was. President Erdogan has no doubt about the initiator of this cataclysm. The Prime Minister Binali Yildirim declared, that Fethullah Guler, who is living in US, should be immediately returned to Turkey. We expect that Turkey will strengthen the cooperation with neighbors - Russia, Syria and Iraq.

We should get this clear: this was a pro-American coup d'états organized by Gulen officers against the army , the government and the people. This was not the opposition movement and it had no response in the population. Even the most brutal skeptics and oppositionists went on the streets to defend the State government. So, this was just another failure on the USA.

This makes me wonder about the role of the PKK. I've always thought, perhaps naively, that they were the real deal - the genuine freedom fighters. But now as many of them cooperate with the US in Syria, it makes me wonder...
Laura said:
Well, based on our experiences, when you see the Western media go on a rampage presenting a situation in a certain way, you can almost guarantee that it is the opposite.

As far as I can tell when Putin referred to the downing of the jet and turkeys role in it and the support of terrorists, he always spoke about "the elites" or "the turkish elites" in general, and did not mention Erdogan per se. (Correct me if I'm wrong...)

The only time I'm aware that Putin talked about Erdogan specifically in that context, is when he was asked by a child "If you saw Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan drowning, which one he would save?".

He answered with something like:

"If someone decided to drown, so it will be impossible to save him," he replied. "However, we are ready to help everyone if they want it."

Putins staff however, including Lawrow, addressed Erdogans apparently contradictory statements and doings directly at several occasions.
Mr.Cyan said:
I guess the networks, and the Empire was just too powerful at that point in time, and he decided that his best chance of survival was to play along with it.

I think this is the main reason why so many EU countries aren't just siding with Russia: because they can't and/or they know what will happen if they do (coups and other insanity).

But, each time a Syria Event happens, they will become increasingly "brave".

Plus, the PTB's wishful thinking seems to really be biting them on the tookis lately, which is helpful...
Kurdish Movement Releases Statement on Turkey Coup Attempt


The umbrella organisation of the Kurdish movement, the Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK) Executive Council Co-Presidency, has released a statement about last night's coup attempt in Turkey.

The statement said; “There has been a coup attempt by persons whose identity and purpose is yet not clear. This attempt comes just before the military council meeting, where Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was reportedly going to assign generals close to himself to the army's top tier. Another striking dimension of the coup attempt is that it comes at a time when discussions about the fascist AKP government's foreign policy, were taking place.”

Coup attempt is proof of lack of democracy

The statement by KCK reads; “No matter within which internal and external political factors and focuses, and for what reasons a power struggle is waged, this case is not a matter of defending or being against democracy. On the contrary, this situation is the proof of lack of democracy in Turkey. Such power struggles and attempts to seize power are witnessed in undemocratic countries where an authoritarian power makes coup attempts to overthrow another authoritarian power when conditions are appropriate. This is what has happened in Turkey.

A coup was staged on 7 June

A year ago, Erdoğan and the Palace Gladio (Erdoğan's secret force), alongside the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), all fascist circles, nationalist military powers (Ergenekon) and a part of the army, staged a coup. This was a palace (Erdoğan) coup against the democratic will of the people [which voted in the HDP and left the AKP short of a majority]. AKP fascism allied itself with all the fascist powers and a part of the army including the Chief of Staff in order to suppress the Kurdish Freedom Movement and democratic forces. The AKP's fascism drove the army into Kurdish cities and towns, made them burn cities to the ground and massacre hundreds of civilians. Recently it has passed new laws that have give immunity to state forces, preventing trial for the crimes they have committed. In this way the AKP has become a government that has legitimised and made legal the military's tutelage over democratic politics and society.

Coup attempt from one military faction against another

There was already military tutelage in Turkey before yesterday's coup attempt; which makes the attempt a coup by one military faction against the existing one. This is why a section of the military has taken sides with Erdoğan, because there is already military tutelage in Turkey.

The fact that the MHP and chauvinistic nationalist circles took sides with the Palace Gladio (Erdogan) and its fascist allies reveals quite clearly that this is not an incident of struggle between those siding with democracy and those standing against it.

Portraying Erdoğan democratic is dangerous

Portraying Erdoğan and the fascist AKP dictatorship as if they were democratic after this coup attempt is an approach even more dangerous than the coup attempt itself. Portraying the fight for power among authoritarian, despotic and anti-democratic forces as a fight between the supporters and enemies of democracy will only serve to legitimise the existing fascist and despotic government.

Democracy forces do not side with either camp

Turkey does not have a civilian group in power, nor is this a struggle between democracy forces and putschists. The current fight is about who should lead the current political system, which is the enemy of democracy and the Kurdish people. Therefore, democracy forces do not side with either camp during these clashes.

The coup against democracy is the one carried out by the fascist AKP

If there is a coup against democracy, it is the one carried out by the fascist AKP government. The political power’s control over the judiciary, the implementation of fascist laws and policies through a parliamentarian majority, the removal of parliamentarians’ immunities, the arrest of co-mayors, the removal of co-mayors from their positions, and the imprisonment of thousands of politicians from the HDP and DBP constitute more of an actual coup. Kurdish people are under unprecedented genocidal, fascist, and colonialist attacks in Kurdistan.

AKP dragging Turkey into clashes

What has brought Turkey to this stage is the AKP government, which has transformed into a government of war against Kurdish people and the forces of democracy. With its monistic, hegemonic and anti-democratic character, it has kept Turkey in chaos and conflict. With its war against the Kurdish people and the forces of democracy, it has kept Turkey in a state of civil war. The latest coup attempt shows that Turkey needs to get rid of the fascist AKP government and have a democratic government. The recent developments make it urgent for Turkey to democratise and get rid of its monist, hegemonic and fascist government.

To sum up, the forces of democracy should confront the legitimisation of the fascist AKP government’s policies under the disguise of democracy, and create a democratic alliance that truly would democratise Turkey. This coup attempt makes it necessary for us to not slow down the struggle against the AKP's fascism but to enhance it so that chaos and clashes in Turkey come to an end and a new and democratic Turkey emerges."

As legitimate as the KCK's criticisms of AKP's censorship and autocracy and hegemony is, I wonder if they also have a vested interest in creating a bit more chaos within Turkey's borders to help them break away? I mean let's face it: if anyone's rooting for "chaos and clashes" in Turkey it's the backers of the coup, and all factions therein backed by US/NATO/CIA.
Joe said:
At the time of the shootdown of the Russian plane last year, I wrote an article (or two) suggesting that Erdogan and co. didn't order the shootdown, that they found out about it after the fact. That still seems like the most likely scenario to me, especially given recent event where he eventually apologized to Putin and his shocking recent Uturn on Syria. Then we have the coup to oust him.
I agree with that. Although I had inititally thought that it was the Ruling Party, then bringing various pieces together regarding many other events in the process, it gradually became clear to me that it was actually the PTB, who wanted to cause more conflict between Turkey and Russia. In fact, as the Russian sanctions gradually became more effective, some confession-like statements came from various important pro-Government journalists including Abdulkadir Selvi:
Troubles are coming at us ever since our relations with Russia have been disrupted.
You might feel like saying, did Russia deliberately have its plane downed.
Maybe not Russia, but, suspicions that a structure we normally regard as our friend being responsible, increases.
Every new development seems to increase my suspicions.

Yeni Safak Newspaper (December 24, 2015)

It is almost certain that the word "friend" here referred to an official and controversial statement by the spokeperson of the AKP just a few days in advance:

Several prominent Turkish journalists also claimed that the pilot of the Turkish jet which downed the Russian jet was from the Gulenist circle in the Turkish Air Forces.

Aragorn said:
This makes me wonder about the role of the PKK. I've always thought, perhaps naively, that they were the real deal - the genuine freedom fighters. But now as many of them cooperate with the US in Syria, it makes me wonder...
Some part of the PKK can still be genuine freedom fighters and this was especially so in its first years but I think it should not be doubted that the PKK was effectively co-opted by the PTB in time. It doesn't really act for the favor of Kurdish people living in Turkey, it mainly terrorizes the entire nation. And guess what, there has been multitude of evidence relating to a strong collusion between the PKK and the Turkish Secret State. The leader of the main pro-Kurdish Political Party (HDP), Demirtas, is most probably a sincere person desiring a true and humane solution for the Kurdish problem and he criticizes the both sides (the Turkish Armed forces and the PKK) for terrorist actions and he is then severely criticized by the PKK officials, although the HDP and PKK are almost considered as the political and military aspects of the same pro-Kurdish movement in Turkey. The PKK doesn't really trust or love the main pro-Kurdish political party. They don't really trust and even "desire" any peacful solution. They always lean to military action. This is their "profession". They are supported by the USA and Israel.

It should be emphasized that there are also many Kurds in Turkey who support the AKP and other different parties, but I'm sure more than half of them support the HDP and also symphatize with the PKK. A symphathy for the PKK by many Kurds is understandble considering the endless tortures and massacres they have been subjected to by the overt and covert Turkish military forces. The PKK was, and still might be, the symbol of their honorable counteraction and reaction against the tortures but many of them don't and can't honostly face the fact that the PKK has been significantly co-opted by the PTB in time.

By the way, the PKK of Turkey and the PYD of Syria are significantly different to me, although they appear organically related. I don't mainly consider the PYD (or its military wing) a terrorist organization. I believe they are much more legitimate, despite their close relationship with the USA (they are also open to alliance with Russia, I believe) and their discourse against Assad. I believe that most of them are generally and sincerely patriotic. So I think the PYD is "much cleaner" than the PKK in ethical terms.

Lastly, there are also many claims that many of the Turkish polices forces who have been deliberately brutilizing the Kurdish people in the Southeastern Kurdish cities of Turkey are actually from the Gulen's circle. This is not to try to show Erdogan "innocent", he is very pathological, too, but I believe that Gulen is a very devoted souled STS individual while Erdogan is a pathologically and psychopathologically narcissistic OP who is interestingly more capable of being shaped and changed by external forces. I hope that he will accept to be shaped by Putin more hereafter :)

P.S.: I noticed the previous massage about the PKK's stance on the recent coup immediately before sending this one. I would agree with the PKK about the fascist policies and actions of Erdogan but they are manipulating the situation. They are maybe the only main local party who is sure that the coup was staged by the AKP itself. OK, this might be understandable but they refuse to comment on Erdogan's leaning towards Russia. Why? Because they can consider the USA and Israel as their ally but not Russia! So...
In the Sunday morning local news, demonstrators had gathered at the gates of the Gulen Compound on Saturday, demanding "Gulen Go" and that the U.S. extradite him back to Turkey.

Gulen rarely gives interviews but a local News channel was allowed to conduct a short personal interview with Gulen - in a 3 minute video clip. In my opinion, the interview was conducted "poorly and lacks professionalism" and portrays Gulen as meek and mild and wouldn't hurt a butterfly. Yet, past evidence points in the opposite direction.

Fethullah Gulen Denies Involvement in Coup Attempt; Demonstrators Gather at His Residence

Fethullah Gulen has lived in Monroe County for more than a decade at a retreat center near Saylorsburg. On Saturday afternoon, Turkey's president demanded that the United States arrest or extradite Gulen.

The Turkish government blames the Muslim cleric for the failed coup attempt that shocked the world Friday evening. Turkey has long accused him of trying to overthrow the government.

As Turkish officials were calling on the U.S. to kick Gulen out of the country, demonstrators outside the retreat center in the Poconos were demanding the same thing.

An emotional clash broke out between protesters, security guards, and a state trooper outside the Gulen’s residence on Saturday.

As the chaos died down, the Turkish president addressed a crowd in Istanbul, saying that the country cannot be run from a house in Pennsylvania--a reference to Gulen's retreat center on Mount Eaton Road in Saylorsburg where the demonstrators gathered.

“They shoot against Turkish citizens. They shoot against elected government, so we are showing support to our country,” said Hasan Guclu from Delaware.

For years, the man at the center of this controversy has turned down almost every interview request, but following the events in Turkey, he decided to answer questions from reporters.

Through a translator, Gulen denied being involved in the coup attempt and called the accusations insulting.

“We have always done our best to mend and improve relations, but if the source of the break-up, the problem, is turkey, there is not much we can do.”

Gulen also told reporters he believes it is possible the coup was staged.

“Democracy cannot be achieved through military coups. People should not be sympathetic to any coups.”

For years, Gulen has lived in his compound in Saylorsburg, staying out of the media spotlight, but after this week’s events in his home country, that may change.

Gulen's organization in the U.S. includes a network of charter schools that focus on math and science, as well as print and broadcast media.

Poconos cleric denies involvement in Turkey coup attempt

Tension heated up Saturday between the U.S. and Turkey over who to blame for the country's failed military coup, even as the reclusive Muslim cleric whom the Turkish government holds responsible denied from his Poconos compound that he had anything to do with the plot.

Fethullah Gulen, a former ally turned bitter enemy of Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, condemned the violent attempt to overthrow the government of his native country during an interview with the Associated Press at his 26-acre gated property in Saylorsburg, Monroe County.

Outside, a crowd of pro-Erdogan protesters gathered around the Golden Generation Worship and Retreat Center, the Islamic enclave founded by Turkish-Americans where Gulen has lived a monk-like existence for nearly a decade.

"In brief, I don't even know who my followers are," Gulen told the AP. "You can think about many motivations of people who staged this coup."

Gulen's denial Saturday came as Erdogan called upon the U.S. State Department to extradite the cleric, saying Turkey had never refused extradition requests for terrorists from the United States. Another official went further, directly blaming the United States for involvement in the plot.

"I have a message for Pennsylvania," Erdogan said in a televised speech with words directed at Gulen. "You have engaged in enough treason against this nation. If you dare, come back to your country."

Secretary of State John Kerry shot back at the suggestion Saturday that the United States had tacitly supported the attempted overthrow by harboring Gulen.

"Public insinuations or claims about any role by the United States in the failed coup attempt are utterly false and harmful to our bilateral relations," Kerry told his Turkish counterpart, according to a State Department account of their telephone call.

Kerry continued, however, to express support for Turkey's democratically elected government.

Earlier in the day, Kerry, speaking to reporters in Luxembourg, had said the State Department would consider a formal extradition request if Turkey could provide solid evidence of Gulen's involvement in the coup.

Gulen heads a movement with multitudes of followers in the U.S. and Turkey. He has been a frequent target of Erdogan, who blames him and his movement for problems plaguing Turkey.

The cleric's followers, however, accuse the Turkish president of paranoia and exaggerating Gulen's influence against Turkey's increasingly autocratic regime.

Gulen's movement, known as Hizmet — Turkish for "service — teaches a philosophy based in Islamic mysticism mixed with advocacy for education and democracy.

Its followers in Turkey run universities, hospitals, charities, and a large media empire. U.S. adherents lead a loosely affiliated network of professional associations and charities in addition to the charter schools funded by millions of taxpayer dollars, including some in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.

Even as tanks rolled through Ankara on Friday night, Gulen issued a strong rebuke of the coup.

"Government should be won through a process of free and fair elections, not force," he said in a statement. "As someone who suffered under multiple military coups during the past five decades, it is especially insulting to be accused of having any link to such an attempt."

Gulen arrived in the Poconos some time after leaving Turkey in 1999 when tapes were shown on television showing him urging followers to infiltrate government institutions.

Since then, U.S. officials have appeared to be in no rush to send him back.

A year after Gulen left Turkey, authorities there charged him with leading an earlier plot to overthrow the regime. He was acquitted after a trial in absentia.

Earlier this year, Erdogan sought Gulen's arrest again, accusing him of running a parallel state by urging followers in key positions in the law enforcement and the legal system to instigate a 2013 corruption probe that targeted Erdogan's allies.

In recent months, the animosity between the two men has only grown more pronounced as Erdogan has cracked down on Gulenist-owned organizations and businesses within Turkey.

Details about Gülen's personal life since his arrival in Pennsylvania and his organizations have remained obscure, giving rise to suspicions about his motives both in Turkey and the United States. He is said to be frail and in ill health, suffering from diabetes.

He gained his green card in 2008 after convincing a federal judge in Philadelphia that he was an influential education figure in the United States — a claim further bolstered now that the schools started by his U.S. followers number more than 150.

Late last year, a rival Islamic sect sued Gülen on Turkey's behalf in federal court in Scranton, alleging he was inciting sympathetic followers in his native country to illegally arrest and detain those loyal to Erdogan.

Philadelphia lawyer Henry E. Hockeimer Jr., who represented Gulen in the dispute, called the allegations "completely meritless."

U.S. District Judge Robert D. Mariani threw out the case last month, describing it an improper use of U.S. courts.

Since then, the Erdogan government has hired a London law firm has set its sights on Gulenist interests abroad, including the charter school network in the United States.

In recent years, the FBI and the Departments of Labor and Education have launched investigations into whether some charter school employees are kicking back part of their salaries to Hizmet, sources close to the probes have said.

Federal agents raided a Gulen charter in Baton Rouge, La., in 2013, but later closed the investigation without criminal charges.

Schools run by Gulen followers typically employ large numbers of Turkish nationals as teachers, administrators, and support staff.

They are among the nation's largest users of H1B visas, generally used to attract foreign workers, especially those with math, science, and technology skills for which there are shortages of qualified Americans.

Officials at Gulen charter schools usually deny that they are part of a network, although staff frequently moves from school to school.

In a 2012 interview with the Inquirer, Bekir Duz, a Turkish national who was a leader of the now-shuttered Truebright Science Academy Charter School in North Philadelphia, denied that the school was part of a network. That 10 of the school's 32 teachers and administrators were from Turkey and had worked at similar charters did not mean the schools were linked, he said.

"It's just like a Chinese restaurant," Duz said. "A person comes from China and starts working at a Chinese restaurant. They know the other Chinese restaurants, and they can go and work at the other Chinese restaurants. It doesn't mean that they are all connected."

Truebright closed in 2015 after state Commonwealth Court upheld the Philadelphia School Reform Commission's decision to order it shut it for poor academic performance.

Truebright closed in 2015 after state Commonwealth Court upheld the Philadelphia School Reform Commission's decision to order it shut it for poor academic performance.

At least two other charters founded by Gulen followers continue to operate in Pennsylvania: Young Schools of Central Pennsylvania Charter School in State College and Young Scholars Charter School of Western Pennsylvania in Pittsburgh.
In Luxembourg on Saturday, Kerry told reporters that U.S. officials "fully anticipate" that questions would be raised about Gulen.

"Obviously we would invite the government of Turkey, as we always do, to present us with any legitimate evidence that withstands scrutiny," Kerry said.

The AP quoted a Turkish official, speaking on condition of anonymity, saying a formal application was already in the works.

"After last night," the official said Saturday, "we have one more thing to add to an already extensive list."

WikiLeaks files detail U.S. unease over Turks and charter schools

Back dated April 04, 2011 - more info on Gulen's Chartered Schools.
At least 42 helicopters have gone missing from Turkey's military inventory in the wake of the failed coup attempt on Friday evening causing concern that there may be another act to the attempted overthrow of Erdogan.

42 Helicopters Missing in Turkey Sparking Concerns of a Second Coup Attempt

CNN Turk anchor Serdar Tuncer reports that at least 42 helicopters have gone missing from the Turkish military inventory and says concern is brewing that another coup effort may soon be underway.

"It is as though this rogue will try more things. Can they succeed? No! But will they try?" said the reporter.

Unrest continues in Turkey in the wake of Friday's failed coup attempt that left at least 265 dead and over 2000 people wounded, most of whom were civilians answering the call of President Erdogan to put down the coup attempt.

The Turkish government asserts that it has retained full-control of the government and has begun a "systematic purge of the military." On Saturday, the government rounded up over 6,000 individuals who will face prosecution under the country's treason laws with President Erdogan refusing to rule out applying a death sentence to the traitors. The arrested include 2,745 judges and over 2,800 soldiers in the Turkish military including Erdogan's top military adviser.

The US State Department cautions that the situation in Turkey remains unstable in the wake of the failed coup plot and warns foreign travelers against visiting the country citing an increased terror threat as chaos ensues across the country.

NATO also maintains roughly 90 tactical nuclear weapons at the Incirlik Air Base, from where the 42 helicopters have gone missing, causing concern about the security of US weapons in Turkey and raising the specter that terrorists may ultimately be able to get their hands on advanced weaponry or potentially a nuclear bomb.
A top military adviser to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been detained in the wake of the recent abortive coup, local media say.

Erdogan's military aide detained after coup: Media

The state-run Anadolu news agency said Sunday that Colonel Ali Yazici, who started working for Erdogan in August 2015, is accused of involvement in the coup plot and was in the Turkish capital of Ankara during the weekend violence.

The detention came after Ankara launched an intensive crackdown on the judiciary and the military, with over 6,000 people reportedly arrested over the coup attempt.

"Now the clean-up operations are continuing. We have around 6,000 people detained. The number will increase above 6,000," Justice Minister Bekir Bozdag was quoted as saying by Anadolu.

A main suspect in the failed coup against the Turkish government formerly served as a military attaché to Israel, reports say.

Suspected mastermind in Turkey coup served as military attaché to Israel

General Akin Öztürk, also the former commander of Turkey's air force, was arrested on Saturday along with at least five other generals in connection to the failed coup.

From 1998 to 2000, Öztürk served in Turkey’s Tel Aviv embassy and later went on to serve as the air force commander until he stepped down last year. He retained his seat in Turkey's Supreme Military Council.

Turkey has announced that Öztürk and his alleged partners will be tried over treason charges.

According to Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim, those behind the coup will not face the death penalty as it is against the country’s constitution, but constitutional changes are being considered to block future coups.

Prior to the coup, Öztürk was a celebrated military figure, honored by medals from his own country and NATO.

The coup attempt started on Friday evening when tanks took up positions on two bridges over the Bosphorus Strait in Istanbul, blocking traffic.

On Saturday, Turkey announced that the failed attempt to seize control of the country by a faction of the armed forces is now over, with 2,839 soldiers, including high-ranking officers being arrested.
Kerry warns Turkey’s NATO membership could be in jeopardy

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry urged the Turkish government to uphold democratic principles as it purges thousands of officials in the aftermath of an attempted coup.
This is a developing story. It will be updated.


From last session:

(Joe) Is this turn of events likely to lead to a closer relationship between Russia and Turkey?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So it kind of backfired on the coup plotters?

A: Yes
Scottie said:
Mr.Cyan said:
I guess the networks, and the Empire was just too powerful at that point in time, and he decided that his best chance of survival was to play along with it.

I think this is the main reason why so many EU countries aren't just siding with Russia: because they can't and/or they know what will happen if they do (coups and other insanity).

But, each time a Syria Event happens, they will become increasingly "brave".

Plus, the PTB's wishful thinking seems to really be biting them on the tookis lately, which is helpful...

I remember watching a comedy sketch by Bill Hicks a few years ago which I think is not far from the truth:

I have this feeling man, 'cause you know, it's just a handful of people who run everything, you know … that's true, it's provable. It's not … I'm not a f****** conspiracy nut, it's provable. A handful, a very small elite, run and own these corporations, which include the mainstream media. I have this feeling that whoever is elected president, like Clinton was, no matter what you promise on the campaign trail – blah, blah, blah – when you win, you go into this smoke-filled room with the twelve industrialist capitalist scum-f**** who got you in there. And you're in this smoky room, and this little film screen comes down … and a big guy with a cigar goes, "Roll the film." And it's a shot of the Kennedy assassination from an angle you've never seen before … that looks suspiciously like it's from the grassy knoll. And then the screen goes up and the lights come up, and they go to the new president, "Any questions?" "Er, just what my agenda is." "First we bomb Baghdad." "You got it …"

Also, Al-Monitor has an interesting article on the coup attempt in Turkey: http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2016/07/turkey-kamikaze-coup-attempt-fails.html
Some of you might have watched this already, but this was a very interesting discussion:

Newsbud- Sibel Edmonds Dissects the Turkey Coup Attempt: A CIA-Gulen Concocted Dry Run

Sibel Edmonds is joined by James Corbett and Spiro Skouras to discuss the recent failed coup attempt in Turkey. We touch-upon facts and elements that are currently being systematically blacked out by the establishment media, and analyze the main actors and agendas involved. From the CIA and Operation Gladio B to Mullah Gulen’s $20+ Billion shady network in the United States, and the media’s role in implementing the deep state’s psychological warfare tactics, we leave no stone unturned! Don’t miss this daring and bold discussion, and please help us put out the word by sharing the link to this video.


The things that especially caught my attention were:

- This coup might have been a dry run to see "how the patient responds". The real and bigger coup will perhaps come soon.
- The reason the MSM is bringing up the nuclear arsenal that is positioned in Incirlik (and elsewhere) is because this might be used as a pretext for US/NATO troops to step in; if the situation becomes chaotic enough there would be a (hyped up) risk of ISIS getting it's hands on the nukes.
angelburst29 said:
A main suspect in the failed coup against the Turkish government formerly served as a military attaché to Israel, reports say.

Suspected mastermind in Turkey coup served as military attaché to Israel

General Akin Öztürk, also the former commander of Turkey's air force, was arrested on Saturday along with at least five other generals in connection to the failed coup.

From 1998 to 2000, Öztürk served in Turkey’s Tel Aviv embassy and later went on to serve as the air force commander until he stepped down last year. He retained his seat in Turkey's Supreme Military Council.

Turkey has announced that Öztürk and his alleged partners will be tried over treason charges.

According to Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim, those behind the coup will not face the death penalty as it is against the country’s constitution, but constitutional changes are being considered to block future coups.

Prior to the coup, Öztürk was a celebrated military figure, honored by medals from his own country and NATO.

The coup attempt started on Friday evening when tanks took up positions on two bridges over the Bosphorus Strait in Istanbul, blocking traffic.

On Saturday, Turkey announced that the failed attempt to seize control of the country by a faction of the armed forces is now over, with 2,839 soldiers, including high-ranking officers being arrested.

The ex-commander of the Turkish Air Force has pleaded guilty to organizing the coup attempt, Anadolu news agency reported.

Ex-Commander of Turkish Air Force Pleads Guilty to Organizing Coup Attempt

"I started to act aiming to stage a coup," Akin Ozturk said during the interrogation.

Ozturk was the commander of the Turkish Air Force from 2013 until 2015.

Earlier, Akin Ozturk, who is the leader of the military coup attempt in Turkey and the former commander of the country's air force, was detained in Turkey.

According to Sabah newspaper, Ozturk may be linked to Turkish Islamic scholar Fethullah Gulen staying in self-imposed exile in the United States, who was blamed by Ankara for the attempted coup.

The coup attempt was suppressed by early Saturday, with Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim stating that all coup supporters have been detained and the country is returning to normal life.

Some 208 people were killed and over a thousand wounded in a coup attempt by a faction in the military on Friday. Turkish authorities have arrested over thousands of people, including a number of high-ranking military officials in connection with the failed coup.

The ex-commander of the Turkish Air Force has denied the admission of masterminding the coup attempt during the interrogation, NTV reported.

Ex-Commander of Turkish Air Force Denies Admission of Masterminding Coup

Earlier in the day, Anadolu news agency reported that Akin Ozturk pleaded guilty to organizing the coup attempt.

"I am not the organizer of the military coup. I had no information about who is the organizer of the coup attempt. I have to attend the wedding of the daughter of my friend. But this morning I was in Izmir, I had some business with the notary. I can prove it," Akin Ozturk told the prosecutor.

Earlier, Akin Ozturk was reportedly detained in Turkey on the suspicion of organizing the coup attempt. Ozturk was the commander of the Turkish Air Force from 2013 until 2015.

The deputy prefect of the Turkish capital's Sisli district, Cemil Candas, has died after sustaining a gunshot injury to his head, the Turkish Cumhuriyet newspaper said Monday.

Istanbul Vice Prefect Dies After Receiving Gunshot Injury - Reports

Previously, Candas was in a critical condition after an unknown attacker shot him earlier on Sunday. The assailant has been detained by police.

The Sisli district is run by the opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP).

Some 1,500 employees of the Turkish Finance Ministry have been suspended from work on suspicion of having links to opposition cleric Fethullah Gulen, believed by Ankara of being behind the recent military coup attempt, Finance Minister Naji Agba said Monday.

1,500 Employees Allegedly Linked to Gulen Suspended - Finance Ministry

Late on Friday, the Turkish authorities said that an attempted coup was taking place in the country. The coup attempt was suppressed by early Saturday, with Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim stating that all coup supporters had been identified and would be apprehended as the country was returning to normal. Nearly 6,000 people have already been detained.

The Turkish government said that Gulen had allegedly been linked to the coup attempt.

"In our ministry, 1,500 people were banned from working and this number may increase," Agba said at a cabinet meeting, when asked by Yildirim to report on the measures taken against alleged supporters of Gulen.

As of Monday, dozens of officials, including high-ranked military personnel, have been arrested in Turkey in the fallout from the coup attempt. Additionally, tens of thousands of police, military personnel, judges and prosecutors have been fired, according to Turkish media reports.

Ankara may review its relations with Washington if the United States does not extradite Turkish opposition cleric Fethullah Gulen, who has been reportedly linked to a coup attempt, to Turkey, Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said Monday.

Turkey May Review Relations With US if Washington Fails to Extradite Gulen

"I am telling the US leadership – there is a global threat here, an attempt to oust the lawful government, directions to destroy the will of the people in the country, there is no religion or cultural values here. What other proof do they need? If, despite this, they will continue demanding evidence, then I apologise but we shall be very disappointed and the need to reconsider our relations may enter our agenda," Yildirim told a government session.

Earlier in the day, US State Secretary John Kerry said that the United States had not received any formal request to extradite Gulen.
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