Just Weird Videos!

Looks like Pacman found a window to our 3d world in Argentina:
What is this? Lorena, a local resident, told us: "We were at kilometer 8 of Playa Bonita when we saw it. It's not a boat, it's not a sailboat, it's something strange that we couldn't decipher, it changed shape and stood out from the surface of the water. We really didn't know what it could have been

And here another source (if the FB video doesn't work): Click

For me it seems that Pacman has flatulence? ;-) Or did I simply play too much PC games?
At the very beginning you can see the sky for a moment. Don't think it was at night.
Good catch. Perhaps cloudy and the person seems to zoom. If we add this to be in a boat, so not in something perfectly stable, this is perhaps the explanation for this blurry background.
I thought the same thing (I'm sure many did too) and an important fact, since if the video continued there would possibly no longer be a mystery.

Plus the weird caption: “You don’t even want to know what this actually is…” Like yes, Matt, I’m sure people actually do want to know. Just begging for clicks and interaction; which most likely means it’s nothing.
My first impression was two big cats cuddling, but then one of the ears turned into a horn and I was confused.

The video also stops at a convenient moment. I’m sure it would’ve become more clear had it kept going.

It looks it some ways like a person in a cloak, with weird headgear, sitting cross legged with their back to the camera, moving their arms in front of them. But towards the end it changes from that shape so no idea really. I agree that it cuts off at possibly the most interesting part.
But towards the end it changes from that shape so no idea really.
I think its sitting sideways. There is also the hole under the arm, like when you sit sideways in meditation position with your arms straight to the knees. I would go with a child in a viking costume (cape/mantle, horns, beard/mask) looking to the camera first, then straight to the right into woods, when it leans forward like you would do to stand up from this position, but of course the standing up is omitted.
On MSN there's a video of a person which seems to disappear.

View attachment 97307

Oh. So the person seems very real when close to the lamp, but the further away from the light he moves, the more translucent he becomes.
It was the same with that man on a horse video posted here - when near the lamps, the horse and the man look absolutely real, but as he went away further, he almost disappeared.

Either these security cameras recorded properly only moving objects, and didn't update pixels properly, thus causing that what was moving from bright areas into the darkness to appear transparent...
...or the electromagnetic field of the lamps is what allows those entities to manifest themselves fully. The further they move away from the lamps, the less real they become.

I would imagine there would light flickering if an entity was feeding itself from an electromagnetic source, but maybe that was only the case for analog electronics, and modern digital technology is more resistant?
Also, if it's indeed the case that lamps can create manifest zones for wandering entities, i would wonder... what frequency, and how strong does it have to be, for the entity to become physically real?
And how precisely will putting 6th gen cellphone antennas everywhere affect this phenomenon?
Either these security cameras recorded properly only moving objects, and didn't update pixels properly, thus causing that what was moving from bright areas into the darkness to appear transparent...

This is what I thought too. At this point tho, it would take clear as day 4k video footage for me to believe anything. I’ve realized I’m more skeptical than I thought!

The two bright flashes are very interesting, however.
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